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Iphone Killer?


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HDRIDER, I remember you didn't like your iPhone... :o

I found the Xperia demo didn't show much - wiggling, colorful icons, and a tilt-sensitive screen. The only thing I took from it is a clear message from Microsoft: "Yes, we are copying all the graphical goodness of the iPhone, as fast as we can". Of course, they are still limited to a 65k color screen at the moment... (Windows Mobile limitation, not hardware).

It's both obvious and good that they are catching up. Everyone has to now, and symbian won't be far behind. That said, there is a good chance Microsoft will get caught up in the graphical glitz and kind of forget about usability, as they are wont to do.

iPhone killer or not depends not on the ability to make icons jump all over the screen. The iPhone is not about what it's doing, but rather how it's doing it. I think others will have a pretty hard time cloning that. In part because it takes a while with the software development to catch up, in part because there's a walled garden of patents around the iPhone's main feature, the multi-touch screen.

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Multi touch was not and is not an Apple invention, they, like MS, bought a company which was developing this. It will be interesting, from a legal perspective, since the prior art argument may well be used, against Apple's patents, if a case goes to law.

Well... in the current rather flawed U.S. patent system, prior art is hard to prove even in the most obvious cases. See the hyperlink patent lawsuit against Microsoft - the most idiotic claim ever (patented links, as can be found on any website) and it still took years to get kicked out.

The point is somewhat moot since Apple surely bought some multi touch patents with that company (Balda?)...

As for actual invention, and to kind of counter the notion that always comes up, namely that none of that is new, it's all been done before, and it's only the Apple hype machine that can make previously totally uninteresting technology all hot and hip: Nobody had done a touch screen phone before that worked anywhere near as well as the iPhone. Why, I don't know, all the tech has been around - but I guess it does take some really good thinking to package it in a way that it becomes not only usable, but actually a pleasure to use. Lots of innovation right there.

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HI Nikster

You bet i dont like iphone, but it was on one of the web sites it say "iphone killer" it was not me, but I think most phones is iphone killers, word and excel is a no word with iphone, a phone that you dont need to ad everything you need, that would be nice, iphone, never again (i think, but never say never) mind you i have 2 Ipod. HTC is the way to go, try it.

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I for one am really looking forward to this phone: http://www8.garmin.com/nuvifone/

Very innovative in certain areas, just want to see pricing and how the programs work...

I never liked touch screens but my Garmin Street Pilot has pretty much gotten me over that. As long as I can use my finger and not have to look for a stylus, I wouldn't mind. It sure makes it easy to have a much larger display with a touch screen. I too am looking forward to more details.

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For me the important functions to have combined in one instrument are telephone, pda/organiser, email/web browser. For the last two and especially the second function I look for a decent qwerty pad.

Finally I want ease of use (I'm the opposite of a techno geek) and an easy back up of everything on my apple mac (I have been known to misplace my gadgets and am getting increasingly forgetful.)

If anyone knows of something that fits my bill now or imminently I'd be interested to know of it. (Right now I'm trying to adapt to a Nokia 95 - which is far from meeting the above criteria but which I acquired indirectly and not by choice.)

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The Xperia looks rather gimicky in respone to the Iphone,

but I've got a Sony Ericsson W960i and it is absolutely brilliant.

I always had Nokias, but this phone really has everything you could need.

Using just the touchscreen and jogwheel I can access all programs, also of course key functions and a stylus.

It's got great office functions, a big memory, connections and sync manager, auto enables links to numbers, pdf files, email, videocalls, bluetooth, wap, 3g internet and wireless lan, programmable shortcut icons, great camera and video, real player, I can watch TV or films, games and Sony Walkman music player, stylish themes...

Well lots of stuff I haven't even used! Updatable of course and it would seem futureproof, I would expect to still be happy with this phone a year from now.

Edited by Robski
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HI Nikster

You bet i dont like iphone, but it was on one of the web sites it say "iphone killer" it was not me, but I think most phones is iphone killers, word and excel is a no word with iphone, a phone that you dont need to ad everything you need, that would be nice, iphone, never again (i think, but never say never) mind you i have 2 Ipod. HTC is the way to go, try it.


I have the HTC P3300, its not the highest spec but it is great.

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I not belief that there is a iPhone killer, or there would be one soon...other then a new product from Apple itself..maybe.

The iPhone and many other gadgets from Apple have still the magic of being a Apple product, which is similar to the Harley-Davidson brand.

Ever try to explain to a Harley fan that a Suzuki, Honda or Kawasaki is a much better bike.... (If wishing to test this you maybe want to know that asking the wrong biker could be dangerous)

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The imate ultimate is my personal fav at the moment. Its not so much of a show off phone but has an awesome feature set. http://www.imate.com/product.aspx?product=...02&skinid=1

I'll be buying a new E51 Nokia as soon as I find one. I'm dumping my Nokia N80 mainly because of the short battery life. The i Mate has an even worse battery life than the N80. No thanks.

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I think the term iPhone killer will eventually become a joke, sort of like the phrase iPod killer. It will be used in a sarcastic context, as in "look, it's the latest iPhone killer from i-Mode!". The manufacturers already know this and none of them claim to make "iPhone killers"...

I read another review on the Xperia and the whole thing with the wiggling icons - Xperia Panels - sounds ever more like hot air. The product demo shown at Mobile World Congress did not show any parts of the interface except these panels, and the sony reps couldn't answer what they actually do http://www.phonescoop.com/articles/article...182&p=175...

I was just looking at my iPhone screen yesterday and this is certainly a first for any phone I have owned: No scratches. I have had it in my front pocket for four months, there are no scratches on it at all. I don't have any "protectors" on it either. Just the naked phone. This is a killer product :o

Edited by nikster
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HTC is the way to go, try it.

They are crap if u ask me simply because they refuse to make drivers for the graphic accelerator in their new chips. I have a HTC Cruise and Touch Dual gathering dust here because they are slower than my 6 year old HP Jornada!!! Unbelieveable they use the latest mobile processors with graphics accelerators and refuse to make drivers for it so your 400mhz processor runs like a 100mhz windows mobile machine.

For more info see: HTC Crapness

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Before the iPhone came out I tried the HTC touch - it wasn't for me. The form factor and looks are awesome, nice hardware, nice design, feels solid.

However, only the first screen and the number pad are usable with fingers, everything else needs the stylus. I got a definite 1990ies flashback, Palm pilot and Apple Newton came to mind, and I have never liked those. WinMo doesn't do a good job of using the limited screen space either.

I will give this another look if they make an Android version, or maybe if WinMo sees a complete revamp...

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I need a phone only for e-mail so whats good, easy to use and big screen easy to read, also do they ping when e-mail received, I'm open to any suggestion

You can set the iPhone to check automatically check email every 15, 30, or 60 minutes. It pings and vibrates on new emails, it syncs via iMap or POP. Just make sure you get a data plan that supports it, though it does have a GPRS usage counter. Any package > 50 hours a month should do for this.

It's not a push service like the Blackberry though so if you want to get your email inside 2 minutes (? no idea what the blackberry delay is, actually) you'll have to get a Blackberry with the accompanying Blackberry service.

iPhone works fine for email but Blackberry has a very good reputation and after all they started out as emailing devices so they probably have this part down.

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Thanks for info I have a sim card in my aircard in my computer I assume I could just put that in the phone. Can other phones be set to check for e-mail every 15 minutes.

Yes you can put the SIM card in the phone.

I know my Nokias couldn't do it (N73 and 6600) but I would expect new business class Nokias (E series) and WinMobile devices to be able to?! And Blackberrys..

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If your mobile device needs are e-mail centric, a Blackberry is hard to beat: full keyboard, designed from the start to serve that market, responsive, reliable.

The iPhone improved the usability of the Web on a phone dramatically. This is where it excels. I used to use my Blackberry for limited web browsing, and I found it to be pretty good at the task. It would strip content down to the bare text required to get the information from a site. The iPhone in contrast lets you just view the website as it was designed, and focus in on areas of importance. No other browser I have used has been as successful in this area, hands down. (I have used blackberries, Nokia Symbian and Maemo devices, and a handful of Motorola Java and Windows Mobile handsets.)

As others have said, "iPhone Killer" will be as trite of a phrase as "iPod Killer" in a few years. Apple was successful in creating a new market with the iPhone just as it has with the iPod. The iPhone is not everything for everyone, but it is a very compelling phone and internet device. It will be interesting to see what it becomes in the next few years.

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