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Nokia N95


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Thinking of buying a Nokia N95 as the Communicator and iPhone are out of my range due to school fees etc...

Has anyone used one? What's the web access like? "Pete" is selling one in the classified section for 13k - how does that apply to the cost of a new one. His is a UK phone - can I download Thailand maps easily?

Actually navigating the web is the most important for me due to business requirements so it needs to be quick. Is it?

Thanks for reading.


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Thinking of buying a Nokia N95 as the Communicator and iPhone are out of my range due to school fees etc...

Has anyone used one? What's the web access like? "Pete" is selling one in the classified section for 13k - how does that apply to the cost of a new one. His is a UK phone - can I download Thailand maps easily?

Actually navigating the web is the most important for me due to business requirements so it needs to be quick. Is it?

Thanks for reading.


I have a first generation that I bought in April. Its a UK I use in the UK on an unlimited data plan.

Its a terrific phone technologically. The camera is as good as a 5MP kodak camera I have. Downloading Thai maps is easy, its all streamed in as you need it and then stored. In fact, install Google maps and link it to your sat receiver. Good fun to see an aerial picture of where you are and telling Thai girls that its live and to wave at the sky for the satellite to see them!

My network in the UK is 3.5G which means I get speeds of 2.5MB download. And its not far away from that in a good reception area.

The phone has been transformed by the latest firmware updates and its much much faster now and also the annoying out of memory crashes I used to get have gone.

As I've said, I've had the phone since April, dropped it 3-4 times and its starting to get a bit creaky, but still fundamentally sound.

I chose this in preference the iPhone as its so much more feature rich, whereas the iPhone has some stunning ommissions (No MMS! Too much DRM on MP3s)

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Thinking of buying a Nokia N95 as the Communicator and iPhone are out of my range due to school fees etc...

Has anyone used one? What's the web access like? "Pete" is selling one in the classified section for 13k - how does that apply to the cost of a new one. His is a UK phone - can I download Thailand maps easily?

Actually navigating the web is the most important for me due to business requirements so it needs to be quick. Is it?

Thanks for reading.


Hi, i use the new modell N95 8gb here in Thailand. . . works great. . the internet webbrowser does its job good. . and GPS and thai maps works allright to . , most be the best phone at the moment . . .

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Hi oMega69

I missed that 8mb version and bought the 'normal' N95 this afternoon.

So far, so good. Nice phone browsing seems quite fast (which is what I need). One thing...When I open maps in the bottom right hand corner there seems to be an orange ball bouncing back and forward like it cannot connect to a satellite. Is this normal. Unfortunately the manual is all Thai so not much chance that I can sort it out with my limited Thai reading. Any ideas oMega? Have I missed some setting? (I'm using a True SIM card).



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Hi Bkkmick. Good choice mate! I have had the N95 for a month now and i think that it's a great piece of kit. I think that the orange ball is normal when you can not connect to a satellite, but if you go on the Nokia web site you can download the manual FOC in English and find the answer.

Just a point when you are using GPS you connect by GPRS and have to pay the data download charges. Be careful.

Cheers, Rick

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Thanks guys. I'm using a True 650 baht per month fixed cost, unlimited access. Hopefully there won't be an additional charge!?

Does anyone consider (have experience of) another ISP that provides better coverage. True seems fine but can be slow at times.


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I chose this in preference the iPhone as its so much more feature rich, whereas the iPhone has some stunning ommissions (No MMS! Too much DRM on MP3s)

FYI there is no DRM on MP3s. Not on the iPhone, not on any other device. No MMS is true - I guess they figured MMS was going to die a slow death, it's very unpopular in Europe and the U.S. mainly due to very high costs, it doesn't work across international gateways. I had just started to use it and it was a cute little toy, fun to send post-stamp sized images with the phone. I do imagine that the maximum image size supported by most phones would be smaller than the iPhone screen though. I suppose sending email is just a whole lot better...

I was going to say the new 8GB model is way better than the old N95... they've improved it in most regards. The new one is faster, has a bigger screen, has better battery life, etc. But I guess it's too late for the OP, the original N95 is supposed to be a fine phone as well.

Of course once used to the iPhone it's unthinkable to go back to something as creaky and old as the S60 platform... :o

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you should be able to install the smart2go maps on you N95 , it is a nokia program and the maps are free , though they will require you to purchase the local points of interest and routing if you want them.

shortcuts that seem to work on the gps programs for mobiles are

0 = go to your location ( will start the gps searching )

*/+ = zoom in

# = zoom out

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Yes its a great phone, and the 5mp camera is great. I use my N95 for pull email, internet browsing, listening to MP3's and podcasts (which it downloads via wireless internet) and of course GPS navigation (I also paid for the voice navigation and find it very useful).

I recommend going to the Nokia website to get the latest firmware update for the N95, I did and I find I get GPS lock on very quickly now, in fact ater the firmware update I was able to get GPS lock in my house!

Although for best results you should be outside and to use that function you must slide the screen so that the number keys are exposed.

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The normal N95 is equally as good as the 8GB version - consider if you were to drop the phone and it broke, you would lose 8GB of memory, but at least with the regular N95 you could retrieve from memory card. Easily the best phone available at the moment in my view.

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The normal N95 is equally as good as the 8GB version - consider if you were to drop the phone and it broke, you would lose 8GB of memory, but at least with the regular N95 you could retrieve from memory card. Easily the best phone available at the moment in my view.

No. The 8GB version has a larger screen, for one thing. It also has better battery life, is faster, etc. Read the review:


Above review's verdict: "A big improvement over the original N95..."

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The only complaints I have heard about the original N95 have been about battery life. Other than that, it appears to be a great phone. I haven't looked lately but most likely the price has come down because of the new 8G.

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I know that I'm new to the N95 but I just found this application and thought that I'd share:


It allows the N95 to swap between landscape and portrait mode by turning the phone (like the iPhone). I'll install it when I get home. Looks nice in the demo.


Hi Mick, I can't get that application to install on my N95 something to do with the certificate. How did you get on with it?

Cheers, Rick

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Just got it installed today and it works a treat. I must admit it was a pain to install. If you'd like to tell me how far you got through the process I'd be happy to try and get you through the final steps.


Hi mick,

I would like to try this again so can you tell me did you install the accelorometer plugin first or the rotate me. I did this and the phone gave a certification error?

Any ideas?

Cheers, Rick

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Hello again Rick

Install the accelorometer first, then create a folder and put the RotateMe file in there. Finally follow these instructions copying all files into the folder you initially created.

It's a bit of a pain in the arse but I think the result is worth it in the end.

Good luck.


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Is the N95 8gb compatible with Apple products - ibook, iMac, iPod? If not 'out of the box' then is there a way easy enough for a 'computor quasi-illiterate' to get the compatibility by other means?

By compatibility I mean being able to sync address books, memos, notes; sync-ing podcasts etc with iPod.

I was waiting to get the iPhone in the near future. But my girlfriend went and bought the Nokia without my prior knowledge. Because it looked nice. She's now accepted it was silly to choose it on that criterion alone. I'm thinking of taking it over and getting her another 'pretty' phone that better fits her (non internet) needs. But I need the compatibility with Apple.

Would really appreciate guidance in layman's terms - as I'm not that much more technical than her.

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