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How To Deal With A Problem Farang?


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Knowing village people mentality I highly doubt he would be able to kick her out of the house without being lynched and as for the rest I'm sure they are rumors to spice up the village gossip. Seldom in my wife's village has any transgressions been solved by the police usually the culprit disappears or money is exchange until the victims family is satisfied. My wife was telling me a story about a rich SOB who was acting like a mafia godfather forcing people off there land after missing one loan payment etc. The village tolerated him until he decided to rape a young girl then the men took him for a Laos whiskey and chat, he was never seen again. Rumor has it he is fertilizing a sugar cane field.

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a katoey copper? :o:D and a crazy farang lover. The stories one reads in here. I never get this sort of excitement :D

Anyway, are you sure aboutthe katoey cop thing? Thai cops are not overly friendly to that sort of human and would harass him/her/it out of the station. Now let's suppose he/she/it really is a copper and not a security guard, do you really want to tangle with a pistol packing katoey? They do tend to get a bit hysterical at times. Instead of throwing a purse at you, you might be dodging bullets.

In any case, I think the situation will resolve itself soon enough either through a lover's quarrel or murder suicide. That's usually how it ends up doesn't it?

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