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Is There A Market For Tefl Certs In Singapore?

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I found some info about teaching English in Singapore off google, but was unsure of the TEFL market since isn't English part of their grade school curriculum? So wouldn't that make TEFL teachers very, very low demand? I was wondering if anyone of you had some solid info. Ideally, Bangkok would be the first choice, but Singapore comes in a very close 2nd.

As always, any info is greatly appreciated!


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I just did a google with 'TEFL' and 'Singapore' and it seems there are good opportunities

I was really searching for 1st hand experience, not just a google search (anyone could have done that). Since English is taught in the school-system, I've been told that Singapore does not have a strong TEFL need- very weak.

I was looking for 1st hand experience- thanks tho.


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No idea personally, but it would make sense to me that the TEFL needs in Singapore were lower than in many other Asian countries. Not exactly the same style of country as Thailand, either- would suggest Taiwan, Hong Kong, or possibly even Malaysia if you are more interested in teaching Chinese students (though there are a few here).

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