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Vegemite - Where In Stock?

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My Signature, Woolies brand, lite canola spread, is specialed regularly at 1.65 for 500 grams.

No cholesterol........ low fat, 59%, many others are around 30%, but tasteless.

Canola spread is just trans fats. Unlike cholesterol, trans fats are unnatural and have no place in the human body.

For your info, from packaging which Aust NZ Food Standards Authority, would NOT allow if incorrect.

S R Canola lite spread. % per 100 grams of S.R. Canola spread

Sat fats ............................14.4

Poly unsat fats ...................14.4

Mono unsat fats ..................29.7

Trans fats .........................0.5

Cholesterol .......................0.0

I fail to see where you are coming from, what you are on about, it gets Heart Foundation tick.

Guess you know better, so be it, enjoy your iggarince.

Get some VEGEMITE into you. Vitamin B helps heal, you may get healed.

Was just reading that Australia has banned transfats from marg since 1996. Hadn't realised that.

Incidentally, most of the cholesterol build up causing heart disease etc is put there by the liver as response to high blood insulin. Eat a good diet low in starches and sugar and you can eat loads of fat with no problem.

I'll enjoy my, um, "iggarince", thanks.


Almost impossible to find straight margarine in shops, most are called spreads, not having 80% total fat content.

Garlic margarine an exception.

Ya rite about diet.

Way to lose weight too.

Jennifer Anniston diet, and it works.

Way to go for diabetics like myself.

......... and Vegemite too, must stay on topic.

Cheers matey.

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(Had to say that to remain on topic)

Pete, you're not getting yourself into a margarine war again, are you? You're right, though - I have just got a tub from the 'fridge and realised I am not eating margarine at all - it is a 'cholesterol free spread'. 'Fat' breakdown as follows (per 100g):

Saturated - 27% max (seems a lot?)

Trans - 1% max

Polyunsaturated 20% min

Monunsaturated 45% min

What it all means, I have no idea - but it tastes okay with my Vegemite

What it all means, I have no idea - but it tastes okay with my Vegemite

Remember as a kid eating it between crackers and squeezing all the brown and yellow "worms" through the holes..

What it all means, I have no idea - but it tastes okay with my Vegemite

Remember as a kid eating it between crackers and squeezing all the brown and yellow "worms" through the holes..

Yeah, and I still lick it off me fingers, lick knife clean,,,,,,,,LOL



I always thought that margarine - sorry, 'cholesterol free spread' - was better for you than butter. I also don't like the taste of butter, despite having been raised on the stuff. If it is ultra-fresh, it is okay, but it seems to develop a 'taste' after a very short period of time in the 'fridge (and even less if left out of the 'fridge). Anyway, I prefer 'spread'. Now, not having any idea of the difference between spread and butter in terms of healthiness, am I correct in assuming that butter is not that flash? If so, I get very little dairy, because I only have milk in my coffee and I may go two or three days before I have a cup.


I always thought that margarine - sorry, 'cholesterol free spread' - was better for you than butter. I also don't like the taste of butter, despite having been raised on the stuff. If it is ultra-fresh, it is okay, but it seems to develop a 'taste' after a very short period of time in the 'fridge (and even less if left out of the 'fridge). Anyway, I prefer 'spread'. Now, not having any idea of the difference between spread and butter in terms of healthiness, am I correct in assuming that butter is not that flash? If so, I get very little dairy, because I only have milk in my coffee and I may go two or three days before I have a cup.

The principal constituents of a normal salted butter are fat (80 - 82%), water (15.6 - 17.6%), salt (about 1.2%) as well as protein, calcium and phosphorous (about 1.2%). Butter also contains fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E.

Indians cook with GHEE, butter without the water etc, clarified, it is often called.

Must be 100% fat.......... yuuuuuukkkkkkkkkk

If I have butter, it only accidental, like visisting some place.

I doubt any cafes etc would use straight butter, usually high fat marg, or spread, cheapest.

One does often get lil single serve packs when eating out, also on airplanes.

Usually whipped butter, fluffed up.

Lots of commercial places will whip about 30% water into butter, giving a 50 - 50 butter fat mix, that is not as bad as some spreads. Makes easy spreading on sammies.

If left, some of the water will separate, just whip back in again.

There is a hint for people who love lotsa butter with their fresh bread and VEGEMITE, lots healthier.

My SR Canola Lite, from Woolies and many other Woollies subsiduaries, is my fave.

Ping, ya needs ya dose of calcium, reason I am heavy on flavoured milks and espresso javas.

Osteosporosis, it will get to you, men as well as wimmin suffer from it....... no cacium in VEGEMITE.

Gotta stay on topic....... hehehe

NOTE: I use edit for spell check.

I am trying to find some Vegemite in Phuket, no luck at Central or at Don's in Rawai.

Is this stuff not termite excrement?

wash your mouth out with marmite huggy!

I am trying to find some Vegemite in Phuket, no luck at Central or at Don's in Rawai.

Is this stuff not termite excrement?

wash your mouth out with marmite huggy!

Donna, take dat bear's honey, force feed with VEGEMITE...... grrrrrrrr


Well, this is a Vegemite thread after all. I am sure, for example, that I have mentioned Vegemite at least once in each of my posts. :D

Vegemite :o

Marmite :D


Well, this is a Vegemite thread after all. I am sure, for example, that I have mentioned Vegemite at least once in each of my posts. :D

Vegemite :o

Marmite :D


Fresh ciabatta bun pocket, lite spread, a layer of VEGEMITE, cheese, lettuce, sprouts and cold beer.

My lunch.

Ping, is there a hearesy site?

Betta report 'donna'.

haha. why report me Zpete? i LOVE veg.

My deepest apologies, donna.... sorry fer dat.

The heretic is "Huggy bear"

Off to the stocks wif her.



Her? Did 'Huggy Bear' have gender reassignment? Well, he's a Marmite eater - what can you expect? :o

(That's a joke Huggy Bear - try not to overreact)


Her? Did 'Huggy Bear' have gender reassignment? Well, he's a Marmite eater - what can you expect? :o

(That's a joke Huggy Bear - try not to overreact)


OOOOOOOPS, LOL, MITE BE A KATOEY............HEHEHE, sorry huggy.

One neva knows in here.

So many TV posters, are too bashful to put their apparent public gender in profiles.

They should eat vegemite sammies for brekky.


Well done, Pete, you managed to slip 'Vegemite' in quite legitimately. I had toast with Vegemite for brekky this morning, actually (and some peanut butter toasts as well - I was a bit peckish).


The OP wanted to know where it could be bought in Phuket. Of course, Vegemite does have a heck of a lot to do with Phuket living even without the OP's question: In order to enjoy Phuket living, one must be alive. In order to remain alive, one must eat. And there's nothing finer to eat than a couple of slices of bread or toast with Vegemite in the mornings. You see - a direct link!

I couldn't find it in Carrefour (not to say it definitely isn't there, but they probably don't they stock it). I definitely saw it at Big C (annoyed by the price) and others have said it's available elsewhere in Patong, but it will be simpler for me to just slip a jar in my suitcase as per usual. First stop will then be to Carrefour to do all my grocery shopping. Sorry, second stop - first stop will be drinkies! Back in HKT in just over two months, then back to Oz in November. Still giving quite serious thought to moving there semi-permanently (retirement visa) next year.

The OP wanted to know where it could be bought in Phuket. Of course, Vegemite does have a heck of a lot to do with Phuket living even without the OP's question: In order to enjoy Phuket living, one must be alive. In order to remain alive, one must eat. And there's nothing finer to eat than a couple of slices of bread or toast with Vegemite in the mornings. You see - a direct link!

I couldn't find it in Carrefour (not to say it definitely isn't there, but they probably don't they stock it). I definitely saw it at Big C (annoyed by the price) and others have said it's available elsewhere in Patong, but it will be simpler for me to just slip a jar in my suitcase as per usual. First stop will then be to Carrefour to do all my grocery shopping. Sorry, second stop - first stop will be drinkies! Back in HKT in just over two months, then back to Oz in November. Still giving quite serious thought to moving there semi-permanently (retirement visa) next year.

How much is it in Thailand?

$NZ4,47 ...... 455 gram jar in NZ

114.83 Baht.


Look, quite honestly I don't recall the exact price. I think a 220g jar was around B120 - 150 (four or five dollars AU) at Big C. I remember thinking at the time it was around 2.5 times the price in Oz. I think a half-sized (250g) tub of Margarine-like spread (thankfully, available at Carrefour) was around B100-120 (over three dollars, compared with $1.70, or around B50, in AU for a 500g tub). Bottom line is that I'll take a jar or Vege, a couple of large tubs of Marg (frozen), and a jar of peanut butter. Usually ones I have taken in the past are still there, but there is never a guarantee. In any event, any remaining peanut butter would have got that stale taste to it. Of course, Vegemite just gets better with age. My late father-in-law had a HUGE tin of Vegemite (like a caterers' size) that he'd had for about thirty years and still a quarter of a tin left in it. It had gone quite thick and difficult to spread but the taste was analagous to a good wine that had been aged for just the right time.

I'm going to open a discussion thread about general issues in Phuket. I would put it in the General forum, but it would probably become too unwieldy. We can resume our discussion of the Thai BBQs there (ex Chalong Circle thread).

Look, quite honestly I don't recall the exact price. I think a 220g jar was around B120 - 150 (four or five dollars AU) at Big C. I remember thinking at the time it was around 2.5 times the price in Oz. I think a half-sized (250g) tub of Margarine-like spread (thankfully, available at Carrefour) was around B100-120 (over three dollars, compared with $1.70, or around B50, in AU for a 500g tub). Bottom line is that I'll take a jar or Vege, a couple of large tubs of Marg (frozen), and a jar of peanut butter. Usually ones I have taken in the past are still there, but there is never a guarantee. In any event, any remaining peanut butter would have got that stale taste to it. Of course, Vegemite just gets better with age. My late father-in-law had a HUGE tin of Vegemite (like a caterers' size) that he'd had for about thirty years and still a quarter of a tin left in it. It had gone quite thick and difficult to spread but the taste was analagous to a good wine that had been aged for just the right time.

I'm going to open a discussion thread about general issues in Phuket. I would put it in the General forum, but it would probably become too unwieldy. We can resume our discussion of the Thai BBQs there (ex Chalong Circle thread).

Margarine, Eta, Stork etc, initally was never put in a chiller, just on shelves where I worked in Malvern, 1950s, elsewhere to.

Old vegemite is simple to thin if desired.

Kids spread it on like road seal.

I thinned a big tin, with water, using Kenwood beater.

Easier to spread on fresh bread and saved dosh.

Don't overdo the water......LOL, dun want vegemite soup.


555 Don't want Vegemite soup? Isn't that what you are going to end up with next time you go to a Thai barbecue? Waitress, "Tam arai!? Farang ting tong!"

  • 2 weeks later...

VEGEMITE fell off the horizon....... hehehe

Wot is............

"Tam arai!? Farang ting tong!"


xtra f is for 'farang' ..... lol.

I am after all innocenter one here.

I could hazard a good guess.........


Always nice to bump an interesting thread. Have you some more news about the wonderful health-giving properties and sheer gastronomic delights of a Vegemite sandwich?

  • 2 weeks later...

I wonder if they will resist the temptation to start putting the stuff in plastic jars? Would there be as much an outcry as if they sold beer in plastic stubbies?


Well...this is how I buy it in HK and I love tiger toast.Toast spread with Vegemite then strips of Coon cheese and under the grill.

Yummy.The price is consistent to the Thai prices too,cheaper in the tube job.


Well...this is how I buy it in HK and I love tiger toast.Toast spread with Vegemite then strips of Coon cheese and under the grill.

Yummy.The price is consistent to the Thai prices too,cheaper in the tube job.

HONEY, lasts forever, found in pyramids, still good after 1000s of years.

VEGEMITE, will live foreve too....LOL

Summun build a pyramid, temple, on Phuket, just for Vegemite worship.

455 gram jar in NZ

114.83 Baht.

(Had to mention Phuket)


Well I had not seen those squeezy containers of Vegemite. So I was wrong. Clearly, if there can be a market acceptance of plastic squeezies, then that will break down the barriers to introduction of plastic containers in general. The great advantage to the manufacturer is that they are so much lighter.

Well I had not seen those squeezy containers of Vegemite. So I was wrong. Clearly, if there can be a market acceptance of plastic squeezies, then that will break down the barriers to introduction of plastic containers in general. The great advantage to the manufacturer is that they are so much lighter.

Reminds me of the tubes of sweetened condensed milk, I would suck straight from the tube.......... imagine that with vegemite.....ewwwww

Things one did as a kid.......... was fun tho'.

The glass jars suit me fine.

So many other uses.

Ermmm.......Tesco Lotus & Big C dont have??

I carefully searched all aisles of Tesco and nothing,

anyone tried Big C or Carrefour?

try 7 eleven i just love those places :o:D:D

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