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The Beach Road Promenade


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I'm referring specifically to the stretch between walking street and central road. I

had been out of town for a few weeks and last night just after 10pm, I thought it

would be okay to go for a stroll and enjoy some of the ocean breezes. Wrong.

Almost none of the overhead street lights are working now, the tourist police

volunteers, who used to maintain a minimal prescense are completely absent

Ladymen and transients are massing in the shadows accosting anyone who

tries to walk down the path. For a beach resort, this is a pretty sad state.

There have been so many tourist assaults down there this last year it's just

shocking that still, minimal security isn't maintained for the safety of visitors.

Some of these groups are down there to roll guests, be very careful at night.

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I couldnt agree more cali.

Also the amount of drug dealers operating there is huge. Just walking the short distance from Royal Garden to Walkingstreet, I was approached by no less than 7 drug dealers offering the usual Jaba, Cocaine and Weed.

And its not like these guys are hiding it - they offer their goods with rather loud voices, which means that they are not afraid of getting caught there. Probably because of the missing lights as you correctly point out.

Instead of complaining here on ThaiVisa, we should snap some photos and write a nice letter to city hall and to the news papers. I wouldnt mind helping out if someone who knows the media, the journalists and the right people at city hall would take the lead.

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Almost none of the overhead street lights are working now, the tourist police

volunteers, who used to maintain a minimal prescense are completely absent

Ladymen and transients are massing in the shadows accosting anyone who

tries to walk down the path. For a beach resort, this is a pretty sad state.

Thanks for the report Cali...now that all's back to normal on Beach Road I think I will head on down there for a stroll again sometime soon. It was getting so sterile and respectable down there that I stopped going...but seems all is well again.

Everything you condemn is just a little local colour and what Pattaya is all about!

Edited by jonniebkk
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Almost none of the overhead street lights are working now, the tourist police

volunteers, who used to maintain a minimal prescense are completely absent

Ladymen and transients are massing in the shadows accosting anyone who

tries to walk down the path. For a beach resort, this is a pretty sad state.

Thanks for the report Cali...now that all's back to normal on Beach Road I think I will head on down there for a stroll again sometime soon. It was getting so sterile and respectable down there that I stopped going...but seems all is well again.

Everything you condemn is just a little local colour and what Pattaya is all about!

What an absolutely stupid post. Pattaya should NOT be all about drug dealers, ladyboy robbers and other low life's. If you believe it is then that says more about you than it does about Pattaya.

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What an absolutely stupid post. Pattaya should NOT be all about drug dealers, ladyboy robbers and other low life's. If you believe it is then that says more about you than it does about Pattaya.

Ouch...that hurt :o

WCR...may I suggest Disneyland, a perfectly safe and sanitary land of make belief for your next vacation.. Just stay out of the real world of L.A nearby ....I hear they have those dastardly pick-pockets, drug dealers, prostitutes, and trannies there too :D

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There are drug dealers and ladyboys but they're very easy to ignore. The ladyboys seem more interested in accosting me for a sexual liaison than robbing me. I've never taken up the offer so I wouldn't know if robbery was an issue. Maybe some other board members have experience of this.

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You have 2 choices,walk there or not walk there.i have never walked on that side of beach road late at night in the 5 years i have been in pattaya.why would someone want to walk that side instead of the bars side,uness you want ladyboy or drugs or plain stupid.i know some people will come back and say,i like the fresh air bit but total crap.in the day time is fine for a stroll but not at 2 or 3 in the morning,thats asking for trouble.

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i would take what johniecfc as, not an arguement, but just, common sense, theres no go areas all over world, live by the swoard and all that, since i got here everyone said to me dont go beech road on a night unless you want problems, so i dont, mindst you am normally too pissed to walk anywayjava script:add_smilie(":o","smid_39")


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Thats why i feel the area should be cleaned up.its a sad state of affairs when i live 7 mins from the beach and can only walk there in the day time when sober too.i would love to walk across beach road and get some fresh air after a night out but my rationalisation says what is the point,as i do not want to be accosted by gays/katoys/druggies/pickpockets etc etc..for an expat to do this then complain he has got robbed by a prossie or katoy then i am sorry but his brains have left him.

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Thats why i feel the area should be cleaned up.its a sad state of affairs when i live 7 mins from the beach and can only walk there in the day time when sober too.i would love to walk across beach road and get some fresh air after a night out but my rationalisation says what is the point,as i do not want to be accosted by gays/katoys/druggies/pickpockets etc etc..for an expat to do this then complain he has got robbed by a prossie or katoy then i am sorry but his brains have left him.

I agree. It is sad. I have been living in Pattaya 7 years plus now and have seen a shocking deterioration regarding law and order on the Beach Road.

Now, however it is not so important to me because I don't actually want to go strolling down Beach Road at night; however I do sympathise with those who actually want to whether they be Pattaya residents or tourists.

What is the solution? Yes, a more severe clampdown by the Pattaya police on the bandits. But be sure; Pattaya has changed. It has lost a lot of the charm that existed when I first arrived, and those who know Pattaya 10-20 years ago must be close to tears when contemplating the change in Pattaya 'People'.

But, at the end of the day; I shall stay. And reconsider in a few more years. Either (it) {Pattaya} will improve or implode. Then I shall make a final decision.

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Thats why i feel the area should be cleaned up.its a sad state of affairs when i live 7 mins from the beach and can only walk there in the day time when sober too.i would love to walk across beach road and get some fresh air after a night out but my rationalisation says what is the point,as i do not want to be accosted by gays/katoys/druggies/pickpockets etc etc..for an expat to do this then complain he has got robbed by a prossie or katoy then i am sorry but his brains have left him.

I agree. It is sad. I have been living in Pattaya 7 years plus now and have seen a shocking deterioration regarding law and order on the Beach Road.

Now, however it is not so important to me because I don't actually want to go strolling down Beach Road at night; however I do sympathise with those who actually want to whether they be Pattaya residents or tourists.

What is the solution? Yes, a more severe clampdown by the Pattaya police on the bandits. But be sure; Pattaya has changed. It has lost a lot of the charm that existed when I first arrived, and those who know Pattaya 10-20 years ago must be close to tears when contemplating the change in Pattaya 'People'.

But, at the end of the day; I shall stay. And reconsider in a few more years. Either (it) {Pattaya} will improve or implode. Then I shall make a final decision.

i think it will take more than the police, cos for me its the whole lot, whichever side off the road theres some sort of obstical (spelt right?) right the way down, its off walkway for a lampost, onto road cooking stalls, back off road onto path to find a geezer selling ya a suit and wanting to know what football team ya support.

all along ya moving and getting pissed off, thats just day times, then nightime, as mentioned its rob the farang by a group, and maybe police every month round em up an charge em 200 bhat each, i can understand the police not having enough time though, what with driving down beech road after a falang who hasnt got his hemet on! :o

still, it beats yorkshire!

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I'm referring specifically to the stretch between walking street and central road. I

had been out of town for a few weeks and last night just after 10pm, I thought it

would be okay to go for a stroll and enjoy some of the ocean breezes. Wrong.

Almost none of the overhead street lights are working now, the tourist police

volunteers, who used to maintain a minimal prescense are completely absent

Ladymen and transients are massing in the shadows accosting anyone who

tries to walk down the path. For a beach resort, this is a pretty sad state.

There have been so many tourist assaults down there this last year it's just

shocking that still, minimal security isn't maintained for the safety of visitors.

Some of these groups are down there to roll guests, be very careful at night.

What a dangerous world it is becoming ! I left central London for rural Dorset, and my god in a town near me two wekends ago two murders on the same day within a mile of one another, yobs fighting !

I just spent a month in LOS, two weeks in Patters, many nights took a stroll along Beach rd all no problem.

Try being nice to the locals, blow the ladyboys a kiss, tell them how beautifull they are looking ! stop and chat to some of the nice ladies, offer the drunks a cold tinnie from the nice lady that pushes the cart full along, up and down ! and on your way back past the nice Indian tailors, before they get a word in offer them a share in a time share in Spain, they will look at you gob smacked !

Life and people are what you make of them/ it, where is your safe haven, indoors behing locked gates ?

A yank I bet !

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That's complete bullsh_t. Yes, there are many sweet and kind Thai people even

in Pattaya city but if you're only here for two weeks, you haven't got a clue dude.

Just this morning after I left the gym at 06:30, I saw two ladymen get off their

motorbike they had been trolling with and attack a bar-girl who I guess had

stolen their customer. If the farang she was with hadn't stepped in they would

have beaten her to a pulp. You want to live in a fantasy world blowing kisses

to ladymen and waving to tailor salesmen who insult you, that's your perogative.

If you followed the news here, you would know that foreigners have been victims

of assaults literally every week this last year. Having some idea what's going on,

including the amphetamine problems is reality. And Yes, I'm a fuc_ing Y :o ank.

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I am not sure that Beach Road is that bad.

I regularly walk up and down the beach at all times and while there are indeed seed characters hanging around I have never felt threatened at all.

Then again i never stop to talk to anyone or solicit services etc.

Certainly there are a nukmber of incidents that regularly occur but personally i have never felt unsafe.

Pattaya has always been very seedy. I am not sure it is much worse now than years back.

It has always had its share of crime and violence and suspicious deaths.

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I just spent a month in LOS, two weeks in Patters, many nights took a stroll along Beach rd all no problem.

Try being nice to the locals, blow the ladyboys a kiss, tell them how beautifull they are looking ! stop and chat to some of the nice ladies, offer the drunks a cold tinnie from the nice lady that pushes the cart full along, up and down ! and on your way back past the nice Indian tailors, before they get a word in offer them a share in a time share in Spain, they will look at you gob smacked !

Exactly...I don't know what all these wanke_rs are talking about. I mean, where do all these guys come from...geeze never seen such a bunch of p*ss**s :o

Sure there are unsavory characters hanging around in the shadows but if you just mind your own business or ignore their entreaties they in turn will ignore you!! I think most guys are so unsure of their own sexuality that getting propositioned by a ladybody on Beach Road constitutes an "assault." Joke with them or walk on past...and they will leave you alone also. Some for all the working ladies and natural herb sellers.

Also, just use common sense...no fancy watches or gold necklaces. Grab a beer from the 7-11's across the street and enjoy some of the best people watching on a stroll along the beach promenade.

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Almost none of the overhead street lights are working now, the tourist police

volunteers, who used to maintain a minimal prescense are completely absent

Ladymen and transients are massing in the shadows accosting anyone who

tries to walk down the path. For a beach resort, this is a pretty sad state.

Thanks for the report Cali...now that all's back to normal on Beach Road I think I will head on down there for a stroll again sometime soon. It was getting so sterile and respectable down there that I stopped going...but seems all is well again.

Everything you condemn is just a little local colour and what Pattaya is all about!

What an absolutely stupid post. Pattaya should NOT be all about drug dealers, ladyboy robbers and other low life's. If you believe it is then that says more about you than it does about Pattaya.

Edited by zorro1
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I agree 100% could you imagine anyone even bothering discussing pot or trannies back in your home town? they all to busy working their butts off for the latest beema or playing lawn bowls in a retiremnet home. Enjoy pattaya for what it is, its what drew you in like a magnet when you first arrived remember?

edit.. bugger Im typing in beween posts

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I am not sure that Beach Road is that bad.

I regularly walk up and down the beach at all times and while there are indeed seed characters hanging around I have never felt threatened at all.

Then again i never stop to talk to anyone or solicit services etc.

Certainly there are a nukmber of incidents that regularly occur but personally i have never felt unsafe.

Pattaya has always been very seedy. I am not sure it is much worse now than years back.

It has always had its share of crime and violence and suspicious deaths.

They probably avoid you 'cause of that mean look you have. :o

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That's complete bullsh_t. Yes, there are many sweet and kind Thai people even

in Pattaya city but if you're only here for two weeks, you haven't got a clue dude.

Just this morning after I left the gym at 06:30, I saw two ladymen get off their

motorbike they had been trolling with and attack a bar-girl who I guess had

stolen their customer. If the farang she was with hadn't stepped in they would

have beaten her to a pulp. You want to live in a fantasy world blowing kisses

to ladymen and waving to tailor salesmen who insult you, that's your perogative.

If you followed the news here, you would know that foreigners have been victims

of assaults literally every week this last year. Having some idea what's going on,

including the amphetamine problems is reality. And Yes, I'm a fuc_ing Y :o ank.

So I was right you are one ! the most paranoid people on earth, obviously Dude, YOU COULD NOT SEE THE BIGGER PICTURE , through my post.

Try being nicer to people even the scumbags of life, works better than walking round thinking your superior, and winging about everything, point being Pattaya is no more dangerous than a town near you !

And Yank's the cause of most of the worlds problems, enconomic, and wars !

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And Yank's the cause of most of the worlds problems, enconomic, and wars !

Without a doubt one of the dumbest posts I have ever seen on the internet.

PS: There is only one "n" in economics. :o

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And Yank's the cause of most of the worlds problems, enconomic, and wars !

Without a doubt one of the dumbest posts I have ever seen on the internet.

PS: There is only one "n" in economics. :o

Thank you for pointing out the mistake, more typing error I think, It is only you Yanks that are dumb, who has caused the Sub prime fiasco ? like all the major financial crashes, who has upset the Muslim world, with pointless wars in Iraq, Ahfganistan.

Thank god the Dumb president will soon go ! Have a good day !

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"Thank you for pointing out the mistake, more typing error I think, It is only you Yanks that are dumb, who has caused the Sub prime fiasco ? like all the major financial crashes, who has upset the Muslim world, with pointless wars in Iraq, Afghanistan".

Hey, Thehedonist, kiss my Yankee butt. when the muslins are knocking on your door I hope we yanks shall look the other way

hate to agree with you on anything but yep, Bush is a dummy


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PS: There is only one "n" in economics. :D

Thank you for pointing out the mistake, more typing error I think, It is only you Yanks that are dumb, who has caused the Sub prime fiasco ? like all the major financial crashes, who has upset the Muslim world, with pointless wars in Iraq, Ahfganistan.

Thank god the Dumb president will soon go ! Have a good day !

Let me give you a little hand with your English composition. I will try and keep the warm, friendly spirit of your post intact.


"Thank you for pointing out the mistake. I think it was more of a typing error. It is only you Yanks that are dumb. Who has caused the sub prime fiasco like all the major financial crashes? Who has upset the Muslim world with pointless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Thank God the dumb President will soon go! Have a good day!"


You will notice I did not try and change your post into paragraphs, but merely used your own words as much as possible to make complete sentences. Perhaps your error wasn't so much a typing error as it was the result of a misspent youth and a lack of education.

You have a nice day as well. :o

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