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I use an iMac computer here at home in the U.S.A. and I would like to set up “iChat” with “iSight” so my wife can have audio/visual conversations with her family in Thailand and avoid all the long distance phone bills. I know Thailand is mostly all Windows PC’s. Is there a program available in Thailand for a PC that would allow this type of communication? Is it something that can be found at an Internet Cafe (my wifes family dosen't currently own a computer)? Even just the audio communication would be great. My wife calls family in Thailand regularly, so being able to talk over the computer would save a bundle. With all the money saved on phone calls, we could buy a basic computer for my wifes family to use in their home.


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Thanks rickvan.

I did a search and see AIM 5.5 is a free download. Does the user have to be signed up with AOL to use this? Can AIM be downloaded to a computer in Thailand and be used with whatever Internet service is available locally?

Also, do you know if this is something that may be available at Internet Cafes? Sorry, but I’ve never used a Windows PC so I am unfamiliar with them.

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I’ll have the family look into what a basic PC computer in Thailand will cost. Probably have them go to Pantip Plaza. I think with all the shops there, they should be able to find a place to set them up with all they need.

Thanks again for your help.

IF they're talking to you on a Mac, it may be better to look for a second-hand Mac here. - If only to avoid compatibility issues...

It's hard enough getting some of the PC videoconferencing stuff to work with another PC running the same software, let alone with a Mac running different software. (i.e. sometimes the video works, sometimes the sound works, and that's two PCs with the same O/S and same software installed).

Although if they're upcountry, attempting video-conferencing on a dial-up line may be pushing things anyway...

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Thanks for the info bkk mike. Some of my wifes family live in Bangkok. One sister works in an office and uses a computer at her work. Another sister has had some schooling in business office work, but is not working at this time. I just felt that having a PC at home would be helpful as far as learning and staying familiar with PC’s for office work. I have thought of sending them an old iMac that I have, but I figured it would cost too much to get it into Thailand (or would it?). Plus, the iMac would be of no use as far as learning about computers for office work.

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  • I think it would make more sense for you to get a PC than for her family to get a Mac. They can then use any internet cafe but there are probably not many that have the equipment (camera, software, etc.) although I would bet there are more of them than ones who use Macs.
  • Also, if the family ends up getting a computer (Mac or PC), conferencing will only be pheasible with a broadband connection. Doing it on dial-up is not worth the frustration.

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If you can settle with audio chat,try Skype.

It's actually ip telephony,but it works crossplatform.

Unfortunately there are no video conferencing program that works cross platform,that i know of.

But have a look for yourself.


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