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The Gentleman Scamp: If you are really serious about giving up smoking, you must be "deadly" serious about it because nicotine is far more addictive that alcohol, and equal to heroin in its addictive hold. Unfortunately, society is a long way from treating cigrarette smokes as it does heroin addicts.

Withdrawal should be gradual so that you body can get used to living without a certain level of nicotine in your blood stream, which you now provide. Patches seem to be the easiest means to accomplish a slow lowering of the nictine level.

In addition to the addictive qualities of nicotine, there are many "habits" associated with smoking that must be broken. A friend who went through Smoke Enders carried around a jar for a week or more into which he put all of his cigarette butts. Smoke Enders does not require you to give up smoking for the first weeks of the program. During that period, they get you to "break" you smoking "habits".

It does no good to eliminate the nicotine level in your blood stream, if your "habits" have you up and smoking again, as so many have found out when they decry patches as not working.

Smoke enders has you do the following for a couple of weeks in addition to carrying around your ashtray jar:

1. Put a small paper and pencil in your cigarette pack and accurately mark down every cigarette smoked.

2. Get up from where ever you are and change your location before begining a new smoke. Always make it uncomfortable to smoke.

3. Smoke with the opposite hand than you are used to smoking with.

4. Reduce the nicotine in the cigarette by changing brands each week, making sure there is less nicotine in each successive brand each successive week.

5. When you are finally ready to not take the next cigarette, pour water into your jar/ashtray and smell the contents. Smell the watered down ashes when ever you get the urge to smoke and before smoking again.

The foregoing "habit" breakers are obvious in their effect and objective. Make smoking inconvenient, don't do it unconsiously, if the reducing nicotine content of the successive brands works in place of doing it by patch, all the better, but clearly making the smoking less enjoyable on every level of your existence is desireable.

If you long for a cigarette when you have a cocktail, stop drinking until you can drink without the longing. etc.

Try Smoker's Annoymous.

These are just a few suggestions. You are a true winner if you can win this battle.

Just go to a AA meeting and see all the smokers, victors over alcohol but not over the devil cigarette.

Good luck, you will need it.

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when i was a kid, my brother and i conspired to get my parents to quit smoking (nothing is worse than being trapped in the backseat of a car with the windows rolled up while your parents puff away up front, bleh!).

so we bought a few packs of those gag-snaps that you insert into a cigarette. they were easy to find at any novelty or fireworks shop. when someone lights the cigarette, BOOM! the end of the cigarette explodes. it's a great laugh and really gives people a shock.

so what my brother and i did was whenever we found an unattended pack of cigarettes, we'd sneak one of the snaps into ONE of the cigarettes in the pack. that way, my parents never knew which cigarette in their pack was going to explode on them. and so they could never truly relax and have a smoke because there was always the potential of a loud bang interrupting their smoke break.

Shortly after a few embarassing BOOMs while shopping/working, and after a few near traffic accidents, my parents quit smoking. It was just too nerve wracking :o.

(ps. i really don't know why you English call cigarettes "fags" when you're the ones doing all the puffing and blowing :D ).

It seems as though everyone has something to say about cigarette smoking- even if what they are saying is based on misunderstanding and misconception. Sometimes we accept ideas as facts and let them rule our behaviors without taking the time to really think about them. Therefore, when we hear people saying this or that about smoking, we may be tempted to just accept it as truth. This is unfortunate, as smoking is something everyone could use a little more in their lives, whether it is at work, with their families or in the sports community.

This leads me to contemplate the question "are accident causing fools born of made?"


stare at this for 60 minutes, whilst repearting the phrase.. 'i must keep off the fags'...


who should not be hypnotised?

...those with otter phobias, schizophrenics and epileptics...

Harry Palmer - BA DCH DHP


Started when I was 17 quit when I was 20 when I got back from overseas with acupuncture treatments from an old Chinese woman in San Francisco.

To date accupuncture has proven to be more effective than any other modality for stopping addiction.

Lots of info on the web. Check out NADA National acupucture Detox Association.

Good Luck...

Hypnosis can't hurt.

stare at this for 60 minutes, whilst repearting the phrase.. 'i must keep off the fags'...


who should not be hypnotised?

...those with otter phobias, schizophrenics and epileptics...

Harry Palmer - BA DCH DHP

:o You have to hand it to him!

Harry, you have gone up in my estimation.

Guy I used to work with was a right miserable bugger and smoked all day. He tried everything to quit but couldn't, and then when someone mensioned acupuncture he just laughed at them. Anyway, he decided to give the acupuncture a go in the end and low and behold, totally cured.

Unfortunately, he got hit by a truck a week later! Only joking, hasn't had a fag to this day; but still a miserable <deleted>, though.

Ok, so can I get acupuncture in Thailand?

Is it expensive?

Is there a cheap alternative, acuinnertube for example? :D That was awful wasn't it, how bad was that for a joke?

No but seriously, I would try it if it was available in this here Thailand. :o

Hi Mr Scamp,

Clinics everywhere, run a search on Google for thai acupuncture.

Google luck

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