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How Important Is Beauty To You?


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Nice post Beardog! I guess there is a kind of Machiavellian principle to the people who just want surface beauty, and the others who want an ATM and blank check. The threads here are full of these types as well, with everything from rip-off and cuckolding schemes to premeditated murder, so good luck in your shallow, vain existence. I truly can agree that you guys deserve each other! It also clears out a lot of debris so that the authentically good people can find each other.


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vrsushi, let me ask you a question: how high up on the evolutionary scale are you? Personally, I would rate anyone who gives a 'rating' to others is very low down. Would I say that my wife is beautiful? In my opinion, she is but not in mould of what some people perceive as a classical Thai beauty. She has a great smile and personality, wonderful sense of humour, is very respectable, educated and well mannered. These, in my book, are all 'beauty' traits.

Please go ahead and continue to rate women as you see fit. Marry your 'stunner' but look a few years down the road when her looks start to fade and your (and her) interest in sex wanes and what is left? Just two people sharing the same house.

You say "Actually to be honest I am surprised by how often I see men with very mediocre looking women." So be brave, you internet Adonis and post your photo and let other posters rate you!

:o Here Here!!!!

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I'll be honest, I have always coveted beautiful women. I am not a bad looking guy myself, a 6.5/7 out of 10 maybe, but I have never seriously considered staying with any women that was lower down or even on the same step of the ladder of attractivenss as myself.

My women now is a stunner, actually better than what I am used to, but if anything it has made my discerning taste even more refined. Another poster wrote this on another thread.

In fact, once you get it out of your system and seeing beautiful women becomes commonplace, it stops being of such importance. Hopefully, if I get married some day, it will be to someone that I can trust who actually cares about me, instead of some pretty airhead

This is so far away from my thinking that I wonder how many others think this way too? I don't mean that I dont value personality it's just that without great looks I dont stay interested. Actually to be honest I am surprised by how often I see men with very mediocre looking women. Especially in Thailand where any, well nearly any, decent man can get a real looker. Now this makes me sound shallow, but I am just being honest. Afterall, how often do you see a pro footballer or an actor with a 4/10 on his arm?

Aren't we in Asia partly to avoid having to put up with some sour faced donut in our bed?

Afterall, how often do you see a pro footballer or an actor with a 4/10 on his arm?

David Beckham obviously dosn't rate beautiful as important, neither did Tom Cruise when he was married to Nichole Kidman.

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I'll be honest, I have always coveted beautiful women. I am not a bad looking guy myself, a 6.5/7 out of 10 maybe, but I have never seriously considered staying with any women that was lower down or even on the same step of the ladder of attractivenss as myself.

My women now is a stunner, actually better than what I am used to, but if anything it has made my discerning taste even more refined. Another poster wrote this on another thread.

In fact, once you get it out of your system and seeing beautiful women becomes commonplace, it stops being of such importance. Hopefully, if I get married some day, it will be to someone that I can trust who actually cares about me, instead of some pretty airhead

This is so far away from my thinking that I wonder how many others think this way too? I don't mean that I dont value personality it's just that without great looks I dont stay interested. Actually to be honest I am surprised by how often I see men with very mediocre looking women. Especially in Thailand where any, well nearly any, decent man can get a real looker. Now this makes me sound shallow, but I am just being honest. Afterall, how often do you see a pro footballer or an actor with a 4/10 on his arm?

Aren't we in Asia partly to avoid having to put up with some sour faced donut in our bed?

Afterall, how often do you see a pro footballer or an actor with a 4/10 on his arm?

David Beckham obviously dosn't rate beautiful as important, neither did Tom Cruise when he was married to Nichole Kidman.

I'm sure we could all run off a list of names, but you're right Eric1949, VB is brainless as well!!!!

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Nice post Beardog! I guess there is a kind of Machiavellian principle to the people who just want surface beauty, and the others who want an ATM and blank check. The threads here are full of these types as well, with everything from rip-off and cuckolding schemes to premeditated murder, so good luck in your shallow, vain existence. I truly can agree that you guys deserve each other! It also clears out a lot of debris so that the authentically good people can find each other.


Thanks Kat, better to have one care more about you than your atm card anyday! My 9's & 9&1/2's were merely an ego trip & were not as much fun as average to better looking girls & even my friends didn't think having a goddess was that becoming as they tried to warn me I was being used. I guess somethings do get better with age.....

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Beauty, with a great personality and intelligence - now that is the holy grail.

So True... I keep forgetting that one... tack on financially very well off as well...

As far as I can tell, beauty always fads with time, intelligence takes a little longer. :o

Beautiful women usually retain their femininity into old age .Ugly to average looking women just become more man like ,as they reach the menopause .

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depends how superficial you are.........but if you are only concerend about beauty (and nothing else), maybe you are the one with the character problem

beauty fades but character usually does not over time

good looking woman who is a bit** will eventually be an old woman who is still a bit**

but an average looking woman who is sincere will be an old woman who is still sincere

depends whether you want a long term relationship down the road (a real relationship) or if you want to live in the here and now (or a fling)

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I'm a farang woman who came here largely to take a break from men, after a series of relationships. Was assured that I wouldn't be "bothered" here. Ha! It's rained men since I arrived. The one I really fell for, naturally, I met in San Francisco, and now we're negotiating long-distance. Sigh....

What I do find interesting is the number of Thai women I meet who are by no means "classic" beauties. By that I mean coarse bone structure, spotty skin, carry themselves awkwardly, etc. (I'm half French and was raised with exacting standards.) These women ARE beautiful, to their lovers, and I'm sure they have many many wonderful qualities that transcend classic definitions of sex appeal. But it's interesting when someone raves about all (or most) Thai women being beautiful. Any capital city in the world has its share of young lovelies. I don't see more in Bangkok than in Paris, or New York, or Rio.

How women age will be a combination of bone structure, temperament, and ... perhaps most importantly ... how they are treated by others. One of my dear friends died recently. Very few men who would dispute her beauty, at 18 or 83. Certainly not her husband, who practically had to fight her admirers off with a stick for 60 years. As for those who would see an "old woman," well, that's what God made prostitutes for.

Happy (belated) Valentine's Day to all those in love.

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I met my Thai ex-girlfriend outside of Thailand. Yes, she was cute, you could even call her sexy. But she couldn't compare to the European girls I used to date prior to her. I didn't think much of her at first. I even doubted whether she was in the "acceptable" category. But her personality made up for all my perceived shortcomings in the looks department and I fell in love with her. Since that moment, all questions or doubts regarding her looks never came to my mind again. That is - until I visited Thailand. In comparison to what I could see there, she was pretty mediocre. However, while I noticed the aforesaid, it changed absolutely nothing about the way I felt about her nor did I feel any desire to "upgrade". Having said that, should I want to have a serious relationship with a Thai girl today, I'd probably aim higher than my ex-girlfriend's looks. Difficult one ...

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I'll be honest, I have always coveted beautiful women. I am not a bad looking guy myself, a 6.5/7 out of 10 maybe, but I have never seriously considered staying with any women that was lower down or even on the same step of the ladder of attractivenss as myself.

My women now is a stunner, actually better than what I am used to, but if anything it has made my discerning taste even more refined. Another poster wrote this on another thread.

In fact, once you get it out of your system and seeing beautiful women becomes commonplace, it stops being of such importance. Hopefully, if I get married some day, it will be to someone that I can trust who actually cares about me, instead of some pretty airhead

This is so far away from my thinking that I wonder how many others think this way too? I don't mean that I dont value personality it's just that without great looks I dont stay interested. Actually to be honest I am surprised by how often I see men with very mediocre looking women. Especially in Thailand where any, well nearly any, decent man can get a real looker. Now this makes me sound shallow, but I am just being honest. Afterall, how often do you see a pro footballer or an actor with a 4/10 on his arm?

Aren't we in Asia partly to avoid having to put up with some sour faced donut in our bed?

Afterall, how often do you see a pro footballer or an actor with a 4/10 on his arm?

David Beckham obviously dosn't rate beautiful as important, neither did Tom Cruise when he was married to Nichole Kidman.

But they DO think these women are beautiful. Obviously, you don't think so, and as I said before....beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

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Aren't we in Asia partly to avoid having to put up with some sour faced donut in our bed?

Mate .. if you had to resort poking your "old fella" into sour donuts and God knows what else .. no wonder you went to Asia .. where just about every Farang male is deemed as a "Movie Star"

I think you are over rating yourself .. post a pic and let the readers decide.

PS .. You should watch the movie "Shallow Hal" .. it may enlighten you a little. My GF is no beauty queen .. but we share a lot of common interests .. see "eye to eye" on a lot of things .. have fun .. Stuff ya "Hi So" up themselves, self centered, gorgeous, spoilt little "daddy's girls.

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Aren't we in Asia partly to avoid having to put up with some sour faced donut in our bed?

Mate .. if you had to resort poking your "old fella" into sour donuts and God knows what else .. no wonder you went to Asia .. where just about every Farang male is deemed as a "Movie Star"

I think you are over rating yourself .. post a pic and let the readers decide.

PS .. You should watch the movie "Shallow Hal" .. it may enlighten you a little. My GF is no beauty queen .. but we share a lot of common interests .. see "eye to eye" on a lot of things .. have fun .. Stuff ya "Hi So" up themselves, self centered, gorgeous, spoilt little "daddy's girls.

But why not have both, beautiful and intelligent? Its not easy to find anywhere in the world, but if you go looking in the right place and have patients, you will find.

I know plenty of girls with a nice personality but I dont want to find her attractive only after 10 beers.

Do you mean Movie star or walking ATM? cause I see mostly fat bald farangs (not there is anything wrong with it, im looking forward to my beer gut in a few decades)

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I'll be honest, I have always coveted beautiful women. I am not a bad looking guy myself, a 6.5/7 out of 10 maybe, but I have never seriously considered staying with any women that was lower down or even on the same step of the ladder of attractivenss as myself.

My women now is a stunner, actually better than what I am used to, but if anything it has made my discerning taste even more refined. Another poster wrote this on another thread.

In fact, once you get it out of your system and seeing beautiful women becomes commonplace, it stops being of such importance. Hopefully, if I get married some day, it will be to someone that I can trust who actually cares about me, instead of some pretty airhead

This is so far away from my thinking that I wonder how many others think this way too? I don't mean that I dont value personality it's just that without great looks I dont stay interested. Actually to be honest I am surprised by how often I see men with very mediocre looking women. Especially in Thailand where any, well nearly any, decent man can get a real looker. Now this makes me sound shallow, but I am just being honest. Afterall, how often do you see a pro footballer or an actor with a 4/10 on his arm?

Aren't we in Asia partly to avoid having to put up with some sour faced donut in our bed?

Afterall, how often do you see a pro footballer or an actor with a 4/10 on his arm?

David Beckham obviously dosn't rate beautiful as important, neither did Tom Cruise when he was married to Nichole Kidman.

But they DO think these women are beautiful. Obviously, you don't think so, and as I said before....beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I do not know what Beckham's girl looks like but i see nothing wrong with the way Kidman looks now or at the time Far and Away was made. Just goes to show that we all have different taste. I am more for the fresh country girl look than the makeup caked city girl look. Cowboy boots over high heels any day.

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Just after I got divorced from my first wife back in the UK, my friend and I joined several singles clubs in the hope of meeting some good looking young women and dating them, it was all a big adventure for us.

But we found that many of the female members at these clubs were mostly older than we were at the time. It was a case of, I don't fancy yours much.

My friend said to me, if we don't fancy them now, I doubt if we will fancy them in ten years time, either.

20 years has past since those days and I still don't fancy em.

Problem is I am now middle aged and these days I find it difficult to even pull the ugly ones. So to get something decent, I had to become bi-sexual, meaning that if I want sex with a beautiful girl, I have to buy it.

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Just after I got divorced from my first wife back in the UK, my friend and I joined several singles clubs in the hope of meeting some good looking young women and dating them, it was all a big adventure for us.

But we found that many of the female members at these clubs were mostly older than we were at the time. It was a case of, I don't fancy yours much.

My friend said to me, if we don't fancy them now, I doubt if we will fancy them in ten years time, either.

20 years has past since those days and I still don't fancy em.

Problem is I am now middle aged and these days I find it difficult to even pull the ugly ones. So to get something decent, I had to become bi-sexual, meaning that if I want sex with a beautiful girl, I have to buy it.

Come on now, we all know what bi-sexual means. You're in Thailand now, so you can admit the truth. :o

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As for me, I'm a VERY hansum man.I used to get told that all the time. Ten thousand bar girls CAN'T be wrong.

Now you have ruined my day as I thought I was the only one the bar girls thought was a 'hansum man' ! :o

At first the hansom man bit makes you feel good until you see what the next guy they call hansum man looks like.

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>>How important is beauty to you ? <<

Very ,i could not fuc_k an ugly woman .Call be shallow if you will ,but thats the way i was built .

Funny, because I feel the same way about stupid men.

oh Kat. i nearly fell off my chair when i read that.

back to the topic. unless a man is perfect himself, i feel that he has no right to expect perfection. i have met some blokes from this forum who are, in my eyes, gorgeous and sexy. on the other hand, i have also met men on this forum who many people may not give a second look to in the street, but after getting to know them, i find that they are lovely men who become more attractive each time i see them.

this may be a silly analogy, but i used to think that tom cruise was gorgeous. god, i loved that man. now, when i see how weird he is with the Scientology stuff and obsessiveness, all i see is his coathanger shoulders, big nose, and 'shortness'.

on the other hand, nicholas cage is not a classically handsome man, but i find him dam_n sexy.

takes all kinds.

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(Thaifan2 @ 2008-02-14 22:46:50) *

>>How important is beauty to you ? <<

Very ,i could not fuc_k an ugly woman .Call be shallow if you will, but thats the way i was built .

beauty is only a light switch away! :o in Germany we have a saying "at night all cats are gray" and i know a few other countries where they say "ugly women make good lovers".

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