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Minister Proposes New Anti-corruption Agency


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Interior Minister proposes new anti-corruption agency

BANGKOK: -- Interior Minister Bhokin Bhalakula today proposed the establishment of a new agency to stamp out corruption among civil servants, as part of the government's anti-corruption drive due to be launched next month.

Chairing a seminar today on preparations for the government's 'war on corruption', the interior minister insisted that the government was taking action to stamp out corruption, but that it would take some time for results to show as the problem was a complex and entrenched one.

He also conceded that there were legislative problems which needed to be ironed out before laws could be enforced in earnest.

Admitting that the culture of corruption was preventing civil servants from working efficiently, he proposed the establishment of a new organization to tackle corruption among government workers from the level nine downwards.

The new agency would work along similar lines to the former agency responsible for dealing with corruption and malpractice within the government, he said, adding that the new agency would take some of the burden of responsibility away from the Office of the National Counter Corruption Commission (NCCC).

Speaking to reporters after the seminar, Mr. Bhokin said that the new agency would come under the auspices of the Justice Ministry, with the old NCCC continuing to investigate allegations of corruption in government workers ranking the level 10 and above.

The government is due to launch its 'war on corruption' on 3 October.

--TNA 2004-09-15

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BANGKOK: -- Interior Minister Bhokin Bhalakula today proposed the establishment of a new agency to stamp out corruption among civil servants, as part of the government's anti-corruption drive due to be launched next month.

Once again raising that age-old question, just how many anti-corruption agencies does it take to become the hub of anti-corruption agencies...?

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Speaking to reporters after the seminar, Mr. Bhokin said that the new agency would come under the auspices of the Justice Ministry, with the old NCCC continuing to investigate allegations of corruption in government workers ranking the level 10 and above.

You see they are already hard at work. Just a few moments ago they were only checking the 9's and below and now they are checking the 10's and above.

If they want to stamp out corruption, they have to start with the children. students must be allowd to fail classes and courses. Do not allow them to pass cause they are paying for a course, then work on the Police, which should be the example to the population and then go after the civil servants.

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If the NCCC can determine farmer from playboy...."hey" it might work.

Finding "playboy" and "gangster" as within a great womanizer role for men of this culture. Mr big can become associated with almost every behavior considered by the Thai culture as vices: smoking, drinking, gambling, womanizing, commercial sex, minor wives, public brawls, petty crimes, and government corruption. one ###### of a job on their hands to stop it...All the above need funding from low income or shared deception...

Our Local village head just got funds from govt for new drainage system in the village... DRIVING ABOUT IN NEW PICKUP NOW..

How the ###### did he get away with it...where is the monetary control system to monitor <deleted> like him.

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