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Burapha: My Children Are Staying


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I am new on the forum and very impressed by the negative comments about BEST school. If I have to move my children from a school it would be mainly because of the level of education, the safety, the discipline and other important subjects. Talking about the price of the car park at Burapha is like talking about the 10 Baht that you have now to pay at BIG C North Pattaya: irrelevant.

It is like the story of the poor child that has had his arm broken and nobody cares about him. The advantage of a forum is that it is anonymous and the information displayed usually unverifiable. If I write in this forum that a member of Al Quaida is director of the program at BEST would you believe me?

To be more serious my children are at Burapha for 4 years now. We are not native speaking English and my wife and me were very satisfied by the way the children integrated at start. The program is may be easier than in my country of origin but you mustn't forget that the children have two languages to assimilate plus to keep their native language. We are frequently going to school to speak about the progress of our children and also the problem encountered. We have had always a good reception and it is always possible to talk to the teacher either he(she) is Thai or English. The fees are reasonable and the bus that picks up the children every morning is always in time. In addition the minibus service is very convenient and avoids adding another car to Pattaya's traffic every morning and evening.

I agree that there are no decent sports facilities but it is not so difficult to find these in Pattaya.

One of my child went to a sort of competition with other schools of Pattaya this week. They were three children of that grade and they finished 2nd among other schools. I don't think it is bad for my child and for the school.

I read so unfair comments about the school that I wonder whether if it is not coming from the same Farangs that say that Thai people are idiots, poorly educated, don't know how to drive...

My comments to these people: thank you if your children are leaving the school because we will also get rid of the parents.

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Hi Sarkozy

I'm the father of the boy in P1 who had his arm broken and was neglected for two and a half hours. If you really seek verification concerning the incident I can provide you with witnesses, X-rays, doctors reports and statements from the teacher involved.

The only reason that I would use my valuable time to write a post on an internet forum is because the incident really happened and other parents need to know about it. I have no personal 'axe to grind' about anything, in fact, I have been involved with the school on various levels for nearly three years.

So, in my case, the comments I made about BEST school are completely fair and justified. And knowing what I do of some other incidents at the school I would say that the majority of posts/ reports are exactly right too. Sorry.

As I said to the teacher involved, 'How would you feel if it was your child?'

And for the record: I think Thais are smart, educated and excellent drivers!! :o

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I am glad you are happy with BEST school but some of us have higher standards than others and for us the standards of the education by non-native English speaking teachers (which were supposed to be Native English speaking), the lack of facilities (not only sports facilities but also other things i.e. science equipment, art room, library etc) the general lack of cleanliness and the unhealthy and awful food that is served to the children for lunch all of which were appalling at BEST school and totally unacceptable to us. We did complain on a number of occasions all of which fell on deaf ears so obviously we moved our children from this school where I have to say both children were very unhappy and not learning very much at all.

The difference at REPS is unbelievable and we now have two happy children who love going to school and are both achieving good results. The classes are much smaller, the facilities and new purpose built building are excellent and the native English speaking teachers great.

You may say that we are all just making it up about BEST school but considering the number of different posters complaining about this school I don't think we can all be wrong and I can tell you I am writing from personal first hand experience at this school whether you choose to believe it or not.

I consider myself to be a very tolerant person but BEST school is a very poor excuse for a school and where my children's education is concerned I feel it is important enough to make a fuss about and try and get the best possible education for them after all we only have one chance at it!

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I am reading about Burapa for long time. I think I would like say that I think school is good for my children. I have son and daughter go Burapa. My children are learning Thai and English and I must teach them Korean also. They are happy with school and have many friends. They never complain with food and I have never seen any bad things. I have children there 2 year now. I read all post about complains and I think is always same 6-7 people complaining often. And is always farang complain. How many children school have? 500? 550? So maybe is 1-2 % complaining.

I would like if you list all name people complain as I only see same people all time complain. If school so bad then take children away. I see same post all time from same farang..........man who take children away to reps school. I think you must cut/paste same from document because you say same thing all time. I think maybe you have personal problem with school.

I see school have new science room and I see teacher with microscopes and many experiments. I think it is good but you complain school not have science. Libary is small but it have many computor and books. Sport maybe could be bigger but my son still play football ok and exercise. For poster who say he have HIGHER STANDARD than others. I happy you leave. You SUPERIOR farang who think only you is above all everyone. Next time you complain just cut /paste from post 3 month ago. Is same all time and when I read I want fall asleep is so boring.

Edited by Korean
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I am glad you are happy with BEST school but some of us have higher standards than others and for us the standards of the education by non-native English speaking teachers (which were supposed to be Native English speaking), the lack of facilities (not only sports facilities but also other things i.e. science equipment, art room, library etc) the general lack of cleanliness and the unhealthy and awful food that is served to the children for lunch all of which were appalling at BEST school and totally unacceptable to us. We did complain on a number of occasions all of which fell on deaf ears so obviously we moved our children from this school where I have to say both children were very unhappy and not learning very much at all.

The difference at REPS is unbelievable and we now have two happy children who love going to school and are both achieving good results. The classes are much smaller, the facilities and new purpose built building are excellent and the native English speaking teachers great.

You may say that we are all just making it up about BEST school but considering the number of different posters complaining about this school I don't think we can all be wrong and I can tell you I am writing from personal first hand experience at this school whether you choose to believe it or not.

I consider myself to be a very tolerant person but BEST school is a very poor excuse for a school and where my children's education is concerned I feel it is important enough to make a fuss about and try and get the best possible education for them after all we only have one chance at it!

Exactly! So why educate them in a third world country? :o

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If my posts are boring and repetitive why bother reading them and replying to them?

I think that people usually post on here when they feel they have something to contribute to the topic if you don't have anything to say other than slandering and calling other posters liars then don't bother.

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My children are learning English and Maths with Mr David and Mr Steve at BEST. They seem very English to me!

I don't know what you are meaning with higher level of Education. The only way to judge education is to compare with other schools and other countries. What I can say is that my children can switch easily from English to Thai and French. I am not a teacher but I have an Engineering Degree so as far as I can compare with my own studies (some time ago) the level seems correct but certainly not superior. Again superior to what? REPS, St Andrews, The Regent... a school in England, France?

My children are happy to go to this school, don't complain about the food or anything else. If some people aren't satisfied with the school they can change. It doesn't mean that the school is bad. Every year you have parents who move their children from a school to another.

It is funny to see people spending so much time criticizing a school when they could have taken time with their children. I let you deal with your bitterness because I have more important things to do.

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Good morning,

My time is as valuable as yours. I talked to my children about the incident and they said to me that a boy broke his arm last year and he and his brother are still in the school. So may be there are so much children that break their arms at BEST that it is unnoticed from the others.

May be your story is true may be not.

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I read all post about complains and I think is always same 6-7 people complaining often. And is always farang complain. How many children school have? 500? 550? So maybe is 1-2 % complaining.

What statistical nonsense.

Of course it is always farang that complain, this is www.thaivisa.com and TV is not known for the input of the Thai community.

Then the 500? 550? makes 1-2% complaining.

Lets throw another statitic against that:

only 5% of all parents of BEST are looking at www.thaivisa.com. That makes 25? 26? of whom 7 people are complaining which makes 28%.

But even if it was only 1-2%, the complaints are serious and none of these people have any other interest than the children's interest in mind dispite what is insinuated here.

They (just like me) feel that any positive signal about this institution is the wrong signal for new people looking for a good school for their children.

I do think that it is our obligation to tell our very negative experiences to every interested party.

And it not just about the broken arm incident, the liftting of a child by the neck, the hitting of a 6 year old with a ruler, the threat by a teacher of cutting out a girls liver and eating it while showing a knife in a classroom of 6 year olds, the bad food (and it is bad at the new building), the lack of proper gym facilities etc etc.

It is also about revising papers made by the teaching staff full with mistakes, about my son getting all English subjects taught by a badly English speaking Thai teacher over a very long period, about a lot of non-native speaking teachers (all nice people) who are passed off as native English and don't seem old enough to have any teaching experience, about not provided books (that were on the list and were paid for), about teaching materials that aren't in English but in Singaporean American.

I could go on but won't.

None of these "always complaining" parents feels superior, but especially after experiencing REPS and Assumption they do realize that there are very good schools in Thailand, BEST is just not one of them.

But keep on convincing yourselves and good luck over there.

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I read all post about complains and I think is always same 6-7 people complaining often. And is always farang complain. How many children school have? 500? 550? So maybe is 1-2 % complaining.

What statistical nonsense.

Of course it is always farang that complain, this is www.thaivisa.com and TV is not known for the input of the Thai community.

Then the 500? 550? makes 1-2% complaining.

Lets throw another statitic against that:

only 5% of all parents of BEST are looking at www.thaivisa.com. That makes 25? 26? of whom 7 people are complaining which makes 28%.

But even if it was only 1-2%, the complaints are serious and none of these people have any other interest than the children's interest in mind dispite what is insinuated here.

They (just like me) feel that any positive signal about this institution is the wrong signal for new people looking for a good school for their children.

I do think that it is our obligation to tell our very negative experiences to every interested party.

And it not just about the broken arm incident, the liftting of a child by the neck, the hitting of a 6 year old with a ruler, the threat by a teacher of cutting out a girls liver and eating it while showing a knife in a classroom of 6 year olds, the bad food (and it is bad at the new building), the lack of proper gym facilities etc etc.

It is also about revising papers made by the teaching staff full with mistakes, about my son getting all English subjects taught by a badly English speaking Thai teacher over a very long period, about a lot of non-native speaking teachers (all nice people) who are passed off as native English and don't seem old enough to have any teaching experience, about not provided books (that were on the list and were paid for), about teaching materials that aren't in English but in Singaporean American.

I could go on but won't.

None of these "always complaining" parents feels superior, but especially after experiencing REPS and Assumption they do realize that there are very good schools in Thailand, BEST is just not one of them.

But keep on convincing yourselves and good luck over there.

How much is REPS per year ?

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I read all post about complains and I think is always same 6-7 people complaining often. And is always farang complain. How many children school have? 500? 550? So maybe is 1-2 % complaining.

What statistical nonsense.

Of course it is always farang that complain, this is www.thaivisa.com and TV is not known for the input of the Thai community.

Then the 500? 550? makes 1-2% complaining.

Lets throw another statitic against that:

only 5% of all parents of BEST are looking at www.thaivisa.com. That makes 25? 26? of whom 7 people are complaining which makes 28%.

But even if it was only 1-2%, the complaints are serious and none of these people have any other interest than the children's interest in mind dispite what is insinuated here.

They (just like me) feel that any positive signal about this institution is the wrong signal for new people looking for a good school for their children.

I do think that it is our obligation to tell our very negative experiences to every interested party.

And it not just about the broken arm incident, the liftting of a child by the neck, the hitting of a 6 year old with a ruler, the threat by a teacher of cutting out a girls liver and eating it while showing a knife in a classroom of 6 year olds, the bad food (and it is bad at the new building), the lack of proper gym facilities etc etc.

It is also about revising papers made by the teaching staff full with mistakes, about my son getting all English subjects taught by a badly English speaking Thai teacher over a very long period, about a lot of non-native speaking teachers (all nice people) who are passed off as native English and don't seem old enough to have any teaching experience, about not provided books (that were on the list and were paid for), about teaching materials that aren't in English but in Singaporean American.

I could go on but won't.

None of these "always complaining" parents feels superior, but especially after experiencing REPS and Assumption they do realize that there are very good schools in Thailand, BEST is just not one of them.

But keep on convincing yourselves and good luck over there.

How much is REPS per year ?

THB 40.500 per term.

This includes books, very nice food (10.00/12.00/15.00), once a week swimming in a large swimming pool.

They didn't charge a registration fee when my kids went there and the second child gets a 10% discount.

If you have more questions, you can always pm me.

Edited by ErikD
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I am reading about Burapa for long time. I think I would like say that I think school is good for my children. I have son and daughter go Burapa. My children are learning Thai and English and I must teach them Korean also. They are happy with school and have many friends. They never complain with food and I have never seen any bad things. I have children there 2 year now. I read all post about complains and I think is always same 6-7 people complaining often. And is always farang complain. How many children school have? 500? 550? So maybe is 1-2 % complaining.

I would like if you list all name people complain as I only see same people all time complain. If school so bad then take children away. I see same post all time from same farang..........man who take children away to reps school. I think you must cut/paste same from document because you say same thing all time. I think maybe you have personal problem with school.

I see school have new science room and I see teacher with microscopes and many experiments. I think it is good but you complain school not have science. Libary is small but it have many computor and books. Sport maybe could be bigger but my son still play football ok and exercise. For poster who say he have HIGHER STANDARD than others. I happy you leave. You SUPERIOR farang who think only you is above all everyone. Next time you complain just cut /paste from post 3 month ago. Is same all time and when I read I want fall asleep is so boring.

Approximately 1000. It's a very successful school.

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You can't just pull figures from the air and call them "statistics". Statistics is about collecting and interpreting quantitative data. Only then can you estimate parameters...or whatever.

I have absolutely no reason to disbelieve the unfortunate experiences that some parents have had with BEST school and if blame should be laid for these incidents then, by all means, lay it firmly on the Principal of the school.

But, please listen to others, including myself, who have nothing but praise for the school, its staff and the standard of the education, training and coaching that the children receive.

My daughter has attended BEST school for three years. She is bright, she is polite and she is well-behaved. Yes, I know that these merits could apply to her wherever she is being educated and I know that there are better schools in Thailand but, please, accept my opinion without the usual "You're wrong, so wrong" or the "Better she be educated as far away from BEST as possible" comments from a few parents who have subscribed to this topic and previous topics about BEST.

My wife and I, and the many other parents who we have met through this school and its activities, are satisfied with what the school provides and the standards that go with it........SATISFIED, did you get that? Our daughter, her friends and other children whom we have met are happy at the school and the bilingual curriculum does work. These children are eager to defend their school and their teachers against the disapprovals and criticisms that now appear far too frequently on this Forum. They are happy with the atmosphere at the school; they say that the classroom discipline is fair and that the teachers really do care about the education and the welfare of the children they teach.

So, I'll say once again, I do not intend to demean whatever unfortunate experiences that some parents have had with BEST but, if these experiences have caused resentment and dissatisfaction with this school and you feel that you have good reason to look elsewhere, then please, please, take out you children and put them somewhere else and stop knocking BEST.

It's true that we don't hear similar complaints about Satit or Wutichot or the other schools in the town. Maybe because, using the dubious logic (in the name of "statistics") that a previous poster has used, there are even less parents from these schools using ThaiVisa. That doesn't surprise me as they are predominantly Thai.

Do what you think is best (no pun intended) and move on. Leave BEST to those many hundreds of parents and their children who have nothing but praise for the school. Thank you..... and you know who.

And, for those subscribers, who seem keen to slate the school subjectively and from 'afar', or without knowing the issues, move on to another topic. How about yet another "Bangkok Pattaya Hospital - Revisited" topic? That's always been a great target for the bashers of this Forum!! :o

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I find it amusing that users who registered yesterday suddenly all come to the defense of a school. Suspect if nothing else!

Two users registered yesterday, one of then the original poster. Subscribers do have to register sometime, we're not born as subscribers to ThaiVisa!

Please Sir, how can this be suspect? I would like very much to understand your logic relating to this being "suspect". Thank you in anticipation.

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I find it amusing that users who registered yesterday suddenly all come to the defense of a school. Suspect if nothing else!

Absolutely, and then have the cheek to call long time posters (on various topics) liars and time wasters because they express a view they do not want to hear! Very suspect to me as well. :o

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I find it amusing that users who registered yesterday suddenly all come to the defense of a school. Suspect if nothing else!

Absolutely, and then have the cheek to call long time posters (on various topics) liars and time wasters because they express a view they do not want to hear! Very suspect to me as well. :o

What do you mean by a "long time poster"? Do you mean the number of postings (completely irrelevant) or the date of joining (totally irrelevant also)? Shit!!! Some people, such as yourself, are so smug, it makes me want to puke. :D For <deleted>'s sake, get real man.

It's about time that all of you people realise that everything that you post is entirely subjective. All of us, whether new to ThaiVisa or not, have an opinion, gleaned from personal experience or merely hearsay..... please accept that. ThaiVisa and its motley subscribers are NOT the oracle and, certainly, some subscribers are not the "knowalls" of this world. Thank you.

Edited by Taijitu
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Calm down guys. If we can't cut out the flaming then this thread will be closed as well.

Hi sbk,

That's the best thing that can happen. Please close this thread and let ThaiVisa concentrate on those issues that are undistorted by emotion or personal bias. Thank you sbk.

BTW...you're up late tonight.

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It is (or isn't) surprising the lengths some institutions will go to to cover up their mistakes....still........this is symptomatic of a country with no good civil law or trade descriptions law.

THe truth is the school should be sued or put their hands up and clear the air....but instead it looks like they're engaging in a rather primitive damage restriction campaign that will in the end only make matters worse.

Who would want to take a job teaching there now?

Who would send their kids there after reading this post...this will permeate the expat community as gossip and can only be detrimental to the school.

In the end they will have to face up to their responsibilities and clear the air.

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Calm down guys. If we can't cut out the flaming then this thread will be closed as well.

I think that having the thread closed is exactly what these people are after there are only two posters who's main intention is flaming others why can't you remove them? Many of their posts are off topic and offensive to others.

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It is (or isn't) surprising the lengths some institutions will go to to cover up their mistakes....still........this is symptomatic of a country with no good civil law or trade descriptions law.

THe truth is the school should be sued or put their hands up and clear the air....but instead it looks like they're engaging in a rather primitive damage restriction campaign that will in the end only make matters worse.

Who would want to take a job teaching there now?

Who would send their kids there after reading this post...this will permeate the expat community as gossip and can only be detrimental to the school.

In the end they will have to face up to their responsibilities and clear the air.

Well said wilko, I absolutely agree BEST school should admit to their mistakes and take steps to improve things instead of trying to pretend these issues don't exist and trying to tell us that everything is wonderful there. Ignoring the problems will not make them go away!

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I think closing this thread was probably a main objective by those latter day registrants.

REPS is in Rayong, isn't it? Isn't that a bit far from Pattaya?

Pattaya too far from Rayong? Nope - I have a daughter that goes to school in Rayong, and I drive her from Pattaya every day. It's actually a quite relaxing & scenic drive :o

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I also have a child at BEST, she is quite happy in Kindergarten and I think the staff are all OK, but I do have some serious misgivings about the new building over the road, I often stand and watch after I drop my daughter off and the way the children are treated and humiliated seems to be frightening, the other day about 4 or 5 small children were made to stand with heavy bags above their heads, in front of the whole school, the children were quite clearly in considerable discomfort, apparently their crime was being late for assembly.

I would recommend all the parents of children in that building to go and watch sometimes, it's quite revealing how badly they treat and speak to the children.

Driving to and back from Rayong 4 times a day does sound rather tedius, don't they have a school bus that picks up in Pattaya.

The poster about here being the Third World etc, was actually spot-on, but i have a few more years to decide about my daughters schooling, and US, Europe, Singapore, Australia options etc etc

I do not offend or criticize others for opinions, lets all conduct ourselves with restaint and dignity on here, makes for better discussions also.

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I think closing this thread was probably a main objective by those latter day registrants.

REPS is in Rayong, isn't it? Isn't that a bit far from Pattaya?

Pattaya too far from Rayong? Nope - I have a daughter that goes to school in Rayong, and I drive her from Pattaya every day. It's actually a quite relaxing & scenic drive :o

I agree, we drive our children to REPS at Ban Chang every day and it is a much easier and nicer drive than driving down Sukhumvit every day (and safer), it might take a little longer but to us it is well worth the extra effort!

And REPS do have a school bus that picks up in Pattaya and Jomtien areas but I am not sure about how much or how long it takes.

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