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An Airbus For Thaksin


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Since my last post there has been the bombing of the Australian Embassy in Djakarta. The VIP plane normally used by the PM is being used to take the head of AFP, ASIO, etc plus investigators to help in the follow up. Just another example of the usefulness of these facilities.

It seems to me that most of the comments have been emotion driven rather than putting any sort of sensible discussion for or against...

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Anybody recall that THAI 737 that mysteriously self-destructed on the tarmac at Don Muang shortly after Mr. Big became Prime Minister and a mere hour or so prior to Thaksin and son boarding said plane to go to Chiang Mai? Maybe this purchase is a (somewhat delayed) reaction to that incident and the consensus is that the PM should not fly commercial whenever possible?

By the way - Was there ever a plausible explanation offered for what happened to that 737?

Last thing I recall reading was that an air-con unit blowing up was the culprit. Apparently, some chemical traces in the wreckage were discovered and analysed by the FAA that can be found both in explosives as well as air-con units. :o

Not sure what the final verdict was.

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Let's face it; it's an Airbus, which means it's French . . . . .

Airbus is a consortium involving European Countries working together and is not "french"....Uk,France Germany,Italy...etc.(United States of Europe)

So either get it together with a pair of new knickers or at least stick a stamp on it. :o

Also recon maybe Mr T picked an A 319 because the old "Bow-ing" 737 just cant hack it any more....no style plus its bit of a gas guz...Kyoto Treaty et all that :D

Anyway he will need a new set of wings to fly up to C.M when his new golf club is finished. :D

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Don't know what all the fuss is about, the Big guy doing all he can to help the Thai people, he is expanding CNX, building a new golf course in Chiang Mai,( for Golf excursions and when he and his gang run up to Chiang Mai for a round of golf he needs a special parking place for his new air type toy), and lastly the name change of the expanded Chiang Mai airport to " Thaksin Shinawatr International ", Now how about that for helping the masses. Does the name "Thaksinland" have a nice ring to it?

I could go on and on but most of you already know what is happening. :o

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First he said the Thai people should save fuel. So what the bell is he doing?

Close the stores early so he can fly in a private huge Jet to his gas guzzling parties?

When will the Thai people get rid of this TOXIC mess once and for all!

Wake up Thailand before he destroys the whole country!

Down with Toxic Toxin, NOW!

i agree :o

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when he leave office he will take the plane with him, claiming he pay it with his own money

Fine if he really does pay.

At the moment it should be for government use only,

no junkets.

Any bets?

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when he leave office he will take the plane with him, claiming he pay it with his own money

Fine if he really does pay.

At the moment it should be for government use only,

no junkets.

Any bets?

I for one think I have been here too long(maybe you too astral) it actually crossed my mind that the BIG boss would pay for this plane and take it with him when he gets booted out of office, Da-mn what is wrong with me for even thinking like that! :o This plane just may be a bonus for taking such good care of Thailand and it's people., not to mention how well he has done for Shin Corp.

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If you can get a hold of last Sundays edition of The Nation there was a great cartoon by Stephff for which there doesn't seem to be a link.

It pictured all the modifications that were being made under the heading:


The modifications included:

  • farang pilot (with extra long nose) for extra showing off
  • top model flight attendant (not less than 1m95 and with super-ultra white skin
  • the Palm Tree executive spa
  • CEO Suite (with balcony on one wing
  • ancient roman statues to give it a touch of "Thainess"
  • duty free shop
  • the crony suites: luxurious apartments so cronies can travel free of charge anytime anywhere
  • executive karaoke lounge with (not only air) hostesses to entertain cronies
  • journalists from The Nation may be allowed inside the landing gear

Thaksin was pictured in the corner making the following comment:

Of course, considering the extra fuel this beauty consumes, department stores will have to start closing at 5pm... :o

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Anybody recall that THAI 737 that mysteriously self-destructed on the tarmac at Don Muang shortly after Mr. Big became Prime Minister and a mere hour or so prior to Thaksin and son boarding said plane to go to Chiang Mai?  Maybe this purchase is a (somewhat delayed) reaction to that incident and the consensus is that the PM should not fly commercial whenever possible?

By the way - Was there ever a plausible explanation offered for what happened to that 737?

Yes - there was...

NTSB said it was due to a fault in the 737 when the airconditioners (located next to the fuel tanks) are used for an extended period, while on the ground in a hot country. http://www.ntsb.gov/Pressrel/2001/010411.htm

(There was a similar explosion of the same model plane on the ground in the Phillipines a few years earlier).

i.e. Ignore the press stories at the time about it being a bomb aimed at Thaksin. But it probably did blow up because he was due to get on the plane. (i.e. because they had the aircon turned up full, ready for his arrival).

Anyway, Thaksin always said he didn't like flying Thai airways because their first class doesn't compare well with other airlines. Buying his own plane is possibly cheaper than upgrading all of Thai's planes. (or maybe that's how he should have explained the expense). :o

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1 billion baht :D ,Maybe he should of named the plane ELITE,As he surely will have sold all of those cards to pay for this plane :o ,

Well if it all kicks off down south,then Los is in danger of going to be the new nationalistic party :D

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It seems to me that most foreigners here are well aware of what the government is up to and rightly criticize however the people that matter, the Thais are seemingly apathetic. Or as one Thai told me "it's none of my business" in other words it doesn't concern him. So things in Thailand will continue to "amaze" me.

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It seems to me that most foreigners here are well aware of what the government is up to and rightly criticize however the people that matter, the Thais are seemingly apathetic. Or as one Thai told me "it's none of my business" in other words it doesn't concern him. So things in Thailand will continue to "amaze" me.

Hey Donno, please expound a bit on "What the Thai government is up to", I have my own opinions but would very much like to hear yours/ others and I will thank you for responding. :o

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Seen within Federal Aviation Administration airworthiness directive issued May 2001...........

On March 3, 2001, a Boeing Model 737-400 series airplane caught fire and burned while parked at a bay at the Don Muang International Airport, Bangkok, Thailand. Although the accident investigation is ongoing and the probable cause of the accident has not been identified, the Government of Thailand, in conjunction with the National Transportation Safety Board, has determined that the center tank exploded shortly after the main fuel tanks of the airplane were refueled. It appears that the center tank fuel pumps were operating dry (no fuel was passing through the pumps) at the time of the explosion.

I recollect that the burnt carcass lay on the tarmac for several days - a real ugly mess!

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So now we know why he plans to cut cost in the civil service. Tsk, Tsk, deprive the workers or a honest compensation for an honest day's work, retrench workers and drive all the rest to work like ###### so that he can splurge on a airbus. Hopefully HRH the King would comment.

Hey, somebody has got to audit goverment spending or this guy is going to drive the country bankrupt. There must be someone to approve his expenditure hopefully it is HRH the King. There is need for a neutral body to investigate and report to HRH the King.

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Listen up here folks. For thaskin to get this plane at publics expense he had to go to the King for approval. By the way most governments have their own private special made aircraft usually reserved for the leaders when they do their trekking around the world.

Now if the King of Thailand has such plane for the trips, which will be odd if he didn't, then Thaskin must have convinced the King somehow swooning him via to his tunes from the piano, that important government leaders should have something of the same if I guess right.

Anyway I do believe the Royals do not use their 747 that often, so why not for Thaskin to use it unless the King forbade him for reasons that Thaskins fingers got slippery from eating too much KFC!!!!!!!!!!!

The problem is very acute. In Nevada, they have the graveyard for Commercial Aircraft, that many are still in very good condition and flyable which costs less than half than buying a new plane. These planes are parked there because of cutbacks by other airlines, or those that went out of business.

I recently located a 747 with low flying hours and its maintenance all up to snuff, and costs only 22 million dollars. A far cry from spending near 500 million for just a new one. Somebodys head has to be examined here regarding the Thai official, and any other officials around the world. In fact there is a customized prime Lear Jet that holds up to 10 people available for only 1.5 million with extra fuel tanks and does have also extended range capability. This particular one can fly from New York to Anchorage non stop. A normal Lear Jet has a range of 1,500 NM but this one kicks it to tops 4.500 NM. It can fly from Anchorage to Taiwan with the fuel topped out. in any rate the standard range on this one is around 3,600 NM. Good for a non stop flight from KJFK to KLAX

Anyway, guess its time for thaskin to play humpty dumpty HUH?????

If I had the money, I would get the darn Lear, cause of it's higher ceiling range, and less fuel burn than a 747, easy to park it on the side, and easy for anyone to fly one, if you know how the jet handles in the air. Heck the Mach speeds are about the same. Also one can customize this particular jet to your own tastes. Like put a bed in there, annnnnnnnnnnnnd, shower room, besides bathroom, and a mini kitchen to do as you wish. TV's are included.

Hmm figuring out the fuel cost alone for a trip from KJFK to RJAA. Lets see 6.6 pounds to 1 gallon. Jet holds max 18,000 lbs. Means 2,712 gallons. Jet fuel costs now around 1.30 a gallon. Means total cost 3,525 USA dollars to fill it up tops.

That is just for a one way trip. R/T will be 7,051 usa dollars.

Now figure this out. Many first class passengers pay 5,000 dollars for just a one way trip. or 10 grand for a round tripper, for VIP treatment.

Now get 3 people to travel with you and each pay 2,500 dollars for a R/T. Your fuel cost is all paid in full. Nice numbers huh.


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Guess it would be easier to list countries that do not provide the service to their leaders.

Germany has a couple of planes, airbuses, under the national colors and the contry's name BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND. (not Airforce 1)

Japan comes to my mind, France.

Actually, I do not mind this. The planes in most countries belong to the airforce, while providing the pilots with required airtime as well. Germany's former leader, Mr. Kohl, hat his WC refurbished to adjust to his big bum  :o

Schroeder run out of planes during the football world champion ship. While Germany was in the finals, unexpectedly, the demand for government owned planes rose and finally Schroeder had no plane left. He was invited to join Japan's Koizumi, I believe.

Thaksin's pre-decessor used a smaller airforce plae, which looked a bit shabby, but in fact used two planes for security.

G.W.B. was in Bangkok with two identical Airforce 1 - planes (747), believe as well for security reasons, you don't know in which HE is.

No offense but are you seriously comparing Thailand with the likes of Japan, Germany and France? I mean, those are members of the G7 (G8) richest countries of the world. Maybe I got it all wrong and Thailand is a member also?

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How many AIS subscriber months to pay for a $25 million dollar plane? Big deal. And if he is using taxpayer money, I'd say the productivity from having nearly the entire population linked by telecoms (thanks in part to him) for the last decade or so probably exceeds $25,,.

Thank you Thaksin! I happily have all my AIS phone bills paid the same day they come in because you rock!


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It seems to me that most foreigners here are well aware of what the government is up to and rightly criticize however the people that matter, the Thais are seemingly apathetic. Or as one Thai told me "it's none of my business" in other words it doesn't concern him. So things in Thailand will continue to "amaze" me.

one possible explanation might be that, historically and presently, people that "rock the boat" in Thailand tend to disappear, thus not making it apathy that explains their behavior, but self-preservation.

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How many AIS subscriber months to pay for a $25 million dollar plane?   Big deal.  And if he is using taxpayer money, I'd say the productivity from having nearly the entire population linked by telecoms (thanks in part to him) for the last decade or so probably exceeds $25,,.

Thank you Thaksin!  I happily have all my AIS phone bills paid the same day they come in because you rock!  


for Heng Shinawatra:

It's not 25 million, it's 1.1 Billion, with a capital B. How many worthwhile projects would that fund?

It was tax-funded, not his own funds. He never seems to use his own money for most things, except vote-buying.

Thai telecom service is one of the most expensive in the world "(thanks in part to him)".

The only thing that "rocks" about Toxin is that it is the composition of his grey matter.

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I seriously doubt it's a billion dollar plane. The list price is like $35 milllion USD. I don't think they put $965 million in options on it. More likely they got a special promotional deal on the plane (as it's pretty good advertising/PR).

Yeah, telecoms service is expensive here. After all, we're not communists.


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I seriously doubt it's a billion dollar plane. The list price is like $35 milllion USD. I don't think they put $965 million in options on it. More likely they got a special promotional deal on the plane (as it's pretty good advertising/PR).

Yeah, telecoms service is expensive here. After all, we're not communists.


For the cost, I would refer you to any of the aforementioned news articles. :o

For the PR, it's been a 99.9% NEGATIVE response so not really "good" PR. :D

For the telecom costs, does that mean that the other 190 countries where the costs are cheaper are all communist? :D

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For the price of the aircraft, I refer you to common sense and common knowledge regarding the cost of commercial aircraft.

I'd say your calculations will be skewed % wise if you're only counting cranky expats and a handful of local academics.

Communist? No, it just means it's business as usual.


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For the price of the aircraft, I refer you to common sense and common knowledge regarding the cost of commercial aircraft.

I'd say your calculations will be skewed % wise if you're only counting cranky expats and a handful of local academics.

Communist? No, it just means it's business as usual.


For the cost, it's been a baht versus dollar miscommunication.

For the dissatisfaction, it's been pretty resoundingly negative and rightly so as the purchase is indefensible and reprehensible.

For the telecoms, it's been Thaksin-driven gouging... hopefully with the establishment of the NTC, it will loosen up and Thailand can join the rest of the normal rates that most people world-wide enjoy, although I'm not holding my breath.

For attempting to defend Thaksin, I feel sorry for you... unless like most Thaksin defenders, you're either on his payroll, have received some "pork-barrel" government spending, or a member of his family.

The list of Thaksin atrocities is almost endless, starting from before day 1 with his asset concealments and will likely only end with the total collapse of the Thai economy.

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Listen up here folks.  For thaskin to get this plane at publics expense he had to go to the King for approval.  By the way most governments have their own private special made aircraft usually reserved for the leaders when they do their trekking around the world.

Now if the King of Thailand has such plane for the trips, which will be odd if he didn't, then Thaskin must have convinced the King somehow swooning him via to his tunes from the piano,  that important government leaders should have something of the same if I guess right.

Anyway I do believe the Royals do not use their 747 that often, so why not for Thaskin to use it unless the King forbade him for reasons that Thaskins fingers got slippery from eating too much KFC!!!!!!!!!!!

Thaksin would certainly not have had to go to the King for approval! The 'plane was bought using the Defence Ministry budget - apparently after selling 2 Helicopters, the Baht 1.1 billion was on top of whatever they received for the helicopters.

Nor does the King have a "747" or any other airplane - in fact his Majesty has not left Thailand for well over 20 years. The Royal Household has a couple of Helicopters which are used to transport them around within Thailand but are otherwise at the disposal of the Military.

Finally, I guess given the lead times required to manufacture such an extravagance Thaksin must have ordered it more than a year ago - when his popularity and arrogance were at a peak. The fact that the 'plane arrived just before the Bangkok Governor Election and was kept VERY secret clearly shows that Thaksin is finally aware that he is losing popularity fast among the Bangkok educated classes at least.

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