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what about gays being rude to strait people? Does it exist? I think it does, and have experienced it myself.

Oh yeah, why cant gays tolerate ANY jokes about them? They see any gay jibe as a direct attack and go all out on the defense. Once again, just my first hand experience so far.

Well, this is probably TMI, but what the hel_l, it's sort of funny.

My friend that usually drives me around on his motorbike often complains that having a fat falang on the back doesn't help his dating life. I suppose it's similar to the comments guys make when they see a fat chick on the back of a bike. Apparently I qualified as the fat "chick".

My other gay friend has taken it upon himself to act as my surrogate mom, usually saying I dress like a cheap tourist and that he's embarrassed to be seen with me as people will think he's a barboy or something. (Just makes me rebel against his directives and get in even more trouble when I don't wear the clothes he buys me.)

I also was quite embarrassed while sitting having a beer with my friends and their pals and all of a sudden they start giggling. The discussion had turned to the size of my weenie. I picked up that my friend was telling them that I wasn't as well endowed as he had expected. I'm sitting there going <deleted>, like you're one to talk and why were you looking at my thingie??? Had quite the snit when they started laughing at him. As a considerable amount of whiskey was being consumed at the time, additional retaliatory comments were made about what he'd do to me. Anyways, despite all that, he still drove me home that night, and then crashed on the sofa with his usual grin that tells me, he's one of the best friends I could ask for. Yea I know, my friends and I are a bit odd and we live on the edge of falang reality, but they make me laugh and enjoy life.

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Long ago, I learned that I told inappropriate jokes about Blacks, lesbians, Jews, goat herders, and so forth. Because those jokes offended them, I stopped telling them, even to Whites, straight women, Gentiles, etc.

Most straight folks have figured out that they have not figured out gay humor. They don't even tell gay jokes with their best friends. I closed the gay jokes thread here with agreement from endure (co-moderator) and after several requests from our gay members, because the straight people's jokes kept offending us (and causing deleted posts). Let me make it clear and bold and brave and macho:


Long ago, I learned that I told inappropriate jokes about Blacks, lesbians, Jews, goat herders, and so forth. Because those jokes offended them, I stopped telling them, even to Whites, straight women, Gentiles, etc.

Most straight folks have figured out that they have not figured out gay humor. They don't even tell gay jokes with their best friends. I closed the gay jokes thread here with agreement from endure (co-moderator) and after several requests from our gay members, because the straight people's jokes kept offending us (and causing deleted posts). Let me make it clear and bold and brave and macho:


PeaceBLondie, what are you talking about? What insults?? I did not tell any gay jokes, mearly asking about opinions on it, and voicing mine. Why always so quick to jump on the defensive. I was not aware that there was a gay joke forum, nor was I aware that it caused any problems. But judging from the response I am getting just TALKING about humor and gays, I can see now that a lot of people would freak out if they heard any gay jokes. If I did have a close friend that was gay, I would not hold back on the gay jokes, just like I do not hold back on any other jokes with my friends. Cause thats what it is, a joke, and as a friend I would know the limits of what is appropriate.

But jokes to make straight people uncomfortable are alright? Sure, ok, I see what you are about now. You are only confirming what I had previously thought, when I was hoping for some different perspective on the topics I mentioned.

Long ago, I learned that I told inappropriate jokes about Blacks, lesbians, Jews, goat herders, and so forth. Because those jokes offended them, I stopped telling them, even to Whites, straight women, Gentiles, etc.

Most straight folks have figured out that they have not figured out gay humor. They don't even tell gay jokes with their best friends. I closed the gay jokes thread here with agreement from endure (co-moderator) and after several requests from our gay members, because the straight people's jokes kept offending us (and causing deleted posts). Let me make it clear and bold and brave and macho:


PeaceBLondie, what are you talking about? What insults?? I did not tell any gay jokes, mearly asking about opinions on it, and voicing mine. Why always so quick to jump on the defensive. I was not aware that there was a gay joke forum, nor was I aware that it caused any problems. But judging from the response I am getting just TALKING about humor and gays, I can see now that a lot of people would freak out if they heard any gay jokes. If I did have a close friend that was gay, I would not hold back on the gay jokes, just like I do not hold back on any other jokes with my friends. Cause thats what it is, a joke, and as a friend I would know the limits of what is appropriate.

But jokes to make straight people uncomfortable are alright? Sure, ok, I see what you are about now. You are only confirming what I had previously thought, when I was hoping for some different perspective on the topics I mentioned.

Hey Zeke,

If you read the top of PB's post, he said he refrains from telling jokes about Blacks, Jews, etc...

You say if you had a gay friend you would tell him a gay joke....That would be between you and your gay friend....in private..no problem

However, publicly in front of gays you are not close friends with I doubt you would tell gay jokes. The same way I would also hope you would not start telling black jokes or Jew jokes, or fat jokes...this type of common courtesy seems like a no brainer to me, unless you are out to purposely offend people, which by your posts I think not.

Are you offended by overtly "gay" people?...There are plenty of people who don't hide the fact that they are gay. If your girfriend's gay friends are rude to you, you should try talking to them, and ask what's up with that? maybe they are perceiving to get a smilar vibe from you??? There are also lots of overtly "straight" people. I think everyone can live together peacefully without intentionally trying to hurt each other.

Long ago, I learned that I told inappropriate jokes about Blacks, lesbians, Jews, goat herders, and so forth. Because those jokes offended them, I stopped telling them, even to Whites, straight women, Gentiles, etc.

Most straight folks have figured out that they have not figured out gay humor. They don't even tell gay jokes with their best friends. I closed the gay jokes thread here with agreement from endure (co-moderator) and after several requests from our gay members, because the straight people's jokes kept offending us (and causing deleted posts). Let me make it clear and bold and brave and macho:


PeaceBLondie, what are you talking about? What insults?? I did not tell any gay jokes, mearly asking about opinions on it, and voicing mine. Why always so quick to jump on the defensive. I was not aware that there was a gay joke forum, nor was I aware that it caused any problems. But judging from the response I am getting just TALKING about humor and gays, I can see now that a lot of people would freak out if they heard any gay jokes. If I did have a close friend that was gay, I would not hold back on the gay jokes, just like I do not hold back on any other jokes with my friends. Cause thats what it is, a joke, and as a friend I would know the limits of what is appropriate.

But jokes to make straight people uncomfortable are alright? Sure, ok, I see what you are about now. You are only confirming what I had previously thought, when I was hoping for some different perspective on the topics I mentioned.

Hey Zeke,

If you read the top of PB's post, he said he refrains from telling jokes about Blacks, Jews, etc...

You say if you had a gay friend you would tell him a gay joke....That would be between you and your gay friend....in private..no problem

However, publicly in front of gays you are not close friends with I doubt you would tell gay jokes. The same way I would also hope you would not start telling black jokes or Jew jokes, or fat jokes...this type of common courtesy seems like a no brainer to me, unless you are out to purposely offend people, which by your posts I think not.

Are you offended by overtly "gay" people?...There are plenty of people who don't hide the fact that they are gay. If your girfriend's gay friends are rude to you, you should try talking to them, and ask what's up with that? maybe they are perceiving to get a smilar vibe from you??? There are also lots of overtly "straight" people. I think everyone can live together peacefully without intentionally trying to hurt each other.

Sure, I understand, it is a fine line between being funny, and being rude. I also refrain from telling jokes about the different sexes, races, religions etc etc in front of groups, however, I do like to have fun and joke around with my freinds, and would so even if they were gay. I guess the issue that lies at the bottom of this topic is why are gays so easy to go on the defense? I mean, not all gays had a hard time coming out to their frineds and family. My half brother came out 2 years ago that he felt like a women inside, and wanted to pursure a sex change. I do not know him very well, but I do know his family was entirely supportave of his decision. And the fact that Thailand is so....."gay friendly" must make life a lot less stressfull for those that choose to live here. So why are most like coiled springs, ready to explode when ever some makes a remake about gays? It almost seems like most gays are looking for a confontation, just my opinion.

In the few questions and opinions that I posted, I can really sense the hostility that gays have twords straight people. And the fact that so many gays enforce the imaginary group of us/them, like there is two sides fighting a war or something. This scares me the most, as we are all human, and like you said, why cant we live together with out trying to hurt each other? Sexual preferance DOES NOT DEFINE WHO YOU ARE. Its is a part of you, but there are so many other parts to people why is it that it gets boiled down to something as rudamentary as what sex you prefer. Who cares if you like men, or women, or both. Why all the emphases on what sex you prefer. Gay and proud? Well, I have never heard a straight person say straight and proud, cause it really is not that big a deal. But a lot of gays seem to want to make it a big deal, if you know what I mean.

I am not offended by overtly gay people, but I do notice the "gayness", and just wonder why??? Why do they have to "act" gay. I have not met many people that "act" straight, just people that are uncomfortable with the issue and do not know how to "be normal" when dealing with it. But now a days, those people are getting fewer and fewer, especially in CM.

If I am rude to one of my girlfriends freinds, it is NOT because of their sexuality. And it was NOT because I was rude, I did not even have a chance to say anything before this guy was throwing sublty insults at me. The same aggressive ego allowed to say anything because I am gay attiude that I mentioned ealier. But I did mention that I know two gay Thai men that are VERY polite and kind, but, they have been the minority I have found.

PeaceBlondie said he refrains from telling gay jokes, but yet allows a joke that might make a straight man feel uncomfortable to remain on the forum. Yet if I was to post something similar it would be removed and I would be labeled a homophobe. Double standards on how gays view themselves and treat others. Just because someone is gay, does not give them to right to be inconsiderate to someone that is not gay.

You seem switched on, and you are right, I do not want to offend anyone, but some times gays take offence WAY to quick.

Cheers man

<snip> I closed the gay jokes thread here with agreement from endure (co-moderator) and after several requests from our gay members, because the straight people's jokes kept offending us (and causing deleted posts). <snip>

I don't often agree with the moderators, and I didn't complain about the gay jokes thread, but as a regular reader of the gay forum I always avoided reading it. Thanks mods. Maybe I am overly sensitive but I was apprehensive about what I might find there........can we not just sabai sabai and let this thing go?


OK Zeke. I am gay and I am not ashamed. Is that better? Why do we have to justify our actions to you? Why are you here asking all these questions? This is a gay forum where we are supposedly free to communicate with each other. Then you come along and the whole focus turns to you and your incessant questioning. Why are you so interested? In Thailand I feel much safer than I did in the States. I am not threatened physically here nor am I an object of derision. Yes we are defensive and you would be too if you were hated just for exsisting.


ZEAK promised to leave, and various posts have been deleted. Was I saying something about the Thais being more tolerant of gay men, and farang being less tolerant and understanding? Gee, some of my best friends and children are straight and tolerant.....

You seem switched on, and you are right, I do not want to offend anyone, but some times gays take offence WAY to quick.

Cheers man

Cheers, Zeek.

You remind me of the straight men I know who complain of being single and can't find a girlfriend or even a date. Yet, when they talk about women, they refer to them as "babes", "chicks", "pussy", or any number of derogatory or demeaning terms. They haven't the faintest idea what a woman likes, wants or feels. Is it no wonder that they remain clueless as to why they spend their Saturday nights with Righty (or Lefty)?

When confronted by other, more "together" men of Gay or Straight variety, who try to enlighten them by holding up a mirror to their behavior, they get all defensive and say "Why do the chicks have to be so sensitive? They're always so quick to get their knickers in a twist!" See, because it is all about THEM, they can't/don't see that it is indeed all BECAUSE of them and their own behavior.

I think we're wasting our breath trying to educate or enlighten Zeek, and make him aware of how other folks might feel about him, behave around him, or react to him as a result of his own way of being. That's fine, he can be whoever he likes, just like we can, if we are prepared to accept the consequences. We don't need to persecute him for who he is, neither do we need to waste our time with him.

You seem switched on, and you are right, I do not want to offend anyone, but some times gays take offence WAY to quick.

Cheers man

Cheers, Zeek.

You remind me of the straight men I know who complain of being single and can't find a girlfriend or even a date. Yet, when they talk about women, they refer to them as "babes", "chicks", "pussy", or any number of derogatory or demeaning terms. They haven't the faintest idea what a woman likes, wants or feels. Is it no wonder that they remain clueless as to why they spend their Saturday nights with Righty (or Lefty)?

When confronted by other, more "together" men of Gay or Straight variety, who try to enlighten them by holding up a mirror to their behavior, they get all defensive and say "Why do the chicks have to be so sensitive? They're always so quick to get their knickers in a twist!" See, because it is all about THEM, they can't/don't see that it is indeed all BECAUSE of them and their own behavior.

I think we're wasting our breath trying to educate or enlighten Zeek, and make him aware of how other folks might feel about him, behave around him, or react to him as a result of his own way of being. That's fine, he can be whoever he likes, just like we can, if we are prepared to accept the consequences. We don't need to persecute him for who he is, neither do we need to waste our time with him.

I know exactly what kind of straight men you are talking about, the stereotypical "jock" type, and even though I may remind you of them, I promise you, I am NO jock or macho guy. I have a lot of feminine traits, not your typical jock type. FYI, my little sister has, and does watch more sports then me. I think I have watched one rugby game in my entire life. Its just not something I find important enough to spend my time on. I do have a girlfriend (of many years), and have never found it a problem finding one, most likely because I do not portray women like so many men do.

Hey, I have already come to the understanding that I am not welcome here, neither my questions or my comments. And the last incident had me upset for a day or two so I really just want to lay this to rest. But, since you posted your views, I will post some more of mine.

It is no more about you trying to enlighten me, as it is me trying to enlighten you. I have come to see that it is just a vicious circle, this word that we use so often called INTOLERANCE. It is just as easy for me to say that gays are intolerant to straits as it is for you to say the same. And in my mind, my experience posting my thoughts and opinions on this thread was that gays are VERY intolerant of the views of others. I would be correct in saying this, just, as you would be correct in saying that I am intolerant twords the tendencies of gays. Its is a terrible circle that I would not know how to break.

"Intolerance is the lack of ability or willingness to tolerate something. In pressed through angry argumentation, looking down at people because of their characteristics or viewpoints, negatively portraying something due the contrast with one's own beliefs"

I am guilty, just as you are. I was thinking about posting all my thoughts and feelings on this thead in the general "public" forum , but what purpose would that serve? I can see the nut jobs, homophobes comming out of the wood work to form sides, which, as I mentioned earlier, I am against. It would only breed more intollerace and hurt, which, was not my intention.

The main question that I asked never got answered. To many people went straight on the defence and started to cut me down and form ASSUMPTIONS about me. So, I did some of my own research and came up with my own conclusion.

I thought being gay was about being attracted to the same sex, but what I discovered is true for everyone. We all form these identity's about who we are and our place in the world. Jocks form the identity of what/how they think a jock should be and act, including the typical jock attitudes and views. Just as an example. But we all do it, not only jocks. When I meet someone new, I introduce myself by name, and usually the next bit of info is what I do for a living. Alot of people use their occupation as "thier identity". Others use some interest or hobby as thier identity. And most gays use that term to form thier identity. They take a lot, all, some or none, of the combined characteristics of everything they have ever know, or experienced about gays, and use them to form all or some of their own identity. Its their own little "place" in this world, to be and act a certain way. Just like it is with jocks, geeks, muscle heads, motorheads, punks, drunks, and all the rest of society. We are all part of a group, or many groups, thats what makes each of us so diverse.

"Homosexuality refers to sexual behavior or attraction between people of the same sex, or to a sexual orientation. The latter refers to a person's enduring identity as disposed to romantic and sexual attractions and relationships with those of the same sex, and not narrowly to their sexual behavior"

So, its NOT just about having sex with the same sex that makes one gay. It could be, but not limited to. Most gays assume the identity of being gay, and, it is my own belief, that some gays really like the whole idea of being gay more than the act of homosexuality, which, is fine too. I just wanted to know WHY gays "act" gay, and I feel I have found it, but with no help from this forum, as most of the posters portrayed the typical gay attitude and response, which is to go on the defence, portray me as some macho idiot, create a us/them atmosphere, make accusations of being attacked, claim I am intolerant, or make accusations that I my self am gay. I guess inside I was expecting this type of response, after all, it is the prevailing defence tactics of most gays, and everyone, gay or not, is aware of some of these. Not placing falt here, just telling you that you assumed some of these traits when you adopted the gay identity as your MAIN identity. Anyone would have done the same, as they feel that that is who they are, hence it is their right to be and act a certain way.

I feel I have reached the conclusion I was looking for, even though I still feel the hostility from gays, I have choosen to let it be, as I will only end up getting upset again, saying short tempered comments, and causing the circle of intolerance to go round. I do not want that, so please, do not reply to this thread because I will then feel compelled to reply. I will focus on my own immediate enviroment, and deal with rude people on a bases as when, if, if affects me, gay or not gay. As for the over the top gays that I can not help but notice, I will do the same when I am around some noise or smell that bothers me, which is leave. Problem solved simply and benignly.

So, to those that I offended with my questions and comments, I apologize, it was not my intention as I thought I posted in a rather civil way. I thought that thoughts and opinions were allowed, you know, with this being a forum and all. Anyways. Continue with your discussions on your gay topics that you find compelling, I will not disturb you anymore.



So, to those that I offended with my questions and comments, I apologize, it was not my intention as I thought I posted in a rather civil way. I thought that thoughts and opinions were allowed, you know, with this being a forum and all. Anyways. Continue with your discussions on your gay topics that you find compelling, I will not disturb you anymore.



You're in the wrong place. The gay forum is not a place for us to explain, defend or justify our existence. It's not a place where we're answerable to those who make sweeping criticisms about us. If you find, in the course of your daily existence, some gay people being rude to you ask them why that is. The gay forum is OUR place where, as you say, we'll continue with our discussions on our gay topics. That's what the forum is here for. If you can't cope with that you'd be better off elsewhere.

So, to those that I offended with my questions and comments, I apologize, it was not my intention as I thought I posted in a rather civil way. I thought that thoughts and opinions were allowed, you know, with this being a forum and all. Anyways. Continue with your discussions on your gay topics that you find compelling, I will not disturb you anymore.



You're in the wrong place. The gay forum is not a place for us to explain, defend or justify our existence. It's not a place where we're answerable to those who make sweeping criticisms about us. If you find, in the course of your daily existence, some gay people being rude to you ask them why that is. The gay forum is OUR place where, as you say, we'll continue with our discussions on our gay topics. That's what the forum is here for. If you can't cope with that you'd be better off elsewhere.

Hey, thanks for keeping the gay stereotype alive and well. Once again, going on the defensive, even after I posted an apology. Its remarks like these that anger people and breed intolerance. You think that by being rude and telling me off, when, I already said I was leaving, is somehow good for gays??? You cant see the forest through the trees, this remark only serves to REINFORCE my opinion of how straits are discriminated against by gays. Do you not see that you are just pushing this circle of intolerance round and round. Did you not read my post.

Its says NOWHERE that the gay forum is for gays only, so no, its NOT YOUR FORUM. This comment really makes me want to go and start a strait forum, just out of sheer spite at how rude you gays are for me posting ABOUT GAY ISSUES IN A GAY FORUM. What, you want me to post opinions and gays in the open forum? I already said that I think that would be inappropriate, but hey, maybe thats what you want, the whole world to "attack" you.

I was posting about gay topics, and people replied, and THATS WHAT A FORUM IS. What do you mean, if I cant cope with it, you better off leave? What the hel_l does that mean? I already said that I was leaving, and that I did not want further replies to this as it only provokes me to answer, and, with such short and rude comments like yourself, it upsets me with the amount of IGNORANCE there is here. But why sniffle and then throw sand at me as I am walking out the door. Just let it be endure, I apologized already, so why are you still giving me attitude.

Just let it be



This is the last friendly warning you get.

Your comments a bit to "near" to the border of the Forum Rules. Stop that and do it NOW!

As the Title of this forum says it is the Forum for the Gay People of Thailand! That should be clear enough for anyone who is able to read english and know the definition of words.

You should have realized that your comments are NOT welcomed and should have stopped that already and even stand to your word to stop. As long as you don't even can stand to your own words, no one would believe you.

I'm NOT a gay but I'm a hopefully normal human as normal as a human could be. Thailand is an Country which accept all kind of different human as they are, as long as that humans didn't showing that they are "better"! They NOT. There is an nice speech: "The last Shirt didn't has any pocket" which just means that on the day you past your way NO ONE differs from each other! And that's what all of us should keep in mind.

According to your Post it looks like you are very well educated, so please read the Forum Rules again and even between the lines.

Any answer to this post from you will be considered as discussion of moderating issues following by direct warning.



I live in the sticks, we have 3 close friends who are openly gay. They come to our parties, everyone knows them. Heck everyone in this province seems to know everyone else. :o The gay male often runs the Karoke sessions we have. The other two are women, they run a successful hardware/building materials business. There are a few of those businesses near by, but most people I know of tend to go to them for the small loads of sand etc. They keep inviting me to the disco with them, I suspect it's because another of their friends has her eye on me as her gik. Well that is what my wife says. :D If I spoke Thai I could be in a lot of trouble there. Basically what I want to say, if there was a phobia around here wouldn't people put their business elsewhere? All 3 of them a great to get on with, all have some English speaking capability.


Hi Mosha (Steve)

Thank goodness for someone who actually read the title of the topic! I put a reply up a few pages back that was completely ignored by the hysterical off subject rants going on here!

Your experience pretty well coincides with mine. Perhaps those of us prepared to live and be accepted in rural areas should form our ownsubject area?

Where are you from (in Thailand), might be nice to exchange experiences further!



  • 2 months later...
I have felt some very intsense Thai homophobia from Thai Muslims in South Thailand. Does that count as Thai homophobia? I think it does.

When you say you've felt homophobia in the South, in what way was it exhibited?

When travelling with my Thai boyfriend at the time, if looks could kill, we died many deaths. Mainly at Muslim oriented restaurants. I happen to like that kind of food, but I felt like I was a black man in the Jim Crow south. I was not imagining it. Sorry if that bursts your bubble.

Hi, I think it is an islamist view on Homosexuals, not Thai. I have several musilm guys working for me, and as far as they are concerned, homosexuality is an abomination of God, and that would be the same for any muslim, depsite which country they are from. It's a shame, but religion and sexuality is always a sensative area!

Best regards!

....except for gay muslims, right?

You seem switched on, and you are right, I do not want to offend anyone, but some times gays take offence WAY to quick.

Cheers man

Cheers, Zeek.

You remind me of the straight men I know who complain of being single and can't find a girlfriend or even a date. Yet, when they talk about women, they refer to them as "babes", "chicks", "pussy", or any number of derogatory or demeaning terms. They haven't the faintest idea what a woman likes, wants or feels. Is it no wonder that they remain clueless as to why they spend their Saturday nights with Righty (or Lefty)?

When confronted by other, more "together" men of Gay or Straight variety, who try to enlighten them by holding up a mirror to their behavior, they get all defensive and say "Why do the chicks have to be so sensitive? They're always so quick to get their knickers in a twist!" See, because it is all about THEM, they can't/don't see that it is indeed all BECAUSE of them and their own behavior.

I think we're wasting our breath trying to educate or enlighten Zeek, and make him aware of how other folks might feel about him, behave around him, or react to him as a result of his own way of being. That's fine, he can be whoever he likes, just like we can, if we are prepared to accept the consequences. We don't need to persecute him for who he is, neither do we need to waste our time with him.

Are you perhaps being a bit too quick to typecast Zeak? Seems to me he started off asking legitimate questions and was slapped in the face for it. The answers may seem obvious to us (gayfolks) but ignorance is not a sin. As for not wasting our time with him..... no man is an island - gay men included.

As others have said in previous posts, we can all live together. Understanding is surely key to that.

Peace to all - even gay-linching Mullahs....


This is the last friendly warning you get.

Your comments a bit to "near" to the border of the Forum Rules. Stop that and do it NOW!

As the Title of this forum says it is the Forum for the Gay People of Thailand! That should be clear enough for anyone who is able to read english and know the definition of words.

You should have realized that your comments are NOT welcomed and should have stopped that already and even stand to your word to stop. As long as you don't even can stand to your own words, no one would believe you.

I'm NOT a gay but I'm a hopefully normal human as normal as a human could be. Thailand is an Country which accept all kind of different human as they are, as long as that humans didn't showing that they are "better"! They NOT. There is an nice speech: "The last Shirt didn't has any pocket" which just means that on the day you past your way NO ONE differs from each other! And that's what all of us should keep in mind.

According to your Post it looks like you are very well educated, so please read the Forum Rules again and even between the lines.

Any answer to this post from you will be considered as discussion of moderating issues following by direct warning.


Is it just me or does anyone else find it ironic that a thread started as a discussion about Thai homophobia should result in a straight guy being unwelcome in a gay forum? Come together, people. Life's too short. :o

Is it just me or does anyone else find it ironic that a thread started as a discussion about Thai homophobia should result in a straight guy being unwelcome in a gay forum? Come together, people. Life's too short. :o
Not at all, himachal. And welcome to ThaiVisa, newcomer. If you could read the posts that are deleted all over ThaiVisa by gay and straight moderators, you might be shocked at the rude, ignorant shit we have to delete.

And, welcome to the Gay in Thailand forum, himachal.

Is it just me or does anyone else find it ironic that a thread started as a discussion about Thai homophobia should result in a straight guy being unwelcome in a gay forum? Come together, people. Life's too short. :o
Not at all, himachal. And welcome to ThaiVisa, newcomer. If you could read the posts that are deleted all over ThaiVisa by gay and straight moderators, you might be shocked at the rude, ignorant shit we have to delete.

And, welcome to the Gay in Thailand forum, himachal.

Thanks for the welcome, PB.

I'm sure TV receives lots of ignorant, rude posts that would result in nothing but anger, which is of course not desirable. I did feel, though, that in this instance Zeak was bending over backwards to be polite and meek and was eventually forced to change his tone by the replies he got. That's really sad, don't you think?

Cheers, Himachal


As a mod who also reads most of the removed material, I can confirm that Zeak was neither meek nor polite in any intentional way, and unlike many of the really nice straight members who post in the gay forum, he was clearly here to make trouble- and fyi, he was ultimately removed by one of the really nice straight mods. That's all I should probably say; we're not supposed to get into details regarding moderation actions publicly here, and anyway, we're getting a bit :o:D

As a mod who also reads most of the removed material, I can confirm that Zeak was neither meek nor polite in any intentional way, and unlike many of the really nice straight members who post in the gay forum, he was clearly here to make trouble- and fyi, he was ultimately removed by one of the really nice straight mods. That's all I should probably say; we're not supposed to get into details regarding moderation actions publicly here, and anyway, we're getting a bit :o:D



I'm a little disappointed with my gay comrades.

I really think that blocking/banning/deleting the posts of straight people, who merely question certain things, is not correct & proper. Nor does it foster "good will".

If the poster is obvious in his/her hatred for homosexuals, I support the blocking/banning/deleting etc whole heartedly.

To attempt to draw a parallel to how I feel, imagine Israel & Palestine. The "revenge" & "pay back" that goes on does nothing to enlighten either side about each other.

I, as a gay person, wish to educate the ignorant (where possible)...whether it be here or elsewhere, it doesn't matter. I think that non-gay people should be able to ask all the questions they like, since this "gay" thing has not only been lied about, it's been kept a complete mystery from many people.

If we gay folks think that we are more tolerant than some straight people, I think we should "extend" this tolerance & set an example. Again, obvious abuse should not be tolerated.

And to those that think we have "already answered enough questions", have we? Why are some people still asking questions?

"Our" world is certainly no secret & nor should it be. Let's face it, nobody is 100% "straight" & nobody is 100% gay.

Let's not be obssessed about fear & open our "forum" to those with relevant questions.

For christs sake, I'm an engineer & nobody thinks that I'm gay. Mind you, I have taken the time to "tolerate" some people & they thanked me for it. They no longer fear gay people (they were stuck with stereo types). If we shut ourselves out, we have no hope of educating others.

"Sticks & stones may break your bones but names will never hurt you".


I've read that Thai-Chinese tend to be more homophobic than other Thais with less Chinese cultural background influence. (and what do you call the Thais that are not Thai-Chinese).

I have no data on this, not even anecdotal, and wouldn't mind to have the notion bunked.

  • 1 month later...
"And with a man you shall not lie with as a man lies with a woman; it is an abomination"

Leviticus 18:22

"If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."

Leviticus 20:13

Can't see how it is physically possible, anyway, as men and women have different anatomies. So I guess, it's alright after all.

In any case somewhere in the bible it says that men who sleep with menstruating women are committing sin. So according to the bible how else can we enjoy oursleves?

"And with a man you shall not lie with as a man lies with a woman; it is an abomination"

Leviticus 18:22

"If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."

Leviticus 20:13

Can't see how it is physically possible, anyway, as men and women have different anatomies. So I guess, it's alright after all.

In any case somewhere in the bible it says that men who sleep with menstruating women are committing sin. So according to the bible how else can we enjoy oursleves?

Tyke, you innocent young man!Anal intercourse of man with woman.Mouth intercourse.You know, smoking without burri.Eating the pie.Title of album by Led Zepplin, In the Out Door.Man sang to his lady, I want to be your back door man.Hello?Bible says natural for man to put his cigar in lots of places, with woman.
"And with a man you shall not lie with as a man lies with a woman; it is an abomination"

Leviticus 18:22

"If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads."

Leviticus 20:13

Can't see how it is physically possible, anyway, as men and women have different anatomies. So I guess, it's alright after all.

In any case somewhere in the bible it says that men who sleep with menstruating women are committing sin. So according to the bible how else can we enjoy oursleves?

Tyke, you innocent young man!Anal intercourse of man with woman.Mouth intercourse.You know, smoking without burri.Eating the pie.Title of album by Led Zepplin, In the Out Door.Man sang to his lady, I want to be your back door man.Hello?Bible says natural for man to put his cigar in lots of places, with woman.

Thought all these were sins. The bible's getting good - i'll give it a quick read. I'll skip Leviticus - which are the juicy parts?

I've read that Thai-Chinese tend to be more homophobic than other Thais with less Chinese cultural background influence. (and what do you call the Thais that are not Thai-Chinese).

I have no data on this, not even anecdotal, and wouldn't mind to have the notion bunked.

I've heard something similar too. I think it's because Chinese wherever are much more closely knit as a community and much more involved in ancestor worship, gene conservation (blood lines) and inheritance, being much more into business, astrology etc. This means continuation of the family line is of great importance to them so having a wife and family is fundamental. Homophobia naturally comes out of that framework. Doesn't stop them having a bit, or lot in some cases, on the side, though.

Naam, since you mentioned Leviticus, 'abomination' just means 'ritually unclean,' such as eating pork, wearing fabrics of mixed textiles, or walking into the Holy of Holies if you're not an ordained priest. You violate such rules every day, and nobody accuses you of an abomination. My mating with another male is no more abominable than wearing a mixed cotton and polyester shirt.

Naam, I'll ask you not to insult us again with improper use of Biblical texts. Next time, you'll be issued a warning.

May i ask why you think naam has insulted you,i have read his post and you are threatening him,he is not insulting you.These are the facts and i find this insulting behaviour on your part.Everybody sees and reads things differently.

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