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If I Make A Thai Girl Pregnant, And Then Run Away....


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Just what we need ....More scum.

Hypothetical situation, hypothetical situation, hypothetical situation, hypothetical situation, hypothetical situation, hypothetical situation, hypothetical situation, hypothet

Not hypothetical situation. I think pathetic situation. GH is quite correct.

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Hypothetical situation.

The current hypothesis is that the majority of larger-and-fouler-smelling-than-average Norwegian folkloric creatures are obese due to lack of exercise and would do well to replace their unhealthy immobility with brisk long walks or other beneficial physical activities performed on a daily basis (ideally involving more than two external body parts engaged in rapid upward-downward movements). :o

Edited by weary
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Why would you put a post of this nature on this forum if you didn't want people to have strong, negative responses? It's obvious that people who do this are scum...if the hypothetical person (HP) didn't want to make a human being they should have worn a glove, easy as that. Make your bed, lay in it...if the HP can't be with the mother they should provide money for raising the child. If the HP does a runner they will inevitably live a life riddled with guilt and suffer some hideous disease, stroke or heart attack and require other people to take care of them for the rest of their life but because the HP is such scum, there is no one who gives a crop about him and he suffers deeply and mournfully alone, wishing he'd just paid child support or worn a gaddamn CONDOM.

just one theory :o

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So the answer is she can't really do anything then? The HP gets away scott-free, albeit ridlled with guilt.

I agree with the negaitive comments. It's not something i intend to do. But i was having a conversation on a bus last night with another fellow and we weren't sure whether or not the girl would have any legal right to expect payment.

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Hypothetical situation.

I make a Thai girl pregnant.


Oh dear, this is not good. I should leave.


Pack bags quickly, buy plane ticket, leave.




Another a55hole who thinks of himself and shrugs off responsibility. Thailand is better of with out the likes of you.

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Has all the makings of a melodrama or a troll-a-drama.Ruperts you know the answer to your own question,why post it here to incite a full on war? Hypothetically speaking of course......are you really seeking a character assasination on TV?

Edited by Momo8
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If we are talking a hypothetical case here, it depends on how much she knows about you.

If you were just another customer, well she may not be sure.

If you had a relationship, and she knows your full name and some other details, then she may decide to take it further. If you are an Aussie, for example, she could contact the CSA and make your life a misery for decades to come. It would require DNA tests and all that, but assuming you are the father, you can look forward to 19% of your pre tax gross income being garnished for the next 18-20 years. Yes they would collect for lady.

Yes there are support orders in Thailand but enforcement is not up to the standard of other countries.

Think safety think condoms or accept responsibility for your actions. Act like a man.

If you want to take full responsibility there is a good chance you could get full custody of the child, to raise in falangland.

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the answer should be quite simple. you, explain that you do not want a child and agree to pay and be involved in the termination of the pregnancy. if she does not agree to the termination, then you are off the hook. remember, that if she wanted to terminate the pregnancy and you did not there would be nothing you could do about it. anything more than this would be up to your own conscious.

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