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Pattaya Air Pollution


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I live in East Pattaya, about a kilo up soi Nernplubwan (soi Muslim). My house is about 100 meters or so off the main road. I often wonder just how dirty our local air is here when I am cleaning my house.

When sweeping out the house, there is always a certain amount of very very fine dust/dirt to be sweeped-up every couple days. This dust/dirt is light grey in color and is very fine...almost the consistency of baking flour. The amount is about a quarter teaspoon every few days. This is all fine particulate matter from outside that settles inside. There was never this amount of airborne dust/dirt "back home."

Also, further proof of the really dirty air is my air-con filters. For a while now, I have fitted the filters with "pre-filters." The fine mesh material (made by 3M) that is placed on the filter screens that is finer than filter plates themselves. Before using these pre-filters, the aircon filter screens would need to be cleaned every 6-8 weeks. When using the finer additional mesh screens, they get "full" and clogged-up and need to be changed within a couple weeks. They get a filthy brown/grey colour of fine particulate matter.

I often wonder what the effect of breathing all this crap is...as I am sure there is still much pollution in the air.

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Our air here is extremely polluted, when compared with the european average standard.

Always try and wear a mask when on your bike and if like yourself live near a busy road, try and keep windows closed. This air we breath is full of unburnt hydro-carbons, oxides and sulphurs. It is not ideal, but then it is a price to pay of living here.

Just try and protect yourself from the worst of it.

Dont worry lung cancer etc takes years to develop and yes we do have an increased risk but it is still quite small, unless you walk the streets for hours on end everyday without protection.

Hope this helps.

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Our air here is extremely polluted, when compared with the european average standard.

Always try and wear a mask when on your bike and if like yourself live near a busy road, try and keep windows closed. This air we breath is full of unburnt hydro-carbons, oxides and sulphurs. It is not ideal, but then it is a price to pay of living here.

Just try and protect yourself from the worst of it.

Dont worry lung cancer etc takes years to develop and yes we do have an increased risk but it is still quite small, unless you walk the streets for hours on end everyday without protection.

Hope this helps.

And don't forget to wear a condom - on your head - or two if you are an American - I am not of course infering that Americans have two heads

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This is a good question.

The problem is, that there's really not much known for certain about the adverse effects of dust pollution and maybe that's a good thing.

That is to say, its effects pale by comparison to that of other kinds of air pollution.

Extensive study has been done on this in Canada because of the many mines where they drill and blast rock, and therefore dust always blankets the air making it extremely hazardous for miners.

Here's a little bit of info I found:

Particulate matter

Includes microscopic particles such as dust, dirt, soot, and smoke. Particulate matter can be divided into two categories: coarse or large particles, such as road dust or pollen; fine or smaller particles, such as that from smoke and fumes. Due to its minute size, particulate matter can travel long distances and remain suspended in the air, contributing to smog and reducing visibility. Other hazardous pollutants may also adhere to these particles, increasing their toxicity. Particulate matter can also be formed in the air from the chemical transformation of gases such as sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and various hydrocarbons.

Health problems caused by particulate matter include:

coughing or sneezing

wheezing and breathing problems in people with asthma, COPD, and other lung diseases

cardiovascular health problems, including heart attacks in people with certain pre-existing heart diseases.

Scientists now believe that there is no safe level for exposure to particulate matter

Particulate matter is considered toxic under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA).

I think (and this is an educated guess) that there are two contributng factor to Pattaya's dust pollution.

1) It is a coastal area

- Every region in close proximity to a large body of water is subject to the sea breeze blowing the fine sand from the shore inland

2) The depleting water supply

- Everyone who lives in or near Pattaya knows about the diminishing water supply and therefore the land drying up

How serious is Pattaya's dust problem? Good question.

According to what I've read, dust pollution seems to only really affect those people with existing heart problems or lung conditions such as asthma.

So if you ave a good heart and a healthy set of lungs, and considering that Pattaya's dust levels are not as alarming as other environments, then (I think) it's not something to worry about too much.

Edited by MisterFingers
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The floor of our pool in Jomtien needs cleaning and the filters backwashing twice a week, whereas the pool at our house at Phoenix, Ban Ampur, needs cleaning maybe every three weeks. Big difference.

We can also open the windows and use screens and the house stays clean but not I regret in Jomtien. :o

Edited by Rimmer
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Just back from a few days in Bangkok and the air in Pattaya is better......only my view as always!

And Suk road in Bangkok looks like it's had a coat of boot polish ... good idea getting rid

of that leaded petrol. :o


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Back in October there was a smog all over Pattaya and the air was thick along Sukhumvit Road at night. Now the air in Pattaya is much cleaner, even along Sukhumvit Road.

Nern Plub Wan is probably one of the most polluted areas of Pattaya with all the dust, barbeques and motorbikes combining into a toxic cocktail.

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