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Parasites In Body?


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I was in the pharmacy today when i noticed there was a carton of pills to get rid of parasite,it was a 7 day detox cleaner pills to get rid of paraites in your colon.

on reading the side of the box,it says you will notice things and different colors when you clean out your bowels by taking these tablets because these are the parasites being cleaned out.

Really are their dangerous parasites in my body? Will these parasite cleanser pills work?

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I was in the pharmacy today when i noticed there was a carton of pills to get rid of parasite,it was a 7 day detox cleaner pills to get rid of paraites in your colon.

on reading the side of the box,it says you will notice things and different colors when you clean out your bowels by taking these tablets because these are the parasites being cleaned out.

Really are their dangerous parasites in my body? Will these parasite cleanser pills work?

As far as I know common worms are not dangerous unless there is massive infestation and, anyhow, you will probably then be feeling unwell and will go to your doctor who will give you proper treatment. Ghardia and amebiasis are more serious and you should read up about on the internet and should be treated by your doctor.

I haven't had ghardia or amebiasis for years because I am now more careful where and what I eat, and always wash my hands - or use an alcohol cleanser - before eating. Touch wood!

To clear my body and the rest of the family and the maid of any common worms we take Zental every 4 - 6 months. The dogs are treated for worms, and all the other stuff they need, by the vet

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I was in the pharmacy today when i noticed there was a carton of pills to get rid of parasite,it was a 7 day detox cleaner pills to get rid of paraites in your colon.

on reading the side of the box,it says you will notice things and different colors when you clean out your bowels by taking these tablets because these are the parasites being cleaned out.

Really are their dangerous parasites in my body? Will these parasite cleanser pills work?

Take reliable and well known medication for de-worming such as Zentel; don't bother with stuff that is supposed to change the colour of stools; this sounds like a bit of nonsense to me.

Worms and other parasites survive in the gut because they produce a layer of protein around them that protects them from gastric juices and other digestive enzymes.

The nifty bit about Zentel is that it prevents or stops the worm from producing this and you basically get your own back on them; you simply digest them..

The older type of medications were toxic; it killed the worms and the dead parasites then could be seen in the stools. With Zentel usually not. Zentel is a lot safer to take than the older drugs were.

One other trick: It is useful to repeat the single dose treatment after about 2-3 weeks. Zentel will not kill eggs or cysts produced by these worms so, if the dose is repeated after two weeks or so, you catch the newly hatched ones before they can start to reproduce.

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Are we talking about taking Zentel as a precautionary medication or are we treating when we observe symptoms.

What are the symptoms of worms?

Do we get stool tests every six months and then treat with Zentel if parasites are detected in the stool?

In occupied Japan we took worm pills when we say the worms in the stool. Not as a preventive measure.

I have been in Thailand for six years, no worms seen in stool, no worm treatments to date. If the parasites are present in my body, I am unaware of them.

What would be my symptoms???

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Albendazole and mebendazole are in the same chemical family, albendazole is newer and has better in that only a single dose whereas mebendazole needs 3 days.

Neither is in any way preventative; only prevention is to be careful of what you eat and drink and good hygiene (and wear shoes).

Quite possible to have parasites such as ascaris (roundfworm), hookworm etc with no symptoms at all which is why people who know they may have been exposed to less than hygienically prepared food or tainted fruits/vegetables often just treat presumptively, but every 3-6 months is fine, monthly would be excessive.

Another reason for presumptive treatment is that false negatives on stool exam are very common.

Over time, as the number of worms in the body increases, symptoms may occur, often abdominal pain (which may come and go). In case of hookworm, anemia will develop causing loss of energy and fatigue.

Roundworms may be visible in the stool, look like strands of spaghetti.

If you are very unlucky or if the number of worms is very high, they may cause acute intestinal obstruction, but this is comparatively rare.

This entire discussion is referring to worms such as ascaris, hookworm etc. Does not apply to protozoa such as giardia or to amoeba. For those, the treatment takes loinger and carries morer ubnpleasant side effects so is reserved for confirmed cases, or at least highly symptomatic ones. Unlike worms, which if anything tend to constipate, guardia will cause diarrhea.

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The 2 most common drugs for worms seem to be Albendazole and Mebendazole.

Anyone here know which one is better? :D

Comments/recommendations please... :D

In Sudan and Ethiopia the locals recommended raw onions and home brew hooch. It worked for me but then again when you're blitzed on the hooch you don't care about worms. :o

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thais always tell me to take de-worming pills every few months or so... i guess they do it.

I don't know if I'd follow that advice. I remember when I came here for my first visit to Thailand, I learned that it was (is?) common for bar girls to take antibiotics on a regular (daily) basis to keep STD's away. As most of us know, this is not a good idea as doing so severely compromises one's immune system. Also keep in mind that Thais generally feel that "more is better" if it's something that's supposed to be good for you. But I think most would agree that that's not a good overall rule of thumb.

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In remote communities in the Northern Territory where I've worked we were recommended to take quite a strong dose once every 6 months. Can't remember what the drug was but our bush Doctor Tim seemed pretty clued up after 30 years working remote. It seemed to work for both me, the ex. and the dogs.

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yep we are loaded with stuff inside

some good some bad

it actually attaches itself to your colan ect

some people go on certain diet of water and pepper for x amount of days then go the hose up the clacker thing and flush all the bad gunk out.

but they say you have to starve yourself and use the peppers to loosen the little blighters houses on your bowel

they say it is amazing what comes out

the women who told me of this is a reliable source

there is a hydro therapy joint in bangkok

if i ever get time i will go the clean out


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yep we are loaded with stuff inside

some good some bad

it actually attaches itself to your colan ect

some people go on certain diet of water and pepper for x amount of days then go the hose up the clacker thing and flush all the bad gunk out.

but they say you have to starve yourself and use the peppers to loosen the little blighters houses on your bowel

they say it is amazing what comes out

the women who told me of this is a reliable source

there is a hydro therapy joint in bangkok

if i ever get time i will go the clean out


Sounds a bit like colonic irrigation. I'm not sure it'll get the worms out. Not the big buggers anyway. I tried the old irrigation thing once in Melbourne. Very odd. You're right to say lots of stuff comes out but this isn't really the time or the place. Good to get my Parker pen back though :o

fluidity is good for you

pip pip

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  • 3 years later...

Well since i've just been freaked out by this i'll add my learnings. About 3 weeks back I had flu like night sweats , dry cough and when going for a piss I noticed something about 2cm long, brown and thread like swimming in the toilet. I was trying to convince myself that it either came from the flush or was on the toilet reading the paper and fell in but eventually came to the disturbing conclusion that it came from me earlier in the day. I went to the local pharmacy and they gave me Alben = Albendazole at 20 Bht for 2 x 200 mg. Albendazole is the key ingredient for Zental I read on the internet..

Friday the sweats were back with the cough and yesterday and today I noticed another one swimming each day.. Note every time i've seen these has been post turd flush and only one so there is still a part of my brain that wants to believe its coming from the water system I clean my teeeth with but i suspect not.

I've just taken my second packet of Albendazole.

I dont eat a lot of street food but i do eat a lot of these pre-packed salads and i'm wondering if its that with a lack of packing hygiene. Eitehr that or its eating my bosses shit every day.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just a little update on this. You need to take at least two rounds of the drug 3 weeks apart to be cleansed..

The drugs kill the worms but not the eggs - this apparently explains my experience with them coming back after 3 weeks or so. The eggs that hatched can be killed before they lay more eggs hopefully.

On the packet it says "you may wish to take another dose after 3 weeks". I can't imagine a situation where you would not want to unless you enjoy being a worm farm.

Just to add to this whole beautiful circle of life scenario they also get into your lungs and lay eggs there which you then cough up and swallow because you are in a meeting with a customer and the whole thing starts again. So add this to the list of STD's as you may want to avoid kissing your coughing masseur.

Also as a cheery note a link i read says for those that live in infected areas there is an 80% chance of reinfection within 12 months.

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