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Best Isp In Bangkok For Performance/reliability


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I've been living in Bangkok for more than a year, at the same location (Asoke), and I've had True Internet (ADSL) the entire time. Up until a couple months ago, my Internet performance was acceptable, although it would slow from time to time. Somewhere around November or December 2007, performance slowed to a crawl at various times of the day, typically in the afternoon and evening. It got so bad that websites were timing out, downloads failed, and on more than one occasion, I actually gave up using it entirely.

I called True Internet help desk today and, after politely persisting in my inquiries, learned that they KNOW that they have a performance problem for anyone attempting to access content located internationally, and especially in the US (which is of course where much of the global Internet's content is located). And they informed me that performance is typically worst in the afternoons and evenings. During this phone call, I followed their advice and ran a speed test back to several Megapath test servers in the US, and received download performance of between 130K and 600K. I pay for a 2560K down/512K up connection. They gave me a couple options:

1) upgrade my service to a "business" connection, which they claim provides "guaranteed" performance, but is prohibitively expensive.

2) if I happen to also be a True Visions (cable TV) customer, they could upgrade my download speed to 3000K, at no additional monthly charge. But they were unable to explain whether doing this would help my performance problem.

This is all very frustrating, as I live and die by my Internet connection, and it brings me to my question: does anyone know of a better alternative to True Internet? Another DSL provider? Cable provider? Satellite? Therapy?

Many thanks for any input!

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It's really a matter of True not having enough bandwidth, and not impementing the proper controls to curtail abuse of limited bandwdith. However, it's a story that's pretty much repeated at most, if not all, ISPs. Some ISPs offer so-called SME packages, which are supposed to be a step up from home packages, and not as expensive as corporate (business) packages, but many times they don't deliver as expected.

True is also a strange beast. Many times in the past I've witnessed anomalies, where one site would get a totally different speed result (tested to the US) than another, even though both sites weren't very far from each other and were using the same package. I attribute this to "local" congestion, as in at the CO itself, where you're basically getting strangled of bandwidth by the bittorrent abusers.

One thing to try may be CAT's (the one reason why there isn't that much bandwidth to go around) own service, especially the so-called "premium" packages. I've seen generally good comments about these, since even though they do slow down during peak hours, they don't slow down to a crawl like True's lines. My True ADSL 2.5Mbit service gets down to around 100kbits during peak hours, and peak hours last a loooong time.

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I use CSLoxinfo, Corporate, 4MB. It works perfect for me.

US download between 1200-1800 Kbps, up 460 Kbps

Local down 3300 - 3500 Kbps

Singapore 2800 Kbps

4 Mbps = 4000 kbps which clearly means you get (by 1200 - 1800 kbps) less than 50% at all times download to international, execpt SG!

I've 2560 kbps/512 kbps and get SG 2100-2200 kbps and the states app. 1300 kbps and more which means more than 50% at all time and that on TRUE!

I can NOT complain to Thailand Standard!

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...... where you're basically getting strangled of bandwidth by the bittorrent abusers.

Bullshit: All users are legally able to use their bandwidth as they wish. The ISP's here actively advertise their broadband products with phrases like "Download you favourite movies and music using our high speed broadband service". To label Bit torrent users as abusers is not only wrong, but small minded and exactly what the U.S.A. RIAA organisation wish you to regurgitate. You have been brainwashed by their billion dollar campaign against long established user ownership rights.

The real problem here in Thailand is lack of investment in the internet infrastructure and a very real lack of International bandwidth . Internet life in Thailand can be hel_l if you absolutely must have a fast and reliable service. TIT

Speed test:

I find this site to be very reliable. You can chose your test locations and save the results.


Happy surfing all.


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Not bullshit, and no, I don't side with the RIAA (I hate them), and I haven't been brainwashed. I don't really want to get into a long tirade here, since I've stated my position on bittorrent abusers (and I'm talking about abusers, not normal bittorrent users) several times in this forum. It's a position I've developed over a period of decades of being in Thailand and witnessing the evolution of Thai internet. Seeing how you seem to be incensed, anything I say will probably not register, so I won't say it.

And no, you're not really entitled to use the bandwidth as you want. An analogy I like to use is the expressway. You pay 40 baht to use it, but you're only entitled to a normal level of use. You're not entitled to just park in the middle of the expressway and hold a party. The only reason you pay only 40 baht to use a billion-dollar road is because you're sharing the cost with several others. Same thing goes for broadband. 2 megabits of actual international bandwidth doesn't cost just 1,000 baht a month, it costs tens of thousands of baht, and the only reason you pay so little is because you're sharing that bandwidth with several others, and are expected to use your fair share accordingly. If you want to use 100% all the time (as bitttorrent abusers do) then you should pay the tens of thousands that it actually costs, and you'll have all the right in the world to do so.

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I called True Internet help desk today and, after politely persisting in my inquiries, learned that they KNOW that they have a performance problem for anyone attempting to access content located internationally, and especially in the US (which is of course where much of the global Internet's content is located). And they informed me that performance is typically worst in the afternoons and evenings.

Same with CSlox's helpdesk/Engineers...

"Solly solly Mr, not know when pomplem finish..."


Edited by TopDogger
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Firefoxx is right with what he wrote.

One exeption: If you pay the tens of thousand of Bath for the Internetconnection, 1 Mbps = THB 50,000 up per month, + Infrastructure and rental fees which counts as little as THB 150,000 a month, you're entiteled to get the full speed from your location to the ISP and further to the 1. Gateway where the international sharing is starting!

Just for your knowledge, if you order a leased Line connection from TRUE 512/512 kbps it cost THB 36,000 amonth with NO Guaranty of full bandwith! Even on leased lines is a sharing but a very low one depend on the Telephon Cable Infrastructure.

The truth is that on an leased line from TRUE with 512/512 connection the real speed is app. 350-400 kbps and that up and down!

In final you can just use what you get! How you use that, is your choice and that limited to the acceptance by the ISP!

So I'm ok with my TRUE connection as I wrote in an answer before.

Before starting to complaining, the first action's should be to get the infos about the legal status, your one the the one from the ISP. After that you can start to find out what is your real rights and what the ISP MUST provide to you! And than you can start to complain and/or fight to get what you paying for!

I had my fight with CS-Loxinfo in the past which was final end on the Samut Prakarn Provincial Court and CS-L has to pay back to me. If you interested in that you can read my post's from 2006 on this forum related to the IP-Star case gainst CS-L!

And you can be sure, if I had the evidence that TRUE didn't provide to me for what I pay, I bring them to court as well! And I would do that with every ISP! But again, you need to first do a research about what's your rights!


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I have been with CSlox and three times True in different places. I even got their st#pid satellite tv that I can get a bit more stable line and 5mb. I just want a constant 100kbs download from international servers or servers in the US... it is still terrible and won't work right.

No good Internet connection, no good payment providers, I didn't experience anything good or even standard if it was Computer / Internet related and if Thais were involved.

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I just want a constant 100kbs download from international servers or servers in the US... it is still terrible and won't work right.

Agree 100%. I would really like that too. That would at least give me the ability to listen to a radio station or watch a simple low bandwidth news video without it breaking up and getting all choppy and unusable. It seems like such a simple thing to expect when your package is advertised to be 20 times faster than those simple needs so what gives? Well what might be the problem is I was reading True made a business decision to (gasp) provide less bandwidth per user than they used to. That is a double whammie with individual users using more and more bandwidth as the internet evolves to ever richer content. True is not a good choice of ISP if you really care about speed or reliability and as I have learned by contacting them they could care less.

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2 megabits of actual international bandwidth doesn't cost just 1,000 baht a month, it costs tens of thousands of baht, and the only reason you pay so little is because you're sharing that bandwidth with several others, and are expected to use your fair share accordingly.

the ISPs try to convince you of that because they are overselling their network and trying to maximise their profits at the customers' expense and they label those who try to use what they have purchased as "abusers"

if I buy a fixed MB/month plan I can use all those MBs but if I buy a fixed speed/unlimited MB package I can't use the bandwidth I am buying because of "fair use" which they never define - if they don't want people to use the bandwidth then don't sell it, sell a fixed speed/fixed MB package and only sell as many as their network can support!


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just copy and paste it, i have true now and yes it is slower at peak times, i also have this other connection from a small local isp for 500thb per month and that seems to be faster at peak times by a long shot, for instance last night (saturday) i was getting a readout of under 2000kbps with true (which i have the premium package with at 2200thb per month) and i speed tested my cheap BB conexxion and i was getting about 2700kbps, so i might keep that conexxion to use in the weekends.

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I have the ture SME plan and it suicked, I had to cancel and get Ji-net....the business plan will NOT be any better...the SME sucked, I could NOT even use Voange or skupe in the daytiem, brakes ups,, etc...speeds test to the USA was 100 or below the issue was even if the seepdtest went to 200 True has set up proity prts, meaning if ou use http webserviing it gets priorty over everything else, so nothing else wil work even if you get a hihger speedtest....and the speed is NOT steady, maybe 150 for a few secs, then down to 20 or lest for a few sexs meaning your voip does NOT work....mif yoku only use the wb for serving and do NOT use VOIP or anytying else you might be ok, but we pay for the whole web NOT just what true wants us to use so tell them to kiss you butt and switch!!! My edge was faster then my ture most of the tiem, i..

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Don't the ISPs here advertise that the 2 MBPS is local bandwidth and the international bandwidth is limited to around 400 KBPS?

I remember seeing Buddy advertise at those rates for about 590 Bt/month or something.

as far as abuse of network goes, how can you abuse beyond your alotted range by the ISP? If ISP allows you 2MBPS bandwidth then you can only use 2MBPS, not more. And if you are sharing then it's a bunch of users sharing a high bandwidth link, in which you are allowed to use upto 2MBPS.

The problem is not abusers, the problem is marketing. They market 2MBPS but overcrowd the link with more subscribers than it can support at that speed, because not everyone uses their full bandwidth at the time. Basically they promise you 2MBPS, but sell what is unused to the next available sucker, and now it's become normal (worldwide) to accept that consumer broadband packages imply something but deliver something else.

What bittorrent has done, is allowed people to use their full capacity all the time without paying any attention. Thus all those shared users now run into limits.

Anyway check out the statistics of thailand internet here...

2007 saw a HUGE increase in International B/W as competition soared. Let's hope things get better soon. :o

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Funny thing is I sometimes get 600kbs downloads for my torrents but at the same time I can't even check my email servers or load international websites. But that might be because I get the file from some other local bitorrent users. Anyway keep this thread alive. Maybe someday someone finds a reliable isp.

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Don't the ISPs here advertise that the 2 MBPS is local bandwidth and the international bandwidth is limited to around 400 KBPS?

Anyway check out the statistics of thailand internet here...

Yeah they do. I was told 400Kbps international by TOT. Which is probably not too far off, but sadly an average figure - dead slow during the day, near the full 2Mbit at night. But as others have pointed out a line that's not shared costs 10s of thousands of baht in Thailand, and that's a fact. For now.

Interesting statistics link. One thing that will help is the now badly-needed Asian American Gateway underseas cable (AAG). Unlike the last expansion of bandwidth which Thailand skipped for reasons that only Shin corp can understand (hint: Use our Satellite!), this time we are in.


This is going to add 480Gbps initially. I don't know how much of that CAT Telecom (Thailand) will get but if they divide it up evenly between the 17 AAG consortium members, it's going to be 28Gbps - more than Thailand's entire international capacity at the moment. Thailand will go from the current 22Gbps straight to 50.

AAG has a proposed final capacity of 1.92 Tbps which would mean 112 Gbps for Thailand. Going live Dec 2008.

If anyone knows what percentage of this bandwidth CAT actually gets, please post here, I would really like to know.

Edited by nikster
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Funny thing is I sometimes get 600kbs downloads for my torrents but at the same time I can't even check my email servers or load international websites. But that might be because I get the file from some other local bitorrent users. Anyway keep this thread alive. Maybe someday someone finds a reliable isp.

If you are doing it "at the same time" the torrent may starve the rest of your bandwidth :o

In addition, torrents generally do a large amount of parallel downloads which gets around the bandwidth shaping that most providers use. So opening a web page will be bandwidth-shaped by the ISP to only deliver 20Kbps, and so will all other connections. But Bittorrent opens 100s of connections in parallel, so total speed will still be good.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 3 months later...

Nice statistics. Is the chart still maintained? The line is going steep off the charts in 2009-09...

The other link is broken, the site structure has changed, here is the new link to the article on the $500M undersea cable.

My TOT line seems to perform better since about 1 month, but I didn't run any tests yet to back up that impression I got.


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