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Blonde And 2 Irishmen

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2 irishmen were trying to measure the height of a pole with a steel tape, but the tape would keep bending and falling before they could reach the top of the pole.

a blonde comes by and asks "what are you guys trying to do?"

they tell her "we're trying to find the height of this bloody pole, but our tape measure keeps bending before it gets to the top."

blonde points to the base of the pole and says "see that pin there? if you pull out that pin, you can lay the pole down to the ground and then measure it"

they pull the pin, lower the pole to the ground. the blond grabs the tape and measures the pole.

"12 feet, 6 inches" she says proudly, and walks away.

"typical blonde" says one irishman to the other "we ask her for the height and she gives us the length"

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