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Who offers decent broadband for home use?

I'm after something that will be used throughout the day, for 10 hrs a day. Not a high data throughput.

I keep getting flyers for KSC - but their broadband only works for sites within Thailand - I guess that they don't really understand the concept of the World Wide Web!

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You also might want to say where you are - from KSC will assume Thailand but it is still a big place. :o

The cheap TRUE adsl is great here in Bangkok for full time circuit use, although full speed will not be available it is higher than dial up and often close to full connect speed for downloads.

I believe KSC has the same program now. As does CS/Loxinfo and probably others.

Look into the 590 baht specials for adsl service.

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True isn't all that hot right now. I've had a chance to see the performance of three different installations, one that's been used since before the "unlimited inter" change, one that was only recently installed, and one with the "internet cafe" package. Currently, all three places have pretty bad and inconsistant download speeds for sites outside Thailand. Local site speeds were fine, but pretty much any international download would jump up and down like crazy, and might crawl at certain peak times. The more expensive "cafe" package is supposed to use dedicated bandwidth, and so isn't supposed to jump like the rest, but that doesn't seem to be the case right now.

True's total international bandwidth is around 600+mbps, nearly all of it going through CAT. Doesn't seem to be enough.

I'm praying that True will clean up their act, or that some other company will offer a good and affordable alternative.

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(sorry, stupid me for posting in the wrong forum, thanks for moving it)

I'm in Bangkok. I used to use KSC for 56k dialup, but they screwed me over on a prepaid deal (buy 6 months use, get unlimited access. They cancelled it 4 months into the package)

The KSC broadband deal is very limited. You get unlimited access. But only to sites within Thailand. Unlimited worldwide access only runs from 12pm to 6am. Pretty useless!

That was the last time, I got an English-language flyer.

So KSC is crap, True is dodgy. Who does that leave?

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Another person mentioned the new ADSL package from CSlox, but that's pretty new. I Think it's 256/128k. CSLox is usually good bandwidth-wise, but they're also pretty much the most expensive, so this new package which is around 500+baht/month is not typical for them. If you ask for 512k, the price skyrockets, so I take it that there's some type of limitation/crippling for this 256k deal.

There is also TOT, but seems like it's nothing to shout about, according to others in this forum.

True still seems to be having bandwith problems. I say this because int'l speeds are acceptable and fairly constant on weekends/late nights, but around 10am to 5pm it's terrible. It was much better a few months ago.

I think there's Jinet, which offers similar prices to True. Not many customers, and very few opinions.

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So KSC is crap, True is dodgy. Who does that leave?

I also got caught with the KSC unlimited package that they dropped and then slammed me into a pay service without my approval (they did cancel it without a trip to their isolated home - which was required for starting the other service).

I have never had downloads below about 10kbps on my 512 TRUE line and last week they seemed to be back up in the 35-40 range (at the times I downloaded) so for general use feel that it is fine. If I were dependent on speed (consistency)my view of course would be different. The speed does vary greatly. But it is almost always usable; which can not be said for all providers.

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