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Why Are My Colds So Bad?


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:o Just been dumped firmly back to my usual state of nasal infirmity via a nasty head cold.

I've noticed my symptoms are far worse than normal. Principally my colds are shorter and much more violent, nearly always involving 24 hours of extreme nasal congestion alternating with copious snot, profuse post nasal drip, eye iritation, sore throat, hoarse voice, muscle pain, and hot body with low fever headache. I usually get no sleep, and feel like I'm choking/drowning at times - it's quite frightening. Occasionally the cold will go down my air tube and I get a 24 hr tickly coughing spasm basically, which often leads to vomiting. But after 48 hours or so, my nose has cleared, and one good cough brings up a big greeny that seems to signal the end. Next day I'm down the gym as if nothing happened.

I do suffer from rhinitis and sometimes blocked sinus thought to be from traffic pollution, I smoke 10 cigs a day on average. Recent test results on my general health were A1 all round.

Is there anything I can do to mitigate the symptoms (sorry a few glasses of orange juice, a vicks vapour rub, or clove of garlic hanging over the door won't help). :D

Is it a cold? Are there any other infections that would do the same?

Any advice appreciated, particularly about pain control.


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