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Finding A Thai Girl For A Serious Relationship


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I was at the American Chamber of Commerce Installation Ball last night at a table with 3 single Thai women mid-30's to mid-40's, all with graduate degrees, great jobs, excellent English, travel out of Thailand regularly and are fun, interesting, worldly and smart. And they have more than enough money to take care of themselves and come from prosperous families. Each would love to have a man and would probably move to the US for the right one (two have live there before).

Sitting next to me was a Thai man, mid-30's, single, same profile as the women and he was saying it was hard to meet women if you are working hard and don't like the pub scene. He met his current gf online and is thinking of doing an online dating service for busy professionals.

There are thousands of really great single Thai women, college educated, decent to good to high-level jobs, basic to fluent English and not looking for a meal ticket (they might be looking for responsible guy who can support his family but that’s not unusual anywhere). On my team at work 9/12 women fit this profile. I just seems that some of the people posting on this site don't have visibility and experience to this side of Thailand; educated, hard-working, stay at home, smart and self-sufficient women.

A great place to find these women is online at thailovelinks or other sites. Buy a membership on thailovelinks, filter for college educated and start sending introductions. You might also try a networking site. Xing has a lot of Thai professionals on it, not a dating site but I have connected with people there. Depending what your profession is maybe even get some relationships with guys who would do introductions. Facebook has some active Thai groups. All of this will take time and if you're really serious a few trips to Thailand.

Do not expect that someone is going to take a holiday with you when you come. With the above profile they have jobs they cannot just walk away from and they are going to be careful and expect to be treated with respect. If you have been chatting online for a few months and narrowed down to a few that seem interesting you can go out to dinner and such. Chances are you'll be in Bangkok. I'd recommend having a few lined up when you come just to have some different experiences with different people. You need to present an image that you're not a coming for vacation sex. In my opinion and experience there more men online looking for easy hook-ups on their holiday than there are Thai women online looking for easy money.

But if you are sincere and build a nice online relationship, maybe some phone calls you can have some friends here waiting for you to come. Be careful falling in love online, reality is different.

Good luck,

Quick Edit Idea: The various Chamber of Commerces have social networking nights in Bangkok every month. Drop in and mingle with people. Can be a good place to meet. Some are the young professionals groups. You might check these out as well.

Edited by Valjean
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Women worldwide have pretty much the same criteria in selecting a man and the basics are looks, money,age , intelligence, sexiness, personality etc (any order). Now tell me why would this be any different in Thailand? if you got some of the above you got a chance and yes there is a cultural difference but easy to navigate if you both have time and commonsense. And why couldn't you meet a girl in 3 weeks? I got 150 hits on thai love links in 4 weeks and YES a lot of crap in there and settled on 2 both traditional Thai girls uni educated one a futures trader and the other a top level mgr and both high income earners. I chose one and still together 6 months.

Be sensible about it and look for someone around your own age (mine 12 years younger but thats different as Im really immature :o ), dress well and be prepared to spend to impress. Isn't that what you would do at home? good luck and yes 3 weeks is possible

Edited by zorro1
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It is indeed possible to find the right woman but not easy. It took me ten years of looking (in Thailand) before I found mine. I did have certain expectations and maybe the biggest thing was to find one who would put up with a crotchety old fart like me. The past five years here have been the best five years of my life. I am content for the first time in my life.

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Date in Asia

Plenty of fish


not dating sites where you pay money but social dating sites. Same as pay sites without money !

But, as has been said already, I think, Thai women are not there - in most cases - for real love. They are looking for support financially, emotionally and for family. It is not the same as 'Farang' love as we tend to know it.

No kissing in the street, pub, cinema etc.

Holding hands seems to be OK.

Love outside the bedroom? Not as we know it.

So if this is going to be a problem you had better get used to it or look elsewhere :o

good hunting

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I'd be bombarded with tons of guys all asking me my a/s/l, and I could almost hear the drool hitting the keyboards.

Probably wasn't drool hitting the keyboard Siamesekitty. :D

The old bkkchat was a bit like that, well a lot like that actually. :o

Yeah I had a few guys come to meet me as they thought they were getting a freebie

Small minded and petty I know but they deserved it.

One guy was so upset he even phoned me when he turned up at an internet cafe at 3 in the morning is Suk soi 4 and I was not the girl in the red dress in the corner

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It is indeed possible to find the right woman but not easy. It took me ten years of looking (in Thailand) before I found mine. I did have certain expectations and maybe the biggest thing was to find one who would put up with a crotchety old fart like me. The past five years here have been the best five years of my life. I am content for the first time in my life.

I know a few guy's like yourself - took their time and have ended up with a nice woman where it goes both ways. Sorry if I am being presumptious but your other posts, not just this one, express the same thing.

Many guys I know like this met their lady through work. Then there are about 5 I know met the girl at the hotel they were staying at!

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I was at the American Chamber of Commerce Installation Ball last night at a table with 3 single Thai women mid-30's to mid-40's, all with graduate degrees, great jobs, excellent English, travel out of Thailand regularly and are fun, interesting, worldly and smart. And they have more than enough money to take care of themselves and come from prosperous families. Each would love to have a man and would probably move to the US for the right one (two have live there before).

Sitting next to me was a Thai man, mid-30's, single, same profile as the women and he was saying it was hard to meet women if you are working hard and don't like the pub scene. He met his current gf online and is thinking of doing an online dating service for busy professionals.

There are thousands of really great single Thai women, college educated, decent to good to high-level jobs, basic to fluent English and not looking for a meal ticket (they might be looking for responsible guy who can support his family but that's not unusual anywhere). On my team at work 9/12 women fit this profile. I just seems that some of the people posting on this site don't have visibility and experience to this side of Thailand; educated, hard-working, stay at home, smart and self-sufficient women.

A great place to find these women is online at thailovelinks or other sites. Buy a membership on thailovelinks, filter for college educated and start sending introductions. You might also try a networking site. Xing has a lot of Thai professionals on it, not a dating site but I have connected with people there. Depending what your profession is maybe even get some relationships with guys who would do introductions. Facebook has some active Thai groups. All of this will take time and if you're really serious a few trips to Thailand.

Do not expect that someone is going to take a holiday with you when you come. With the above profile they have jobs they cannot just walk away from and they are going to be careful and expect to be treated with respect. If you have been chatting online for a few months and narrowed down to a few that seem interesting you can go out to dinner and such. Chances are you'll be in Bangkok. I'd recommend having a few lined up when you come just to have some different experiences with different people. You need to present an image that you're not a coming for vacation sex. In my opinion and experience there more men online looking for easy hook-ups on their holiday than there are Thai women online looking for easy money.

But if you are sincere and build a nice online relationship, maybe some phone calls you can have some friends here waiting for you to come. Be careful falling in love online, reality is different.

Good luck,

Quick Edit Idea: The various Chamber of Commerces have social networking nights in Bangkok every month. Drop in and mingle with people. Can be a good place to meet. Some are the young professionals groups. You might check these out as well.

Good post. Its true that many guys do not get to meet the women you talk about and probably never will as they do not go to bar's etc.

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Yes - it can be done! BUT.

I have 2 friends, One Amercan and one Brit, both are married to professional well educated ladies. One was a Tax inspector(ugh)(29) the other in marketing(28). The first contact was made through the INTERNET and then tel calls. As expected they didn't get too intimate on the first visit to Bkk - as said before, nice girls take time. To mention the guy's, one works for large Corporate in Silicon Valley(40's), the other, a management consultant(40's). There is a degree of commonality - may the marriages will survive - who knows.

One of the lessons I have learned when it comes to women is to apply the same thoughts as you would at home - try not to get caught up in the skills and charms of Thai ladies - hence thinking with your balls. What would you think of a girl who jumps into bed on the first date at home? well its the same here.

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If you want to meet the right girl, you better think about moving here for a year or so. Start dating working girls - no, not the bar type, those in the offices, shops, etc. as I think Beardog mentioned.

It's no different than trying to meet a nice girl back home - you need to invest time and patience and money. Otherwise you will end up with a parasite no matter where you are.

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I've stayed away from chatrooms and dating sites myself, as I'd once ventured into some a long time ago and was repulsed by the seemingly predatory nature with which farangs were searching for girls. I'd be bombarded with tons of guys all asking me my a/s/l, and I could almost hear the drool hitting the keyboards. I would assume many decent girls would be similarly put off, although there is another type that actively seeks such attention.

However, to answer your question, I'd suggest a networking site such as Hi5, which is very popular in Thailand. It's much more open than Facebook and people don't seem to mind adding total strangers. You're also more likely to get normal people who are looking for friendships rather than those who are specifically seeking out sugar daddy farangs.

you mean this sort of thing ! :o


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Didn't know if this would be the correct forum to post but here goes. I have a vacation planned in Thailand (Bangkok and its surrounding areas) for 3 weeks in May. I'm in my early 30's, single, no kids, no previous marriages, and looking to meet a Thai girl (not for prostitution purposes) potentially when I'm there. I've always been attracted to Asian girls (this coming from an American caucasion) and have really admired those who are from Thailand. Not that I want to jump into a marriage...but I'd like to meet a native Thai girl who is interested in a long term monogomous relationship that could potentially lead to marriage. My question is this: are there any reputable internet dating sites that can jump start a relationship for me and not rip me off? I'm not looking for the classic "mail order" bride either. Just a web resource, like Match.com, that can connect Americans with Thai people for an actual relationship. So that when I arrive in May, I could have at least some friendships established. There seems to be a million google results that come up when i do a search for internet dating with Thai girls and most are questionable. Any help would be appreciated.
Would you go to Amsterdam/soho/vegas to look for a wife ? , no? then id suggest you avoid pattata/nana/cowboy/and the likes, yur chances of finding a girlfriend isnt very good, its a whole new ball game dating straight women here, its not easy and its very time consuming, for me it was worth it, others with no time/selection skills end up in peril, read some other topics on this forum, there is a wealth of info for you, good luck,.
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google for 'paktology'

its mostly singapore/taiwan etc...

but there are quite a few thai birds on there as well. generally have a good intelligent selection who havent learned about gold-digging falang yet

plenty of fish aint bad either and its free

if you want a good wife, go north - chaing mai/chaing rai and start exploring the little places, maybe even a hill tribe/burmese girl. they have a different value system which you may appreciate

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I would avoid the online scene if your looking for a NON WORKING GIRL. When I came up from the states I found out the girls in Pattaya are very skilled at hooking up with your atm action. The classic is Hi darling or darkling( means sucker in Thai language- not literally but in reality).

If you want to find some decent company(non working variety) try going to normal places to look for taking a girl out for dinner a drink or coffee.It does not have to be the usual $30.00 a plate meal, The girls are Thai & are used to tasty inexpensive Thai food & breaking out the big bucks will only entice The atm big eye types(maybe not always) The good girls can be found :working at a mall- an optometrist shop flower shop cart vendor Beautician book store, many regular type businesses.. Any of the other places OTHER THAN THE BARS OR GO_GO'S It doesn't take much time to meet someone eager to join you for a nite out or breakfast or company. In fact the toughest part I found is being selective on who you pick to cruise with as most want to have some fun & company.

It is easier if you find a gal that has some English speaking skills.

When i got the GO-GO get your Yah Yah's out of my system it took strolling into a beauty salon & I have been hooked up now for over 3 years.Now I am not saying it is a perfect relationship(I do not think they really exist....only in ones mind) As I am not perfect it would be hard to find the perfect women.

Thailand you can find a nice gal that is sincere or a shark with big teeth looking at your ATM card with hunger. You will have to make the right choice on that, But I trust being in your 30's you have been around a bit.

There is a saying in Thailand "Up to you"

solely what you make of it.

Plenty of good girls out here....Takes more to say no than yes.

And I did play the field for a while when I moved here

good luck & Enjoy your stay!!!!

If you were 50 you would probably be moving here......I did & glad I did!!!!!

On the end of "up to you " they leave off " your paying " ! :o
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Just go upcountry and make sure you speak some Thai.

Lovely girls there and they are mostly down to earth kind of.

Just looking for a good person that can take care of them and the family.

Are you looking for real love? Forget it.

Most of Thai girl will treat you nice as long as you provide support to her and her family.

Please do not fall into that trap.

I know many couples and 80% divorce after a few years.


Coming here to buy some love by taking care of her and her family with your money is just another way of prostitution but I know may people here think it is legit. You can find great, smart women that speak fluent English and are not after you because of the money like in any other country. The "problem" is you got to get to know them like in any other country as well.

Many people prefer the quick way by just going for the next cute girl who is so into you because you are so great and handsome. Some even start to believe it. My girl is so different, she really likes me... yeah right...

I'm 27 and hang out with friends who live here who are young and well even for western standards attractive farang guys. Either they got to know their partner because of their business (and I don't mean barkeepers or English teachers) or they don't care about a relationship to Thai woman (too much drama, too many cheat on you) and just see them as toys to play with.

So if you really want to get to know a good girl, find one that is financially independent, maybe runs her own company or is in a decent job that makes enough money for her to have a good living. I got to know my girl like this as well. We first just wanted to work together and she has her own company.

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So if you really want to get to know a good girl, find one that is financially independent, maybe runs her own company or is in a decent job that makes enough money for her to have a good living. I got to know my girl like this as well. We first just wanted to work together and she has her own company.

I think just about everybody in ThaiVisa has a rich well educated wife who has no need of money from any outside scource...................... :o

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What would you think of a girl who jumps into bed on the first date at home? well its the same here.

Nothing negative I assure you. I would presume that both her and i founf each other mutually attractive enough and pleasant enough company to take it to that level. then again, I don't live in the 19th century.

Get over it will you. I've had great relationships where we've gone to bed on the first date and sober too. I've also had crap ones where you wait.

Nothing wrong with it at all. Didn't you go to college or uni or the pub ? Pretty normal to get a bunk up I'd say since the 60's.

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stay away from hill tribe chicks. i read where they arent even recognized as real people by los.

i think more trolls answer this type of ? than any other.

u might be a troll, but i will give you the benifit of the doubt for the sake of discussion

some hill tribe girls dont have a thai identity card, but that is only a small %.

the reason I recommend hill tribe girls is for the exact reason you state above

"they arent even reconized as real people by los"

well sorry to burst your bubble but falangs also are not reconized as real people by los.

That puts falang and hill tribe in the same social class.

This meaning that many falang with thai girls (not all of course)

are only reconized by the girl and the family as a buffalo to milk for his atm card. Thats just the culture.

with hill tribe girl, there is not this ingrained superiority and therefore you are two people that can help each other.

Hill tribe girls have nothing and therefore are willing to take a step into your world and really become the same as you, rather than always being on the clock.

that is of course as long as you didnt meet your hill tribe girl in pattaya, by that point it may be too late :o

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Man you going to be in Thailand only 3 weeks to find love? Well I guess it can happen, but if you find a girl, dont rush into marriage. Give it a few years atleast IMO. But depends on what your looking for too.

If your old and just want company then be careful and dont go for a girl who is in her late teens or early 20's. Probaly bext to go with someone older who is more mature, but not too old

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So if you really want to get to know a good girl, find one that is financially independent, maybe runs her own company or is in a decent job that makes enough money for her to have a good living. I got to know my girl like this as well. We first just wanted to work together and she has her own company.

I think just about everybody in ThaiVisa has a rich well educated wife who has no need of money from any outside scource...................... :o

Agreed, the way people write on here is if all poor girls from Thailand are evil money grabbing prostitutes, and any girl with a degree from one of LOS degree mills is the finest lady alive.

Im sure the people that insinuate this are the w4nkers you meet that after 30 seconds of speaking let you know their chick is Thai/Chinese just so you are in no doubt she is a cut above what all other farangs have.

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Agreed, the way people write on here is if all poor girls from Thailand are evil money grabbing prostitutes, and any girl with a degree from one of LOS degree mills is the finest lady alive.

I've been living in Thailand since 1990, and I can assure those that don't kmow it yet, that it just ain't so.

I wonder if my missus has sold the house yet........................ :o

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Im sure the people that insinuate this are the w4nkers you meet that after 30 seconds of speaking let you know their chick is Thai/Chinese just so you are in no doubt she is a cut above what all other farangs have.

I dunno about that, seen plenty of Thai Chinese in Massage and bars over the years. People are people, no matter where they come from.

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