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Magic Words

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Which words or sentences makes your dog(s) absolutely attentive??

Here are ours:

-pai talay

-pai duai

-pai tiaow

Even when they're sleeping and I am talking to my wife and using by accident these words they are runing out of the bedroom..... :o

Which "magic words" are yours?


Worst case scenario:

Going out in the morning for work, open the door from the car and suddenly I remember that I've somethig forgotten in the house.

Going back inside but without closing the door from the car............

Coming back:

The big one is sitting on the driver's seat, the other 2 are sitting in the back looking at me like saying:"Daddy we are ready, let's go!!!"

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hi gerd, can imagine them sitting in the car waiting happily and excited :D

and imagine you trying to get them out there again and their disappointed faces :D :D

for some of my dogs the word 'mouse' is the trigger, they get up and start running around like mad looking in every corner and even trying to climb in bushes to find the mouse :D

i intentionally did not ever use any wording when i take some of my dogs to beach etc, they all run mad and i cannot take them all at one time. i try to make not any sensation out of it when i take some dogs out, just quietly call their names. the problem is to take out the leashes and collars from the cupboard... this gets all of them started :o

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Not so much happy words, more happy actions:

take out lead and collar

open the car door

Yeh and maybe "let's go" in a hig pitched exciting voice, but it's more the voice than the words that does the trick.

And ... some years ago we cared for a rescued huge black and oh-so sweet German shepherd who would jump into any open-door car with a 'let's go' face. Can you iamgine the shocked faces of the totally unknown owners of these cars? :o


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What is it with dogs and cars?!!! My Bernese mountain dog used to lie contentently in the back until i switched the indicator on (which could have been numerous times) and he'd pop up with his "are we there yet?" face on in the rear view mirror whilst slobbering all over me...

Now, put a cat in a car and they sound like castrated Pavarrottis.

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