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Warning Of The Apple / Mac Reseller In Bigc (north)


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Hi every body,

I just want to warn you of the apple shop in BigC-North. If you ever will buy something there, be very carefully - they like to cheat you!!!

I'm not the only one now who was cheated by the owner of the shop. He try to sell computer and he will do anything that knowless farang will buy one. He tells you every thing what you like to hear - VAT-refund - cheaper price --- at the end no VAT-refund and he sold the computer about 3000 baht more expensive. Because of my paid deposit I had to pay the new price.

I was an tingtong that I bought the computer there - I didn't know that in the past another farang already fight with him until the police came.

If you ever will buy some computer-stuff than go to another apple shop or go to BKK PanTip - there you will get also VAT-refund and a good service for sure! I checked out already - but too late for me :o !

So be very carefully!!

If you have any ideas what I else can do against this shop - please tell me! I will be thankful for any help!


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I added / Mac to the topic title to be more precise that this post is computer related instead of Fruit's related.

um, caveat emptor?

you really havent done a good job of explainining exactly how this particular vendor is at fault.

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Not really sure what your beef with this seller is???

I assume you chose a computer, agreed on a price, and then bought it. Then you say you paid B3000 more or something. Didn't he charge you what you agreed? If not, why not just decline the purchase. Is the B 3000 charge related to the VAT you thought you were going to get refunded and didn't?

Electronics/computers are generally no bargain in Thailand so generally not the best place to buy such items unless you don't have another choice. If you are a genuine tourist, you should have been able to get the VAT refund receipts and documentation. If not, then you are not entitled to it if you live in Thailand.

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Not really sure what your beef with this seller is???

I assume you chose a computer, agreed on a price, and then bought it.


Then you say you paid B3000 more or something. Didn't he charge you what you agreed? If not, why not just decline the purchase. Is the B 3000 charge related to the VAT you thought you were going to get refunded and didn't?

Paid Deposit (50% of the price). Waited for Computer - got call: Computer now more expensive because he get from another country / blablabla / cannot sell like he promised / Last question: I want to buy now or not?

• My thinking: ok, more cheap as in europe + VATrefund = ok, I will take it. / one week later at the shop: get computer, I pay the rest - ask again for VATrefund: Yes, no problem, he just need my passport.

• My fault now, Passport in Hotel, I will come tomorrow again. - Ok.

• Next day, VATrefund? Sorry Sir, in this shop not possible.

• Why not? We are not registerted and we don't have sign for VARrefund on shop. So, you cannot get!

• After some blablabla - We are on the way to make registration but it need around 5 years to do it. Goverment very slowly to do that blablabla

Electronics/computers are generally no bargain in Thailand so generally not the best place to buy such items unless you don't have another choice. If you are a genuine tourist, you should have been able to get the VAT refund receipts and documentation. If not, then you are not entitled to it if you live in Thailand.

I'm Tourist! I bought ipod and other stuff already in PanTip - VATrefund? No problem to get one!

What ever!

• blablabla again, after some time he tried to show me how important he is in Pattaya and what kind of good person he is ...blablabla...I can write to the touristboard, to Apple and call the police - he don't care but if I don't stop to complain now...- he has power to let me send to prison if I come back to his shop again. I should be carefully. He fight already with farang and the farang was sent to prison. Better you go.

Some time later I saw an older guy with the same problem!

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Not really sure what your beef with this seller is???

I assume you chose a computer, agreed on a price, and then bought it.


Then you say you paid B3000 more or something. Didn't he charge you what you agreed? If not, why not just decline the purchase. Is the B 3000 charge related to the VAT you thought you were going to get refunded and didn't?

Paid Deposit (50% of the price). Waited for Computer - got call: Computer now more expensive because he get from another country / blablabla / cannot sell like he promised / Last question: I want to buy now or not?

• My thinking: ok, more cheap as in europe + VATrefund = ok, I will take it. / one week later at the shop: get computer, I pay the rest - ask again for VATrefund: Yes, no problem, he just need my passport.

• My fault now, Passport in Hotel, I will come tomorrow again. - Ok.

• Next day, VATrefund? Sorry Sir, in this shop not possible.

• Why not? We are not registerted and we don't have sign for VARrefund on shop. So, you cannot get!

• After some blablabla - We are on the way to make registration but it need around 5 years to do it. Goverment very slowly to do that blablabla

Electronics/computers are generally no bargain in Thailand so generally not the best place to buy such items unless you don't have another choice. If you are a genuine tourist, you should have been able to get the VAT refund receipts and documentation. If not, then you are not entitled to it if you live in Thailand.

I'm Tourist! I bought ipod and other stuff already in PanTip - VATrefund? No problem to get one!

What ever!

• blablabla again, after some time he tried to show me how important he is in Pattaya and what kind of good person he is ...blablabla...I can write to the touristboard, to Apple and call the police - he don't care but if I don't stop to complain now...- he has power to let me send to prison if I come back to his shop again. I should be carefully. He fight already with farang and the farang was sent to prison. Better you go.

Some time later I saw an older guy with the same problem!

Well now you know better 4 next time so stop moaning!

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Well, now that you have added more details, it does appear that you got the short end of the stick and that your warning to others about this shop is warranted. obviously a dishonest dealer and you might even want to report him and his shop to the Apple reps in Thailand.

Unfortunately, it is such treatment of innocent unknowing tourist like yourself that sometimes gives shopping in Thailand a bad name. You are certanily not the first and will not be the last to get such dishonest treatment by the hands of some merchants in the Kingdom.

I am not sure if the VAT refund paperwork the shop provides is absolutely necessary to get the refund at the airport or just helps expidite the process. If you have the receipts from the shop, you might try to get it anyway at the airport.

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Look on the bright side - You've bought a fabulous machine, perhaps a tad more expensive than you thought at the onset, but at least you haven't bought a Windoze PC.

You'll come to appreciate that more and more as time goes by.

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honestly, since now I never had bad experiences with shopping in Thailand. I bought a lot of stuff and I was most of the time satisfied with the seller and of cause with the product.

I like shopping in Thailand and of cause I know about bad sellers too, but in this case I didn't expect it because it's an Apple Reseller and I just saw the product (my tingtong-mistake). I mean, if there is a small PC-Shop (nothing against PC's) with giving perhaps trouble to customer - than I would say: Shit can happen! But with big names like Dell or Apple, this normally shouldn't happen in their name - even when it's just an reseller!

Well, I will contact the older man and I will tell me to try to get the refund at the airport without the VAT-refund-docs.

Let's see, I will tell you if he fly home.

But for all now who want to laugh more:

The older guy with the same problem like me, he found out that the owner is also a member of the MINISTRY OF TOURISM & SPORTS OFFICE OF TOURISM DEVELOPMENT - that's why he has a so a high nose as he spoke really hard with us and also with the other one. Now I can understand why he is feeling so safe against other authorities.

"I don't care about what you will tell Apple, the Police or the Tourist Assistance. Every body in Pattaya knows me and respect me. I have the power to let you go to prison!"

He almost tell the same thing to the other guy like to me. So, if you ever will meet him. show him respect! :D

I really like to know what the ministry in Thailand would do if they will know that?

Not registered (I still not sure what it means - safe Tax if he don't do?) in Thailand (VAT-refund) and still selling the products and cheating the Tourists?

You think it's worth to tell them or should I just be happy about my product (and I'm happy with it). Somehow I think I should give him troubles (if I really can) because I hate that he feel so safe and let other Tourist step in the same Sh.. like me?!?!?!

Hmmmmm, give me hints what I should do (tell the newspapers, the ministry, the Tourist-Police)?!?!

What ever, greetings from Europe!

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Look on the bright side - You've bought a fabulous machine, perhaps a tad more expensive than you thought at the onset, but at least you haven't bought a Windoze PC.

You'll come to appreciate that more and more as time goes by.

Excellent, now the OP bought an already overpriced computer (Apple) and has been ripped VAT refund and that's fine for you ?

I guess you're kidding. :o

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Paid Deposit (50% of the price). Waited for Computer - got call: Computer now more expensive because he get from another country / blablabla / cannot sell like he promised / Last question: I want to buy now or not?

Was he offering the deposit back at this time?

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Paid Deposit (50% of the price). Waited for Computer - got call: Computer now more expensive because he get from another country / blablabla / cannot sell like he promised / Last question: I want to buy now or not?

Was he offering the deposit back at this time?

On the phone (one of his stuff) asked me if I want money back or the computer - I took computer.

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  • 1 year later...

I would, also, warn everyone about the Apple reseller in Udon Thani - I Beat (in the Charoenronsi [sp] Complex).

I went there tonight to collect Harman Kardon Soundsticks 11 (two) - don't know how to post Roman numerals) speaker system, for my laptop, that was a present from my girlfriend (8,000 Baht).

The story, is weird!

She ordered from the Thai distributor, in Bangkok, transferred the cash (Tuesday 10th) and was told that it would take five days for delivery, not unreasonable, for delivery to Nongbualamphu.

Today, though, she received a call from I Beat, in Udon, saying that the speakers had arrived and were available for collection.

So, after receiving the call, from her, I went to I Beat.

What a <deleted> joke!!

After hanging around for 1 hour 5 minutes, whilst they authenticated the payment etc., etc., etc it transpired that they had taken it upon themselves to order the speakers, following her asking if they had them in stock.

When they said no, she ordered from Bangkok.

So, they accepted that the speakers had been ordered, accepted that they had been paid for BUT did not attempt to explain that THEY had "screwed up" by assuming an order.


Tomorrow, I want back the 250 Baht they used on MY phone (talking to my G/F) and the 60 Baht I paid to my Tuk Tuk driver to wait, thinking it would be 5 minutes - NOT over an hour, because of THEIR stupidity!

I will get it!


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The shop probably isn't a registered company and not able to charge VAT, no VAT No etc.

Just hope he didn't charge you VAT. In which case there would also be no need to get e refund! cos you didn't pay any Lol

Happens a lot in Thailand.

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The shop probably isn't a registered company and not able to charge VAT, no VAT No etc.

Just hope he didn't charge you VAT. In which case there would also be no need to get e refund! cos you didn't pay any Lol

Happens a lot in Thailand.

Sorry mate.

Must be me being thick - but what does Vat have to do with the price of fish?

In the context of this situation, I reckon, it's irrelevant!

I, genuinely, would thank you for the response, but I don't understand it.



I now see that you were replying to an earlier post.

Khor Thot!


Edited by Yaaklenmai
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Look on the bright side - You've bought a fabulous machine, perhaps a tad more expensive than you thought at the onset, but at least you haven't bought a Windoze PC.

You'll come to appreciate that more and more as time goes by.

The funny thing is the very same Apple shop in Big-C use a Windoze PC for their POS system (cash register). Seems you need one to do "real" business ... :o

Edited by Phil Conners
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I would, also, warn everyone about the Apple reseller in Udon Thani - I Beat (in the Charoenronsi [sp] Complex).

I went there tonight to collect Harman Kardon Soundsticks 11 (two) - don't know how to post Roman numerals) speaker system, for my laptop, that was a present from my girlfriend (8,000 Baht).

The story, is weird!

She ordered from the Thai distributor, in Bangkok, transferred the cash (Tuesday 10th) and was told that it would take five days for delivery, not unreasonable, for delivery to Nongbualamphu.

Today, though, she received a call from I Beat, in Udon, saying that the speakers had arrived and were available for collection.

So, after receiving the call, from her, I went to I Beat.

What a <deleted> joke!!

After hanging around for 1 hour 5 minutes, whilst they authenticated the payment etc., etc., etc it transpired that they had taken it upon themselves to order the speakers, following her asking if they had them in stock.

When they said no, she ordered from Bangkok.

So, they accepted that the speakers had been ordered, accepted that they had been paid for BUT did not attempt to explain that THEY had "screwed up" by assuming an order.


Tomorrow, I want back the 250 Baht they used on MY phone (talking to my G/F) and the 60 Baht I paid to my Tuk Tuk driver to wait, thinking it would be 5 minutes - NOT over an hour, because of THEIR stupidity!

I will get it!


Probably a good Idea to change your Mobile Phone Card too, or look for a special offer from your provider. You pay way to much for your calls.

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I went there tonight to collect Harman Kardon Soundsticks 11 (two) - don't know how to post Roman numerals)

Roman Numerals CI (101)

One - I

Two - II

Three - III

Four - IV

Five - V

Six - VI

Seven - VII

Eight - VIII

Nine - IX

Ten - X

You are welcome :o

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For those who are interested and not for the knobs who only have smart arse replies and make TV a place for wingers ....i'm sure there's a ''i was ripped off and paid 10 baht for a baht bus'' section somewhere.

This same shop tried it on with me too. I required a charger for my i-pod and the guy there only had the multi pack (car,wall,USB). I was travelling the following day and paid the 1000bht. Once i reached my destination and tried to charge i then found out it does not work. I maybe should have taken my i-pod to the shop with me.

I went to the shop on my return (with my Thai wife) and explained the situation to the guy this time complete with the i-pod. The normal reply was given after he tried with no success to charge it ''we give you credit to buy something else''. This time they had the proper Apple charger in the shop but i had already bought one in Oz and didn't want credit. The guy was a no brainer and we started to deal with a woman who sort of acted like the boss/owner. She gave the same reply in regards to ''credit''. After a wee argument about selling a charger that didn't charge atc atc and 30mins later she gave in and returned the money i had originally paid. I think the only way she returned the cash was because there was a few other customers waiting to be served and i would not let her serve them until i was finished.

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Another option is the online official Apple Store, the company store. At least good for comparison shopping...but they also offer free shipping. I think it's connected to the Apple site in Singapore, but it is considered a Thai store. It's http://store.apple.com/th BTW, Apple is up to 10% of all sales now as more PC people become enlightened. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for sharing your experience.

There is no trading standards in the country. So foreigners reply on reports like this. Farrangs are "Jai Ron" so we're always wrong in their eyes. Its OK for them to cheat but you must not complain under any circumstances.

Bought my Mac in iStudio Paragon. No problems so far. I did pay slightly over the odds but I'm happy with it.

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Well, now that you have added more details, it does appear that you got the short end of the stick and that your warning to others about this shop is warranted. obviously a dishonest dealer and you might even want to report him and his shop to the Apple reps in Thailand.

That's the thing you should do! And thanks for the warn!

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  • 10 months later...

I went to a shop in Tukom last week to buy TWO new Acer notebooks. I've already paid for one from the same store, by credit card. No problem.

This time when I went back, she told me the price, I agreed and told her I would again pay by credit card, which she then told me a price and I agreed. Then she told me to just go to the ATM and pay cash. I had to explain to her this was for business and I needed it on the credit card, which at that point she said, "go buy another shop." I was amazed. This nim-whit let 2 notebooks not get sold becuase she wanted cash instead, even though I agreed to pay the extra 3%.

I went to another store, bought them with my card, along with a few other things I needed, went back to her and showed her what she missed, with a smile, and she turned her head and looked the other way.

Honestly, what is wrong with some of these people? Is a straight forward or honest business too much to ask for? In this situation, I am a repeat customer, many times, and she lost out on a large sale over wanting cash instead.

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