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Pathetic Slow Internet Everywhere

mark lamai

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Don’t we all just get totally sick and tired of paying for a crap service and all ways being given a load of B/S and excuses . we have to remember here in Thailand ........

what you pay for and have been promised means absolutely nothing

Customer service is as bad as it could get , guarantees and assurances are

Just words to fob you off, pay your money and then they couldn't care less

What a sad state of affairs



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Does anyone here know what the specifics are regarding the inadequacies of the internet in Thailand? Is it all over Thailand, or is Pattaya much worse, for example, than BKK? Is is due to cheap and/or obsolete servers? I know that my C.A.T. customer service people have told me that they "get cheap equipment" from their BKK headquarters. They use that as their excuse for the 200 kbps (or LESS!) speed that I get regularly, rather than the 2 mbps that I'm promised for my 2600 baht/month!

None of this information will help improve the situation, of course. I'm just curious. It seems that most of the world now has REAL ADSL speeds. Why not here?

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i have the premier package from maxnet its 1099baht per month, i live on the Dark side, its never a problem, i am one of ten in my ADSL group and have just now tested on Thaivisa's speedtest at 758/342. i recommend this service. it may vary in Pattaya but it works admirably for me. i hope that helps

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a friend who works via the internet and needs decent reliable connections (has installed 2 lines...1 TOT and the other TT&T) reports that his TT&T BUSINESS PRIMIUM package is quite good and stable in connection. i think this costs about B1500 or so per month...said TT&T recommends this package for those who need better international connections or do lots of file/torrents downloading. more international bandwith is allocated to those with this account than their other packages.

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Here are the results of my speedtest even though it's supposed to be 2MB line:


The speed keeps dropping to nothing though so I can't even maintain a connection to an IRC server for more than a few minutes. CAT has been awful all month. Maybe it was once the best Pattaya had to offer but I doubt it still is.

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I've spent the better part of Tuesday afternoon yelling at TOT as the internet was cutting out every 20 minutes or so...

The result of my efforts:

Technician in Sri Ratcha (he can remotely reset your router and knows roughly what is going on in Pattaya's internet wires): Mr. Somchai: 0-3831-9183 #104, 105,106

Sales Manager TOT Pattaya: Khun Nid: +66 (08) 16526755; ratchad [at] tot.co.th

I've sent a mail to Khun Nid telling her that I will cut the Tuesday pro rata from my internet bill. Done that before and it worked.

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I have a 512/256 Ipstar package that costs a whopping 4,400 per month. It's OK some of the time, but at other times, like over the past few days, it continuously crashes all day long. Sometimes for a few seconds, and at other times for a few minutes or even an hour or so. I used to have a cheaper package but upgraded in the hope that it would be better. Well it is - sometimes. I reckon I have to call the service centre at least once a week on average to report problems, and then it is OK for a day or so before starting to play up again. Overall, it's usable, but can be very frustrating - especially when it crashes in the middle of downloads, and it has never been fast enough to support live video streaming.

Then I have a T T&T broadband 1024/512 backup - business package costing 1166 per month. This package is next to useless and rarely works, unless I keep 'tweaking' the phone line by making 'unobtainable' calls which seem to boosts the signal for a while.

Then I have Sierra card and "Edge" sim package which I use on my lap top, and when all else fails can also drive my desk tops, but it is only a bit faster than dial up.

Then I had BTV install cable TV in my house, as they promised they could also deliver cable internet within 2 weeks of the initial installation. That was 4 months ago, and I'm still waiting, with no installation date in sight.

If I ever get a half way decent internet package, I'll dump all the others. But I guess I'll be waiting a very long time..... :o

Edited by Mobi
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Mobi, what sort of speeds are you getting with EDGE and what provider are you using? I hear DTAC is supposed to be all right. If I could get connection speeds of 200KB/s then that would do me - especially if the connecton was reliable.

Next time I turn it on I'll let you know, but like everything here, it does vary.

I use both AIS and DTAC sim cards. AIS has special package deals so it works out cheaper than DTAC which is basically 1Baht/minute. There doesn't seem to be much difference in the speeds in Pattaya, but up country, DTAC seems to be more stable and faster.

Last weekend I was in Sa Kaeo, and was getting good connections using DTAC. I could log into all my emails, and access UK web sites very well. I have also used it in Sukholthai, Chiang Mai and Petchabun successfully. I wouldn't like to use it for downloading though.

I'll check the speeds next time I log in. Monty may be able to advise as I know he also uses it, and was the one who put me onto it in the first place.

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I have TT&T Maxnet 4 Life for 1,551.50 per month. When I got it was told that only 10 users on the line. Sometimes no problem, sometimes like sludge. Maybe I'll try some tough talk with them - it worked with UBC/True - techs were here yesterday afternoon and fixed the dodgy cable and put a new thingy on the dish, this after Pattaya office saying no way could they come before Monday. Mobi, forget the sweet talk, get tough!

Edited by Tammi
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CAT 2600 a month, called a 2mb connection but pretty stable at 1200 down and 6-700 up, good service, always come out the same say if there is a problem. I'm between South Pattaya and Jomtien, they even came round and told us when they were moving cables on Tappaya Rd and we were going to be off for a day. Pure adsl no phone line included

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I have TT&T Maxnet 4 Life for 1,551.50 per month. When I got it was told that only 10 users on the line. Sometimes no problem, sometimes like sludge. Maybe I'll try some tough talk with them - it worked with UBC/True - techs were here yesterday afternoon and fixed the dodgy cable and put a new thingy on the dish, this after Pattaya office saying no way could they come before Monday. Mobi, forget the sweet talk, get tough!

I think we ALL need to "get tough" with all of the providers. I sent an email to the manager in the C.A.T. office, Kuhn Bunjerd, and told him that I was advising everyone I could reach on the internet here in Pattaya that, if they are looking for an ISP, they should not sign up with C.A.T., because they will not get the service they are paying such a high price for. That is how I truly feel. TT&T is MUCH cheaper, and from what I've read here in Thai Visa, it is no worse than C.A.T.. Why pay for steak when you're getting rice?!

I have no choice, since TT&T doesn't have a transmitter close enough to my house (near the east end of Nern Plubwarn) to provide any signal. Their MAX range, they say, is 5 kms, but best at 3 kms or less. I'm about 6 kms from the nearest. And, like all else here, they have no idea when or if they'll build a new transmitter close enough to service me. Thus, it's C.A.T. or dial up speeds for now!

But, as I said, I think we must all continue to call and harass these people for as long as it takes to bring this d*mn place into the 21st century!!

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You guys might want to try Jasmine if it is available in your area. You can check on the second floor of Care 4.

I have had it for 3 years and it cost 1,400 for 512. It is up 99.99% of the time and its connection speed is OK, not great, not anywhere you would get with cable. The big difference between Jasmine and TOT or TNT is that Jasmine only has 8 people connected per line. Nobody knows how many people the other companies connect per line.

I am happy with it, although I know it is not available in all areas and even if it is available in your area they only take a limited number of customers, so you might have to put your name on a waiting list to give it a try.

Good Luck.

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You guys might want to try Jasmine if it is available in your area. You can check on the second floor of Care 4.

I have had it for 3 years and it cost 1,400 for 512. It is up 99.99% of the time and its connection speed is OK, not great, not anywhere you would get with cable. The big difference between Jasmine and TOT or TNT is that Jasmine only has 8 people connected per line. Nobody knows how many people the other companies connect per line.

I am happy with it, although I know it is not available in all areas and even if it is available in your area they only take a limited number of customers, so you might have to put your name on a waiting list to give it a try.

Good Luck.

Jasmine is available in the exact same locations as MAxnet is available, meaning the area's where TT&T has ADSL capable phonelines.

Jasmine goes over the same phone cable, but once at the telephone exchange you get connected to them instead of MAxnet...

The unfortunate thing with the Thai ISP's is that there seems to be no regularity in how bad/good service can be. CAT is obviously very bad for Patsfangr, but for me it's humming away quite nicely at 1200-1500kbps. My connection is in a very different area though, and by the time they get round fixing his connection, mine might go down the drain, who knows!

I've had good experiences with both JAsmine, and currently MAxnet, delivering exactly as promised. My MAxnet 256/128 is locked solid at 27 kBps, as good as you'll ever get through a 256 kbps ADSL line.

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reading this is pretty amazing,

thailand's 2nd city cant provide decent net access? amazing.

i had a 1024 from TT&T on Samui and it was as fast as promised and was up all the time except for the odd storm problem,

and they cant do it in pattaya!

I hitched onto a netgear wifi from my hotel in Pattaya a while ago and it was quite good, sadly i moved.

looking at speedtest here its fast up to bangkok but chokes when you try to download from outside thailand.

there is only one pipe to the outside world from thailand? i was told it was like that,

guess so the army/police/govt can chop it when having a coup.

is there simply not enough bandwidth coming into thailand?

of course its something that doesnt need fixing if you are getting paid for 10 pineapples and only have to provide 2,

thats excellent business.

glad i'm moving on this week.

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You guys might want to try Jasmine if it is available in your area. You can check on the second floor of Care 4.

I have had it for 3 years and it cost 1,400 for 512. It is up 99.99% of the time and its connection speed is OK, not great, not anywhere you would get with cable. The big difference between Jasmine and TOT or TNT is that Jasmine only has 8 people connected per line. Nobody knows how many people the other companies connect per line.

I am happy with it, although I know it is not available in all areas and even if it is available in your area they only take a limited number of customers, so you might have to put your name on a waiting list to give it a try.

Good Luck.

I had Jasmin DSL-Plus 256 (TT&T) for a while up until 2 years ago at a whopping 3,500 baht per month. Maybe they have now reduced prices? Now I have Maxnet at 1,552.50 per month and it's been good up until very lately. Now it goes AWOL a lot. I notice when it goes down because the Skype button goes grey and it's going grey a lot!

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I have been quite satisfied with TT&T in the past, but recently I am getting so p....d off with it! :o It has taken 3 hours for me to get on this forum today. Does anyone know of a 'phone number for making complaints to TT&T as I don't think going into Carrefour and speaking to the girls there will do any good.

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I have been quite satisfied with TT&T in the past, but recently I am getting so p....d off with it! :o It has taken 3 hours for me to get on this forum today. Does anyone know of a 'phone number for making complaints to TT&T as I don't think going into Carrefour and speaking to the girls there will do any good.

TT&T call center number is 1103. I spoke with a very nice man there a few days ago.

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I have been quite satisfied with TT&T in the past, but recently I am getting so p....d off with it! :o It has taken 3 hours for me to get on this forum today. Does anyone know of a 'phone number for making complaints to TT&T as I don't think going into Carrefour and speaking to the girls there will do any good.

TT&T call center number is 1103. I spoke with a very nice man there a few days ago.

you were lucky! I never had much luck with any call centers and gave basically up on them. Talking to the managers has proven much more efficient, for the contact numbers, please see above. :D

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i have the premier package from maxnet its 1099baht per month, i live on the Dark side, its never a problem, i am one of ten in my ADSL group and have just now tested on Thaivisa's speedtest at 758/342. i recommend this service. it may vary in Pattaya but it works admirably for me. i hope that helps

I have the same package in Samui and it works really well. Even at peak times when all ten are probably on line it is still good.

For everyones info. I did have a problem with the signal cutting out or being very slow. I had TOT out to check the wiring and even bought a new router, to no avail, I was pulling my hair out. Anyway I noticed that if I used the phone the internet behaved as it should so I started some tests. Disconnected phone ...same problem. Changed the phone ...same problem. You may all well laugh but when I use the net now I simply take the phone off the hook and leave it off. Never had a problem since, of course it helps that I normally only use my mobile for calls.

Anyway if you are having problems with your internet connection, try it with the phone and see.

Be happy....Larry

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