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Do You Stay In Your Condo If Hurricane Shop Bkk


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All around Chumpol and especially Pathiu where the eye made landfall, trees were pretty much flattened.  What was interesting to note was that close to the eye, trees were toppled in a circular pattern and not necessary in one direction.  I heard from first hand account that the sea would inuadate low lying areas washing house and homes along the people in it

Lots of devastation but nothing more so than the promise help by the government which never arrived...or arrived to the wrong hands.  :D

Interesting...I never knew about the circular pattern. Even now, you can stilll see many 'headless sticks' around that area- coconut trees that were flexible and strong enough for the winds, but their tops were blown off... That is also the reason my hut survided, I believe. Coconut wood construction... Though it did feel like Dorothy's house in 'The Wizard of Oz' at times... :D

By the way, that was also Chavalit Yongchaiyud's entrance to the National Scene. As Army Commander, he personally jumped in and directed things after the government was accused of not doing enough...I'll admit that even I was impressed by his (then) commanding appearance and voice :o

The King also got personally involved, making a Proclamation against any logging in Thailand- ratified later by Parliment, per the constitution. Unfortuntely, the logging continued illegally, with every year showing an increase over the year before, at least up to recently...

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Yes..this is to cool down all of you.. but this really came to my mind after seeing the devastation in haiti..

For me...I am not sure the infrastructure in Thailand and Buildings can hold into such a force.. Also I can not think of a place to take shelter..  :o

What about you guys..?

Hurricanes, typhoons, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, etc. can be prevented from ever happening again by putting the “Kwiz paradigm” to practical use.

1. Prevention is possible if humans understand the processes triggering “natural” disasters.

2. As proven by the Kwiz paradigm, all problems plaguing mankind are caused by American imperialists, occasionally disguised as French filmmakers. Clearly, “natural” disasters are not natural; they are made in the USA and exported to other countries. Disasters in the US also are man-made and cynically used to divert everybody’s attention from the real culprits.

3. Posting endless messages exposing the insidious nature of the infidel American imperialism (Kwiz, Valentina, etc.) will eventually bring the blood-thirsty Americans to their knees. Following America’s demise, planet Earth will instantly turn into a peaceful, prosperous, and disaster-free paradise, under the guidance of brilliant Sri Lankans (such as kwiz), progressive Iranian mullahs, peace-loving N. Korean and Cuban communists, and brave Frenchmen (no women please, you don’t want to insult the mullahs).

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I would tie myself to a metal bar like wot they did in Twister.

yeah, but you still wear a snakebelt. Brown and yellow. So you would get sucked on the eye, then once you reach your height, your knicklastick would reverse catapult you back to the 'metal bar' and shatter you to goo.

I reckon about 30 mtrs.

then SPLAT on the pipes.

You could alternatively try clicking your heels together 3 times, after you've emptied your bladder on them. It might work..


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