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Naam, since you mentioned Leviticus, 'abomination' just means 'ritually unclean,' such as eating pork, wearing fabrics of mixed textiles, or walking into the Holy of Holies if you're not an ordained priest. You violate such rules every day, and nobody accuses you of an abomination. My mating with another male is no more abominable than wearing a mixed cotton and polyester shirt.

Naam, I'll ask you not to insult us again with improper use of Biblical texts. Next time, you'll be issued a warning.

i don't understand at all PeaceBlondie. where is the insult? i stated a fact to counter

quote: "just a religiously based hatred... (I think they have many of those...) Strange for a religion that prays so much..."

[flame deleted]

quite obviously i have misjudged you (and others) completely. a fair discussion is not possible although it's a subject that concerns your fellow heteros too. that's sad but it can't be helped.

I agree, although gay and atheist, I don't see why quotation, improper or not, from the bible should be insulting. I think this is central to our discussion here and Naam deserves a proper explanation.

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That's correct, sabaijai, as shown by the "West Wing" statement on the youtube video (president Bartlett). Christians are not bound by the Law of Moses; it's obsolete. Modern Jews do not stone gay people. Furthermore, the "anti-gay" passages in the New Testament, written by Paul, are not clearly anti-gay. It's not clear what Paul was talking about, and Paul condemned many more things that Christians do, like overeating and gossiping.

Once you remove the false support of Scripture from Christian gay bashing, there's nothing left for Christians to criticize gay behavior, religiously.

Back on the topic of Thai homophobia, if it even exists: Christian thought does not affect Thais, unless they convert to Christianity, which very few do. So, whatever amount of fear or disapproval or regret Thais have toward gay people, is not based on the faulty ideas of the Christian, western civilization.

False support of Scripture in your view. Obviously many Christians disagree. I'd say it's an issue of interpretation. Anyway, nevermind.

I was going to say that it didn't appear Naam was trying to condemn homosexuality with religious texts; he was just showing a reason why some religious people condemn homosexuality to add a little understanding and chose Christianity because that's probably what he knows best. Looks like it's not a problem anymore.

As for Thai homophobia, it's certainly better in Thailand than in the U.S. I admire Thailand for that. However, it's still there. I have met some macho men who are a bit homophobic.

As for telling gay jokes, I think it's not proper with people you don't know. Technically that would be like in a open forum. However, when with my gay friends, gay jokes are told frequently by both gay and straight participants and no offense is taken, especially when initiated by the gay friend.

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