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Bne Investigated For Demanding


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BNE investigated for demanding passengers remove religious headwear

The Australian government has launched an investigation into safety procedures at Brisbane Airport after complaints that the airport security management company was demanding all passengers remove religious headgear.

Turbans, veils and even Jewish skull caps were some of the articles of clothing that the airport had been requesting passengers remove due to security concerns.

While it is a global standard that passengers are asked to remove religious headwear if they fail conventional security checks, concerns raised by ISS Security employees brought to light new across-the-board checks regardless of whether or not there were suspicions.

The issue was taken up by a local Brisbane paper, who after investigating the issue, saw the new edict reversed by ISS Security.

The federal investigation into the matter will be undertaken by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development.

According to reports, the edict was introduced after three Indian men refused to remove their turbans at the safety check-point.


It isn't affecting everybody at Thailand airports, but after having been told by a stern female security guard to remove my baseball cap when I went through a metal detector at Suvarnabhumi, I make sure I have the cap in my hand when I go through Immigration and in fact it stays in my hand until I am outside the terminal. I am just wondering why, in these days of heightened security why people make such a big thing of it. If you've got nothing to hide - why complain?

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I have a stainless steel plate in my leg and a scanner does not pick it up at airports. I have a $50 tradesmans stud finder that will pick up timber, metal. This will pick up the steel plate. So it makes you wonder if they can use the equipment correctly and what its sensitivity is.

IMHO greater checks should be made on ground staff and airline crews especially those who service the aircraft it is far easier to instal an explosive device while the aircraft is on the ground.

Backpacks for a start should never be carried on as hand luggage, limit pax to 1 bag as carry on only.Pax to be aware of what not to carry through security checkpoints.

And finally an IATA standard for all countries for security.

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