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Wanted : Good Travel Agent

toopeekaa 1

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Looking for good travel agent. Any recommendations....

By good I mean one that understands what a travel agent is supposed to do. Is connected, [not to public officials, but rather the internet] not a sub agent who has to call back with excuse to any inquiry. Can quote best fares and schedules... has some common sense not get you to an airport and get you out maybe 2 days later.. etc etc

And the primary requirement, 'MUST BE ABLE TO THINK'

Would appreciate recommendations based on your own personal experience with the agent not 2nd, 3rd hand heresay

Mucho Gracias or much grass too you

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I like P&P on Thapae Road, on the left side when driving towards the gate, right before a temple (there are 2-3 temples on that side so look carefully. :o

They think, call me back to update me on several waiting lists, find the cheapest offer, then print the ticket. So basically just what a travel angency needs to do. They're connected themselves and print the ticket themselves, needless to say.

Call 053-272545.

I'm not relatred to them in any way other than having bought tickets from them a couple of times.



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Other than wanting to see your name in print or run up your posting count ....

why ??? did you post ?????

Because you wrote this
has some common sense not get you to an airport and get you out maybe 2 days later.. etc etc

And the primary requirement, 'MUST BE ABLE TO THINK'

and my reply was politely saying i think you are very rude.

Not only westerners read this / write this.

I have a very good Travel Agent friend who speaks at least 3 languages, very polite, very honest and very efficient.

I would be afraid of you upsetting her more than she you so i did not put the Company Name.

Reminds me of a similar time when helped, by going with, a citizen of the West to buy a motorbike.

He said he could not find good service in shops here. I soon saw why :-( Do you know whay Kai Na means?

Hope you find someone that meets your requirements.


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Ah.. Yes I can see where you're coming from CTG, I have on occasion also witnessed foreigners being loud and obnoxious and blurting out the most horrible of bar-Thai-English when merely trying to get hooked up on UBC, getting a phone subscription or trying to get just about any other business done.

However I can also see that some shops/people seem better at understanding one's requirements and from there come up with good suggestions. I have indeed also been in shops trying to get UBC, a phone subscription or trying to get just about any other business done, and thinking (inside :o ): THINK, WOMAN, THINK!!!!!

So let's not make any assumptions about Toopeekaa; we weren't there. Also the shop I suggested is run by an Indian woman who isn't too easily phazed by screaming Farangs. :-P (Not saying of course, that the original poster is in that category.. he could be the polite silent frustrated type who prefers to let it all out here instead of at the Thai salesgirl/guy. :-)

(? Hello? Where is everyone? :-)



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For almost 10 years, I've used an agent located on Chang Moi rd, on the right, just before the small bridge going over the klong (and just shy of the left turn to go to Kasems.... Chinese-run (Indian owner?) shop (a plus in my book regarding service and reliability)

Charal Travel

123 Chang Moi Rd.


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And the primary requirement, 'MUST BE ABLE TO THINK'

and my reply was politely saying i think you are very rude.

… the old adage, “a chain is only as strong as its weakest link”, comes to mind . This is particularly true in business, be it operated by Thai or Western owners or management. In business dealings or personal life, the ability to “think” is not something of which to be ashamed nor frightened. One may really have to think very hard as to how the word “think” could be considered “rude” Some might have even said “the ability to think is what separates man form the lower form of animals.”

Let me relate an instance to you, and I’ll beg forgiveness for the length of this post and ask you to bear with me.

Approximately three weeks ago, I found I had a need to travel to Jakarta, so I proceeded to contact my travel agent with whom I had dealt most favorably for a number of years. We arranged a booking for a departure from Chiang Mai on the 18th and returning on the 22nd. Upon being told that the 20th of Sept was the national election day in Indonesia and offices there would be closed, created the need for a change of plans. The new travel plans were booked to depart on the 15th and return on the 18th. The CM to Bkk and return were E tickets, suggested to save me a few baht. I departed as scheduled. All well and good.

Here some pertinent data :

* Of course these E Tickets are non changeable non-refundable. .

* Indonesia has Visa on Arrival of 3 days or 30 days. US$10. or $25. , respectively.

In Jakarta, getting an early start I found that I would, indeed be able to conclude my business the following day {with the slight offering of a little tea money} and be able to return to CM as planned. I proceeded to reconfirm my return flight only to be told that the booking for the return flight had been canceled. I knew [by “thinking”] that I hadn’t canceled, so I inquired by whom the cancellation had been made. While not being able to give me an individual name the airline was able to tell me “by the travel agency”

Well I don’t think it takes a great leap of intelligence to “think” that what happened was the manager of the travel agency , who I consider to be a strong thinker [heaven forbid, rude word] a strong link in the chain, and I consider a personal friend, proceeded to tell one of his/her staff to cancel the earlier made reservations, and the staff., weak link in the chain, was not able to fully think, thence proceeded to cancel all of the remaining bookings, including my return flight.

When confronted with this the manager [he/she] of course did the very same thing that any red blooded husband, whose wife has just caught him in bed with her best friend, would do ….. deny, deny, deny…

Of course the proverbial , kataut, kataut, kataut [sic]

The ramifications:

• A day later rebooking had to be arranged

• $ An express fee for service was wasted

• $ A one day overstay fee was imposed by Indo. Immigration

• $ Because the original E Ticket schedule was not made 1700 Baht was blown

• $ An extra hotel nights fee and meals was incurred

Can I live with it ??? Sure …. Just a mistake, sure, but one made by a weak link just not taking the time to ”think”

Yes this is but one instance, but it seems to happen repeatedly here by people who are told they must think, but are not taught how to think. Just saying you can think, because that is what is required by the general public, does not make it happen.

You know I sincerely believe that people who are confronted with completing a certain task, fall into two categories. One, those who look at the task, think it all the way through, and then complete it in the most professional manner, in the shortest amount of time. Group two, when faced with the same task, immediately try and create an excuse for why it is not completed and it is not their fault. No acceptance of responsibility. If you have a task to do, there is only one answer.... you do it... otherwise any reason is just an excuse for failure.

CTG, you “think” [dirty word, sorry] me rude for making a sincere request for a travel agent that has the ability to think I ask your forgiveness. :D I can assure you, I in no way meant it to be or seem to be rude.. I would consider it to be a breath of springtime to have some travel agent think things thru just as they would want if the booking were made for themselves… and this in all things that any person does in a hospitality or service related business’. I would think this would be good for all concerned.

And lets be fair now. :D I have read through some of your posting replies and, in my opinion, there have been some pretty sharp retorts from your fingertips and I’m sure some of the thinner skinned posters may consider some of your post replies a little rude. I would feel confident in thinking that CuteThaiGirl would be just that, cute and a polite girl. :o [at least I would hope so, but this is Thailand] Being, surely, much older than you I have read of some of these posters filing 2-3 posts everyday and just filling up the space with cyber-babble, just to see their name in print, and of course to run up their posting count for some reason. Experts, of course, in all threads. I’m sure you see them and read them too.

Again I say, I didn’t mean “think” to be taken rudely and beg your forgiveness…. :D

And just in closing “wouldn’t you think its unusual for someone your age go thru “men-a pauz”? sic :D:wub:-_-:(

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I like P&P on Thapae Road,



Member Chanchao

thank you very much for reminding me. I remember using them quite a few years ago. I particulary remember Kn. Preneet and hope she is still there.

I can recall calling her from Bangkok to change flights of make new bookings rather that use local Bangkok staff . Well worth the few extra baht for the call

thanks again


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For almost 10 years, I've used an agent located on Chang Moi rd, on the right, just before the small bridge going over the klong (and just shy of the left turn to go to Kasems.... Chinese-run (Indian owner?) shop (a plus in my book regarding service and reliability)

Charal Travel

123 Chang Moi Rd.


Charal has, for years been my agent of choice also. Very good service, especially if you are known or have a good introduction.

The Indian boss sits in a glass office at the back and always comes out to greet & look after regular clients.

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Perhaps CTG is getting in a little "let's get these falangs back"?

Toopeekaa, I understand and relate to your problem. I also recommend the Charal people. In fact most agents use them, so if you make a booking through "Somchais Travel" on the corner of your soi, he normally would go to Charal to get the tickets. It's no cheaper to go directly to Charal but the boss makes sure there are few problems and has always been able to correct the minor issues that have occurred, usually through something I forgot to say. ("Call me if there are any problems", springs to mind).

CTG don't be so sensitive. You are one of few Thai members here who can conduct a converstaion with foreigners at a western level, as opposed to the level they have come to expect after living in Thailand for years.

It's actually a credit to you and somewhat of a compliment.

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CTG don't be so sensitive. You are one of few Thai members here who can conduct a converstaion with foreigners at a western level, as opposed to the level they have come to expect after living in Thailand for years.

It's actually a credit to you and somewhat of a compliment.


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CTG don't be so sensitive. You are one of few Thai members here who can conduct a converstaion with foreigners at a western level, as opposed to the level they have come to expect after living in Thailand for years.

It's actually a credit to you and somewhat of a compliment.

Ice Treasure, Be careful you don't melt or wash away in this heat!

One thing you, and other, perhaps virginal, contributors to online forums should be aware of is that you can tell nothing from a persons' net name.

CGT could be female, or male, Thai or non Thai. You will never know until you meet the person, in person.

Many people think it amusing to use misleading "noms de plume", simply to try to make others lose face!

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CTG don't be so sensitive. You are one of few Thai members here who can conduct a converstaion with foreigners at a western level, as opposed to the level they have come to expect after living in Thailand for years.

It's actually a credit to you and somewhat of a compliment.

Ice Treasure, Be careful you don't melt or wash away in this heat!

One thing you, and other, perhaps virginal, contributors to online forums should be aware of is that you can tell nothing from a persons' net name.

CGT could be female, or male, Thai or non Thai. You will never know until you meet the person, in person.

Many people think it amusing to use misleading "noms de plume", simply to try to make others lose face!

Yes, yes, that's what I meant to say, but I couldn't wait...biglaugh.gif

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One thing you, and other, perhaps virginal, contributors to online forums should be aware of is that you can tell nothing from a persons' net name.

CGT could be female, or male, Thai or non Thai. You will never know until you meet the person, in person.

Many people think it amusing to use misleading "noms de plume", simply to try to make others lose face!


and what if you meet some one who says they are 'P1P' but really they are not?

Who knows.

OK Teepkaa1

Apologies all round.

I was thinking you were the same as an American guy that asked for my help re motor bikes as detailed a little above.

Talking about lo sing face. I had to leave it was so face losing :o

Ye i do have a few posts here because>>>

I have learned a lot from the forum and really believe in giving a little back in return.

Trave Agent>>

Stand outside the Diamond Riverside and look 200m to the left on the other side.

LT Travel.

Have recommended to many.

See how you go.

Can i suggest you ask maybe the question about the problem you had before. Like a test. That way no one is losing anything?

Have a good trip


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CTG don't be so sensitive. You are one of few Thai members here who can conduct a converstaion with foreigners at a western level, as opposed to the level they have come to expect after living in Thailand for years.

It's actually a credit to you and somewhat of a compliment.

Ice Treasure, Be careful you don't melt or wash away in this heat!

One thing you, and other, perhaps virginal, contributors to online forums should be aware of is that you can tell nothing from a persons' net name.

CGT could be female, or male, Thai or non Thai. You will never know until you meet the person, in person.

Many people think it amusing to use misleading "noms de plume", simply to try to make others lose face!

True enough P1P. Thanks for the heads up.. If I read all the posts from CTG I am left with just one question...if not, then why all the posts saying she is.. I have been lurking here for a long time, just not posting.

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CTG don't be so sensitive. You are one of few Thai members here who can conduct a converstaion with foreigners at a western level, as opposed to the level they have come to expect after living in Thailand for years.

It's actually a credit to you and somewhat of a compliment.

Ice Treasure, Be careful you don't melt or wash away in this heat!

One thing you, and other, perhaps virginal, contributors to online forums should be aware of is that you can tell nothing from a persons' net name.

CGT could be female, or male, Thai or non Thai. You will never know until you meet the person, in person.

Many people think it amusing to use misleading "noms de plume", simply to try to make others lose face!

True enough P1P. Thanks for the heads up.. If I read all the posts from CTG I am left with just one question...if not, then why all the posts saying she is.. I have been lurking here for a long time, just not posting.

More seriously, I think it just comes from our natural tendancies to believe what we read. Lots of people play on that here for various reasons :D

I've met ctg, but many have not. A nice....what? :o:D

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I've met ctg, but many have not. A nice....what?  :D  :D

Did he thay thumthing dirty ??? !!! :wub:-_-:(

He? :D:o

He, She, It,........ When the pronoun chart was created, do you think the creator had Thailand in mind :D

Straying a bit off topic but, thanks to all for the recommendations for Travel Agents. I'll certainly find some satisfaction as another International trip is due in the next 3 weeks.....

next.... we have discussed many night places , but I need someplace for a good large, get the morning started EARLY brekky.... Big meal for what used to be a small stomach..... Moderator please move it you feel is in best interest

Many Thanks for the T/A postings

Toopeekaa 1

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In my opinion, it would not be possible to go past Pun Pun Guest House. The owner is a nut, but he has brilliant food. (Nope I'm not on commission).

Whenever I go to CM now I always stay there, so does my family. My BG stays in Loi Kroh to be picked up by whoever is old enough to not see her fault.

I recommend the food as well as the accomodation.. both fabulous and cheap as chips (or fries), and frequently I wasn't able to finish the breakfast. If you mention Thai Visa, you may get a discount (or maybe not). Tell the old man in the office you got it from Ice Treasure...

Also down the back is a fully equipped hong narm to urinate in, Miss. :o

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nam Khong [spelling?] is very well recommended.

They are a few doors North of Darretts, TaPae Gate.

I used them once and all went like clockwork.

Mali CM

Pannada is a great lady, and very helpfull...I've known her quite well for a few years. Their only real drawback is they don't issue their own flight tickets, so for flights, I'd still say Charal Travel is a better bet since they're online with the airlines... More chairs to sit on than at tiny Nam Khong, too :o

Nam Khong is great for tours around the north. Pannada is quite well connected locally.

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  • 5 weeks later...

From and earlier post

Straying a bit off topic but, thanks to all for the recommendations for Travel Agents. I'll certainly find some satisfaction as another International trip is due in the next 3 weeks.....

Well the time has gone by and perhaps by way of closure, I would like to say thanks to all who have offered their suggestions and recommendations. I did utilize the services of CHARAL and to those who offered this recommendation a special thank you.

I felt somewhat frustrated at first trying to get thru their phone system, but once overcoming this and finding the right person and personality for me, the service was great. The flight information was spot on and correct; the connections were managable. The Service and professionalism of the Agent I used was excellent.

Now they can add me to their list of satisified customers/

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