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I discovered by chance that I had alarmingly high bp (210/110) and I had no noticeable symptoms. It was only because my local pharmacy had got a new toy in the form of an electronic bp monitor and was offering a free test (I have since come to discovered that these are a very good investment at 2000B)

I went elswhere and had it checked in 2 other pharmacies, all with similar results. I then did my homework on the net. I had a life threatening problem

I went to several hospitals. The first thing they do, is weigh you, take your temperature (they do that ok) but when it comes to using the puffer cuff and manometer - well - big shock the cheeky little cows all cheated and put down a fictitius figure of 140/90. One didnt bother with a sthethoscope at all

SO i had been having my bp checked for years by these lying bitches and never knew i had a problem

What about the quacks

Well HBP is not a profitable disease for them (as i came to know AICTK) so they are not very interested and quickly prescribe some proprieray foreign import dangerous drug to lower you bp (co they get a kick back) then rush you ut the door

If it hadnt been for my home BPM i wouldnt be any the wiser

Well thats stage one of my story, how did you get on :o

I discovered by chance that I had alarmingly high bp (210/110) and I had no noticeable symptoms. It was only because my local pharmacy had got a new toy in the form of an electronic bp monitor and was offering a free test (I have since come to discovered that these are a very good investment at 2000B)

I went elswhere and had it checked in 2 other pharmacies, all with similar results. I then did my homework on the net. I had a life threatening problem

I went to several hospitals. The first thing they do, is weigh you, take your temperature (they do that ok) but when it comes to using the puffer cuff and manometer - well - big shock the cheeky little cows all cheated and put down a fictitius figure of 140/90. One didnt bother with a sthethoscope at all

SO i had been having my bp checked for years by these lying bitches and never knew i had a problem

What about the quacks

Well HBP is not a profitable disease for them (as i came to know AICTK) so they are not very interested and quickly prescribe some proprieray foreign import dangerous drug to lower you bp (co they get a kick back) then rush you ut the door

If it hadnt been for my home BPM i wouldnt be any the wiser

Well thats stage one of my story, how did you get on :o

Sorry but I can't make much sense of what you are saying.

In the first instance High Blood pressure is a serious matter and even in Thailand any hospital would wish to do further tests to ascertain whether you have a serious problem, such as coronary disease etc. Stress tests, angiograms, stents and even heart bi-passes may be warranted as a result of very high blood pressure symptoms, so I have no idea why you say this is not a profitable disease. It's potentially one of the most profitable.

I have had high blood pressure for years, and have attended a great many Thai hospitals - expensive and cheap - and clinics, and I have never yet been given a false reading when they take my blood pressure - and unlike the UK, the usually tell me straight away what the reading is. It simply makes no sense to make up a falsely low reading.

My advice to you is to find a cardiologist asap and get yourself checked out properly. 210/110 is extremely high, and dangerous.


In addition to Mobi's excellent advice, you should have your body ran thru a battery of tests. whatever it is it is very high.

I would also have them run a simple ALT & AST tes to see if it is liver induced. If your passing a kidney stone it might go up.

But I would be concerned of a possible coronary if you don't resolve your issue. don't let em snow you, It is important to follow thru on this one. I had 178 over 126 & it was due to a kidney stone. Don't take a chance- get a real (decent doc ) that knows whats up.

I discovered by chance that I had alarmingly high bp (210/110) and I had no noticeable symptoms. It was only because my local pharmacy had got a new toy in the form of an electronic bp monitor and was offering a free test (I have since come to discovered that these are a very good investment at 2000B)

I went elswhere and had it checked in 2 other pharmacies, all with similar results. I then did my homework on the net. I had a life threatening problem

I went to several hospitals. The first thing they do, is weigh you, take your temperature (they do that ok) but when it comes to using the puffer cuff and manometer - well - big shock the cheeky little cows all cheated and put down a fictitius figure of 140/90. One didnt bother with a sthethoscope at all

SO i had been having my bp checked for years by these lying bitches and never knew i had a problem

What about the quacks

Well HBP is not a profitable disease for them (as i came to know AICTK) so they are not very interested and quickly prescribe some proprieray foreign import dangerous drug to lower you bp (co they get a kick back) then rush you ut the door

If it hadnt been for my home BPM i wouldnt be any the wiser

Well thats stage one of my story, how did you get on :o

wind up yeah?

I'd rather trust the nurses than the silly gadget you got. The pulse reading would have been read off the bP machine too.

140/90 is on the high normal side.

But you were probably a little agitated by your new toy.


Dr. Pat and Ram Hosptial is well thought of Cardiologist who could supervise your elevated blood pressure condition and determine if it is essential hypertension or a body part malfunction as a cause.

Once your pressure cause is diagnosed and if it is essential hypertension, ie. not caused by a body part malfunction, then the Dr. will titrate you, ie. try various medications until he finds one or more than one that will control your pressure.

I have been hypertensive for over 40 years and know my condition so well that I titrate myself and find the cheapest generics in the lowest doses that in combination keep my pressure normal or just below normal without noticeable side effects. Unfortunately, loss of sexual libido is a given when one treats hypertension, so a blessing for the hyper-sexed, but a negative for those that aren't. I am sure there will be some who report anti-hypertensives that don't affect their sexual drive, but they are the exception.

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