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Looks like the WAR servers are going to be located in Melbourne.

Doing a tracert for to GW3.MEL1.ALTER.NET gives you a good idea of what your latency to the OZ servers will be. The beta for the oceanic servers just started the last couple of days ago as well.

I pinged 180ms. With VPN tunneling it's possible to probably get as low as 150ms to Melbourne from Thailand. I'll be picking this game up :o

I just got an invite to the beta, its taken me three days just to download the stupid thing.... am i able to tell the beta client to go to the oceanic server? or do I have to get a specific invite for the oceanic program?


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Looks like the WAR servers are going to be located in Melbourne.

Doing a tracert for to GW3.MEL1.ALTER.NET gives you a good idea of what your latency to the OZ servers will be. The beta for the oceanic servers just started the last couple of days ago as well.

I pinged 180ms. With VPN tunneling it's possible to probably get as low as 150ms to Melbourne from Thailand. I'll be picking this game up :o

I just got an invite to the beta, its taken me three days just to download the stupid thing.... am i able to tell the beta client to go to the oceanic server? or do I have to get a specific invite for the oceanic program?


Beats me. I haven't gotten a beta invite and thus have yet to use the client. :D

Do let us know how the latency to the Australian servers is though. I hope they're as good as the results from my tracert tests.

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Has anybody tried Saga?

A friend sent me a key for a free copy, well ok it's free to play but there is a small fee to unlock some parts of the game, which the key was for.

I had given up gaming, but I'm quite enjoying this, it's slow paced and you really don't need to play for long each day once you establish yourself a bit.

If you like RTS and played any of the total War series you might like it.

If you stick around, let me know, maybe we can start a thaivisa guild :o


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Im looking to buy warhammer online since im fed up with all the bugs and crap in age of conan and i already have 3 lvl80 characters.

Also people are actually duping gems now without any actions taken by funcom to prevent it or punish the cheaters. Anyway!

I tired to preorder WAR from amazon buy they wanted 150 us dollars after import tax and shipping was added on.. so where will you

guys preorder your game from?

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I searched for all the preorders in singapore. U will have to email the company to actually "book" a copy of the game.

SGD$128 for the CE.

SGD$50 for normal edition.

exchange rates will be 22.2/22.1 per SGD$1 for banks.

Edited by cgbartz
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I searched for all the preorders in singapore. U will have to email the company to actually "book" a copy of the game.

SGD$128 for the CE.

SGD$50 for normal edition.

exchange rates will be 22.2/22.1 per SGD$1 for banks.

Wait, which company?

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I searched for all the preorders in singapore. U will have to email the company to actually "book" a copy of the game.

SGD$128 for the CE.

SGD$50 for normal edition.

exchange rates will be 22.2/22.1 per SGD$1 for banks.

DUDE! God what a <deleted> tease, WHAT COMPANY!? If we buy the ce preorder do we get immediate access to the beta?

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Well, bought the CE Warhammer online from I27 at MBK. 3600 baht. You get a envelope with codes for open beta access, head start program (early access to the official release), and 2 magic items. Im using the beta access code to download the beta game but apparently people registering now cant join the "other" beta until Sept. 7th... which totally defeats the purpose of me spending all this money NOW... I want to play NOW... goddamnit.

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Well, bought the CE Warhammer online from I27 at MBK. 3600 baht. You get a envelope with codes for open beta access, head start program (early access to the official release), and 2 magic items. Im using the beta access code to download the beta game but apparently people registering now cant join the "other" beta until Sept. 7th... which totally defeats the purpose of me spending all this money NOW... I want to play NOW... goddamnit.

Can someone give me some directions to I27 (which floor, roughly where on the floor it is etc) - i will head down there tomorrow after w*rk and pick my copy up :o


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Well, bought the CE Warhammer online from I27 at MBK. 3600 baht. You get a envelope with codes for open beta access, head start program (early access to the official release), and 2 magic items. Im using the beta access code to download the beta game but apparently people registering now cant join the "other" beta until Sept. 7th... which totally defeats the purpose of me spending all this money NOW... I want to play NOW... goddamnit.

So guess i'll just ignore the PM :o

3600 is a good buy...roughly abt USD$100.

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It seems that many of us here on TV will be playing WAR Im keen to join (I really like some of their classes) but really hate the grinding aspect of WoW.

At first I enjoyed the game but have just recently become completely bored with it. I purchased Burning Crusade about 2 months ago as I have just got my first toon to 60 but I just cant see myself completing this game, its just lost all of its appeal. I think its the repetitive aspect to it that really drives me nuts. Its mind numbing.

I'm not looking for an easy way to level but want a game that I can invest my time into but not be doing the same thing every night. After doing some reading around it seems that WAR will be less of a grind and less demanding on my time, (compared with WoW) so to any one who has played on the beta would that assumption be correct?

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It seems that many of us here on TV will be playing WAR Im keen to join (I really like some of their classes) but really hate the grinding aspect of WoW.

At first I enjoyed the game but have just recently become completely bored with it. I purchased Burning Crusade about 2 months ago as I have just got my first toon to 60 but I just cant see myself completing this game, its just lost all of its appeal. I think its the repetitive aspect to it that really drives me nuts. Its mind numbing.

I'm not looking for an easy way to level but want a game that I can invest my time into but not be doing the same thing every night. After doing some reading around it seems that WAR will be less of a grind and less demanding on my time, (compared with WoW) so to any one who has played on the beta would that assumption be correct?

WoW is time consuming. Pre BC and i had a T3 Rog and a T2 Priest and a Rank 14 PvP Lock.

Gave up WoW for 2 years.

WoW = No life. Endless raiding and PvPing...lol

Im now actually wasting my time on God Of War II for PS2.

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Whoa please don't misunderstand. I paid for the Warhammer online CE but the actual box (big box too full of goodies) doesn't come until September. But you do immediately get an envelope with 3 codes, you can use one of the codes to access the beta September 7 (I thought I could access the beta right now but apparently not). You can also buy the regular Warhammer but that does not come with any codes, you would just reserve it for when it arrives.

Wolfie I27 is on the 4th floor of MBK.... close to the BTS side near Tokyu.

ACTUALLY WOW, didnt really look at what comes in the CE... its pretty sweet! 2 Hardcover books, an orc miniature figure (I actually have a painted Warhammer orc army here in Thailand! Im such a geek...), 12 quests and rewards and titles only available to CE owners, 12 extra unique heads to customize your characters, an xp boost item with limitted uses, and the 3 codes you get in advance (beta, early access and magic items)

Check it out: http://www.warhammeronline.com/collectorsedition/

Edited by Sabum
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It seems that many of us here on TV will be playing WAR Im keen to join (I really like some of their classes) but really hate the grinding aspect of WoW.

At first I enjoyed the game but have just recently become completely bored with it. I purchased Burning Crusade about 2 months ago as I have just got my first toon to 60 but I just cant see myself completing this game, its just lost all of its appeal. I think its the repetitive aspect to it that really drives me nuts. Its mind numbing.

I'm not looking for an easy way to level but want a game that I can invest my time into but not be doing the same thing every night. After doing some reading around it seems that WAR will be less of a grind and less demanding on my time, (compared with WoW) so to any one who has played on the beta would that assumption be correct?

Actually levelling from 60 to 70 was kinda fun, outland is interesting. But grinding honor points for good gear at 70 is boring... thats why I get my assistant to do it for me!

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Whoa please don't misunderstand. I paid for the Warhammer online CE but the actual box (big box too full of goodies) doesn't come until September. But you do immediately get an envelope with 3 codes, you can use one of the codes to access the beta September 7 (I thought I could access the beta right now but apparently not). You can also buy the regular Warhammer but that does not come with any codes, you would just reserve it for when it arrives.

Wolfie I27 is on the 4th floor of MBK.... close to the BTS side near Tokyu.

Yeah understood - i know the game isnt released yet so i presumed it was the pre-order you bought. Just pleased to find somewhere thats going to import it and sell it, its usually quite a hassle getting these new MMO titles here in Thailand. Altho i've found some of the e-bay stores can and will send stuff over, and even mark the package at a lower value or as a 'gift' to help combat the 40% import duty :o

Of course, Digital Download is the best way forward, shame Direct2Drive insists on only the US for its Warhammer Online sale. I couldnt even fool it with a US proxy - bugger!

Thanks for the directions, i'll go check it out tomorrow :D

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This weekend was preview weekend and I played on the oceanic server. WAR is great and so perfect for me because I love PvP. I ordered the game from amazon to a friend who lives in the US. He gives me all the game codes and as there is a headstart program for those who preordered we will be able to download the client and I won't need the box (just the codes).

Let's get together before launch and decide on a oceanic server we all roll on. Would be great if we could form a small guild or smthn. I tried US and oceanic and while I don't have exact ping times it did feel better on an Aussie server.

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Something along the lines would make sense I guess :o

Here are some other naming suggestions:

Bkk Redlight Clan

Same Same

Up to you

Mai bpen rai

And btw it is sooo much fun playing this game with others. Questing alone is fun too but playing with others is just awesome. The classes are very well made and pretty much every class brings something to the group. This was also the first time that I enjoyed playing a healer hybrid who can also deal decent damage and it was a blast.

I will go for a white lion and my girlfriend will be an archmage or swordmaster.

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Well the headstart begins Sept. 15th. 3 days before the actual release of the game. I think anyone who preorders the game has access to the headstart. You know I'll be playing as soon as head star begins. So uh, if we are going to make a guild and group together its gonna be a good idea if we are on the same side... Destruction forces or Order forces?

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I got to go order... my girlfriend just likes playing the good ones and I'm really hooked on the white lion class. There is no comparable class on the destruction side plus as always the destruction side is already crowded judging by the beta experiences.

I can take of the guild website / forum if you guys want.

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Yeah the worst thing is to be on a side that always outnumbers the other. I guess we will get a few people together in Thailand because of what I saw last weekend WAR is really the next big thing for those who love PvP.

I'm not familiar with current gaming voip software because the last time I played in a clan was in a FPS 6 years ago and we used teamspeak but I'm sure we can set something up here. The local internet connections are pretty fast anyway (in Thailand), so it should be fine if anyone of us hosts it.

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