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Thai Massage And Correct Etiquette?


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To what extent should one strip off? (Do you keep your undergarments on?)

Under what circumstances is it inappropriate to ask for extras? (is there a menu of options and costs?)

In Thai culture do Thai men go to massage parlours for relief? (Does one establishment cater for traditional and another for 'alternative')

How common place are masseurs? (What is the legal minimum age from which they can trade?)

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In Thai culture do Thai men go to massage parlours for relief? (Does one establishment cater for traditional and another for 'alternative')


Look for the places with a waterfall outside, either real, or simulated with strings of lights.

The services range from traditional to the full exotic..........

You need to specify what you need,

so a command of the Thai language is needed. :o

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To what extent should one strip off? (Do you keep your undergarments on?)

Under what circumstances is it inappropriate to ask for extras? (is there a menu of options and costs?)

In Thai culture do Thai men go to massage parlours for relief? (Does one establishment cater for traditional and another for 'alternative')

How common place are masseurs? (What is the legal minimum age from which they can trade?)

My 2p worth ...

What you see (or don't see) is usually what you get if you catch my drift. If everything is out front in public view, then it's pretty obvious there are no "favors" to be discussed or negotiated. If it's not, then it may be one of the other places. Same thing with location. If it's in a well traveled place, such as a train station, or the opposite, then you should be able to put two and two together. Same thing with dress. If you go inside and the workers are dressed casual like you, or with more intimately suggestive attire, then you should be able to figure it out. Same thing for the menu. A place that is strictly feet, body, neck, etc., will have the services and prices posted clearly. If not, well then, the menu is probably negotiated on a case by case basis if you know what I mean.

As for commonplace, they are ubiquitous. Inexpensive, top notch, Thai-style massage is one of my favorite things when I have some spare time, whether out on R&R, waiting for a train or plane, or just generally tense or tired. A good thorough massage is very theraputic and done right, there is nothing like it. Personally, I have bad feet and ankles from multiple injuries during my youth. I get foot massages whenever I can.

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Looks like you are looking for more than just massage and I cannot help you there.

However, if the Traditional Thai Massage is what you are looking for, usually they give you a dress (pants and top) to put on. Keep your underwear on.

The ladies there are mostly a bit older and a bit on the heavy side, but - hey - that's what it needs for a good massage. Also, they are usually all dressed the same, kind of working uniform.

Also the price is a good hint for what you might or might not expect. I pay THB 300 for 2 hours (+ tip). But if the price is somewhere THB 2'000 and more, you might expect more than an old fashioned massage :o

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use common sense. old ladies aren't going to give you a pickle massage, and young ladies running about in their undies probably don't know how to give any other type. rule of thumb: don't ask for what isn't offered. if it's available, you will be offered.

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If you want a real massage there are plenty of non-sex places with well trained staff in the actual art and culture of the tradition.

If you need rub and tug etc...., do not pass Go and proceed directly to Akane.

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Seems as tho the OP is looking for a happy ending. A perusal of forum rules shows that this kind of discussion has been deemed inappropriate by admin:

1) You will not use thaivisa.com to post any material which is knowingly or can be reasonably construed as false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, referencing prostitution (including bargirls and barboys), referencing suicide, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, or otherwise in violation of any law.

If you want to have a discussion of real thai massage then lets change direction now or this thread will be closed

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I used to like Thai traditional massage but now find I don't like it. I even think some of the moves such as pressure to the arteries in your thighs and snapping your head can be very hazardous to your health. The level of training is very uneven and they almost never ask you about medical conditions.

Anyway, I do enjoy traditional Western massage, such as Swedish. However, in Thailand, when I see oil massage offered, I assume it will be a cover for sex services. I am not interested. How to get legit oil massage in Thailand? Would legit mean not going naked? In the west, you would go naked, but they use towels in a way to signal it is all about therapy and not the big O.

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I used to like Thai traditional massage but now find I don't like it. I even think some of the moves such as pressure to the arteries in your thighs and snapping your head can be very hazardous to your health....

I'm with you. My first (and last) Thai massage was at the prestigious Wat Po. After the painful twisting, turning, and snapping, (and I'm in shape--not a weakling) I felt like I had just survived combat in a "professional" wrestling ring. :o

I go for a massage to relieve the stress, not add to it!

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To be honest personally I go for a thai massage I go for a masage. Nothing better than having a good 2hr - turn me into a pretzel session. Don't particularly care for oil because it takes 5/6 showers to get it off me. :D (feels good though at the time) Any rate if one was to go for a massage for other reasons other than a massage I'd think there would be better options available than going to a massage parlor? :o

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To be honest personally I go for a thai massage I go for a masage. Nothing better than having a good 2hr - turn me into a pretzel session. Don't particularly care for oil because it takes 5/6 showers to get it off me. :D (feels good though at the time) Any rate if one was to go for a massage for other reasons other than a massage I'd think there would be better options available than going to a massage parlor? :o

My thoughts exactly, however when i go for a massage and it is the 1 blokes turn in the shop to give a massage i will only let him do a foot massage as the thought of a male giving me a massage isnt a pleasant one.

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I have had oil massages in the past where I just leave my underwear on. They usually say something about taking them off, but I just say that I want to leave them on. They kind of get the hint that I really want a massage.

I got Thai massages before, but I also feel that they stress the joints too much. I want pressure and working on the muscles, not my joints.

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In Chiang Mai, every time I decide to go for a massage, the girl is either sick or on holiday and her grandmother is left minding the shop.

If like me you prefer some nice attractive girl for your massage, you are going to be disappointed if you live in the North.

In Chiang Mai over the last few years, someone has given them an education on how to fleece deprived farangs out of their cash by insisting on exorbitant tips.

These days I visit the old style medicine hospitals for a massage and although I usually end up with someone’s great Aunt, they do give an excellent massage for a reasonable price.

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Try the Wat Po Traditional Thai Massage school...around 250 BT from memory, haven't been for ages.Gets a few tourists, but is reasonably pleasant.

Not a luxury spa setting, but none the less, it is supposed to be the home of traditional massage.

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100bht tip is usually what I give for 2hrs. (prob get ragged for giving that much, but figure least I can give considering what it costs in west for a massage)

100 baht tip for a 2 hour service than you are not doing yourself or anyone else any favours.

In Thailand the Thais consider that what you first pay is standard from than on and will come to expect the same from other customers.

For those of us that live here this just increases the cost of living and puts more pressure on tourists to find more money and pay more for a Thai holiday.

10 years ago tipping was not part of the Thai way of doing business, unless for an exceptional service. Than as tourism increased here, farang holidaymakers who thought Thailand was cheap, began giving over the top tips so they would appear as big shots to what they believed were the financially poor Thais.

This has inevitably increased prices for social and entrainment, making it more difficult for these establishments to attract customers because they have become too expensive.

Everyone's a loser all round.

Edited by distortedlink
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100 baht tip for a 2 hour service than you are not doing yourself or anyone else any favours.

Apart from the massuese and her family, and the shop where they spend this extra money, and the van driver who gets more work delivering more goods to this shop, and the goods manufacturer whose company grows and the new staff that he takes on, i can go on and on.

For those of us that live here this just increases the cost of living and puts more pressure on tourists to find more money and pay more for a Thai holiday.

So long as youre ok then.

This has inevitably increased prices for social and entrainment, making it more difficult for these establishments to attract customers because they have become too expensive.

They are business's they can put up or lower there prices to get entertainment, in the 8 years i have been going to LOS entertainment establishments sem to be springing up everywhere hence there is lots of competition to keep prices at an equilibrium.

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Anyway, I do enjoy traditional Western massage, such as Swedish. However, in Thailand, when I see oil massage offered, I assume it will be a cover for sex services. I am not interested. How to get legit oil massage in Thailand? Would legit mean not going naked? In the west, you would go naked, but they use towels in a way to signal it is all about therapy and not the big O.

While oil massage is a more likly precursor to "something extra" than thai massage, it is by no means a cover for sex

services. I know several females who enjoy a oil massage now and then, without me thinking it's anything more than that.

The staff would probably take the hint if you keept your underwear on, but then you would probably end up with oily underwear.

Even in the cases where something extra is offered, a simple "no thanks" should always work. Unless you're

even more hansum than me, they're not likly to force you to accept anything.

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