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Discontent At Farang Owned Businesses On Phuket.


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Went to Tesco new store in Cherngtaly today, first thing I noticed when driving though was a sign saying in Thai. ( No to Tesco, Cherngtaly people do not want Tesco )

Bit of a shock when I went inside Tesco to see most of the staff were Muslims, Cherngtaly is a Muslim area . I thought Muslims stick together?. Anyway more surprised at a Muslim serving pork at the meat counter.

Would love to see Tesco open a few petrol stations on the island. As a business owner on the island it hurts me to hear Thai folk talking badly about farang and their business. I have been living on Phuket for more then three years now, and I have had enough of Thailand. Thailand is a very racist country and the people should be more educated regarding racism.

My remarks about Muslims are not racist, I am just stating that a religion is for believe, not just when it suits you. I am looking forward to returning back to the UK with my family, for my families future. No future in Thailand for my family. Thailand is only good for a short holiday. In my opinion over the years it has got worse. No more good news in the press about Thailand.


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Great news that you will be returning to the UK. I agree once someone has had a enough of their hosts they should leave. I've been there and done it myself, only to come back and appreciate it.

Terrible that there is a Tesco in Cherngtalay. Good for the Thai People for sticking up for themselves.

Mabye some of those pork serving muslims at the New Tesco had no choice but to comprimise themselves for Corporate UK in order to just survive.

Taz, no one forces us to live here or promises us anything.....

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Good for the Thai People for sticking up for themselves.

More like small business owners that are going to go out of business because they can't match service, price, or quality.

The vast majority of shoppers at Tesco-Lotus in Kathu are Thai as will be the shoppers at the one in Cherng Talay.

The disgruntled shop keepers are putting there own selfish needs in front of the majority of shoppers who will have better quality and choice at Tescos.

You want to stay in business? Up your game.

An example of a local business that plays Tesco-Lotus at it's own game and wins is Promphan Supermarket. So, it can be done.

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Good for the Thai People for sticking up for themselves.

More like small business owners that are going to go out of business because they can't match service, price, or quality.

The vast majority of shoppers at Tesco-Lotus in Kathu are Thai as will be the shoppers at the one in Cherng Talay.

The disgruntled shop keepers are putting there own selfish needs in front of the majority of shoppers who will have better quality and choice at Tescos.

You want to stay in business? Up your game.

An example of a local business that plays Tesco-Lotus at it's own game and wins is Promphan Supermarket. So, it can be done.

And the disgruntel shop keepers come from where? And how long have they been putting their selfish needs infront of the majority of shoppers who have better quality at Tescos? Phuket is turning into Ohau. A bit American island.

Let the shop owners run their little busineses. There is already 1 tesco and 1 big c and 1 makro and plenty of Tops and a few Big ones............and way to many 7's!

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And the disgruntel shop keepers come from where?

The same place as the shoppers who are fed up with high prices, old stock and no service.

And how long have they been putting their selfish needs infront of the majority of shoppers who have better quality at Tescos?

Since they have realised that they are going to have to get off their butts and improve their business if they want to stay open. That's the way of the world. It's called 'competition'.

It can be done; I've given you a very good example.

Phuket is turning into Ohau. A bit American island.

Let the shop owners run their little busineses. There is already 1 tesco and 1 big c and 1 makro and plenty of Tops and a few Big ones............and way to many 7's!

If that is true, then the Tesco-Lotus will close through lack of business.

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Great news that you will be returning to the UK. I agree once someone has had a enough of their hosts they should leave. I've been there and done it myself, only to come back and appreciate it.

Terrible that there is a Tesco in Cherngtalay. Good for the Thai People for sticking up for themselves.

Mabye some of those pork serving muslims at the New Tesco had no choice but to comprimise themselves for Corporate UK in order to just survive.

Taz, no one forces us to live here or promises us anything.....

Well your entitled to your opinion Mr Man. I bet you have no family in Thailand? And that you do not speak Thai, as you would have not said the comments you said.

And your right about no one forces us to live here or promises us anything. When I first came to Thailand no one promised me nothing and I was not forced to go to Thailand or back to the UK.

My daughter a wife came from the the UK in the first place and since then we had another child born in Thailand, she is only six months old. I think about my family's future and there safety all of the time.

Sorry to spring this surprise at you, but this country is far from safe. Anyway have sold the business, house prices have shot up in the last three years. So have enough to buy a three bed house/ car/ whatever. Thailand is not where you want to grow old in, and if you can help it, not for the kids to grow up in.

Please don’t forget this is a third world country you live in.

Please be careful!


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I remember when I was in BKK, all around our local Tesco Lotus were huge outside markets. It seemed that the Tesco was actually benefiting the locals by drawing consumers to the area. I'm not saying I am in favour of corporate dictatorship but there will be some winners and some losers.

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Unfortunately most people learn the hard way the Thailand you holiday in and the Thailand you must live permanently in are two different beasts. I lived fulltime in Patong from late '84, 85, 86 and 87. I felt it was not a place I either wanted to live fulltime in or run a business in. I was very young, only 21 when I first stayed there but I don't regret not buying anything at all really. I had a house right opposite where Jung Ceylon now is which was 2500 baht a month.

I live by the creed Thailand is a place to enjoy yourself, travel and relax, not make money. Once you start having to deal with the Thai system you can become totally cynical or just go mad. I always stay like a tourist now and just blend in and keep a real low profile. That way people just let you be. I spent 6 months in Thailand in 2007 and it was more than enough for me. I cannot remember how many bar owners or other assorted business owners I have seen who became alchoholics or just lost everything they had due to bad judgement or placing trust in someone they didn't really know.

In regards to speaking Thai, it is one thing to speak it and another to really understand the culture and people you are dealing with. I am now 45 so know how to talk in a way a person my age should as I have lived all of my adult life with Thais and know that respect for age and the patriarchal system are very deeply rooted. Growing old in Thailand has a certain amount of benefits the west doesn't like the concept of a 'mia noi.' It can be a good idea to act rich even if you are not as Thais will respect and 'kreeng jai' you if they think you have a swag of dosh. Just look at what Thaksin gets away with if you doubt this. :o

When I first went to Surin beach and Cherng Talay it was still a very simple fishing village and people lived in wood and thatched houses. Prosperity has come way to fast but most of the big projects are farang or Bangkok funded so the locals are caught between two worlds, the old simple life up against the quick buck merchants invading the place. Real estate prices are totally ridiculous and ramped up by greedy agents. I hear the words "lum dam" or black hole all the time when I hear Thais talking about Patong.

The road from Patong to Surin in the old days required somebody akin to Mr Motorcross just to get there in one piece as it was gravel and covered in boulders and other assorted obstacles . If it was raining or dark it was nothing short of trecherous. Kamala was a real sleepy hollow, there was virtually nothing there at all. Phuket today is heading towards disaster with little thought being put into roads, parking, garbage or water supply. Many may not know but you are not technically supposed to build above 80ft from sea level or above a 30 degree slope :D I may be wrong but it was something like that at one point.

There are villas going up everywhere with pools but I ask where is the water going to come from in the future? Patong was made oneway at the behest of Jung Ceylon to make sure all traffic must past their front door. This makes only one main entrance and exit to Patong. In November I was coming back to Patong from Surin. The traffic was backed up and jammed half way back to Kamala. I saw later it was a truck broken down on heartbreak mountain. So one breakdown had virtually stopped all traffic out of Patong for hours.

I will only go back there in about late May or June when it gets quieter. So in a way I sympathize with people who are trying to live there. I personally would build out country. You can build a mansion on a large piece of turf for what you'd pay for a shoe box in Patong. I suppose you can look at the positive side of Patong and see there is little chance of being KO'd by a falling coconut these days. Once upon a time it was Patongs greatest hazard.......... :D

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I think Sir Burr is spot on with his comments.

Not everyone that comes here wants to live the Thai way, they love being here but like their little luxuries and if they can afford them what is wrong with that?

If the local shops are unable or unwilling to provide this then someone else will, it is a free market after all.

Myself I try to balance between the two, that is my choice, everyone else is entitled to pursue their own choices.

A lot of people that come here go on about the 'freedom' aspect of Thailand.

Freedom isn't swapping one culture to absorb into another unless it is your choice to do so.

Freedom is having the right to choose and not be restricted unless it is illegal.

The takeover of the small store in Europe and US is almost complete now, some survive but they either up their game or become specialist suppliers.

Business is quite a simple concept, if someone else is taking all your trade you are doing something wrong, try addressing the problem instead of crying foul.

Finally how many Thai's will be employed by Tesco, a hundred maybe more? I bet they aren't complaining.

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There are villas going up everywhere with pools but I ask where is the water going to come from in the future?

Actually, Phuket island is rich in rainfall water. The problem is that most developers don't want to invest in rain water collection, storage, & distribution. We have a big apartment block, and very large swim pool, and are almost fully self sufficient with rain water as we invested (quite a lot of money) in an ultra large water tank under the whole building.

Otherwise, I agree with much of what you say... :o

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Finally how many Thai's will be employed by Tesco, a hundred maybe more? I bet they aren't complaining.

And all those employees are working in a proper job, decent hourly wage, social security benefits, and reasonable working hours & practices. A world away from working in the black economy for minimum pay, maximum hours, and no sickness/holiday/accident/pension benefits. Where do you think the locals prefer to work .... ???

Edited by LivinginKata
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? Phuket is turning into Ohau. A bit American island.

I thought Tesco-Lotus is a UK based corporation. What do septics have to do with it? :o

Guess we don't all have sewage facilities.

Septic tanks best other option.

Ohau, guess ya mean, OAHU, used to love the place.

Neva actually go there now, blotty rip off place.

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Finally how many Thai's will be employed by Tesco, a hundred maybe more? I bet they aren't complaining.

And all those employees are working in a proper job, decent hourly wage, social security benefits, and reasonable working hours & practices. A world away from working in the black economy for minimum pay, maximum hours, and no sickness/holiday/accident/pension benefits. Where do you think the locals prefer to work .... ???

In all reality, Tesco would be a boon for local employment.

I was manager in NZ supermarket similar to Tesco, we had 300 employees at any given time. Shop was 24/7, many workers were students, part-timers.

We helped people who were unable to do full time.

Very happy staff.

About half were full time workers.

I have wondered how many part timers Tesco employs, would be interesting to know.

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Sorry to spring this surprise at you, but this country is far from safe. Anyway have sold the business, house prices have shot up in the last three years. So have enough to buy a three bed house/ car/ whatever. Thailand is not where you want to grow old in, and if you can help it, not for the kids to grow up in.

I guess it must have come as a surprise to you too. Only a week ago weren't you talking about setting up a Greasy Joe's type restaurant in Phuket?

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The Tesco vs. local shop owner debate is similar to the Walmart issue in the USA & Canada. Difference though is that I think the employees of Tesco and the communities are better off with a monolith like Tesco. Tesco brings some order to the chaos that is the retail trade here and introduces concepts like sanitary handling and tracking of food sources. I have never shopped Tesco but I frequent the Carrefour and am grateful for the orderly pricing and the ability to get what I need in one place. I save a bundle in time and travel costs. If Jungceylon was able to change the traffic pattern, bless them for that because the unidirectional flow does work, save for the absence of traffic lights and pedestrian crossings. If I am not mistaken, Jungceylon tenants is one of the largest retail tax sources in Patong, and a major employer. Sorry, but in this case, I'm all for this clean and orderly complex vs the pandemonium of the firetrap night markets.

As for the muslims serving pork, umm so what? I have plenty of jewish friends that eat pork. Sure it's not the greatest thing for the heart, but as the Israeli Pork Producers Federation used to advertise on its T Shirts, "It's the other white meat".

If the muslims are selling pork, wouldn't that be an indicator of open mindedness and secular leanings and a good sign? When you get back to the UK, and see the ghettos that have sprung up in the SE Asian areas and the attempt to impose Sharia law, you'll long for the calm serenity of the muslims in these parts.

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I guess it must have come as a surprise to you too. Only a week ago weren't you talking about setting up a Greasy Joe's type restaurant in Phuket?

Well spotted, yes that was only 6 days ago. That's quite a complete turnabout .... :o

Well spotted about the cafe. So how long should it take someone to come to there senses?

I have already had an offer for the premises and after great thought and bullying from my wife, I have decided that enough is enough.

I am tired of the constant bulls S*** from Thai staff and people in general. So I changed my mind about starting a new business.

I am putting my family's needs first for a change. Looking forward to returning back home and having some good food to eat and evenings in with the TV and family.

I wonder if they still show Eastenders on the TV.

Taz... :D

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I guess it must have come as a surprise to you too. Only a week ago weren't you talking about setting up a Greasy Joe's type restaurant in Phuket?

Well spotted, yes that was only 6 days ago. That's quite a complete turnabout .... :o

Well spotted about the cafe. So how long should it take someone to come to there senses?

I have already had an offer for the premises and after great thought and bullying from my wife, I have decided that enough is enough.

I am tired of the constant bulls S*** from Thai staff and people in general. So I changed my mind about starting a new business.

I am putting my family's needs first for a change. Looking forward to returning back home and having some good food to eat and evenings in with the TV and family.

I wonder if they still show Eastenders on the TV.

Taz... :D

You coming to the UK?

How long will it be before you are complaining about being treated like an unwanted foreigner in your own country (by actual foreigners).

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The Tesco vs. local shop owner debate is similar to the Walmart issue in the USA & Canada. Difference though is that I think the employees of Tesco and the communities are better off with a monolith like Tesco. Tesco brings some order to the chaos that is the retail trade here and introduces concepts like sanitary handling and tracking of food sources. I have never shopped Tesco but I frequent the Carrefour and am grateful for the orderly pricing and the ability to get what I need in one place. I save a bundle in time and travel costs. If Jungceylon was able to change the traffic pattern, bless them for that because the unidirectional flow does work, save for the absence of traffic lights and pedestrian crossings. If I am not mistaken, Jungceylon tenants is one of the largest retail tax sources in Patong, and a major employer. Sorry, but in this case, I'm all for this clean and orderly complex vs the pandemonium of the firetrap night markets.

As for the muslims serving pork, umm so what? I have plenty of jewish friends that eat pork. Sure it's not the greatest thing for the heart, but as the Israeli Pork Producers Federation used to advertise on its T Shirts, "It's the other white meat".

If the muslims are selling pork, wouldn't that be an indicator of open mindedness and secular leanings and a good sign? When you get back to the UK, and see the ghettos that have sprung up in the SE Asian areas and the attempt to impose Sharia law, you'll long for the calm serenity of the muslims in these parts.


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I guess it must have come as a surprise to you too. Only a week ago weren't you talking about setting up a Greasy Joe's type restaurant in Phuket?

Well spotted, yes that was only 6 days ago. That's quite a complete turnabout .... :o

Well spotted about the cafe. So how long should it take someone to come to there senses?

I have already had an offer for the premises and after great thought and bullying from my wife, I have decided that enough is enough.

I am tired of the constant bulls S*** from Thai staff and people in general. So I changed my mind about starting a new business.

I am putting my family's needs first for a change. Looking forward to returning back home and having some good food to eat and evenings in with the TV and family.

I wonder if they still show Eastenders on the TV.

Taz... :D

You coming to the UK?

How long will it be before you are complaining about being treated like an unwanted foreigner in your own country (by actual foreigners).

First thing is not to move to London or a large city.

Cornwall for my family.

Taz. :D


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I guess it must have come as a surprise to you too. Only a week ago weren't you talking about setting up a Greasy Joe's type restaurant in Phuket?

Well spotted, yes that was only 6 days ago. That's quite a complete turnabout .... :o

Well spotted about the cafe. So how long should it take someone to come to there senses?

I have already had an offer for the premises and after great thought and bullying from my wife, I have decided that enough is enough.

I am tired of the constant bulls S*** from Thai staff and people in general. So I changed my mind about starting a new business.

I am putting my family's needs first for a change. Looking forward to returning back home and having some good food to eat and evenings in with the TV and family.

I wonder if they still show Eastenders on the TV.

Taz... :D

You coming to the UK?

How long will it be before you are complaining about being treated like an unwanted foreigner in your own country (by actual foreigners).

First thing is not to move to London or a large city.

Cornwall for my family.

Taz. :D

You will be complaing about all the Eastern Europeans down there.

BTW, are you Cornish, or an emmet? :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
Finally how many Thai's will be employed by Tesco, a hundred maybe more? I bet they aren't complaining.

And all those employees are working in a proper job, decent hourly wage, social security benefits, and reasonable working hours & practices. A world away from working in the black economy for minimum pay, maximum hours, and no sickness/holiday/accident/pension benefits. Where do you think the locals prefer to work .... ???

If you call 7000 baht a month for a 60 hour week a decent wage.. you should try working it!

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If you call 7000 baht a month for a 60 hour week a decent wage.. you should try working it!

As far as I know it's not a 60 hour work for only 7,000 baht, it's more like MORE than 7,000 baht for 40 hour week. Businesses like Texco at least pay the government recommended minium hour wage of 185 baht/hour. Extra hours are paid overtime. AND I know that is still low compared with western rates, BUT that's the way it is in Asia, AND the folks get health care, sickness benefit, pension, even some sort of unemployment benefit. Compared with working at a local ma & pa business this is a good deal.

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If you call 7000 baht a month for a 60 hour week a decent wage.. you should try working it!

As far as I know it's not a 60 hour work for only 7,000 baht, it's more like MORE than 7,000 baht for 40 hour week. Businesses like Texco at least pay the government recommended minium hour wage of 185 baht/hour. Extra hours are paid overtime. AND I know that is still low compared with western rates, BUT that's the way it is in Asia, AND the folks get health care, sickness benefit, pension, even some sort of unemployment benefit. Compared with working at a local ma & pa business this is a good deal.

ha ha ha.. You really think theres a 185 baht per hour min wage ??

Sure so everyone at tescos makes 7400 per week !!! Or almost 30k a month !!

I am still one that thinks the employment benefit along with the benefit to the community of better shopping is a bonus.. But labour rates are 180 baht a day more like.

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  • 1 month later...

Went to the new Tesco a few days back. They have moved the pork & beef counter into a corner now, which shows respect for the workers.

I would like it if Tesco would stock more food for the many British expats on Phuket to show the same respect.

You would think that a British store would take care of the costumers that made it such a household name it is today.

A British store should stock more British foods at the same prices, not pay 100 Baht for a tin of spaghetti hoops, when in the UK it costs £1 for 4 cans, which is around 66 Baht. Nice to see that they still make money out of us in a foreign land.


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