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Just been reading this post, it makes sense to have a pub free from smokers, but what about having a pub free of customers ?

I went to a guys leaving do tonight, not a bad evening, there were both smokers and non smokers, the pub was empty, EVERYONE was in the outside smoking area, the pub doesnt have any signs up, ie smoking area, no smoking (it does have a ladies and gents toilet sign though)

I was asking the barmaid, why, she said its like this every night, no one likes being in here now, its too quiet, now this pub has no live music, no jukebox, it has a couple of one arm bandits and thats about it, there arent any 'kids' in the pub.

There were smokers and non smokers outside, no one asked the smokers to put their cigarettes out, there were no do gooders or any one on their high horse calling the police, it was just a very socialble evening

The only ashtray was a bucket of water, no fag ends on the floor, either

This is one of the most popular pubs in my area, they do a great pint and dont have kids or children in there, and its pretty packed every evening and weekends, so it wasnt a one off

It has chairs and tables outside, and posh padded chairs inside, so the inside is inviting, just empty of customers (no one bought their cigarrets in when they bought their drinks either)

I may get a slating for this, but both smokers and non smokers had a choice, no one tried imposing their will on anyone else, they just got on with their evening, (the only entertainment I saw was conversation)

There does seem a lot of non smokers trying to save smokers from themselves, I suppose the non drinkers will try and stop the drinkers from drinking next and the christians trying to save everyone from the whoever isnt a christian

Why is it the most polluted cities in the world are imposing the smoking bans ?

If a non smoker didnt like a pub, because there was a smoker in there, tell the manager why you were going to use the pub down the road, vote with your feet, the manager will either stop the smokers or just have smokers in there, EVEREYONE has a choice to use a pub or not (you can also tell the manager you are using the pub down the road, because you can enjoy a cigarette with your pint)

Cant blame JUST the smokers for the rise in chest infections, what about the cars, buses, trucks that chuck out a lot more carbons and more emissions than any smoker could (and just because you non smokers are inside, it doesnt stop any vehicle pollution from entering the ducts, so you asre still getting your daily dose of CO2 and various other nasties)

When all the smokers do go outside or even stop smoking, do you think that will stop the rise in chest infections ?

Cant see it myself, as long as we have cars, buses, trucks and the internal combustion engine (and as I have said BEFORE, they chuck out a lot more than a whole gang of smokers EVER could, and they smell a da* sight worse)

I have smoked and now dont, but live and let live :o

I dont have soap box and I dont try and impose my will on others, they know the risks, its their life, same as me, just get on with it

Can all you passive smokers chip in for a packet of smokes now and then, please :D

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We were inasale of alcoholn soi 17 tonight selling drinks etc and the bib walked in stopped from the music,stoppped the sale of alcohol and closed it down!

The policeman doing this was smoking at the bar!

God 'begsaresponse' you dont get it do ya!

"The policeman doing this was smoking at the bar!"

he was from either

"the music police"


"sale of alcohol police"


"closed it down police!"

but deff not

"smoking police"

eeee you forighners!

eeee if you going to quote please make sure its acurate! Ta


How about a song?

Smoke! Smoke! Smoke!(That Cigarette)

Now I'm a fellow with a heart of gold

And the ways of a gentleman I've been told

Kind-of-a-guy that wouldn't even harm a flea

But if me and a certain character met

The guy that invented that cigarette

I'd murder that son-of-a gun in the first degree

It ain't cuz I don't smoke 'em myself

and i don't reckon that it'll hinder your health

I smoked 'em all my life and I ain't dead yet

But nicotine slaves are all the same

at a pettin' party or a poker game

Everything gotta stop while they have a cigarette


Smoke, smoke, smoke that cigarette

Puff, puff, puff until you smoke yourself to death.

Tell St. Peter at the Golden Gate

That you hate to make him wait,

But you just gotta have another cigarette.

In a game of chance the other night

Old dame fortune was good and right

The kings and queens they kept on comin' around

Aw, I was hittin' em good and bettin' 'em high

But my bluff didn't work on a certain guy

He kept callin' and layin' his money down

See, he'd raise me then I'd raise him

and I'd say to him buddy ya gotta sink or swim

Finally called me but didn't raise the bet!

--Hmmph! I said Aces Full Pal -- I got you!

He said, "I'll pay up in a minute or two

But right now, i just gotta have another cigarette."


Now the other night I had a date

with the cutest little gal in any state

A high-bred, uptown, fancy little dame

She said she loved me and it seemd to me

That things were sorta like they oughtta be

So hand in hand we strolled down lovers lane

She was a long way from a chunk of ice

And our pettin' party was goin' real nice

And I got an idea I might have been there yet

So I give her a kiss and a little squeeze

Then she said, "Travis, Excuse me Please

But I just gotta have a cigarette."



I recently went to La Cuisine Au Beurre (outside Tukom) and Mike's Mexican (Thrappaya road). Both restaurants are ignoring the smoking ban. Ashtrays are on the tables. The owners are the worst offenders. They sit there smoking their disguisting cigarettes all night. Rude, inconsiderate, self righteous people with no regard for anyone. Smoking in a restaurant is no more a "right" than farting in one. I must admit that my farts are much more pleasant than the smoke smell.

On the plus side. Buondi Restaurant (Thrappaya Road) is enforcing the ban. A much more pleasant place to eat and a full house.

I recently went to La Cuisine Au Beurre (outside Tukom) and Mike's Mexican (Thrappaya road). Both restaurants are ignoring the smoking ban. Ashtrays are on the tables. The owners are the worst offenders. They sit there smoking their disguisting cigarettes all night. Rude, inconsiderate, self righteous people with no regard for anyone. Smoking in a restaurant is no more a "right" than farting in one. I must admit that my farts are much more pleasant than the smoke smell.

On the plus side. Buondi Restaurant (Thrappaya Road) is enforcing the ban. A much more pleasant place to eat and a full house.

Vote with your feet as to who gets your business! :o

I always politely ask the person blowing smoke in my face as I eat, "Excuse me, but would you like to chew my gum for awhile?"

I recently went to La Cuisine Au Beurre (outside Tukom) and Mike's Mexican (Thrappaya road). Both restaurants are ignoring the smoking ban. Ashtrays are on the tables. The owners are the worst offenders. They sit there smoking their disguisting cigarettes all night. Rude, inconsiderate, self righteous people with no regard for anyone. Smoking in a restaurant is no more a "right" than farting in one. I must admit that my farts are much more pleasant than the smoke smell.

On the plus side. Buondi Restaurant (Thrappaya Road) is enforcing the ban. A much more pleasant place to eat and a full house.

Vote with your feet as to who gets your business! :o

I always politely ask the person blowing smoke in my face as I eat, "Excuse me, but would you like to chew my gum for awhile?"

Or would you mind if I just fart on your food

I wonder if when I were in a restaurant and while eating somebody near by lit up, and the only action of the restaurant staff were to put an ashtray on the offenders table, what would happen if I was to walk out without finishing my meal and refused to pay?

As you mention traffic wardens I presume you are British? traffic wardens (not to be mistaken for parking wardens used by local authorities for making additional revenue), they were need to do a very important job, I came to respect traffic wardens as they would if they knew where you was thy would ask you to move before issuing a ticket, unfortunately they were badly needed because a small minority of narrow minded drivers will park wherever they wanted and without traffic wardens traffic chaos in the UK would be a lot worse than it is today.


Give it a go tonight in Pattaya, and report back what happened. :o

It was a hypothetical question as I am not in Pattaya for a few weeks yet so can not try it out, I was asking from a legal point of view, yes even if I had the law on my side it could be an unwise thing to do.

But here are a few things non smokers could do:

  • When you go to a enclosed restaurant ask before entering if you are allowed to smoke inside, if the answer is yes just make your point by walking away, (if the answer is ambiguous ask for the manager and ask the question again).
  • If it is a open air restaurant ask if they have a no smoking area, if not walk away.
  • If you are in a restaurant and people are smoking wait until the waiter/waitress comes to ask if the meal is alright or call them over, complain, tell them the meal tastes and smells of tobacco smoke.


I wonder if when I were in a restaurant and while eating somebody near by lit up, and the only action of the restaurant staff were to put an ashtray on the offenders table, what would happen if I was to walk out without finishing my meal and refused to pay?

As you mention traffic wardens I presume you are British? traffic wardens (not to be mistaken for parking wardens used by local authorities for making additional revenue), they were need to do a very important job, I came to respect traffic wardens as they would if they knew where you was thy would ask you to move before issuing a ticket, unfortunately they were badly needed because a small minority of narrow minded drivers will park wherever they wanted and without traffic wardens traffic chaos in the UK would be a lot worse than it is today.


Give it a go tonight in Pattaya, and report back what happened. :o

It was a hypothetical question as I am not in Pattaya for a few weeks yet so can not try it out, I was asking from a legal point of view, yes even if I had the law on my side it could be an unwise thing to do.

But here are a few things non smokers could do:

  • When you go to a enclosed restaurant ask before entering if you are allowed to smoke inside, if the answer is yes just make your point by walking away, (if the answer is ambiguous ask for the manager and ask the question again).
  • If it is a open air restaurant ask if they have a no smoking area, if not walk away.
  • If you are in a restaurant and people are smoking wait until the waiter/waitress comes to ask if the meal is alright or call them over, complain, tell them the meal tastes and smells of tobacco smoke.
  • Get a life


I wonder if when I were in a restaurant and while eating somebody near by lit up, and the only action of the restaurant staff were to put an ashtray on the offenders table, what would happen if I was to walk out without finishing my meal and refused to pay?

As you mention traffic wardens I presume you are British? traffic wardens (not to be mistaken for parking wardens used by local authorities for making additional revenue), they were need to do a very important job, I came to respect traffic wardens as they would if they knew where you was thy would ask you to move before issuing a ticket, unfortunately they were badly needed because a small minority of narrow minded drivers will park wherever they wanted and without traffic wardens traffic chaos in the UK would be a lot worse than it is today.


Give it a go tonight in Pattaya, and report back what happened. :o

It was a hypothetical question as I am not in Pattaya for a few weeks yet so can not try it out, I was asking from a legal point of view, yes even if I had the law on my side it could be an unwise thing to do.

But here are a few things non smokers could do:

  • When you go to a enclosed restaurant ask before entering if you are allowed to smoke inside, if the answer is yes just make your point by walking away, (if the answer is ambiguous ask for the manager and ask the question again).
  • If it is a open air restaurant ask if they have a no smoking area, if not walk away.
  • If you are in a restaurant and people are smoking wait until the waiter/waitress comes to ask if the meal is alright or call them over, complain, tell them the meal tastes and smells of tobacco smoke.
  • Get a life


Dear Mr Sweet Chariot,

I am sorry that my views offend you, but I find it offensive having to endure poeple smoking in close proximity while I eat, now that the law is on our side I have every intention of making a point until it is enforced.

If you can not refrain from smoking for the time you spend in a restaurant please eat at home, leave the restaurants for civilized society, I also look forward to the day when a smoker lights up, instead of the waiter putting an ashtray on the table he pours a bucket of water over the smoker.

As for your comment "get a life" I find this a trifling immature coming from a smoker, becuse on average, adults who smoke cigarettes die 14 years earlier than nonsmokers.



I haven't had a cigarette for 5 days as a result of getting mega pissed and not wanting one (until yesterday) and I know it is a fruitless attempt to kick the weed as I actually like smoking but I don't want a non smoking world. Let the non smokers have their bit adn the smokers can have theirs. If they choose to mix then so be it.

No more nanny states. I never thought thailand would become one during my time here.


I cant understand what you non smokers are bitchin about, if there are smokers in a bar, tell the manager why you arent using it and use somewhere else, vote with your feet

Before you have a pop at me, I dont smoke, but have friends who do, they dont smoke in my house, car or when we go into a pub or resturant, I dont preach to them about the horrors of smoking, they are all big boys and girls and they can make their own decisions (I can tell them they aint my mates because they smoke, I suppose)

There are a lot more things out there that will kill you a dam sight quicker than a smoke

Everyone has a choice of which bars to use, try using that choice

I cant understand what you non smokers are bitchin about, if there are smokers in a bar, tell the manager why you arent using it and use somewhere else, vote with your feet

Everyone has a choice of which bars to use, try using that choice

Your first three words said it all.

It's not about 'bitching', it's not about 'choice'..it's all about the new no-smoking law.

If the new law states that certain premises are now deemed to be non-smoking, then everyone (smokers and non-smokers) who enters that establishment should expect the air to be free from tobacco smoke.

If somebody lights up and the bar/restaurant owner brings an ashtray, the smoker and the bar owner are in breach of the law. They both deserve to be prosecuted.

Are you beginning to understand now?

I cant understand what you non smokers are bitchin about, if there are smokers in a bar, tell the manager why you arent using it and use somewhere else, vote with your feet

Everyone has a choice of which bars to use, try using that choice

Your first three words said it all.

It's not about 'bitching', it's not about 'choice'..it's all about the new no-smoking law.

If the new law states that certain premises are now deemed to be non-smoking, then everyone (smokers and non-smokers) who enters that establishment should expect the air to be free from tobacco smoke.

If somebody lights up and the bar/restaurant owner brings an ashtray, the smoker and the bar owner are in breach of the law. They both deserve to be prosecuted.

Are you beginning to understand now?

I understand it, but I am not the law,or a policeman, I take it both are aware of the law

I suppose you could try a citizens arrest

I was saying you have a choice, you can walk on by if you dont want to breath in smoke

There are lots of things that are against the law, but they still happen

I also know that mugging and robbing/killing someone is against the law, but that doesnt stop it happening ( and you dont usually get a choice there, but you are aware of the areas it happens, do you use them ?|)

You're complaining about bars that are breaking the law, so why use them ?

I cant understand what you non smokers are bitchin about, if there are smokers in a bar, tell the manager why you arent using it and use somewhere else, vote with your feet

Everyone has a choice of which bars to use, try using that choice

Your first three words said it all.

It's not about 'bitching', it's not about 'choice'..it's all about the new no-smoking law.

If the new law states that certain premises are now deemed to be non-smoking, then everyone (smokers and non-smokers) who enters that establishment should expect the air to be free from tobacco smoke.

If somebody lights up and the bar/restaurant owner brings an ashtray, the smoker and the bar owner are in breach of the law. They both deserve to be prosecuted.

Are you beginning to understand now?

Dear Mr. Mouse

Please try and control your outbursts, they make you look a bit silly :o:D:D

In the Smokers thread no antis allowed

<br />
<font color="#ff0000"><font size="3">I cant understand</font></font> what you non smokers are bitchin about, if there are smokers in a bar, tell the manager why you arent using it and use somewhere else, vote with your feet<br /><br />Everyone has a choice of which bars to use, try using that choice
<br />Your first three words said it all.<br />It's not about 'bitching', it's not about 'choice'..it's all about the new no-smoking law.<br /><br />If the new law states that certain premises are now deemed to be non-smoking, then everyone (smokers and non-smokers) who enters that establishment should expect the air to be free from tobacco smoke.<br />If somebody lights up and the bar/restaurant owner brings an ashtray, the smoker and the bar owner are in breach of the law. They both deserve to be prosecuted. <br /><br />Are you beginning to understand now?<br />
<br /><br /><br />Dear Mr. Mouse<br /><br />Please try and control your outbursts, they make you look a bit silly <img src="style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":o" border="0" alt="laugh.gif" /> <img src="style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="laugh.gif" /> <img src="style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="laugh.gif" /> <br /><br />In the Smokers thread no antis allowed<br /><br /> <br /><br /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

What I find amazing about this thread is that no one, NO ONE gives the slightest dam_n about the health and comfort of the Thai employees of the establishments they frequent. It's all about MY butt and MY rights and the taste of MY food. I must say, this reflects the attitude of most farangs in Pattaya. As long as I can get MY pleasure, unrestricted by a nanny government, to hel_l with the Thais. To me, smoking in an enclosed space and subjecting employees to toxic air is similar, in kind if not degree, to not using a condom. People who, in their home countries, France and Germany in particular, would meekly accept the restriction and go outside to indulge, here, bellow and snort and flout the law. This reflects the same racist attitude, they exhibit in their home countries where they are happy to exploit the labor of darker people while complaining about how immigration is destroying their sacred "culture".

<br />
<font color="#ff0000"><font size="3">I cant understand</font></font> what you non smokers are bitchin about, if there are smokers in a bar, tell the manager why you arent using it and use somewhere else, vote with your feet<br /><br />Everyone has a choice of which bars to use, try using that choice
<br />Your first three words said it all.<br />It's not about 'bitching', it's not about 'choice'..it's all about the new no-smoking law.<br /><br />If the new law states that certain premises are now deemed to be non-smoking, then everyone (smokers and non-smokers) who enters that establishment should expect the air to be free from tobacco smoke.<br />If somebody lights up and the bar/restaurant owner brings an ashtray, the smoker and the bar owner are in breach of the law. They both deserve to be prosecuted. <br /><br />Are you beginning to understand now?<br />
<br /><br /><br />Dear Mr. Mouse<br /><br />Please try and control your outbursts, they make you look a bit silly <img src="style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":o" border="0" alt="laugh.gif" /> <img src="style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="laugh.gif" /> <img src="style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="laugh.gif" /> <br /><br />In the Smokers thread no antis allowed<br /><br /> <br /><br /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

What I find amazing about this thread is that no one, NO ONE gives the slightest dam_n about the health and comfort of the Thai employees of the establishments they frequent. It's all about MY butt and MY rights and the taste of MY food. I must say, this reflects the attitude of most farangs in Pattaya. As long as I can get MY pleasure, unrestricted by a nanny government, to hel_l with the Thais. To me, smoking in an enclosed space and subjecting employees to toxic air is similar, in kind if not degree, to not using a condom. People who, in their home countries, France and Germany in particular, would meekly accept the restriction and go outside to indulge, here, bellow and snort and flout the law. This reflects the same racist attitude, they exhibit in their home countries where they are happy to exploit the labor of darker people while complaining about how immigration is destroying their sacred "culture".

Sit down, have a smoke. your feel better for it.

<br />
<br />
<font color="#ff0000"><font size="3">I cant understand</font></font> what you non smokers are bitchin about, if there are smokers in a bar, tell the manager why you arent using it and use somewhere else, vote with your feet<br /><br />Everyone has a choice of which bars to use, try using that choice
<br />Your first three words said it all.<br />It's not about 'bitching', it's not about 'choice'..it's all about the new no-smoking law.<br /><br />If the new law states that certain premises are now deemed to be non-smoking, then everyone (smokers and non-smokers) who enters that establishment should expect the air to be free from tobacco smoke.<br />If somebody lights up and the bar/restaurant owner brings an ashtray, the smoker and the bar owner are in breach of the law. They both deserve to be prosecuted. <br /><br />Are you beginning to understand now?<br />
<br /><br /><br />Dear Mr. Mouse<br /><br />Please try and control your outbursts, they make you look a bit silly <img src="style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":o" border="0" alt="laugh.gif" /> <img src="style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="laugh.gif" /> <img src="style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="laugh.gif" /> <br /><br />In the Smokers thread no antis allowed<br /><br /> <br /><br /><br />
<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />What I find amazing about this thread is that no one, NO ONE gives the slightest dam_n about the health and comfort of the Thai employees of the establishments they frequent. It's all about MY butt and MY rights and the taste of MY food. I must say, this reflects the attitude of most farangs in Pattaya. As long as I can get MY pleasure, unrestricted by a nanny government, to hel_l with the Thais. To me, smoking in an enclosed space and subjecting employees to toxic air is similar, in kind if not degree, to not using a condom. People who, in their home countries, France and Germany in particular, would meekly accept the restriction and go outside to indulge, here, bellow and snort and flout the law. <font color="#0000ff">This reflects the same racist attitude,</font> they exhibit in their home countries where they are happy to exploit the labor of darker people while complaining about how immigration is destroying their sacred "culture".<br /><br /><br />
<br /><br />Sit down, have a smoke. your feel better for it.<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Sit down, learn English. You'll feel better for it.

What I find amazing about this thread is that no one, NO ONE gives the slightest dam_n about the health and comfort of the Thai employees of the establishments they frequent. It's all about MY butt and MY rights and the taste of MY food. I must say, this reflects the attitude of most farangs in Pattaya. As long as I can get MY pleasure, unrestricted by a nanny government, to hel_l with the Thais. To me, smoking in an enclosed space and subjecting employees to toxic air is similar, in kind if not degree, to not using a condom. People who, in their home countries, France and Germany in particular, would meekly accept the restriction and go outside to indulge, here, bellow and snort and flout the law. This reflects the same racist attitude, they exhibit in their home countries where they are happy to exploit the labor of darker people while complaining about how immigration is destroying their sacred "culture".

I tried using a condom, very useful in the rain if you cut a little hole in the end, but be careful of molten rubber dripping on your shoes, and don't wear frip frops.

What I find amazing about this thread is that no one, NO ONE gives the slightest dam_n about the health and comfort of the Thai employees of the establishments they frequent. It's all about MY butt and MY rights and the taste of MY food.

I do a little bit, but not all that much to be honest. :o

if staff dont like smoky places they should stay up country and work the paddy fields

i'm a heavy smoker but i don't agree. offices or enclosed rooms where employees work should be indeed smoke free. restaurants should provide areas properly ventilated area for smokers. if they don't or the law does not permit smokers will vote with their feet. utterly ridiculous however i find a smoking ban in open areas and in case i have a guest in my home who objects to my smoking i will politely give him 29.9 seconds to leave.

Now that was just a silly post.

Go and get some hand relief your feel better after it.


Is that what smokers do when they haven't got a ciggy in their hand....actually it could take them so long it might be a good way to give up smoking!

Just been reading this post, it makes sense to have a pub free from smokers, but what about having a pub free of customers ?

I went to a guys leaving do tonight, not a bad evening, there were both smokers and non smokers, the pub was empty, EVERYONE was in the outside smoking area, the pub doesnt have any signs up, ie smoking area, no smoking (it does have a ladies and gents toilet sign though)

I was asking the barmaid, why, she said its like this every night, no one likes being in here now, its too quiet, now this pub has no live music, no jukebox, it has a couple of one arm bandits and thats about it, there arent any 'kids' in the pub.

There were smokers and non smokers outside, no one asked the smokers to put their cigarettes out, there were no do gooders or any one on their high horse calling the police, it was just a very socialble evening

The only ashtray was a bucket of water, no fag ends on the floor, either

This is one of the most popular pubs in my area, they do a great pint and dont have kids or children in there, and its pretty packed every evening and weekends, so it wasnt a one off

It has chairs and tables outside, and posh padded chairs inside, so the inside is inviting, just empty of customers (no one bought their cigarrets in when they bought their drinks either)

I may get a slating for this, but both smokers and non smokers had a choice, no one tried imposing their will on anyone else, they just got on with their evening, (the only entertainment I saw was conversation)

There does seem a lot of non smokers trying to save smokers from themselves, I suppose the non drinkers will try and stop the drinkers from drinking next and the christians trying to save everyone from the whoever isnt a christian

Why is it the most polluted cities in the world are imposing the smoking bans ?

If a non smoker didnt like a pub, because there was a smoker in there, tell the manager why you were going to use the pub down the road, vote with your feet, the manager will either stop the smokers or just have smokers in there, EVEREYONE has a choice to use a pub or not (you can also tell the manager you are using the pub down the road, because you can enjoy a cigarette with your pint)

Cant blame JUST the smokers for the rise in chest infections, what about the cars, buses, trucks that chuck out a lot more carbons and more emissions than any smoker could (and just because you non smokers are inside, it doesnt stop any vehicle pollution from entering the ducts, so you asre still getting your daily dose of CO2 and various other nasties)

When all the smokers do go outside or even stop smoking, do you think that will stop the rise in chest infections ?

Cant see it myself, as long as we have cars, buses, trucks and the internal combustion engine (and as I have said BEFORE, they chuck out a lot more than a whole gang of smokers EVER could, and they smell a da* sight worse)

I have smoked and now dont, but live and let live :o

I dont have soap box and I dont try and impose my will on others, they know the risks, its their life, same as me, just get on with it

except the WE pay for their exra medical bills and WE have to engage in passive smoking.

Can all you passive smokers chip in for a packet of smokes now and then, please :D

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