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Hollywood Buddha..


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When I started practicing medicine

I always have to chuckle when I see that phrase "practice medicine"..... :o

Practicing law, practicing medicine? In a way I always thought of it as a colloqial expression.

However on the practical side at least for medicine anyone who presumes to really understand the extremely sophisticated working of the most complex machine in nature the human body, what to speak of how to repair it is not in touch with reallity.

Being surrounded by sick and suffering people all week is no picnic. Hence we practice while people are patient.

"Nature heals the patient as the physician amuses them" -Votaire :D

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Thailand should pack these pundit box-board hero's to Iraq.

They badly need more and more American's to teach them Buddhism without wasting time preaching each other in this forum. :o

That will help to keep a full stop for these insane behaviors of urinating on Jesus and sitting on the head of Buddha.

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Now what should a true Buddhist do, when a tourist couple in a shop outside a temple discusses to buy an image?

You hear often something like "Come on Dear, he looks so cute, let's buy it, will fit perfect on our coffee table..."

No offense intented from my side but sentences like this you hear all the time.

Wouldn't it be fair to ask the shops not to sell any image or figurine to any non-believer?

This is partly the reason why it is illegal to export Buddha statues from Thailand without license. One doesn't need to be an expert on Thai culture to understand some basic rules of respect for religious images.

Thailand should pack these pundit box-board hero's to Iraq.

What is this, Kwiz? :o

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It's considered "cool" to hate America & Americans these days but I don't give a flying <deleted>! :o

MR. Boon Mee, this is an excellent occasion to replace the Thai national flag, behind which you are cowardly hiding, with the stars and stripes.

And when doing so, so might accentuate the ceremonial aspect of this act by humming your national anthem.

This MR. Boon Mee and this MR. Spee are hiding behind Thai national flags.

Journalists, backpackers, working force, they all have been sewing and glueing the Maple Leaf on their clothes and luggage since the war in Vietnam.

Some out of fear, some out of shame.

It would be interesting to hear the motives to choose the Thai national flag.

Go ahead gentlemen!

Dickie, I appreciate your sentiment, but Limbo seems to be another person that is generalizing something he has seen in a couple of people to mean all Americans.

I don't wear any flags at all, because I am not a nationalist.

MR. or MRS. Kat,

I appreciate very much that you present yourself as the spiritual mother of all USA-citizens. Somebody has to do so.

But it is the man using the expression 'flying <deleted>' who uses a flying Thai national flag I was addressing and his soul-mate Spee.

He might be able to speak for himself. Just give him and MR. Spee a chance.

So I repeat my question as it might not have been clear before:

Why, Mr. Boonmee and Mr. Spee are you covering your opinions with the Thai National Flag?

And I didn't see the Canadian Maple Leaf in a couple of people, but on the clothes and luggage of many USA-citizens.

And I am not talking about Americans. Yes, Canadians sometimes wear the Maple Leaf as well, for obvious reasons, but I never saw a Cuban, Mexican or Argentinian wearing it.

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So I repeat my question as it might not have been clear before:

Why, Mr. Boonmee and Mr. Spee are you covering your opinions with the Thai National Flag?




Now please, give it a rest willya ????

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Thailand should pack these pundit box-board hero's to Iraq.

They badly need more and more American's to teach them Buddhism without wasting time preaching each other in this forum. :o

That will help to keep a full stop for these insane behaviors of urinating on Jesus and sitting on the head of Buddha.


You have a very thick head and appear to be extremelyand pathetically ignorant of Buddhist philosophy.

It appears you are just looking for a fight.

I'm sure your delivery would be much different when not in cyberworld.

You are a brave man on the key board in the real world I believe you are a lonely coward.

This will be my last post here. Your rantings are starting to make me ill and I'm here for entertainment and education.

This thread is long over due for the bear pit. Pleasssse....

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phantastic piece of writing. First I was very amused. Second time reading it I believe you deeply understand where others fail.

In between the lines I read that you found to yourself.

Keep on going. :D but you do not need a third time.

Thanks Axel.

I tried to lighten it up a bit because the subject can get kinda heavy.

I'd better make it work this time ... I don't think I'll get a third shot at it in this life. :o

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This is partly the reason why it is illegal to export Buddha statues from Thailand without license. One doesn't need to be an expert on Thai culture to understand some basic rules of respect for religious images.

Small mass produced Buddha images you can pick up in any market are usually OK. The restriction is primarily aimed at preventing the export of illegally obtained Buddhist artifacts ... irreplaceable pieces of Thailand's history which have been plundered from sacred sites.

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So I repeat my question as it might not have been clear before:

Why, Mr. Boonmee and Mr. Spee are you covering your opinions with the Thai National Flag?




Now please, give it a rest willya ????

Have to admit the mini-rant about your avatar has piqued my interest. While it's just an avatar, WHY choose the Thai flag? I mean there must be a reason behind the choice. Mine is the Cross of St. George because I'm English; that's the reason. What's your reason for the Thai flag?

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Personally, I think blowing up huge ancient statues of the Buddha in my opinion is a wee bit little more serious than someone being shown simply sitting on his head, don't you think?

When I found out about the blowing up of the Budhists statues I was a angered about this too. What bothered me, was not the "religous" statement about the act, but the historical destruction of the act.

My wife (thai) got all bent up about this Budha head situation, I told her to calm down. She was acting as if I had something to do with it!

Really I think we should just try to get along. Kwiz, or whaterver your name is... Most Americans do not even know where Thailand is or that Thai is even the language spoken there. Americans in genearal are very ignorant about other countries, cultures and religeons... Sorry Kwiz, but I do not carry the shame for this French guy that angered you. Never met the guy, I doubt I would even see the movie!

As far as America being the most powerful country in the world.... No not really, we are only as powerful as the oil countries allow us to be. As soon as that faucet is turned off..... We will then be wearing flip flops and off goes the air conditioneers.

Peace, I wish we could just have that...

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Random thoughts on this topic/thread

I haven’t seen the movie, “Hollywood Buddha”, but did notice that, “…The unanimous verdict of representatives of Sri Lankan Buddhist temples in Southern California who have seen the controversial movie Hollywood Buddha is that the movie is not disrespectful to the religion and does not pose any threat to Buddhism.”, so perhaps the OP is somewhat relieved?

I happened to be in Bangkok when this issue broke in the local media, and was making my way to the United Airlines ticket office on Wireless Road (Sindhorn Building, just south of the U.S.A. Embassy). Not knowing which side of the street I was supposed to be on, I did notice a large crowd in the annex looking for visas to the U.S., an even larger crowd of Thai Police on the opposite side of the road (in front of the U.S. Embassy), and a small number of protesters. Perhaps the big crowd was protesting at the French Embassy?

I loved the Thai movie “Ong Bak”, but it did seem disrespectful to images of Buddha, what with all the desecration of Buddha statues?

Did anyone see the movie “Little Buddha”? I really liked this movie, OK maybe Keannu Reeves is pretty bad as Siddhartha?, But it was quite entertaining, thoughtful and respectful. And on a similar note, I loved Ang Lee’s mini-film for the BMW series, “The Chosen”.

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My wife (thai) got all bent up about this Budha head situation, I told her to calm down. She was acting as if I had something to do with it!

Really I think we should just try to get along. Kwiz, or whaterver your name is... Most Americans do not even know where Thailand is or that Thai is even the language spoken there. Americans in genearal are very ignorant about other countries, cultures and religeons... Sorry Kwiz, but I do not carry the shame for this French guy that angered you. Never met the guy, I doubt I would even see the movie!

Your wife is correct. It is the same feeling that came to my mind. What do you feel if I go and sit on the head of Jesus?

Yes, you have something to do with it. That is called Social Responsibility. You'll should show the world that you individuals are not part of these blunders some of the individuals are creating.

Read this thread. Try to understand how pathetic the way all of the people here think. See how disrespectful they are to other religions. So what the F **k they do in Thailand? Using poor Thai girls to look after themselves and fulfill all their sex fantasies simply by giving them money?

Look at this forum. No one have any respect to Thailand and Buddhism. This forum has become propaganda against Thailand, Buddhism and Thai People.

Yes, I do agree with your comment that most American's very ignorant about other countries, cultures and religions.

You'll are ignorent..but you'll are involved.. That is why everywhere you go and get involved, it becomes a problem to those ignorant countries, cultures and religions.

BTW, I appreciate your balanced thoughts and writing the Truth compared to all other big fat lies.


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Personally, I think blowing up huge ancient statues of the Buddha in my opinion is a wee bit little more serious than someone being shown simply sitting on his head, don't you think?

The degree of anger generated by sitting on the Buddha's head is directly related to one's personal take on the whole thing and his ability to understand himself and everything around him.

There was a time when I would have been so enraged that I would have savagely attacked and perhaps even killed the perpetrator of such an act.

In hindsight, I can see that my motives at that time would have been selfish and self-serving ... I would have misguidedly thought that by ferociously defending the "aura" of the Buddha I would be putting myself in a better light in His eyes, when in fact the opposite would have been true.

Today I would be angry if I saw someone sitting on the Buddha's head. Just how angry, I'm not sure. It's something I hope I never see.

A truly wise man would know that no believer could have such disrespect for the Lord Buddha. He would be able to look at the statue through the eyes of the perpetrator and would understand that the perpetrator was not insulting the Buddha but merely sitting on a lifeless lump of stone carved to look like the Buddha. He would forgive the perpetrator for what I would consider a crime, because he would understand that there was no crime.

I know how a truly wise man would think ... I just don't know how to think like one. :o

When I found out about the blowing up of the Budhists statues I was a angered about this too. What bothered me, was not the "religous" statement about the act, but the historical destruction of the act.
The Taliban don't have a monopoly on the destruction of Buddhist history. The jungles of Vietnam are littered with bullet-scarred statues and temples reduced to rubble by bloopers and LAWs.
Peace, I wish we could just have that...

"If someone has a gun and is trying to kill you, it would be reasonable to shoot back with your own gun." [His Holiness The Dalai Lama]

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Personally, I think blowing up huge ancient statues of the Buddha in my opinion is a wee bit little more serious than someone being shown simply sitting on his head, don't you think?

The degree of anger generated by sitting on the Buddha's head is directly related to one's personal take on the whole thing and his ability to understand himself and everything around him.

Actually, Mr. Kalashnikov, that quote regarding the Taliban Blowing up the Ancient Buddha Statues in Afganistan was actually from one of my own posts, way back on page 5 of this thread...Here


And Rod, you do remind me so much like my dad! :o

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Personally, I think blowing up huge ancient statues of the Buddha in my opinion is a wee bit little more serious than someone being shown simply sitting on his head, don't you think?

The degree of anger generated by sitting on the Buddha's head is directly related to one's personal take on the whole thing and his ability to understand himself and everything around him.

Actually, Mr. Kalashnikov, that quote regarding the Taliban Blowing up the Ancient Buddha Statues in Afganistan was actually from one of my own posts, way back on page 5 of this thread...Here :D


I was going to blame it on Alzheimer's, but I'll blame it on Dakhar's lack of quoting. :D

And Rod, you do remind me so much like my dad!  :o

Your dad is homicidal ?!?!?!?

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So rod is your Dad..ah!!

For me rod sounds like Chon.. they normally come together..go together..drink together..and may be s h i t together..


As per American definition, Thalaiban was a terrorist organization. So terrorist blowing off Buddha statue.. Perfectly falls within the formula..

If I go to Saudi (Friend of US) and they throw the Buddha Statue that I carry with me..I do understand it coz they are known for it. Also they spell it clearly that they do so..

Given the above two senarios..where do Americans fall when they sit on the head of Buddha and trying to show the world that as a mistake or not a thing to bother?

Oh I understand now..! US is anyway a Terror country and not give ###### care about any other religion or culture.. So I should have excepted it in that spirit. That's what you guys are trying to say.. Isn't it?

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So rod is your Dad..ah!!

For me rod sounds like Chon.. they normally come together..go together..drink together..and may be s h i t together..

SO you learnt a new word eh Kwiz? I'm not sure you're the same Kwiz from before , sounds more bitter than ever. But I'm sure you'll still chicken out of a meeting , hiding behind the keyboard like a tough tiger poo poo that you are...

ctw still thinking of relocating to UK ?, hypocrite....

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Given the above two senarios..where do Americans fall when they sit on the head of Buddha

Did someone sit on your head and take a dump, Kwiz ?

Is that why people say you're a <deleted> ?

(I appreciate the invitation, but given your well known penchant for deep-tongue felching, I'll give sitting on your head a miss.)

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Your wife is correct. It is the same feeling that came to my mind. What do you feel if I go and sit on the head of Jesus?

I understasnd exactly what you mean Kwiz. Although, it wouldn't bother me if you sat on a statue of Jesus head...But... If you sat on a stuffed Garfield Cat Doll I would of course have to condemn all of Sri Lanka for that.

Just a little joke :D

I truly do try to respect cultural beliefs and I also try to respect the natural fact that all people are not all knowing. I try to exercise tolerance to the ingorance that is easy to find in all cultures at any time. I am probably least tolerant of intolerance.

:o Coffee!!! :D

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