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Pattaya Memorial


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I had a similar experience. Had exactly the same problem and cold meds as my Thai friend. Charge was 750 for me and 350 for them.

I was with the doc for less than 3 mintes.

They will charge Thais extra if they know the Thai is accompanied by a farang. Best for the farang to hide during check in.

You can always go to Bangkok Pattaya, where everyone is overcharged equally. Most expensive hospital in Thailand.

Edited by aguy30
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  • 10 months later...
The place is a joke. I went in with breathing probs, the quack xrayed my neck and said I need an mri scan. I walked out went to a pharmasy shop and bought some tabs, 5 days latter I was ok.

Last time I was in Pattaya Memorial, I had to take my GF as she was VERY sick. I represented myself as the BF and they made me sign as the financial guarantor (No big deal - I considered it my responsibility to take care of her). While I was there, I sought reassurance from medical staff that she was being treated well and that she would pull through quickly and successfully. They pretty much ignored me for the entire time (for the few days that she was admitted) until it was time to pay; then they were all over me in a somewhat threatening manner. I pulled the money out of my pocket and handed it over in payment, and then they all left. It was a pretty bad experience. I received the proverbial "walking-ATM" treatment the entire time.

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The place is a joke. I went in with breathing probs, the quack xrayed my neck and said I need an mri scan. I walked out went to a pharmasy shop and bought some tabs, 5 days latter I was ok.

Last time I was in Pattaya Memorial, I had to take my GF as she was VERY sick. I represented myself as the BF and they made me sign as the financial guarantor (No big deal - I considered it my responsibility to take care of her). While I was there, I sought reassurance from medical staff that she was being treated well and that she would pull through quickly and successfully. They pretty much ignored me for the entire time (for the few days that she was admitted) until it was time to pay; then they were all over me in a somewhat threatening manner. I pulled the money out of my pocket and handed it over in payment, and then they all left. It was a pretty bad experience. I received the proverbial "walking-ATM" treatment the entire time.

Has a similar experience a few years ago: My friend got involved in a serious motorbike crash, kissed the asphalt with his right ear, and ended up in PM, pretty lifeless. They called me and I appeared. At that time they were busy keeping him alive with the breathing balloon. After half an hour of treating and pumping, they decided that he should be transferred to Chonburi Hospital, because of the scan-possibilities there.

They shoved my friend in an ambulance, but the bloody car wouldn't move until I paid for the treatment and the ride to Chonburi. I still wonder what would have happened, if I wasn't there at that time.

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The place is a joke. I went in with breathing probs, the quack xrayed my neck and said I need an mri scan. I walked out went to a pharmasy shop and bought some tabs, 5 days latter I was ok.

Last time I was in Pattaya Memorial, I had to take my GF as she was VERY sick. I represented myself as the BF and they made me sign as the financial guarantor (No big deal - I considered it my responsibility to take care of her). While I was there, I sought reassurance from medical staff that she was being treated well and that she would pull through quickly and successfully. They pretty much ignored me for the entire time (for the few days that she was admitted) until it was time to pay; then they were all over me in a somewhat threatening manner. I pulled the money out of my pocket and handed it over in payment, and then they all left. It was a pretty bad experience. I received the proverbial "walking-ATM" treatment the entire time.

Has a similar experience a few years ago: My friend got involved in a serious motorbike crash, kissed the asphalt with his right ear, and ended up in PM, pretty lifeless. They called me and I appeared. At that time they were busy keeping him alive with the breathing balloon. After half an hour of treating and pumping, they decided that he should be transferred to Chonburi Hospital, because of the scan-possibilities there.

They shoved my friend in an ambulance, but the bloody car wouldn't move until I paid for the treatment and the ride to Chonburi. I still wonder what would have happened, if I wasn't there at that time.

I was in a similar situation where I was a patient. I was in an accident and in critical condition at PM hospital. I called my brother, told him what happened and where I was (used a nurse's mobile, called from Emergency), and my brother came to hosptial immediately. he decided I should go to Bangkok Pattaya but before they would release me, my brother had to pay for all Emergency expenses up to that point (about 10kTHB). They actually made him go to the ATM while I was near death in the ER.

Funny thing is: My brother said they weren't doing anything for me when he got there. Presumably, PM thought I didn't have any money and decieded to let me die. Lucky for me that my brother came...

It's all about the money for them. No morals, ethcis, ideals, NOTHING. Only money.

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The little hospital down the road from me charged me B300 for rabies shots every time I went in there for one year, total course was maybe 1500 baht. The nurses were charming, pretty and helpful. No difference at all in treatment or cost between what I paid and what any other person pays at this hospital. I am told that a lot of people from Pattaya even go there because it is cheaper and a lot more friendly.

It's all to do with the top management and how they see their bottom line, if they see one hospital getting away with exorbitantly high prices of course they will some of the cream as well.

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The little hospital down the road from me charged me B300 for rabies shots every time I went in there for one year, total course was maybe 1500 baht. The nurses were charming, pretty and helpful. No difference at all in treatment or cost between what I paid and what any other person pays at this hospital. I am told that a lot of people from Pattaya even go there because it is cheaper and a lot more friendly.

It's all to do with the top management and how they see their bottom line, if they see one hospital getting away with exorbitantly high prices of course they will some of the cream as well.

Which hospital? I could use a reference for a good hospital. Glad to hear they treat you well there and not just a walking ATM.

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A pretty good hospital is the Queen Sirikit in Sattahip. I know it's a bit out of the area (pretty far out), but it's a nice, clean and good hospital.

Used to go there with and without my social security card and in both cases the assistance was perfect and accurate.

In one case, where I suffered from some kind of muscle stress in my right upper arm, the doctor examined me, prescribed a bag of medication and I was ready within half-an-hour and paid for the service THB 380.

This hospital is more and more frequented by foreigners, especially those who are living in the Baan Amphur, Bang Saray and Sattahip area.

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A pretty good hospital is the Queen Sirikit in Sattahip. I know it's a bit out of the area (pretty far out), but it's a nice, clean and good hospital.

Used to go there with and without my social security card and in both cases the assistance was perfect and accurate.

In one case, where I suffered from some kind of muscle stress in my right upper arm, the doctor examined me, prescribed a bag of medication and I was ready within half-an-hour and paid for the service THB 380.

This hospital is more and more frequented by foreigners, especially those who are living in the Baan Amphur, Bang Saray and Sattahip area.

Is Queen Sirikit also referred to the Naval hospital? If so, I have heard good things about it before.

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PM asked me if I wanted to move in about 5 years ago. Bt1500 a day for private room. Should have had a go at it actually. They also prescribed banned (in the USA and EU) drugs for my baby. All hospitals are just about selling you crap. I won't let the missus take the kiddie alone.

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I have had only one experience with Pattaya Memorial.

One night, very late, I received a call from PM, asking me if I knew a patient who had been admitted to their ICU. I had never heard of him, but they said they found my card and number in his wallet. They asked me for permission to operate on his head, as it had been smashed in and he was in a coma. I told them that I didn't know him, and there was no way I could give that kind of permission. It was crazy!

Early the next morning, I drove down to the hospital to see what what happening with this man. Everything about this hospital was off-putting. I found it dirty, untidy, and very strange, unkempt staff who just stared rudely at me and refused to help. Eventually I found the ICU on my own and was shocked to find it so dirty, with all kinds of people just coming and going with no apparent regard to the patients who were critically ill. It was so far removed form any ICU I have seen before as to be laughable.

I found the man, and his girl friend was with him and taking care of him. They hadn't operated and he had regained consciousness.

I think the place and its' staff were pretty awful and I would never go there again.

By contrast Pattaya International is not a bad place for routine problems. It is clean, the staff are professional, and the doctors not too bad. The prices are reasonable, and they have an amazing range of medications in their dispensary - I have found stuff there that even Fascino doesn't stock.

I was admitted there when I had my motor accident and was treated very well, and I sometimes go there for an inter muscular injections - I take my own meds with me and they charge me just 40 Baht, the the nurse knows what he/she is doing. 40 Baht barely covers the cost of the disposable syringe.

Bangkok Pattaya has by far the best doctors, facilities and equipment but you can lose a small fortune there if you are not careful, and they will always do the most expensive procedures, when a much cheaper one would often be sufficient.

If you have anything really serious, then go to Bangkok, or maybe Samitivej in Sri Racha. I have never tried Queen Sirikit at Sattahip.

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PIH is a rip off on births (they tried to con me) but their service is excellent from out patient through to their birth packages. Pricing is willy nilly as their modus operandi is to give the doctor a minimum price to charge and then the doctor can load on top whatever they think the patient will pay. I could not get them to state whether there was a maximum but they agreed they would not charge a million for a plaster !

BPH is just a robbing factory.

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So is Sattahip the only alternative for those of us living in Pattaya not wanting to be ripped off ?

I have been told the waiting rooms there are really backed up in the day time.

Go have a look at Bangkok Rayong hospital, granted a longer trip, but a very good hospital, same service/quality as BPH but pricing is a lot better than BPH.

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So is Sattahip the only alternative for those of us living in Pattaya not wanting to be ripped off ?

I have been told the waiting rooms there are really backed up in the day time.

Correct, it's pretty crowded. So if you would like their services, be there in time.

Once I received the social security card, I was allowed to use the SS-department and that's a huge difference:

- special a/c-doctors rooms

- immediate help/short waiting period

- special medicine waiting room with fresh water, coffee and tea.

If I have to scale the different hospitals I know on cleanliness, service and farang-awareness:

!. Banglamung Hospital - government hospital

2. Queen Sirikit/Naval Hospital - government hospital

3. Pattaya Memorial - Thai semi-private

4. Pattaya International - Thai Private

5. Bangkok Hospital Pattaya - Thai/Foreign private

If you take price, quality and service, Queen Sirikit is the best. That means, for OPD cases. I've no experience in in-patient treatments.

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It is so sad because 8 or 9 years ago Pattaya Memorial was a great hospital and very cheap. I had minor surgery there for 50 quid!

Now they have jumped on the greed bandwagon like the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital. For those of us with NO health insurance go to Sirikit hospital in Sattahip.

If you need major surgery go back to your home country.

If you ride a motorbike tell rescue men 'Take me to Sirikit'.

If you collapse with heart attack/stroke make sure your partner sends you to Sirikit.

A mate of mine collapsed with abdominal pain, they took him to Bangkok Pattaya Hospital, he was in there for three days: Nothing wrong, just food poisoning colic, with tests and accommodation total cost: 188,000 Baht One Hundred & Eighty Eight Thousand Baht.

Personally I would rather die and go to heaven than pay One Baht to BPH.

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I don't wish to start a controversy here, but IMHO, after coming to and staying in Thailand for more than 30 years, the the quality of Thai doctors varies enormously.

Obviously, in any country the top doctors are attracted to the best hospitals in the capital, but from what I have seen in Thailand , it is even more the case here than in other countries.

There are few excellent doctors, who have either qualified overseas, or have spent a lot of time overseas adding to their experience.

Then there are the home produced Doctors, the cream of which can be pretty good.

Then there is the majority, who range from barely average, to downright terrible, and should not be allowed to practice. (I could relate many stories, but the most recent was a doctor who took the stitches out of my ear after my accident, and he left two in by mistake!)

Unfortunately , virtually all the best doctors work in the top hospitals in Bangkok (Bumrungrad, Samitivej, BNH etc), and a few either work full time at Bangkok Pattaya, or visit the hospital from Bangkok, maybe 2 days a week.

I can't speak about Sirikit, as I have no knowledge of it, but it is unlikely that they have the very best doctors. Any doctor worth his salt, would aspire to a good hospital in Bangkok, or maybe one of the major provincial centres, like Chiang Mai or Phuket.

So you pays you money and takes your choice. If it's routine, non urgent problem, then it probably doesn't matter if you don't have the best doctor available, but for anything serious, I would definitely go to Bangkok.

Also bare in mind that a majority of Thai doctors have no proper experience in treating farangs, and often misdiagnose, and under prescribe medication. Then of course you get the "team" approach whereby they prescribe a whole range of meds in the hope that one might work. This sort of thing would never be tolerated in the west.

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Also bare in mind that a majority of Thai doctors have no proper experience in treating farangs

There we go...learn something new everyday.....I didnt know the farang portion of the speicies differed from the Thai portion of speicies regarding medical diagnosis and treatment...

A doctor is a doctor, a hospital at hospital...some are good some, are bad, but generally pay the peanut, get the monkey...

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There we go...learn something new everyday.....I didnt know the farang portion of the speicies differed from the Thai portion of speicies regarding medical diagnosis and treatment...

Then you still have a lot to learn...maybe one day to your cost.

Ask any western health professional and they will say the same as I have.

And why, you may well ask, should Thai doctors be aware of particular health issues of farangs, and how they differ from Thais? After all they are in Thailand, treating Thais.

That's why it is important for farangs in Thailand to go to the best doctors available. who have experience of farang problems in a tropical climate, such as unclean water, which can generally do much more harm to a farang than to a Thai, whose gut is pretty much immune to these problems.

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There we go...learn something new everyday.....I didnt know the farang portion of the speicies differed from the Thai portion of speicies regarding medical diagnosis and treatment...

Then you still have a lot to learn...maybe one day to your cost.

Ask any western health professional and they will say the same as I have.

And why, you may well ask, should Thai doctors be aware of particular health issues of farangs, and how they differ from Thais? After all they are in Thailand, treating Thais.

That's why it is important for farangs in Thailand to go to the best doctors available. who have experience of farang problems in a tropical climate, such as unclean water, which can generally do much more harm to a farang than to a Thai, whose gut is pretty much immune to these problems.

With all due respect..... absolute horsesh*t for the most part of your post, but do agree with the sentiment that you should go to the best doctor availible to you

What exactly are some typical farang problems in a tropical climate ??...

Personally I have had medical treatment at various locations worldwide and the worst treatment I received ?.... in the US and second place is the UK, and in both cases I was on a private medical scheme, the service, diagnosis and treatment was dire and very over priced

Best places....South Africa and in second place Thailand...

So personally think you are talking out your ar*e

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With all due respect..... absolute horsesh*t for the most part of your post, but do agree with the sentiment that you should go to the best doctor availible to you

What exactly are some typical farang problems in a tropical climate ??...

Personally I have had medical treatment at various locations worldwide and the worst treatment I received ?.... in the US and second place is the UK, and in both cases I was on a private medical scheme, the service, diagnosis and treatment was dire and very over priced

Best places....South Africa and in second place Thailand...

So personally think you are talking out your ar*e

You can disagree without being abusive.,

The best doctor is one who understands that farangs react in different ways to Thais for a whole variety of medical problems. If this isn't so, then why do most western countries advise you to have a series of shots before travelling to places like Thailand?

I don't see any Thais taking these shots.

The fact that you had lousy treatment in the UK and the USA and good treatment in SA and Thailand proves absolutely nothing. Of course people come from all over the world to hospitals like Bumrungrad, which is rated as one of the world's best hospitals.

Your argument is full of holes and I think you know it.

It seems you just want to hurl some abuse.

And this is Christmas Day. :D

Maybe you are all alone :o

Merry Christmas my friend and calm down :D

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Your argument is full of holes and I think you know it.

I wasnt presenting an arguement, I was stating personal opinion from experience...so how can it be full of holes.... :o

I would suggest you are the one presenting a flawed generalised argument which if full of holes, again I will ask the same question

"What exactly are some typical farang problems in a tropical climate" please cite some specific examples where a decent Thai doctor would not be able to diagnose a farang problem ??

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Your argument is full of holes and I think you know it.

I wasnt presenting an arguement, I was stating personal opinion from experience...so how can it be full of holes.... :D

I would suggest you are the one presenting a flawed generalised argument which if full of holes, again I will ask the same question

"What exactly are some typical farang problems in a tropical climate" please cite some specific examples where a decent Thai doctor would not be able to diagnose a farang problem ??

Experience which is irrelevant, and lacking in medical knowledge - that is why your OPINION is "full of holes" :D

Well I think I already have quoted a few examples but you seem unwilling to acknowledge this. I'm not getting into a medical argument here, as it is Christmas Day and I have better things to do.

If you bothered to read properly what I have posted, I too advised that a DECENT Thai doctor would be able to diagnose a farang problem - but I'm afraid DECENT Thai doctors a few and far between, outside the major Bangkok hospitals.

That is all I was saying.

Enjoy your Christmas, don't go down with a tummy bug, and keep away from Pattaya Memorial :D

Discussion closed as far as I am concerned.

Party time :o

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With all due respect..... absolute horsesh*t for the most part of your post, but do agree with the sentiment that you should go to the best doctor availible to you

What exactly are some typical farang problems in a tropical climate ??...

Personally I have had medical treatment at various locations worldwide and the worst treatment I received ?.... in the US and second place is the UK, and in both cases I was on a private medical scheme, the service, diagnosis and treatment was dire and very over priced

Best places....South Africa and in second place Thailand...

So personally think you are talking out your ar*e

You can disagree without being abusive.,

The best doctor is one who understands that farangs react in different ways to Thais for a whole variety of medical problems. If this isn't so, then why do most western countries advise you to have a series of shots before travelling to places like Thailand?

I don't see any Thais taking these shots.

The fact that you had lousy treatment in the UK and the USA and good treatment in SA and Thailand proves absolutely nothing. Of course people come from all over the world to hospitals like Bumrungrad, which is rated as one of the world's best hospitals.

Your argument is full of holes and I think you know it.

It seems you just want to hurl some abuse.

And this is Christmas Day. :D

Maybe you are all alone :o

Merry Christmas my friend and calm down :D

I was in an accident in Pattaya and after my surgeries, I was left in traction. I had steel rods drilled into my femers. After two weeks the doctor came in one day and had a small hammer in his hand. Without saying a word, he took the hammer and pounded out the rods in my femers (removed all the traction mechanisms).

I was very shocked and suprised would have appreciated a full explanation of his intentions before he did it, but I'm a westerner. I don't think an Asian (specifically Thai) would care; he would put his faith in the doctor. I guess that would be a face-thing. I was taught that questioning authority can be a good thing under certain circumstances therefore, I want an explanation first. This is only one example of many throughout the month that I was in hospital where I was given no explanation of what was happening and what their plan was.

A doctor who is used to dealing with farang would recognize this and explain the situation beforehand. This Thai doctor saved my life and has become my friend. I'm not knocking him...it's just his way of treating patients.

By the way, this was in 2003. I had four, 12 hour surgeries, stayed in the hospital for a month and went to Physical therapy almost every day for eight months and it cost 800kTHB. I had another surgery in 2007 which took one hour and stayed in hospital for two days. Total cost was 200kTHB. Medical in Thailand has gotten very expensive.

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Also bare in mind that a majority of Thai doctors have no proper experience in treating farangs

There we go...learn something new everyday.....I didnt know the farang portion of the speicies differed from the Thai portion of speicies regarding medical diagnosis and treatment...

A doctor is a doctor, a hospital at hospital...some are good some, are bad, but generally pay the peanut, get the monkey...

basically i agree but a Farang in Thailand faces the big problem of communication. if the Thai doctor does not fully understand the Farang's explanation of symptoms it could lead to a wrong diagnosis and application of wrong medication. that was my personal experience with a cardiologist approximately two months ago. the diagnosis was revised after a CT-scan of my heart but only after i insisted of explaining all my symptoms again the correct medication was prescribed. incorrect medication was prescribed because it was assumed that any patient with my symptoms suffers of high blood pressure. in my case the opposite was the case and the prescribed beta-blockers, respectively their dosis, brought my blood pressure down to an extent that i had problems to get up from my tv-chair.

based on that experience and not minding that i could have saved a bundle i did not take the chance of being operated in one of the two most famous hospitals in Bangkok but flew to Germany to get a quadruple bypass by open heart surgery.

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