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I am a new member to thaivisa.com, but have been reading for several weeks, no posts as of yet .Can anyone please please help me.

This is my story - I am 22 year old male living in perth, studying my masters in pharmacy, due to graduate in 8 months. Went to thailand april 2007, met may (now my tgf) she is 25, just finishing off her university studies in february (business management). She works part time while studying selling mobile phones. I went back to see her in november/december and stayed with her for about 24 nights in phuket, we have been in contact several times every day since april, and we are totally dedicated to each other. I want her to come to perth on a tourist visa in march, and i have had so much trouble putting all the documentation together.

So far my parents have agreed to go sponsor for her, and have written their invitation letter and signed it, i have also written an invitation letter and signed it saying why i want her here. I have a copy of the last three months of my parents bank statements and profit and loss statements (they are self-employed). they agree to financially support everything for her. I also have the finished visa app. form, and a form 956 so i can be an authorised recipeient to recieve the info. I have my parents recent power bill. photocopy of my mums passport. last three months detailing mobilephone calls and messages with highlights on her number. photcopy of my passport showing entry to thailand twice. letter from my friend who came wiht me to thailand saying "me and may have a future and a solid relationship" (should i put this on a stat dec?). I have written a stat dec saying i will be responsible for her abiding by her visa conditions if so granted.

I also have 5 or so photos of us together from the previous visit (not dated) and three or four letters from her since i returned in the last month. I have evidence of enrolement in uni for myself. I will then send this parcel with everything over to May in Khon kaen, thailand, and she will have to finish off the rest herself. I will clearly tell her what to do....and know what is required from her (evidence of enrolment, letter from employer , birth cert, passport and passport photo etc). Is there anything else i need to know before i send it off to her? She will go into the visa app. centre in bkk and hand it in personally. Is there any way i can pay for the app. fee from here? or should i just send her some money to cover that?

In my app. form, i applied for a 6 month visa, heard a rumour that its not common but i have a good reason. My studies finish roughly six months after the start of the visa, and if she gets a six month visa, the expiration of the visa will coincide with my graduation, and then i can fly back with her to thailand and spend some time with her family. That is my wishes anyway. Is this a bad idea? On of my friends who has already succesfuly got a 3 month visa, rekons dont apply for a 6 month - it may get rejected? He did his by telling them she wanted 2 weeks in aus...but because they cant grant anything less than a 3 month visa, they gave her that anyway.

I can't get over to thai till my study finishes in September. I am willing to live over there (doing visa runs routinely) if it is what is required to be with her. Do you think the six monthvisa is a bad idea to apply for?

I am a new member to thaivisa.com, but have been reading for several weeks, no posts as of yet .Can anyone please please help me.

This is my story - I am 22 year old male living in perth, studying my masters in pharmacy, due to graduate in 8 months. Went to thailand april 2007, met may (now my tgf) she is 25, just finishing off her university studies in february (business management). She works part time while studying selling mobile phones. I went back to see her in november/december and stayed with her for about 24 nights in phuket, we have been in contact several times every day since april, and we are totally dedicated to each other. I want her to come to perth on a tourist visa in march, and i have had so much trouble putting all the documentation together.

There should be not too much problem putting all the documentation together provided you don't try and complicate matters too much. There is very little that is required from you and it would seem as if you have it now.

So far my parents have agreed to go sponsor for her, and have written their invitation letter and signed it, i have also written an invitation letter and signed it saying why i want her here. I have a copy of the last three months of my parents bank statements and profit and loss statements (they are self-employed). they agree to financially support everything for her. I also have the finished visa app. form, and a form 956 so i can be an authorised recipeient to recieve the info. I have my parents recent power bill. photocopy of my mums passport. last three months detailing mobilephone calls and messages with highlights on her number. photcopy of my passport showing entry to thailand twice. letter from my friend who came wiht me to thailand saying "me and may have a future and a solid relationship" (should i put this on a stat dec?). I have written a stat dec saying i will be responsible for her abiding by her visa conditions if so granted.

It gets really tricky when your parents are sponsoring her (well actually paying for her because that is what DIAC is asking) and you are her BF but cannot do it yourself. Make sure that your parents are namesd at Q30 and she tells them in Q29 how she will be supported.

Now I am not going to start the stat dec debate here again (read one of the other threads for a 4 page debate on the issue) but I will say that a stat dec from you saying she will abide and return is worthless, DIAC are not asking you to do that so throw it in the bin. You are wasting your time and giving yourself a false sense of what your role is. Also DIAC are not asking you to make a stat dec statement about your relationship so don't do that either. Your letter inviting her here, telling them how you met and your relationship developed and what you plan to do together in Aus is sufficent, of course coupled with your parents financial details.

I also have 5 or so photos of us together from the previous visit (not dated) and three or four letters from her since i returned in the last month. I have evidence of enrolement in uni for myself. I will then send this parcel with everything over to May in Khon kaen, thailand, and she will have to finish off the rest herself. I will clearly tell her what to do....and know what is required from her (evidence of enrolment, letter from employer , birth cert, passport and passport photo etc). Is there anything else i need to know before i send it off to her? She will go into the visa app. centre in bkk and hand it in personally. Is there any way i can pay for the app. fee from here? or should i just send her some money to cover that?

The 48R is also in Thai. Get her to use the Thai form, being a uni student she shouldn't have too much trouble understanding the form so should be able to answer most questions in her own words, not yours.


As for how to pay, I belive some say it is possible to pay in Australia at DIAC, but that might be more trouble than it is worth. Someone who as done it can tell you how. If you are that commited you may as well get used to the idea of sending money to her and start now.

In my app. form, i applied for a 6 month visa, heard a rumour that its not common but i have a good reason. My studies finish roughly six months after the start of the visa, and if she gets a six month visa, the expiration of the visa will coincide with my graduation, and then i can fly back with her to thailand and spend some time with her family. That is my wishes anyway. Is this a bad idea? On of my friends who has already succesfuly got a 3 month visa, rekons dont apply for a 6 month - it may get rejected? He did his by telling them she wanted 2 weeks in aus...but because they cant grant anything less than a 3 month visa, they gave her that anyway.

I can't get over to thai till my study finishes in September. I am willing to live over there (doing visa runs routinely) if it is what is required to be with her. Do you think the six monthvisa is a bad idea to apply for?

Mate be clear about something it is HER application, not yours. Don't take control or ownership of something that SHE has to sign and be responsible for. As to how long she applies for it all depends upon your individual circumstances. If you have read some of the threads here you will see that a reason for return is an important aspect of a tourist visa. I would say that the longer she stays the less of a genuine reason she would have to return, more so being young and working in a phone shop. It is not like her job will be held open for 6 months is there? If I was in your situtation I would start by inviting her to Aus for a short holiday, 2-3 weeks max. Your mates advice is a but wrong too might I add. If for example you said she would come for 3 weeks and they issued a 3 month visa, there is still an expectation she would only stay for as long as she said. Sure she can come and go for what ever her visa says legally, but the next time she applies she might have issues because they will see what she did against what she said she was going to do. So have a think about something honestlyif your GF comes what reason does she have to return? Remember you writting a stat dec saying she will leave DOESN'T count, what reason does SHE have to return.

Good luck. Let us know how it goes. If she doesn't get it share the reasons why, maybe then people will understand why some applications get knocked back.



Well, thanks for your help so far. So what your saying is

1. Definately throw out the stat dec... I mean, I would only consider NOT adding it to my application if it is going to reduce the chance of approval. If it does not affect the outcome, I would rather put it in there to feel at ease (as previouslly debated with gburns)

2. Provide a good reason as to why she will return to Thailand.

3. Do not get my friend to write a letter supporting the truthfulness of our relationship

1 and 3 are easily addressed; and I think we can address 2 also. I have recently discussed with her, that she wants to return to university in September to study a 6 month course in English Business (an addition to her business degree). If she can get a letter from her university detailing her prospective study do you think this will help? If I provide this letter, obviouslly I would not provide a letter from her employer because she will not be working full time anyway.

Also, she has photocopied her birth cert. and needs to get it certified....what type of people can certify such a document in Thailand? Is it similar to Aus.....ie pharmacist, doctor, member of parliament.

I know it would be quiet an achievment to attain a 6 month visa, but at least if I apply for one, and immi dont like it they may consider giving a 3 month visa. I have valid reasons for a six month, given that my course finishes in 6 months after visa start date, and her studies will not begin until 7 months after the visa start date.

I don't want to invite her here for 2-3 weeks, because simply its not enough time. I need at least 3 months with her. If she comes for 2-3 weeks only, I may as well go to Thailand to see her for this length of time (I can go over for 2 weeks during my study break) and avoid all the hassle. This app form has been written in consultation with her so everything I have put in the visa application form is what she would put, just in better English :D


Would agree with most of what Cbrlad says...

You dont have to prove a relationship...merely that you have known each other for a reasonable amount of time.

The application must be in English....as per information form 1025i

Why the 956 form? This is usually used for migration agents. This means the info will come to you and not her...If you are in daily contact then she can relay any correspondance to you....it is as Cbrlad points out, her application.

If she can get a letter from her employer stating that she is employed, that she is given leave and that she will still have a job after she returns then get it and use it....We dont know and cant assume that her job wont be kept for her....that is the employers decision.

The parents letter and support is strong...make sure that the relevent questions in the form are completed. Your letter doesnt have to address relationship issues. As I said there is no requirement to prove a relationship..at this stage. However in your letter address the reason why a six month visa is required. I also dont see the need for a Stat Dec in this situation.

You can pay for the application in Oz and send her the pink receipt to attach to the application.

On the form at the beginning it asks for approximate dates and also a tick box for the type of yisa required....tick the box that matches your plans...Be prepared that it is not often that a 6 month visa is issued on a first application. In the end it is the Deartments decision if you get a visa and how long that visa will be granted for.....be prepared to accept a lesser visa and make or change your plans accordingly.

A chest X ray will be required for stays of more than 3 months. this will cost somewhere around 1000 and 2000 baht....there is a list of approved hospitals for this at the top of the visa and migration to other countries topic. This should be included in the application.

If she has completed her studies then evidence of her enrolment is not needed....the same with yours....your parents are supporting her application....it is their financial and employment evidence that needs to be included.

The only thing that concerns is the lack of any proof before November....do you have anything that shows you knew each other before that time....your passport merely shows you entered the country, not what happened while you there....April was around Songkran time so photos of you both getting soaked would be good :o If your mate was with you in April...then his letter maybe of value...but otherwise it doesnt do much. Letters and phone bills from between April and November would also be good.

Sorry I couldnt help you on the PM....We cant give one on one assistance as it is against the law as explained in the 956 form. On the open forum we are merely giving opinions.

Just read your reply.....

If that is the case and the enrolment is for September, then it would be giving a reason to return.

The Stat Dec is upto you....in my opinion based on the info given....it wouldnt be needed.

If she goes to an amphur office they will tell her who can certify docs....they may even have someone there that can do it.


Ok. Thanks everybody for your help. Just a few more questions.

Given that I'm applying for a six month visa for the above reasons, would it be of any value to PROOVE that i plan to graduate august? I have already printed this document out and added it to the file.

I can get a letter from my friend who came with me to thailand march/april, but i left before songkran. He can say that I know her from April 2007, would this have to be a plain letter or on a stat dec once again? i have one photo with her from that time. But it is not dated anyway?

I can get phone records from up to six months in previous....so i guess that dates it back till mid July? I already have some dated back to 1st oct 2007...is this sufficient or should i order some more from phone company? I also have a package that she sent me from May 2007, with dated stamps on the front and an undated accompanying letter, could i photocopy the front of the box and the letter and send in?

I will delete form 956 as discussed earlier. I guess your right, she can tell me direct anyway. I will delete the stat dec, although already finished. Do I have to address where she will get the scan for TB in my invitation letter? I thought all that was required was the medical cert. upon migration to Australia?

Regards, Nick


Ask for the 6 month Visa and put your case forward. They should call her so she'll have a chance to back the reasons up on the phone with them.

If they decide to give her a 3 month Visa instead (quite possible) its still better than no Visa right?

From what you've said her application looks considerably stronger than my GF first one so go for it and let us know how it goes.

I can't see why you would need more than 6 months phone records. I printed out my last 6 months on the weekend, 5 pages (and she was here half of that time!). More than that is probably overkill - unless they can show that you knew her from April.

I don't know mate, but I would assume that if your case for 6 months is based on you graduating then perhaps this would be beneficial.

I'll leave the other questions to those more knowledgeable.

<Warning: Indiscriminate rant coming up>

As others have stated it is HER application, but doesn't it seem like it takes US more time to prepare our end? Its taken me days to prepare my part and she just goes to the internet cafe, prints out 20 pages of my email and submits it! (Ok slight exageration, she does do more than that....)

Good luck mate!

Ok. Thanks everybody for your help. Just a few more questions.

Given that I'm applying for a six month visa for the above reasons, would it be of any value to PROOVE that i plan to graduate august? I have already printed this document out and added it to the file.

It may support what you are claiming in your letter, as you are going for the 6 month visa, it wouldnt hurt.

I can get a letter from my friend who came with me to thailand march/april, but i left before songkran. He can say that I know her from April 2007, would this have to be a plain letter or on a stat dec once again? i have one photo with her from that time. But it is not dated anyway?

I can get phone records from up to six months in previous....so i guess that dates it back till mid July? I already have some dated back to 1st oct 2007...is this sufficient or should i order some more from phone company? I also have a package that she sent me from May 2007, with dated stamps on the front and an undated accompanying letter, could i photocopy the front of the box and the letter and send in?

Some people have been granted with evidence of 4 months.....so depending on when she applies, phone bills back to October will probably be borderline ok. Certified copy of the addressee and sender sides of the box. You can include the letter.....If you submit letters and photos etc...they will give your GF a slip of paper to tick a box...this is for the return of original documents/ evidence. I reckon this would negate the need for your mates letter.

I will delete form 956 as discussed earlier. I guess your right, she can tell me direct anyway. I will delete the stat dec, although already finished. Do I have to address where she will get the scan for TB in my invitation letter? I thought all that was required was the medical cert. upon migration to Australia?

A stay of more than 3 months or if they intend to classroom study for more than 4 weeks then a chest X ray is required...not the full medical....the full medical is required for migration. I am not sure in this instance whether the hospital has to send the X ray result to the Embassy as they do with the migration applications or whether they will send/give it to your GF in her hand. Either way it will need to be in the application if you are asking for a visa which allows for a stay of more than 3 months. If they send it to the embassy she will get a receipt which can be put in the application

Ask for the 6 month Visa and put your case forward. They should call her so she'll have a chance to back the reasons up on the phone with them.

If they decide to give her a 3 month Visa instead (quite possible) its still better than no Visa right?

From what you've said her application looks considerably stronger than my GF first one so go for it and let us know how it goes.

I can't see why you would need more than 6 months phone records. I printed out my last 6 months on the weekend, 5 pages (and she was here half of that time!). More than that is probably overkill - unless they can show that you knew her from April.

I don't know mate, but I would assume that if your case for 6 months is based on you graduating then perhaps this would be beneficial.

I'll leave the other questions to those more knowledgeable.

<Warning: Indiscriminate rant coming up>

As others have stated it is HER application, but doesn't it seem like it takes US more time to prepare our end? Its taken me days to prepare my part and she just goes to the internet cafe, prints out 20 pages of my email and submits it! (Ok slight exageration, she does do more than that....)

Good luck mate!

More than 6 months would be overkill, I reckon.

Your rant....Yes it can be quite involved for us as well...If they were rich and self sufficient then a lot of it wouldnt be needed...But as they are coming to see a friend and require assistance then it has to be shown that the people involved have known each other for a REASONABLE length of time. This requires evidence from both sides of the table...not just one.


Well, thanks for your help so far. So what your saying is

1. Definately throw out the stat dec... I mean, I would only consider NOT adding it to my application if it is going to reduce the chance of approval. If it does not affect the outcome, I would rather put it in there to feel at ease (as previouslly debated with gburns)

There is no evidence to suggest it will either enhance or detract, especially considering the wording you used.

2. Provide a good reason as to why she will return to Thailand.


3. Do not get my friend to write a letter supporting the truthfulness of our relationship

Your other evidence should be sufficent, it isn't a spouse visa you are applying for.

1 and 3 are easily addressed; and I think we can address 2 also. I have recently discussed with her, that she wants to return to university in September to study a 6 month course in English Business (an addition to her business degree). If she can get a letter from her university detailing her prospective study do you think this will help? If I provide this letter, obviouslly I would not provide a letter from her employer because she will not be working full time anyway.

Don't think with number 2, she MUST DO. With no good reason to return she will struggle

Also, she has photocopied her birth cert. and needs to get it certified....what type of people can certify such a document in Thailand? Is it similar to Aus.....ie pharmacist, doctor, member of parliament.

Why does she need a birth certificate? She has a passport doesn't she?

I know it would be quiet an achievment to attain a 6 month visa, but at least if I apply for one, and immi dont like it they may consider giving a 3 month visa. I have valid reasons for a six month, given that my course finishes in 6 months after visa start date, and her studies will not begin until 7 months after the visa start date.

I don't want to invite her here for 2-3 weeks, because simply its not enough time. I need at least 3 months with her. If she comes for 2-3 weeks only, I may as well go to Thailand to see her for this length of time (I can go over for 2 weeks during my study break) and avoid all the hassle. This app form has been written in consultation with her so everything I have put in the visa application form is what she would put, just in better English :D

Be realistic. 2-3 weeks might not be enough, but if it is a start then that is better than nothing. The longer she intends to stay for the better the reason she will return.


I think the reason for return is really good. She is going to get a letter from uni saying that she will study that course starting september 2008 (one month after a potential six month visa would expire). It is obvious this course will greatly enhance her prospective career, as English is the universal language. I have written this in my invitation letter.

On some link to the austrlian government website, the checklist says that birth cert. is required. Hmmm, yes she has a passport....so can she use that instead? Is there any chance that by not providing a birth cert. the process will be delayed? She can provide her passport no problems but a birth cert. is definately extra hassle.

And gburns, one more question about that chest scan. Should i just tell her to go to the hospital and get it done, before she even goes to the visa app. centre to hand the form in? Don't authorities worry she she may contract tuberculosis between the time of application and migration. I thought they would need this done at a later point, and not prior to application. IT would make sense if the person aplying for the visa only had to get a scan done providing the visa was approved.


I have modified the whole application based on what has been said, and i'm 100% sure i have significantly increased my chance of survival :o . Better to learn from the experts and expats!

And gburns, one more question about that chest scan. Should i just tell her to go to the hospital and get it done, before she even goes to the visa app. centre to hand the form in? Don't authorities worry she she may contract tuberculosis between the time of application and migration. I thought they would need this done at a later point, and not prior to application. IT would make sense if the person aplying for the visa only had to get a scan done providing the visa was approved.

She may be asked to get an X ray. so she will have to wait till they tell her to get one. If they ask for it, the visa will not be approved until it is supplied....these will add a couple of weeks to the application.

The visa takes 5-6 days to be processed under normal situations

If she is planning on migration...which she is not at this stage....then she will require a full medical which includes X ray, Blood test, urine test etc....

I suggest she gets in touch with one of her local hospitals listed here, to find out more about it.

Khonkaen Ram Hospital Co.,Ltd.

193 Srijan Road

Amphur Muang

Khon Kaen 40000

Telephone: +66 (43) 333 800

Fax: +66 (43) 333 899

Srinagarind Hospital Faculty of Medicine

Khon Kaen University

Khon Kaen 40002

Telephone: +66 (43) 236 808, 348 382, 242 342 ext 3012

Just to address an issue you made in your OP.......you said that you were prepared to go there to live...Not as easy as you think...but the visa issues you need to address for that are in the other visa topic.


As May may need to stay in BKK while all this is going on....If she needs to do the X ray in Bkk...these are the hospitals

I may have sounded a bit confusing....the x ray is required....that is written in the website..but she will have to wait till they ask her to get one....I think you were getting the gist....I worded things badly.


Bangkok Hospital

2 Soi Soonvijai 7

New Petchburi Road - 10320

Telephone: +66 (2) 310 3256

Fax: +66 (2) 318 1546

BNH Hospital

9/1 Convent Road


Bangkok 10500

Telephone: +66 (2) 632 0550-60

Fax: +66 (2) 632 0577-99

Global Doctor, Bangkok Clinic

Shop 4, Ground Floor

Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza Hotel

981 Silom Road

Bangkok 10500

Telephone: +66 (2) 236 8444

Fax: +66 (2) 236 8445

International Organization for Migration (IOM)

3rd Floor, Kasemkij Building

120 Silom Road

Bangkok 10500

Telephone: +66 (2) 233 9235, 286 5522, 236 7128

Fax: +66 (2) 286 5522

Mongkutwattana General Hospital

34/40 Chaengwattana Road


Don Muang

Bangkok 10500

Telephone: +66 (2) 574 5000-9

Fax: +66 (2) 574 4856

Pramongkutklao Hospital (for Armed Forces and Officers who obtain DC scholarship)

Chalermprabarami Building, 2 floor

Rajvithi Road

Bangkok 10400

Telephone: +66 (2) 354 7711-14, +66 (2) 345 7600-28 ext 90323

Fax: +66 (2) 354 9006


Absolute legends guys....geez how generous to spend your time helping me and other people accomplish such things. I really appreciate it people. I will let you know the outcome in roughly one month. Once again thank you very much and have yourselves a great week!

Signing out,

Nick :o


On some link to the austrlian government website, the checklist says that birth cert. is required. Hmmm, yes she has a passport....so can she use that instead? Is there any chance that by not providing a birth cert. the process will be delayed? She can provide her passport no problems but a birth cert. is definately extra hassle.


Right you are it is a requirement. If it is a requirement then there is a possibility of delay.


On some link to the austrlian government website, the checklist says that birth cert. is required. Hmmm, yes she has a passport....so can she use that instead? Is there any chance that by not providing a birth cert. the process will be delayed? She can provide her passport no problems but a birth cert. is definately extra hassle.


Right you are it is a requirement. If it is a requirement then there is a possibility of delay.

A passport is all that is required see Question 8 on the 48R THA form, remember the applicant is applying in Thailand, She would also have a Thai ID card which has her date of birth on it.

(Birth certificates may be required in some cases for children travelling on a common passport, not applicable here).

  • 2 weeks later...


University wont write letter for her saying that she has enrolled in that english course, until she finishes her exams and actually enrols in it. Problem is, her exams are a week before we want her to come to australia, and we dont want to leave it that late.

Is it sufficient to say in my invitation letter, that she PLANS to go back to thailand to study english, and sit her IELTS exam - or do we need actual evidence of enrolment (in which case she can enrol in another english school for september)

any opinions?, remember, she is applying for a six month visa - so will need really good reason for return.


University wont write letter for her saying that she has enrolled in that english course, until she finishes her exams and actually enrols in it. Problem is, her exams are a week before we want her to come to australia, and we dont want to leave it that late.

Is it sufficient to say in my invitation letter, that she PLANS to go back to thailand to study english, and sit her IELTS exam - or do we need actual evidence of enrolment (in which case she can enrol in another english school for september)

any opinions?, remember, she is applying for a six month visa - so will need really good reason for return.

In your invitation letter that is all you can say. It is up to HER to somehow prove she is going back to study not you.


University wont write letter for her saying that she has enrolled in that english course, until she finishes her exams and actually enrols in it. Problem is, her exams are a week before we want her to come to australia, and we dont want to leave it that late.

Is it sufficient to say in my invitation letter, that she PLANS to go back to thailand to study english, and sit her IELTS exam - or do we need actual evidence of enrolment (in which case she can enrol in another english school for september)

any opinions?, remember, she is applying for a six month visa - so will need really good reason for return.

It would be my suggestion that an actual confirmation of enrolment would be needed. Purely because you are applying for a 6 month visa. As you have said for a 6 month visa it makes sense that the reason to return would need to be very strong.

If you apply for a 6 or 12 month visa it could be that they grant a 12 month multi entry...with that one, she will need to leave Oz after three months and re enter.....not back to Thailand but just leave Oz.....a couple of days in Bali perhaps.

But in the end, it is at the departments discretion as to what visa you are granted. All you can do is make the application as strong as possible for the 6 month visa.


Decided to settle for a three month application, changed everything around a bit. That being said i think we still have a strong application built for a six month visa, so getting a three month shouldn't be a problem. My TGF is concerned that because she dosn't have much money in her account (maybe 40,000baht), they will not let her come, although my mum and dad are going sponsor for her and are provided to support her financially upon her arrival.

Is this a problem? Will she have to show her bank statement also?

Decided to settle for a three month application, changed everything around a bit. That being said i think we still have a strong application built for a six month visa, so getting a three month shouldn't be a problem. My TGF is concerned that because she dosn't have much money in her account (maybe 40,000baht), they will not let her come, although my mum and dad are going sponsor for her and are provided to support her financially upon her arrival.

Is this a problem? Will she have to show her bank statement also?

As long as your folks clearly state they will be sponsoring her and fully supporting her financially while here then her finances are irrelevant. A couple of payslips and a group certificate or tax return would be fine - as long as it shows an income sufficent to support her. If they do this she should not worry.

I don't know if you should show her statement or not (40k seems a reasonable amount for a student to have..) but plenty of people have said, my GF included, if someone is supporting them they don't need to supply their bank statements for approval.


Include everything you can. Add her bank statements. It is a failsafe if something goes wrong. They know she has some money of her own.

Put it this way. Add every piece of information you can. I means it is easier for the embassy to assess and quicker to get the visa. Dont hold your breath on the 6 months though

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