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Have You Found........friendship In Thailand?


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When I move to Thailand within the next few years you can all be friends with me ok ?

Im easy to socialize with , I think... :o

welcome to LOS welcome to Chiang Mai (if you come)

Your application for the advertised position of Friend has been accepted subject to the usual interview procedure, the successful applicant will then enter into a probationary period of no less than the rest of his life. Should the applicant qualify after this period has elapsed, he will be granted permanent and irrevocable title of 'Friend'

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Sayitaintso: I would join a candlestick-making club if the fine lady in your avatar were a member.

agreed... wholeheartedly!

Warfie: Sadly, I'm only in Chiangmai about 3 times a year, so we'll have to make these meetings really count!

I think we can make that happen :D:D:D:o

I think it all stems from the fact that my really really good friends have been with me for the majority of my life. I actually have a friend that I've known for 22 years (I'm 27 years old), so the prospect of trying to recreate those kinds of bonds seems pretty daunting to me.

Maybe that's the problem right there; I'm trying to re-create things when I should just be trying to 'create'. Ah well, maybe I shouldn't be trying at all. After all, I have a tendency to find what I need when I'm not looking for it at all...

perhaps expecting too much from friends is my problem too... things like trustworthiness, reliability, dependability, honesty...

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I've made lots of good friends in Thailand over the years - all of them farangs.

I'm just the opposite. All of my friends...or nearly all...are Thai, and most of them are of the opposite sex as I am. I do have farang acquaintances, but they're not friends as I define friends the way I know them back in my home country. Most of the farang interaction I have is more of an "elbow-rubbing" affair.

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No friends, need cheering up?

Just read Weekend Warrior's profile. I nearly fell off my chair.


am scared to hel_l after reading his profile now :D:D

When one has friends like him, he does not need enemies !

.......or could use this friendship to wipe out old enemies :D

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Well micki, we all need friends or we will get very lonley and then the mind starts to go and things happen.

Maybe we can have a beer one day and you can get to know me a little better and see that being as nasty as you are will make people sad and depresed also. You need to stop picking on people you perseeve as being more stupid than you.

After all who is the judge on stupid ?

I am still open to meet new people if anyone wants to meet up just let me know. I like to have a beer most evenings in soi nana.

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1. Well micki, we all need friends or we will get very lonley and then the mind starts to go and things happen.

2. Maybe we can have a beer one day and you can get to know me a little better and see that being as nasty as you are will make people sad and depresed also. You need to stop picking on people you perseeve as being more stupid than you.

3. After all who is the judge on stupid ?

4. I am still open to meet new people if anyone wants to meet up just let me know. I like to have a beer most evenings in soi nana.

1. Quite true. We all need friends and, thank God, I've been lucky enough to have made some wonderful friends over the years. It was difficult to leave some of them when I came to LOS, but I'm still in touch with most of them. A load of them came over in April last year along with my daughter and her mum plus her new bloke. My wife and I went down to meet them in BKK for Songkhran and then we all went down to Ko Samet. Had a great time. So, if my mind does start to go, it won't be due to a lack of friends, thank God.

2. I think that the chances of you and I having a beer are vanishingly small. For a start, you live in Cambodia and I live in Isan. Then there is the small matter of probably not having an awful lot in common. To say that there would be pregnant pauses would be bringing a whole new meaning to the word "understatement". As for being nasty, well, I sincerely hope not. Mind you, as this observation has come from someone whose idea of a good time is tormenting poor animals for fun, then I'm not really going to lose much sleep over it. As for picking on "people" (you, presumably?), I don't believe I do. Yes, I react when I read one of your "posts" but then, so do others. And stupidity? Well, that's your choice of word, not mine. One of the great things about this forum is that so many different people from all over the world, from completely different backgrounds can (most of the time) rub along pretty well and discuss common interests. I really value that and have learned a lot. I'm not particularly interested in a person's intelligence or intellect; we all have something to offer and anyway, I don't consider myself to be any great shakes in the brain department.

3. Well, see above really. I certainly wouldn't set myself up as judge. But I do feel free to react and comment when faced with someone who seems to be so out of synch with the rest of the membership.

4. Oh, so you're in BKK sometimes, ok. Well, my comments in 2. are still relevant.

Try changing your picture and that signature. Have you ever heard the saying "Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep, and you weep alone" ? As true today as the day it was coined. Just a thought...

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No friends, need cheering up?

Just read Weekend Warrior's profile. I nearly fell off my chair.


am scared to hel_l after reading his profile now :D:D

When one has friends like him, he does not need enemies !

I reckon hes not all bad and we have the best to come, i have added him to my list of friend, :D
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My post No. 72 is only funny when it's revealed that the sweet Thai girl (my PA) is actually standing in an armoury brandishing an M60 machine gun. She thought it looked sexy :o

The full pic was removed though. Never mind, but I wonder why.

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Living in Lopburi?

Hi, I'll be spending a lot of time in Lopburi in the future, returning 1 April. I don't know anybody who can speak English (even my girlfriend speaks a very little only). If you live there and have any interest in knowing another farang man, please let me know. I am 61, retired, can't speak Thai (yet). Thanks.

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