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Towards the end I couldn't help but laugh.. It gets so ridiculous that it's almost funny.

"Prostutution is illegal here, yet there are more brothels than schools in Thailand." (probably true actually, though not sure what that has to do with anything and especially not this topic.. )

"From the madness of Bangkok we drove South for two hours, to the legendary beach resort of Pattaya: Paradise for Pedophiles. Sex tourism ripples through this town, hundreds and hundreds of brothels. And just as many seedy hotels and guesthouses, where you can rape children."

I also enjoyed these, erm, journalists, making themselves sound like real heroes, when they say:

"So how much is it to buy a child.. Dangerous questions that could obviously get a television crew killed! So my camera man and I went under cover with a hidden camera for two weeks. Nana Plaza is the circus in the center of the city, three levels high, dozens of brothels. Inside, underages girls are numbered like cattle."


There is probaly more brothels in Australia then there is schools also. There is always 2 or 3 in each suburb here and hundreds in the city.


What is the "special" and why is it worth 5000 baht? This was a laughable piece. The most shocking part, the reporter was able to get a room at a hotel, the last room. Shocking!

My guess is that it was ratings week in Canada. Lurid sex always brings them in. If it bleeds, or sleazes, it leads.


That’s what I was thinking Jingthing! Good on them for passing this awful news, In Pattaya you can stay in a guesthouse, OMG!!!

Is there no laws to prevent news agencies spouting complete and utter lies.


Nana Plaza is the epicenter of SE Asia for sex slaves and child prostitutes?

I must have been in there hundreds of times. Pretty sure there are no kids selling their bodies in there.

The girls I've known are all volunteers and well over legal age. They seem to enjoy the partying, sex, money etc...

........and those two little boys, bargaining with that fat guy for 1000thb.

They were probably selling him a statue or seafood or a city tour ....their sister or somthing.

I don't think they were boy prostitutes.

Somthings terribly wrong with this report. In fact almost all of it is completely fabricated and false.


I just feel sad for the state of journalism in Western countries. Here's some background on the reporter who did the item:


Rumina Daya

Reporter, Global BC

Rumina Daya is an award winning journalist who has covered stories all over the world, including the war in Afghanistan and the Tsunami in Sri Lanka, for which she won an RTNDA (Radio-Television News Directors Association) award. Originally from Calgary, she graduated with a Communications degree with a major in journalism at Mount Royal College. Rumina's first job as a reporter was in Guadalajara, Mexico, where she was a writer and photographer for the Colony Reporter newspaper in 1998. She then moved on to broadcast journalism, joining CTV Saskatoon as a reporter and late night news anchor before moving on to Global Edmonton, and then Global BC in 2004 as a reporter. From immigration and criminal injustices to adoption nightmares, Rumina is most passionate about helping people conquer David and Goliath battles.


And that's an 'award winning journalist'... (Though they didn't say what the award was for. Nicest rack on TV news perhaps. :o )


There is a bright side here. Now the whores and pimps and johns of Thailand can know in their hearts there are people sleazier than they are ... Canadian journalists.

Anybody know her e-mail? She doesnt deserve any awards, nothing better than a pig faced liar in my opinion.

Now now, wait, I didn't post this just to bring out the tar & feathers. You may find that part 2 especially is a lot better, as is part 3. (Though part 3 also suffers from having video footage of tourist bars behind a voice-over reporting on child sex; this is probably the editor's wrongdoing.. Often with these topic the main problem is the images being out of sync with the topic matter being reported on.

But with Part 1 being so ridiculous, it becomes very hard to take parts 2 and 3 serious, which is actually a shame because ultimately there are real issues there.

This reporter is doing actual harm to the real problems with such frivolous reporting in the first part. I begin to wonder what the people who were interviewed thought of the final product..


I really can't beleive what some people will lower themselves to in order to make a fast buck or get a high view count or whatever. These people should be ashamed of themselves for signing their names to something as false as this.


What a totally sensantionalist seeking programme.

Yes, it must have been ratings week.

Most irresponsible of television company, watch and see all the new tourists from Canada increase.

That vid, just a plain ad for sex tourism.

I could not believe the crap that woman painting Thai children as being, she needs banning on television.

Shows how sleazy Canadian Television has become.

I love Thailand and stay off the beaten track, usually Chalong.

There are bars there, but I never see "young girls", or katoeys, pushing their wares.

Guess they are there sumplace.

I stayed one day, 8 hours or so in Pattaya, enuff. Patong is getting as bad.

I know it is mainly men who are coming, but there are women too.

Reason I left my hotel in Patong, made me sick watching a couple of middle aged women bring young boys and girls back to their room.

This hotel staff should have NOT allowed it to happen. Guess the "ladies?" would get what they wanted elsewhere, so the Baht was uppermost for hotel.

That was 4 years ago.

I come to Phuket, 2 - 3 times a year to visit family. My nephew has a dive business there of 20 years standing.

......and those two little boys, bargaining with that fat guy for 1000thb. They were probably selling him a statue or seafood or a city tour ....their sister or somthing. I don't think they were boy prostitutes.

What was suspicious about that item is that after this negotiation, they claim to have lost them in the crowd going OUT of the hotel.. If they just agreed on sex you'd think they'd be going the other way. It's very lame no matter what, asking viewers to report child sex offenders but then not being able to report this guy and allow those boys to be abused.. Oh they lost them in the crowd.. Please..

I wonder if the scene wasn't completely artificial, I mean to get the audio that clear as well..

......and those two little boys, bargaining with that fat guy for 1000thb. They were probably selling him a statue or seafood or a city tour ....their sister or somthing. I don't think they were boy prostitutes.

What was suspicious about that item is that after this negotiation, they claim to have lost them in the crowd going OUT of the hotel.. If they just agreed on sex you'd think they'd be going the other way. It's very lame no matter what, asking viewers to report child sex offenders but then not being able to report this guy and allow those boys to be abused.. Oh they lost them in the crowd.. Please..

I wonder if the scene wasn't completely artificial, I mean to get the audio that clear as well..

Yeap I agree, that did look like it was made up, I mean asif that guy would just let them film him, it wasnt a zoom because the audio was good and they must of been very close ??? They must think we were born yesterday.

I bet they paid the 2 boys 1000 baht to do that poor acting


we all know that the reality is different, but the fact of the matter is Thailand does have a reputation, whether it is deserved or not. This will always affect perceptions. Change the perception, and you don't get these types of reports.

I live and work here for instance, I think Thailand is a great place to do business. But because that I do live and work here, it no doubt affects the perceptions of my clients, which we continually have to work against.

I've played around with the idea of running for BKK governor (hey, why not!). You know the first thing I'd do if I'd won (in my dreams)? I'd organise interviews with every tabloid in the UK, Germany, Russia, Australia, Canada and the US (just for starters). I'd tell them in the interview that fat arse yob sex tourists weren't welcome here. I'd do TV pieces showing me shutting down a (farang) brothel (due to some made up technical town planning voilation).

And then I'd repeat, again and again and again and again. Eventually, the messeage will start disseminating. The ultimate aim, of drying up supply.

Then, and only then, can you work on building up BKK's other attributes, which there are many, but get drowned out by the immages you see on the tabloid TV.

And before you guys accuse me of hypocracy for not doing anything about closing down the Thai brothels, I say that you are right. But, hey, I'm pragmatic. The Thai brothels aren't acontibuting the the image problem. I also value my life, so the mafia can keep the lions share of the business with the Thai knock shops. And they can make some legit money on the land they own on the current Nana's of the world.

Now I'll wake up :o


I knew it would be bad from what I was reading but DAAAAAANG that was absolutely ridiculous. THEY USED VOICE ACTORS TO REPRESENT PEOPLE SUPPOSEDLY CAUGHT ON HIDDEN CAMERA. Besides the immorality of such an act isnt it totally illegal to falsely represent like that?



If someone has done the research could someone please post the name and email of the reporter's boss and the boss of the boss. Has anyone forwarded this potentially explosive video to the ministries that would be appropriately outraged and the TAT? Did someone send this to the Post and The Nation?

Thanks. If no one has done it I will do it tomorrow.


There have been some irresponsible pieces written about that side of life in Thailand, but for sure, this is the worst I have seen.

What I found grating was the way they kept saying they had spent 2 weeks in Thailand - and clearly they found out nothing and simply recited a load of bullsxxt.

Honestly, the people behind this report should be sacked - and even that would be being kind!

Even the posting title is misleading...this is NOt how Thailand is portrayed...

Sorry you didn't like the title.. I didn't want to make it something overly provocative and cheesy, as the item itself is provocative enough by itself. In the end it's a portrayal of Thailand to a Canadian audience though.

And yes, from all three parts it's very clear this is an actual news report item, not something a desperate NGO cooked up.


The idiot who posted this video has now disabled/deleted comments. The idiot in the profile claims that Thailand is home to 200,000 prostitutes under the age of 12!

In fact, the idiot earlier banned me personally from posting anymore comments after i posted 2! Guess the guy didn't like any verbal attacks against this pathetic video! Nevermind folk can lambast the program on other vids of his to pish him off.

Someone should upload a 'Video Response' for sure.

Even the posting title is misleading...this is NOt how Thailand is portrayed...

Sorry you didn't like the title.. I didn't want to make it something overly provocative and cheesy, as the item itself is provocative enough by itself. In the end it's a portrayal of Thailand to a Canadian audience though.

And yes, from all three parts it's very clear this is an actual news report item, not something a desperate NGO cooked up.

Factually correct or incorrect, if it scares one paedophile from coming to this country, it is collateral damage. :D

As long as the sex industry is as big as it it in Thailand these types of reports will happen from time to time. :D

There was another thread about Thailand and wives recently and the stereotypical questions that it brings. Hmmmm, I wonder why? :o

I believe there is a rather large organisation called the Thai Tourism Authority who is supposed to promote the country. I wonder if any of them will have the balls to go on TV and defend anything that was stated in this report. Any takers?


Your joking, that report is not going to scare anyone. It is more likely to atract another 100 who have just watched it and discourage 100's more real tourists.

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