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We can just rent a vent server, Im sure renting from the Singapore base should be fine buit I am emailing them to find out. Costs about 200 baht a month. I use vent from the U.S. and it is really clear, not sure about other services.

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I'm still on the fence about buying it because of the latency problems to the server in Melbourne. It just doesn't seem logical to me to be getting as much ping as to the US from here.

I'll probably end up buying it just to try it anyway, because Mythic wasn't nice enough to let my try the game out in the beta :o

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dttk0009 go for it! Its pretty awesome :o

Do you have the server address in Melbourne for the server to ping them? When I played there it wasn't that bad and I played a melee class (white lion). Just pulling off positionals like I did with my rogue in WoW will be hard because sometimes the enemy has already turned and you are not behind them anymore.

Btw there is also an aussie war site called http://aus-war.com/

Sabum that sounds good but lets try to find something local or as you said in Singapore first that we have as little lag as possible (at least for the communication).

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I use the lowerping.com service so my latency in WoW is typically 230-240, which is quite nice. I tried pinging GW3.MEL1.ALTER.NET, which is apparently a few hops away from the oceanic servers in Australia for WAR. When I got back from Singapore 3 weeks ago, I was getting 180ms, which is awesome (I noticed the traffic was being routed BKK-SIN-SYD-MEL), then last week it went up to 400, and these days it's around 280, but the traffic is still taking awkward routes. For a while it went through hong kong (terrible latency), and these days it just hops through the CAT international gateways, which are horribly overpopulated. I thought True had internetaional gateways too, what happened?:o

It should be possible to get as low as 130-140ms to Australia with SSH tunneling, though someone would have to set up a server in Singapore.

Edit - It seems traffic is still going through HK. It's a shame really. It adds a good .15-.25 seconds of lag to WAR. I'm pretty sure I'm going to switch to Maxnet by the end of this month though.

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I have the 9gb beta / preview weekend client here if anyone doesn't make it in time just let me know. The final release client for the headstart will be 12 gb.

Wolfie how much was it for the regular WAR edition? I got to get the one for my girlfriend.

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Actually, thinking about it, i wasnt even offered the standard version when i went to the shop. My advice if your looking for the standard version and cannot get it from I27 would be to use one of the e-bay stores (not individuals) - as basically all you need is the CD-Key/Code you will have the software off the CE DVD when it arrives at I27 - just a thought :o

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Yeah I thought about eBay as well but always have a dodgy feeling if someone else knows the code as well... but maybe some guys there are doing this on a regular basis and have a history of not screwing anyone. I don't have the CE anyway, maybe I just get the CE and my girl plays with the standard or something like that.

By the way they already said we can patch the headstart client to full retail and basically don't need anything besides the code.

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Have they announced the servers yet?

I looked on E-bay and contacted on guy who runs an 'E-Bay Store' - he had loads of good comments from previous customers (99.8% posative feedback) and his user ID showed thousands of completed sales - im working on the basis you dont get that kind of feedback and numbers by screwing people. I sent him an email asking a couple of questions (namely - can he send me the code before he ships it, and can he mark the package as a $10 'gift' - and i explained why) and he agreed - His username was "troymund" and his store was called "The Video Box" - i cannot guarantee anything, but he does seem legit.

freitag1: where are you getting your info from? I've have not found any decent forums or anything for the game yet.

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Ya seriously Im worried Oceanic servers will be MORE laggy than U.S.... Maybe we should test both a bit and see if there is indeed a difference. I would hate to permanently commit to a server that is going to frustrate me for 4 years (thinking long term!). Think we have to wait to see about the servers. Ive got the game installed and ready to go... but no love until Sept. 7th.

I tried calling I27, the girl told me they might get the regular version later.... I would feel more confident talking to the boss, he mentioned before that I could get the regular edition but maybe he meant later too. (I27: 026117120)

There's a bunch of forums up now, before they legally couldnt talk about the game but they lifted the NDA (non disclosure act) and now they are all talking about it, so far mostly good reviews and comments.

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Well lets try a Oceanic server first, if it proves too laggy we can move over to a US server - make a decision after a couple of weeks.

Would be better to get on an Oceanic as they will have the Asian/Australian playerbase, which obviously is better for our timezones (thinking PvP/RvR)

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I will check out a US server while playing on the Oceanic, just to see if theres a difference. I was thinking the same thing about time zones, I play on a US wow server andits hel_l finding raid groups (gotta wake up at 6am!) However there are also bonuses to playing at non peak times, we might dominate the Realm VS realm by playing at a time when the majority of the servers enemies are asleep! Questing is easier, farming is easier.... with less competition.

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The inofficial official forum where also the devs post and with the biggest community is here http://warhammeralliance.com

Got the CE today in MBK and they still had lots left. I spoke to their boss I guess and yes they don't know when the regular version comes. I also don't think there will be open beta access for the regular version. That's how EA handles it in Europe. Only some retailers sell the game with open beta access. I just hope I27 get the boxes early enough because after the 22th we have to enter the retail keys to play.

As I said before I felt less lag playing on the oceanic server but we can just try it out during beta and then decide where to go for the headstart.

There are logged in server caps which is another reason to be order. If there are too many destros (which is very likely) logged in they have to wait in a queue. I will roll white lion, girlfriend will be rune priest or arch mage.

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Ya seriously Im worried Oceanic servers will be MORE laggy than U.S.... Maybe we should test both a bit and see if there is indeed a difference. I would hate to permanently commit to a server that is going to frustrate me for 4 years (thinking long term!). Think we have to wait to see about the servers. Ive got the game installed and ready to go... but no love until Sept. 7th.

I tried calling I27, the girl told me they might get the regular version later.... I would feel more confident talking to the boss, he mentioned before that I could get the regular edition but maybe he meant later too. (I27: 026117120)

There's a bunch of forums up now, before they legally couldnt talk about the game but they lifted the NDA (non disclosure act) and now they are all talking about it, so far mostly good reviews and comments.


tracert gw3.mel1.alter.net

This will roughly be your latency to the servers in Melbourne. Like I said earlier, 3 weeks ago it was 180ms, these days it's 250-450.

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I ping 255ms to the ea server in Australia ( and more than 400ms to the US server (


By the way check the server forums: http://www.warhammeralliance.com/forums/fo...isplay.php?f=89

I think if we roll on the oce server which probably makes sense we should go to Darklands. This is also the preview weekend server and most people who preordered play there so we will find more dedicated players which are more fun to play with (especially when we rule RvR in their early morning hours hah!).

The cool thing is really that WAR enables us to even level our guild and get guild ranks, own keeps and even have guild tactics.

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and pls if you haven't just vote or comment on the guild name. either here or on our temporary home ( http://wow-vs-war.com/index.php?topic=3.0 ) when we are done with this i get a decent url and transfer the forum.

so far:

dttk: Same Same

Wolfie: Up To You

freitag1: Same Same

as we are just 6 people so far who want to play the first name that gets 3 votes is the name.

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I don't really care too much about this but it would make sense to come to a decision that I can move ahead and set up the website. I just want to post in a couple of forums about our guild that other players from Thailand can find us as well.

I like Siam Assault too. Just pick one as your vote. Personally the guild name doesn't matter for me unless it is something that I don't want to be associated with (ladyboys :X). So any other votes / suggestions?

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The only problem with having the word 'Bangkok' in our name is its kinda detracts from the fantasy theme. Siam Assault is kinda better (but still could be seen as too 'real world') but as others have said, i really don't mind what the guild is called.

Lets see if we can get George to pay our monthly subs for 3-6mths and simply call the guild "Thaivisa.com" - in-game advertising :o

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