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Bar girls are good

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If all of you pricks above want to disrespect These Thai Girls that work for the welfare of the family then why dont you take a look at real victim invovled in all this, The girl. Imagine your children boys or girls having dirty old men crawling all over them treating them like shit, abusing them with sick sexual fantasies. To support the family. Are you lot stupid '' Where is the sin in that '' Most of you moaning old boys cant pull a lady anything like the girls you have been with in LOS.

Also another point, If you had the same money you have as expendable income in LOS to qual or similar amount in England or wherever you are from then im am sure you would find lots of girls matching your nationality ready to help you spend your money i have seen it here in england. See how rich men always have a girl friend regarding looks and age, the gildfreind is always pretty and in most cases younger. Funny hey. The only thing is as for English girls they are stupid they will do all the loving for nothing at the end when they have spent your money and srewed your mates then they are happy to be left with nothing. Where Thais do it and gain in some way, Good luck to them. They benifit from your ignorance.

I have been lucky with my Thai wife she is from Buriram, very poor family. We help them by sending £100.00 per month to them. She was a bar girl. But always remember we all have a heart. But the harder you life is the harder the shell is that buids up around your heart. One thing I know for sure is give me a thai wife rather than some European Trash any day.

There are lots of great Thais that are longing to get involved in relationships with men and ladies alike. Good luck with it. Choose carfully. Avoid the ladies that enjoy smoking and drinking. Take a little time and dont expect an easy ride it is never easy especially when you dont speak the same language.

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Answer this question. Would you ever have considered marrying a prostitute in your own country?

If the answer is no, (and most guys that marry Thai Bars Girls would answer no), then how come you married a Thai prostitute?

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simonpayne17 -- I agree with you, everyone has a heart, and feelings! No doubt that many of these girls have had a tough life, and for most there is only a small glimmer of hope. I give them a lot of credit for making the personal sacrifice for the betterment of their family. It's gotta be tough. Many of the girls have had their heart broken, and feelings hurt so many times that they become jaded.

    Many of the farangs have been burned by some of the jaded ladies. But who hasn't been burned at some point by a member of the opposite sex in their homeland? I don't know too many who haven't! Once bitten, twice shy. But there are definitely some good ones out there, especially if they haven't been forced into the bar life for year after year, at which point they think all farang men number 10, and try to prove it. I know that I couldn't do it if I were in their position, but with the well being of my brothers and sisters at sake, I probably would.

    Good comparison about the wealth aspect. With the proportional money, everyone could party like a rock star wherever they were. Good luck, some of my friends have been married to former bar girls for almost 30 years, and still happy.


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Simon , agree with you 100% mate, I'm sure the majority of posters on here came to Thailand to meet these girls, some got burnt , some didn't and a few others may have got lucky with Non-Bar girls. Me ? I'm in the middle category, wife of 7 years and 2 sons for my sins!

Chok Dee!

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" Imagine your children boys or girls having dirty old men crawling all over them treating them like shit, "

Agreed, a repulsive thought for a Falang but not a Thai.

I have WATCHED a mother and grandmother arguing with the grand daughter that she should not have a boyfriend. Their point was that she should not be giving free sex to someone when she could be earning from it.

The parents are actually in favour of the daughters selling themselves.

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Would you ever have considered marrying a prostitute in your own country?

Dunno - never dated a prostitute in my own country! However, I wouldn't be so narrow minded as to rule it out. I try to respect people for who they are, not because of their plight in life.

I met my Isaan wife in a bar - she was one of five kids. Her father was murdered when she was 7, two of her brothers then died of starvation. She started full-time work at 12, ironing in Bangkok and has supported what was left of her family ever since.

Nobody tells her what to do - she does what has to be done! I don't think you would meet anyone like her in Australia!

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One thing I know for sure is give me a thai wife rather than some European Trash any day.

Always thought people landing in Thailand where running away from something ... and thought that Thailand was their solution ...

Whatever reasons make you think that Thai Wife are "better" than X ... will hit you back sooner or later.

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Dunno - never dated a prostitute in my own country! However, I wouldn't be so narrow minded as to rule it out. I try to respect people for who they are, not because of their plight in life.

OK fair enough. Did you tell your family that she is an ex-hooker?

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Whatever reasons make you think that Thai Wife are "better" than X ... will hit you back sooner or later.

Are you speaking from experience? Seems a massive generalisation , you think every Westerner that has married a bar girl will end up being "hit back sooner or later?"

If you believe that, you are foolish, not to say stuck up as well.

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One thing I know for sure is give me a thai wife rather than some European Trash any day.

Generalisation.....I think so.

Just because you have had a bad expericence with a women in the past, regardless of her nationality, doesn't justify the way some of you guys refer to women on this forum. Look in the mirror if you want to see what went wrong in your past relationships, it takes two to tango & I doubt any of you were 100% perfect husbands, so lay off the name calling. It takes a big man to admit he is wrong & an even bigger one to learn from it.

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Chonabot, I was not referring specifically to bar girl, but "Thai Wife" in general.

Based on simonpayne17's comment "European Trash any day" ... looks like his reason to have a Thai Wife ... is to avoid/reject to have an European one.  :o

The reason for avoiding/rejecting the possibility to marry a European, will come back in his mariage with a Thai Wife, in one form or another ... sooner or later ...  That's what I meant.

And not that your Thai Wife will hit you in the back ...  :cool:

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In the end of the day, whether a person is right for you or not depends on the individual.  Well, in my experience anyway...

So I wouldn't say Thai wives are 'better' than European ones or bar girls are 'better' than non bar girls or whatever.

I agree that we shouldn't treat someone badly just because they are involved in prostitution.  

But apart from that, I would feel a bit insulted if my husband turn around and said he choose to marry me because all he's found in Europe is some 'European trash'.  Well, the sort of attitude put me off anyway.  I would also have to wonder what his attitude really says about me (and about him!!  where has he been living all his life to only see such people!?!-I know some Europeans who are just wonderful as well as some Thais who are plain horrible and vice versa).  I want to be liked/loved because I am 'me' not because I am a Thai.   :D

JMHO.  Don't take it so seriously.   ::o:

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I agree that we shouldn't treat someone badly just because they are involved in prostitution.  

I agree, but I certainly don't want to marry one and take her home to meet my mum... (or even worse, my daughter who is probably only a few years younger)  :o

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Does your daughter, whose "probably" over 55 years old, go to bars?
I am yet to see a 55 year old bar girl in Thailand. Maybe they exist, but I think that most would be much much closer to my daughters age.
Dunno - it's irrelevant as I do not use either label.

Regardless of "label", does your family realise that your wife is an ex prostitute? ie She sold her body for money. I can only assume that you were at one time a customer. So, do they also know that you have visited prostitutes and paid money for sex?

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I can only assume

But you should never assume - it makes you appear to be a 70+-year-old biggot; and when you're trawling the Thai bars do you ask for birth certificates?

My wife "probably" looks younger than your daughter!

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Regardless of "label", does your family realise that your wife is an ex prostitute? ie She sold her body for money. I can only assume that you were at one time a customer. So, do they also know that you have visited prostitutes and paid money for sex?

Talk about taking the Moral high ground....maybe you should start an anti bargirl forum for similar minded creatures?

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Regardless of "label", does your family realise that your wife is an ex prostitute? ie She sold her body for money. I can only assume that you were at one time a customer. So, do they also know that you have visited prostitutes and paid money for sex?

There is no statement of judgement here at all. It is just two questions.

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But you should never assume - it makes you appear to be a 70+-year-old biggot; and when you're trawling the Thai bars do you ask for birth certificates?

My wife "probably" looks younger than your daughter!

Umm... I think maybe you are doing a fair bit of assuming here..

I am not sure how you equate me assuming that you're an ex customer makes me 70 years plus or a bigot.

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There are, indeed statements of judgement in your questions; i.e.:

"your wife is an ex prostitute? ie She sold her body for money"

"you have visited prostitutes and paid money for sex?"

I have told you that I met my wife in a bar - the rest are your assumptions.

Can you not answer my questions so that I can make similar assumptions about you and your daughter?

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I am not sure how you equate me assuming that you're an ex customer makes me 70 years plus or a bigot

Then let me explain - you said that my wife was probably nearer your daughter's age, so - if you are her natural father and your daughter is similar to my wife's age - you must be in your 70s. Your statements and assumptions lead me to believe that you are indeed very bigotted.

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Considering that the topic of the thread is "Bar Girls are good", I don't think that it was much of an assumption that if you said that you met your wife in a bar that she had therefore been a Bar Girl.
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OK then, don't make me have to assume by giving the full story.

Is your wife an ex-bar girl, prostitute? If not, then I don't know why you bothered posting in this topic at all.

If so:

Does your family know that she is an ex-prostitute?

Were you ever her customer?

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Firstly "Bar Girl" is synonymous with a girl you meet in a bar, not, as you assume "prostitute".

I posted to illustrate that many such "Bar Girls" are there because of a tragic history not of their making, yet they have a strength and resolve and a commitment to family which is very rare in Western society.

Unfortunately you appear to have an unhealthy preoccupation with prostitution which I do not intend to feed.

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