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Mike Ruppert has publically accused Cheney of being the mastermind behind the entire plot. Cheney, as you recall, was secretary of the misnamed Dept. of Defense during the Gulf War and ran the war from the Pentagon.

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Nemesis you still haven't responded to my proof. I've read your rubbish- this is a proven fact why the buildings collapsed!

Structural Engineers have said WTO collapsed due to poor design - not anticipating jumbo jets with a full load of fuel crashing into them.


Anyways I'm bored with this nonsense- I might as well bang my head against a wall then talk sense with conspiracy theorists.

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Waleed Alshehri (Flight 11) (Trained Pilot)

A sixth person on the FBI's list, Saudi national Waleed Alshehri, is living in Casablanca, according to an official with the Royal Air Moroc, the Moroccan commercial airline. According to the unnamed official, Alshehri lived in Dayton Beach, Fla., where he took flight training at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Now he works for a Moroccan airline. On Sept. 22, Associated Press reported that Alshehri had spoken to the U.S. embassy in Morocco.

"His photograph was released by the FBI, and has been shown in newspapers and on television around the world. That same Mr Al-Shehri has turned up in Morocco, proving clearly that he was not a member of the suicide attack. " - Daily Trust 24th September 2001

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Poor designs? That's bullshit. Those engineers you cite were trying to explain why the buildings collapsed before the info about US government involvement was widespread.

Secondly, why did the WTC 7 Bldg collapse?

Answer the question. You're bored with one of the most important events in recent world history that was the start of a 'war that will not end in our lifetimes?"

Go watch TV. May I suggest FoxNews. Its for the dull witted types that are easily bored with facts.

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Does that mean the aforesaid nutters in denial are not causing us non nutters any problems or in fact are we the nutters in denial, and  therefore we are causing the problems?

Thanks for making my point that we are all nutters. :o

Nem by the way you'll always be welcome to post at yahoo.com

We all cherish your memories from ajarn.

pop in and make a post some time.

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looks like my attempt to give this thread a bit more a moderate, non-extremist direction that everyone could participate without flames and personal attacks has failed. let me try to give this final message before i walk off :

- nothing is black or white. it is not a sign of great intelligence to use all your, probably not insignificant, brainpower in the futile attempt trying to make it look that way. goes to both pro-/anti- bush/moore btw.

have fun flaming.


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looks like my attempt to give this thread a bit more a moderate, non-extremist direction that everyone could participate without flames and personal attacks has failed. let me try to give this final message before i walk off :

- nothing is black or white. it is not a sign of great intelligence to use all your, probably not insignificant, brainpower in the futile attempt trying to make it look that way. goes to both pro-/anti- bush/moore btw.

have fun flaming.


Very True! :o

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I watch Sky TV mate- and yes u BORE me! *yawn* Stop reading so much rubbish and think for yourself. It might even be possible for you to still get a proper education. :o

Anyways shant waste my energies any longer- I'm finished with this topic!

Brit, why do you go to the same level all the time?

Think for yourself you say, well why are you going along with the CNN thought process - you are being lead and I really dont think you care to much about this topic anyway - so why flame someone else over their beliefs?

Anyway we all have different views, I dont agree with yours, but that is all there is to be said.

Where there is smoke, there usually is fire. It all comes out in the end, if they let it become public.

It has been proven that the US was "playing war games" on 911 and the game being played was a "mock terrorist attack on civillian buildings" - strange to me that it happened on the same day.......

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read your own history before you acquire airs.

| return the compliment to you ... re read yours!

how america is america now and helped us out then?

nobody helped you at the time?

just remember that some french general helped your ancestors out from the english empire ... this is history!

you have a selective memory or short one :o

if france have chosen to make a law about "this scarf " (your own words), there is a reason, the french republic can't afford islamic people to have any kind of influence on the country's life!

we see this growing, and just want it to stop!

we won't be the slave of any islamic country.

can US say the same? (thinking about oil)

I just said ... most american don't have a critical view or judgement about what they see or hear or watch ... just a part of reality.

I won't talk about this anymore ... it's useless for me to discuss subject that concern the whole world with narrow minded americans, like your warlord!


ps; I wont forget the help that americans, canadians, english, australian, thais,

and all the others who helped europe and died for, to get rid of ah ....

just seems to me that you forgot why america is called america today, and not a province of england ...


I like the way you selectively choose your arguments :D You continue to spit Bush insults at me when I never voted for Bush nor do I support his policies.

If you want to insult Americans that support Bush, then why don't you argue with one who did?

As far as your other points, yes I've read history, and I don't deny anything. Including my own country's faults and horrible policies throughout. But we were not the only ones or the first ones! Seems like the majority of the world has convienently deleted this aspect. This is my complaint.

I'm from New York, and one of the first things we learn about is the Statue of Liberty and where she came from and for what reasons. To be honest with you, I feel really bad about French/American relations today. But we weren't talking about that aspect of history, we were talking about your lumping all Americans into one person (George Bush), and the fact that Europe is not as spotless or morally superior as they like to believe.

What about France in: West Indies, Algeria, Viet Nam, W. Africa? Not so nice, huh? What about Chirac and the European Union? They are pretty much fed up with him and French arrogance. Seems like we Americans are not the only ones. What happened with the UN's Oil for Food corruption story? Seems to have disappeared. How fortunate.

And before you go on about America in Viet Nam, save your typing: the WORLD knows about the U.S. in Viet Nam. It was an ugly, embarrassing, shameful mess, just like the current mess in Iraq. But to me, the French were just as ugly before we got there, with rice hording and mass starvations of the Vietnamese.


"if france have chosen to make a law about "this scarf " (your own words), there is a reason, the french republic can't afford islamic people to have any kind of influence on the country's life! we see this growing, and just want it to stop!

we won't be the slave of any islamic country."

Right Francois, and they are fumbling along with bad policies as well.

"I just said ... most american don't have a critical view or judgement about what they see or hear or watch ... just a part of reality."

Dream on Francois. Your safe little sterotypes about stupid Americans aren't going to help you with me.

If you want to continue this argument, then PM me and I'll be glad to argue with you about America's ugly past and that of France.

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I voted for bush I am glad i did and i will vote for him agian and also every republican on the ticket I am tired of the democrats I don't care if someone calls me stupid or not I have a right to vote this way also I fought for this right in iraq. I hope when the iraqi people get there chance to vote they excercise that right also.

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I do think that you did not really undestand what I was meaning with these words ...

never mind.

my point is (and don't take this personnaly), most of any country's people are living and believe what they think through TV windows or else media ... as americans or french do!

my other point is, this US administration is the worst US ever had.

this war is it's biggest mistake in history.

and as americans, french or where ever from, some outside look can give you a better view, just because of a non-implication in the country's affair... like a step back,

I looked at france when I was in LOS, and my point of view was more critical, and still is.

the fight that france have with islamic people is a real fact, islamic people (radicals), would like to have some more power in places where the laws are hardly enforced ...

they do think that they can do better, it's a part of the reason why all these young girls wear this scarf, it's just a staight opposition to the republic's laws.

they are teached (I should say "brain-washed), islam has to show off to gain some power over those who are not in the same way of thinking, they have twisted the Coran, they probably know it, but nerver mind ... they would like the world to be muslim ...

probably like christians wanted the world to be like them in the middle-age, if not why so many crusades ... muslims are doing their crusades now, and the way they do, is according to the world of now.

now, I don't want to classify all americans in one bag, far from me this kind of idea, just watched foxnews sometime ... and the opinion reflected here seems to be the one of a lot of americans ... "war on terror" is just like a political statement.

keep the US under a kind of paranoia ... is it good for the country, I don't think so, this lead to some laws like the patriot act, and why not further up on the road to full power.

democracy can be easily twisted ... and turn faster that we think into dictatorship.

just take a closer look at what is happening in LOS these days.

france is not doing better, I never said such a thing ...

the president of now, and the goverment of now is fully crap sh1t!

they say, never do!

they promise, never do!

they lie, we have to believe ... f$ck them!

on the other side(political one), it's the same ... what kind of hope can we afford to have?

my point is: we are leaving in a world which is just financial, power interested.

US or europe are nearly the same ... just different ways to do things.

why france did say no to the war in Irak?

1. because the UN said no ...

2. because we do not want more terrorists to attempt bombing on our soil.

then, what do we get?

an ugly face to face with US ... ( I don't feel good about either)

hostages in Irak, and more critics from muslims in our country ...

is it what we wanted? I don't think so!

I say also, Irak war is a real catastrophy, may be not fot the people pumping oil ...

don't you find a bit strange that we have quite no reports about this area, why journalists can't go there?

my other point is, bush is a puppet!

the people behind or with him are driving the country, and he is stupid enough to think that he has the power ... (like a lot of presidents in the world ...)

his language is not even a proper one! (my english is not this good ...but I'm french)

he lies by ignorance ... or with a real bad sens of manipulation ... I'd better think that some people drive him for their own interests ...

here (in france) the arrogance of the president is "I don't give a sh1t about what the world thinks ... we do our way!

don't you think that we (french people, or most of us) aren't tired of the so called "french-exception" ... the entire europe look at us like ET ...

how can we build europe with such a way of thinking ... I could say the same about england ... "they are not the same, they live on a island" ... excuse big enough not to follow the european laws ... still working with S.pounds ... and following some foreign policies opposite to what all the others think ... except may be italy (but it's another story) ...

I do say also, that following US doen't give anyone more rights and easier way in their country ... just look at taksin in LOS ... isn't he a shame for the entire country?

that's all ...

I hope that you understand better what I think about this world situation ...

I'm not a word-fighting guy ...

I'm not anti american ... far from me :o

I just would like that people realize that the world is going on without their consent!

government, and more than this, financial interests are driving the world, and we(poor citizens) have to follow ... it doens't matter who you vote for, they go on, they might just be a bit pleased to see a crowd of people cheering them when they appear in public... it's good for their own ego, never been good for any country!

we live in a strange world ... but we can still be happy someways ... I more worried for the next generation.

what kind of world are we building for them?

do you have kids?

I do, and I worry ...



ps; yes france did a lot of mistake in the past ...

I'll never say we were right ... if only we could have said YES to vietnam at the time ...

no war! ... but ..it's history, and not our best part.

algeria ... we still pay for this.

this will be my last post in this thread!

I do believe that this belongs to bearpit ... and I never been there ... I don't like political issues discussed by angry people with twisted facts and oriented views!

Edited by francois
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Mr Francois read this and the US is the devil huh??

Voice from a Thai girl

United States



Full List of Diary


Date: 16 September 2001

Sawasdee Kha,

I got a forwarded email from friend about the comments made by Gordon Sinclair, the “most respected” Canadian television commentator:

"This Canadian thinks it is time to speak up for the Americans as the most generous and possibly the least appreciated people on all the earth.

Germany, Japan and, to a lesser extent, Britain and Italy were lifted out of the debris of war by the Americans who poured in billions of dollars and forgave other billions in debts. None of these countries is today paying even the interest on its remaining debts to the United States.

When France was in danger of collapsing in 1956, it was the Americans who propped it up, and their reward was to be insulted and swindled on the streets of Paris. I was there. I saw it.

When earthquakes hit distant cities, it is the United States that hurries in to help. This spring, 59 American communities were flattened by tornadoes. Nobody helped.

The Marshall Plan and the Truman Policy pumped billions of dollars! into discouraged countries. Now newspapers in those countries are writing about the decadent, warmongering Americans.

When the railways of France, Germany and India were breaking down through age, it was the Americans who rebuilt them. When the Pennsylvania Railroad and the New York Central went broke, nobody loaned them an old caboose. Both are still broke.

I can name you 5000 times when the Americans raced to the help of other people in trouble. Can you name me even one time when someone else raced to the Americans in trouble? I don't think there was outside help even during the San Francisco earthquake.

Our neighbors have faced it alone, and I'm one Canadian who is damned tired of hearing them get kicked around. They will come out of this thing with their flag high. And when they do, they are entitled to thumb their nose at the lands that are gloating over their present troubles. I hope Canada is not one of those."

Also please enjoy your freedom that the US help you have Ok during the second world war


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Cheers Francois. No worries. You are entitled to your opinions, and I feel your last post was more honest than your others. You'd be surprised to know that I don't really disagree with you, but even if I did, I don't mind differences.

No worries.

If I meet you one day I'll buy you a beer.

bonne nuit.

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don't let them piss you off.......---> Can you Bear the PIT

bait and debate them...can be amusing..and you might be able to get your points across.

sure not :D

it's only debating ... strange way, but still only talks :D

bearpit ... hmm, I'm not sure it's my thing :o




From Where I read I see a lot of Name calling. American Bashing and English Bashing and Personal Bashing. What a forum.

yop, what a forum :D

this is Thaivisa !

and we love it this way :D

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I voted for bush I am glad i did and i will vote for him agian and also every republican on the ticket I am tired of the democrats I don't care if someone calls me stupid or not I have a right to vote this way also I fought for this right in iraq. I hope when the iraqi people get there chance to vote they excercise that right also.

What kind of ice-cream do you like most, chocolate or strawberry? Don't tell me you like strawberry, because I hate strawberry.

I always take chocolate because I cannot stand strawberry. And ....... (strong words) I am sick of seeing all these people eat strawberry and if the Argentinians are not going to eat chocolate I am going to fight all strawberry-plants.

These Argentinians will exercise the right and Holy Duty to eat chocolate ice-cream. Even if I have to kill them first all by myself, but they are gonna eat chocolate ice cream. It is too much for me alone.

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Kat, Spree and others Thank you for turning my org. Question of Can I see this movie in Thailand or where can I buy it into a completly different subject. This is why members on this forum are scared to ask a simple questions because of people like you. Please go get a life ok

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Will we ever see the movie " 9/11 in Thailand or did Mr. Lier Bush pay the Government not to show. ? Anyone have Info on this?

Edit Post 13-9-04

I was born and raised in Texas USA. What I have seen is this Man buy a baseball team sucker the middle class people into paying for a new stadium for his team then raised the prices of a ticket so the middle class could not afford to take their family. He used his family to avoid serving his country, out right stole an election from the American people. ( Fact problems with votes in Florida where his Brother is Governor ) Told us he would promise to find Mr. Osama bin Laden that was almost 3 years ago.(Will never happen on his watch the rich in America want like) Lied to us about Iraq. Weapons of Mass Destruction ( my ass) . Big oil for his rich friends ( real fact) is why we are there. One of the largest Unemployment Rates in this Century. I could go on and on.

Thanks for all for the replies even the Bush Lovers Say good-bye to him in 2004.

You think this movie is Quote: “ character assassinates President Bush: He does this himself.

You start a thread on a politial movie like 9/11, with a provocative edited comment, and then you accuse people of hijacking a public forum thread for commenting.

Why on earth would you even bother to open a thread, if you are looking for robotic, one-line answers. You live in Thailand, isn't it obvious that you can find just about any DVD anywhere? :o Aye caramba.

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You are one to talk about mindlessness. You don't even know where to find a DVD that is sold all over BKK and get angry over political discussion about a political movie.

I understand you have nothing significant to say, otherwise you wouldn't resort to personal insults. If you don't like discussion, then don't start threads, you jackass.

Who gives a shit, what you do with "your" thread. Why don't you close it, so that you can say you've done something important in your life.

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