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Christianity Is A Lie!


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Coming from Sri Lanka, where half the island is selling its underage boys and girls for sex,

Yeeh Mr. Dick,

I think you should do something about it. Report it to the United Nations? Unicef?

I heard about it before, but I thought it concerned maybe one percent.

But half, 50 %, is different cake. This is horrible, I have no words for it.

Thank you for the information.

Do you know anything about the position of the Sri Lankan government on this issue?

This quote tells me all I need to know about the Sri Lankan government's stance:

The report found there was almost no rehabilitation or counselling available for victims who are often stigmatised by society.

The above quote is from your troll name. It's utter rubbish..

The other reports you have posted are true and they are the cases we have taken actions..

You can not go on and argue with me on this subject..

When I say you.. it is for you and your troll names.. who else...?

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You really do have a screw lose, and I'm sure you'll be banned shortly.

The quote was from the BBC.  I have only one user name, by the way.

Who cares if they banned me..? But I do not like the style of people like you..

You're always right.. never wrong.. never ever try to see the reality in your own backyards.. You do not have a backbone to accept any wrong doing by any of your people... Instead you try to pass the ball by generalizing it.. That is why one by one your bodies are getting separated from your heads.. I am sorry to say like this.. but that is the level that you people are frustrating others by all your insults..

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I am sure you are a victim.. how long was the rod he inserted to you.. ah? Did you enjoy it..

Mr. Kwiz, these are not the words of a gentleman.

Neither they are the words of a spokesman for Buddhism.

Please fill a spoon with hot peppars and put it in your mouth, any kind of sambal will do as well. If you don't have access to peppars or sambal, you could use a milder form, used mostly in certain areas of a certain Northern American country, namely Tabasco sauce.

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I am sure you are a victim.. how long was the rod he inserted to you.. ah? Did you enjoy it..

Mr. Kwiz, these are not the words of a gentleman.

Neither they are the words of a spokesman for Buddhism.

Agreed what you have said..

I sometimes try to forget about Buddhism and the word "gentleman" and even what I have learned, when I answer some of these people here.

In reality..believe it or not.. I am not like this.. People who know me..knows it..anyway..can't help..

This is not only me.. people in other countries have gone into much more extremes to counter balance this threat.

Sorry if my posts have disturbed you..

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In reality..believe it or not.. I am not like this.. People who know me..knows it..anyway..can't help..

Yeah Kwiz, what's up? Whatever happened to that kinder, gentler, whacko I used to know. :D

The world is not your enemy, unless you make it so. :o

Take care.

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Of course there are people from all walks of life and different religious background doing charitable work that deserves praise. But we are talking about those who made it their purpose to convert others in Thailand and like to see their beliefs and morals implemented.

A free meal for 2 from me also for posting a foto of one of these suit-and-tie, military haircut guys walking the streets with the bible under the arm and with a raw egg in their face!

So stroll, you promote violence and humiliation against those that have different religious beliefs of yours...

Ok, just as long as I got the point.

I hope those that read my post understand that I promote respect, regardless of peoples beliefs are.

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Of course there are people from all walks of life and different religious background doing charitable work that deserves praise. But we are talking about those who made it their purpose to convert others in Thailand and like to see their beliefs and morals implemented.

A free meal for 2 from me also for posting a foto of one of these suit-and-tie, military haircut guys walking the streets with the bible under the arm and with a raw egg in their face!

So stroll, you promote violence and humiliation against those that have different religious beliefs of yours...

Ok, just as long as I got the point.

I hope those that read my post understand that I promote respect, regardless of peoples beliefs are.

Ok, I don't promote violence, my gest was exagerated, I considered deleting it, actually,

but let it stand because I have no respect for this particular kind of missionaries.

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Though I am due back in the LOS any day, I just could not let this just lie there without commentary.

I have tracked this the_webninja@$$$oo.com over the net, reporting his defammatory hate mongering violations to authorities and or organizations where appropriate as he is a desiple of hate who nsults the intellegence of all people, especially the Thais and budda.

It is people that are a threat not their ideas or beliefs.

Religion is a personal affair between man and god not a popular fade or teen Goth myth. That is why Thailand has remained Buddist throught the ages and will do so as long as the Thai people want it that way.

I am no pontificatory of religions but as I learned in 1968 there are no athesist on the battlefields. Only scared frightened men praying that their god will protect them from harmsway.

I leave the readers of this thread with the following as I know you all to be intellegent free willed persons of strong opinion and know truth is in fact universial with no one knowing all but each of us knowing some.

Baha'i Faith:

"Blessed is he who

preferreth his brother

before himself."


"Hurt not others in

that you yourself would

find hurtful." --Udana-Varga 5:18


"As you wish that men

would do to you, do so

to them." --Luke 6:31


No one of you is a

believer until he desires

for his brother that which

he desires for himself." --Sunnah


"Do not unto others

what you would not have

them do unto you."

--Analects 15:23


"Do naught unto others

which would cause you

pain if done to you." --Mahabharata 5:1517


"That which is hateful

unto you, do not impose

on others."

--Talmud, Shabbat 31a

Sikhism:"As thou deemest thyself,

so deem others."


"Regard your neighbor's

gain as your own gain

and your neighbor's

loss as your own loss." --T'ai Shang Kan Ying P'ien


"An ye harm none,

do what ye will." --Wiccan Rede


That nature alone is

good which refrains

from doing unto another

whatsoever is not good for itself." --Dadistan-i-dinik 94:5

---------- Fools like this dude the webnina are born unenlightened and devoid of real wisdom but centuries of truths always endure over the ravings of extremism and hate!

That is all!

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Of course there are people from all walks of life and different religious background doing charitable work that deserves praise. But we are talking about those who made it their purpose to convert others in Thailand and like to see their beliefs and morals implemented.

A free meal for 2 from me also for posting a foto of one of these suit-and-tie, military haircut guys walking the streets with the bible under the arm and with a raw egg in their face!

So stroll, you promote violence and humiliation against those that have different religious beliefs of yours...

Ok, just as long as I got the point.

I hope those that read my post understand that I promote respect, regardless of peoples beliefs are.

Ok, I don't promote violence, my gest was exagerated, I considered deleting it, actually,

but let it stand because I have no respect for this particular kind of missionaries.

has this particular kind ever harmed you in any way.

Other than dressing strange and making themselves an easy target for ridicule, what harm have they actually done to you.

Oh they may seem like zealots, or maybe something worse. But in their way of thinking they are only trying to do what is right.

But then again so did the guys that did 911.

One of the things I fear about religion... It sure does take away logic, and allows for weird thinking... and then justifies it all by throwing out terms like, good, evil, faith obey... etc...

Well, as for me, I try not to allow anyones beliefs effect how I feel about my self or others...

Life is way too short.

You could take them to dinner as another post suggested.... Yep scare the mess out of them... maybe. But you may be surprised, those guys from all walks of life.

I know I sure did....

I enjoyed every day I was a missionary, I figure I'd enjoy your company as well.

I agree to disagree, and I respect your beliefs, thoughts, and back ground.

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Mr. Kwiz, these are not the words of a gentleman.

Neither they are the words of a spokesman for Buddhism.

Agreed what you have said..

I sometimes try to forget about Buddhism and the word "gentleman" and even what I have learned, when I answer some of these people here.

In reality..believe it or not.. I am not like this.. People who know me..knows it..anyway..can't help..

This is not only me.. people in other countries have gone into much more extremes to counter balance this threat.

Sorry if my posts have disturbed you..

Allright Kwiz,

It is like a wall of misunderstanding you bounce your head on again and again. And then you start using the same language and it gets worse.

It is not only you who crosses the line in this thread.

A lot of people lost their faces by starting to use bad words.

You were provocative, that's for sure. But you certainly were not the only one.

And sometimes one has to be.

Even the man who presents himself as a wise peaceful scholar of Buddhism, Mr. Automat Kalshnikov, lost his temper and started to pull the trigger.

The will and/or intention to understand each other is not the strongest characteristic of the members of this forum.

This is a pity. In this way no one can learn of the other.

I wished people could forget about their nationalities. This forum is not a battlefield! That people would exchange ideas and information.

I have always had and still have American friends. I have never been impolite against an American and when they asked me for the road I never pointed in the wrong direction.

I never associated an American with the politics of his government.

But if Americans use this forum to defend these politics I feel myself entitled to react. So do you.

Since 7/11 it seems that they hold the monopolies on feeling pain and to inflict pain on others.

So to all of you, please stop using bad words, stop attacking and stop defending!

Who first?

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If I attempt to impose my spiritual beliefs on someone else, then I must think I know the correct spiritual answer. But, many people have different beliefs, so how can I be sure I am right? Wouldn't it be a great coincidence if my beliefs happened to be the truth?

At most, one religion can be contain the truth (it is also possible that they are all wrong). But, even the biggest religion consitutes less than half the world population. Therefore, a person selected at random has less than a fifty percent chance of knowing the truth (given that even one religion is correct). So, my chances of picking a correct belief system are less than 50%.


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Thailand is a country where religious tolerance is widespread, in my experience.

The Thai authorities are quite capable of deciding who is allowed to enter the country, and what they are allowed to do while they are here. If they decide to allow, for example, Mormon missionaries to enter Thailand, that's a matter for them.

Apart from the overwhelming stench of religious (or anti-religious) bigotry on this thread, there is also more than a whiff of paternalism......Thailand has been here for a long time and the Thai people seem pretty capable of deciding just what foreign influences they are prepared to tolerate.

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Yeah, it is ll a Christian plot.  They proably stole the Buddhas from my village recently, to finance their entire operation.

Take a look at http://members.cscoms.com/~mglatz/wat.htm

I am not supriced..!

The worst mass steeling took place in the Iraq Musium..I have not seen anything like that in my life.. Needless to name the crooks..

Prayer time for you. Take your ( bloodstained ) mat

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has this particular kind ever harmed you in any way.

Other than dressing strange and making themselves an easy target for ridicule, what harm have they actually done to you.

Oh they may seem like zealots, or maybe something worse. But in their way of thinking they are only trying to do what is right.

But then again so did the guys that did 911.

One of the things I fear about religion... It sure does take away logic, and allows for weird thinking... and then justifies it all by throwing out terms like, good, evil, faith obey... etc...

Well, as for me, I try not to allow anyones beliefs effect how I feel about my self or others...

Life is way too short.

You could take them to dinner as another post suggested.... Yep scare the mess out of them... maybe. But you may be surprised, those guys from all walks of life.

I know I sure did....

I enjoyed every day I was a missionary, I figure I'd enjoy your company as well.

I agree to disagree, and I respect your beliefs, thoughts, and back ground.

Yes, you are right, I got carried away causing harm through words.

These missionaries have not harmed me, I have spend quite some time discussing with people like this knocking on my door, and felt irritated as a result, to the point when I blankly refused to have anything to do with them and wished they wouldn't bother me or others.

I am refering to 'them' here, because I interacted with them in their chosen role, not as a person. Any salesrep who phones or turns up at my door receives an equally unfriendly non-welcome.

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Oh this is funny.

First of all, to other religions, mormons are not considered christians.

So why all the mormon jokes on this thread?

I was one of those mormons on the bikes, and trust me, those guys are very fit. You would be lucky to have your teeth to eat a lunch after knoking one down. Oh sure, they technically should not re-arange your face, but technically you should not be knocking them down either.... Especially over an imature emotion like religious prejudism.

These young guys are under a lot of stress. Imagine getting uprooted from all you know, and stuck in some country you know nothing about, away from friends and family. The physcological trauma trully is quite large. You knock the wrong guy off at the wrong time, you may see a docile morman misionary turn into a angry bull.

Now for me, my life has changed since those days of me being on a bike. I now see how a person could feel that christians and other missionaries are out to kill a culture or to force their beliefs on others. I don't agree upon it. My wife is budhist, I wouldn't have it any other way... Love her just the way she is.

But I can tell you, that killing a culture is far from a 19 yrs old mormon missionaries intent. Just getting by day by day is hard enough. They do not live a life of luxury.

When you think they are a target for you impulsive rude behavior, ask yourself what you were doing at age 19. Were you giving yourself up to a cause, a belief? Did you give up 2 years of your life and 10,000$ when you were 19? Would you have, will you ever?

I respect monks, and preachers etc. To give up so much based on faith, for a god they have never seen.... Wow, I can't even imagine the amount of faith they must to have. Logical or illogical as it is... I still respect them.

Please excuse me for the preaching

The missionaries are admirable in the way a suicide bomber is admirable. They are extremely passionate about their beliefs, no matter how misguided they may be.

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hanks for who ever opened this thread.. what Animals you people are?

Insane..<deleted> c king ..animals.. I do not have words to describe your culture and your religion..

Don't jump when terrorists killed innocent Russian kids.. you do not have a right to do so.. They are much much better than this..

whaoooo ...

yes we are animals ... with a small difference. we think ... but it does not seem to apply for you ... :D

I would say this :

"don't ask to a blind person to go to a painting gallery,

don't ask to a deaf person to go to a concert ...

but blindness and deafness are not only affecting the body, they may affect the mind ...

and I'm afraid that they affected you" [Tchouang Seu]

cool down!

how can you dare to say things like this?

a little respect for people with faith would be more tolerant.

the only thing I see in your words is intolerance, hate and anger ...

do you have a problem with Religions?

how can you say : "you don't have the right to do so .." ...

can you see inside people's hearts?

if some "priests" are behaving in the worst maner a man can do ...

what about all the other pedophiles ... christians, muslims, buddhists?

or just plenly agnostics?

your view is short, due to your self-oriented way to see things ... can I say this?

sure I do!

your intolereance is far beyond what I can afford to try to understand :o

Baha'i Faith:

"Blessed is he who

preferreth his brother

before himself."


"Hurt not others in

that you yourself would

find hurtful." --Udana-Varga 5:18


"As you wish that men

would do to you, do so

to them." --Luke 6:31


No one of you is a

believer until he desires

for his brother that which

he desires for himself." --Sunnah


"Do not unto others

what you would not have

them do unto you."

--Analects 15:23


"Do naught unto others

which would cause you

pain if done to you." --Mahabharata 5:1517


"That which is hateful

unto you, do not impose

on others."

--Talmud, Shabbat 31a

Sikhism:"As thou deemest thyself,

so deem others."


"Regard your neighbor's

gain as your own gain

and your neighbor's

loss as your own loss." --T'ai Shang Kan Ying P'ien


"An ye harm none,

do what ye will." --Wiccan Rede


That nature alone is

good which refrains

from doing unto another

whatsoever is not good for itself." --Dadistan-i-dinik 94:5

read this again ...

from far (a part of) the best post of this tread ...

respect the faith of others who are not concerned with others's abuse seems to me basic.

I do condemn these deviant behaviors ... but, can I change the world? NO :D

I and we have to live with all these, and it's not the darker side of our world.

being so vinditive is not the brightest side of a man.


ps; yes, I do believe in God, and I'm proud to say it ...

Love may be one universal value that remain in this low world.

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If your (general you, not anyone specific) religious beliefs give you peace, then good for you. It takes a lot of strength to be happy living without such comforts, and I don't demand it of anyone. But please, please, please stop harassing other people with it politically or personally.

It's so much more amazing to me that through sheer combinatorial power atoms arranged themselves into molecules with the informational power of DNA- and that from the animals that DNA made, all the ideas that have ever been, including what I am writing right now, were generated- than to think of some wizard figure with a magic wand wishing it all up.


P.S. I had a friend in Japan who went there first as one of those stereotypical Mormons- and he got deprogrammed by Japan!!!


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I have always thought that because the Rama Dynasty is Buddhist, then preaching Christianity in Thailand should be viewed as a serious no-no.

And Muslim????????????????????????

If I knock one off a bike will you buy me dinner????????????????

Personaly an agnostic, but do not see the big deal. Here come the christians, booooo, better watch out, boooo.

After all, it's the muslims that kill you if you don't convert.

Here's an idea. If you see a mormon missionary, why don't you take him to lunch?

At nana plaza. :o

Well, well, well......SoCal, you were writing in another thread that you don't have hatred towards any group, race, etc. The stuff you wrote here shows what a pathetic lier and a racist of a person you are.

So you are anti-Muslim, eh ? Admit it....your despise does not seem to be just for 'Islamist extremists' or even 'Islamists', but 'Muslims' in general, according to what I can read.

Fool, how many Muslims have you met in life ? I am agnostic but I have many Muslim friends.....none of them would fit the stereotype you have about Muslims. Almost all of those friends of mine are fully against fundamentalism. Some of them sometimes enjoy a beer or two with me.

Of course you would probably argue that they are not really Muslims.....I wish you could tell it to them then...they claim to be Muslims.

You are one of those people who like to lump people together in certain sterotypes and then vent your hatred towards them ! Pathetic !

Shame on you !


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I have always thought that because the Rama Dynasty is Buddhist, then preaching Christianity in Thailand should be viewed as a serious no-no.

And Muslim????????????????????????

If I knock one off a bike will you buy me dinner????????????????

Personaly an agnostic, but do not see the big deal. Here come the christians, booooo, better watch out, boooo.

After all, it's the muslims that kill you if you don't convert.

Here's an idea. If you see a mormon missionary, why don't you take him to lunch?

At nana plaza. :D

Well, well, well......SoCal, you were writing in another thread that you don't have hatred towards any group, race, etc. The stuff you wrote here shows what a pathetic lier and a racist of a person you are.

So you are anti-Muslim, eh ? Admit it....your despise does not seem to be just for 'Islamist extremists' or even 'Islamists', but 'Muslims' in general, according to what I can read.

Fool, how many Muslims have you met in life ? I am agnostic but I have many Muslim friends.....none of them would fit the stereotype you have about Muslims. Almost all of those friends of mine are fully against fundamentalism. Some of them sometimes enjoy a beer or two with me.

Of course you would probably argue that they are not really Muslims.....I wish you could tell it to them then...they claim to be Muslims.

You are one of those people who like to lump people together in certain sterotypes and then vent your hatred towards them ! Pathetic !

Shame on you !


JJ you seem to read the worst into posts. I read that and thought it was poorly written. But I read it as "Why would you do that to anyone?".

I could be wrong but I am looking for the silver lining not the dark cloud.

:o Coffee!!! :D

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