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Adsl-ready Apartments


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Hi there

Can anyone recommend an apartment block in Bangkok that is rented by the month (I don't want to sign a long-term contract) which has private telephone lines which I could use for an ADSL connection.

I have been looking at some serviced apartments, but I am wondering whether the telephone lines (where they have them) are going through a switchboard at reception, and whether this would have any impact on me getting ADSL.

I also want an ISP that will enable me to connect to a VPN in the UK using IPSec. I was using TT&T/CAT up-country and they prevented this.

Is anyone in a serviced apartment / condo who has ADSL (and/or connects to a VPN abroad) who can help? I realistically cannot pay more than 20K per month for an apartment and 3K for the ADSL.


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Sorry, I have realised that this may be more appropriate in the classifieds, so I'm going to copy it there.

At the same time, if anyone has some advice on the IT aspects of my dilemma - ie. does going through an apartment block switchboard impact on my ability to use ADSL / connect to a VPN abroad - it would be warmly welcomed!


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Can't help on the technical points but there is one thing you should be aware of...

In our apartment block (rent is more than 20k), we have a direct (i.e. non-PABX) phone line but the bill is in the building owner's name, not mine. To connect ADSL, I had to get a letter of permission from the building owner saying that they permitted me to use that phone number for the ADSL line. When you do find a suitable block, remember to ask for the letter of permission before you go to the ADSL provider!

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Yes. A lot of paperwork involved with when involved with someone else's line. Things to worry about:

do they TA or TOT number? Some services used to require a specific type of number, not sure if this is done anymore. Though I recommend TA, as I tried service with TOT and it was slooooooooooooooow. Also do remember seeing some posts here regarding TOT lines and service.

if you are using someone's line. You need to have them sign give you a form somehow giving you permission (I think they actually sign it over for you to use) which then you give them to the phone company. This is a pain in the ass.

Service apts. out there usually ADSL ready and they take care of most of these things but they are pricey. Haven't priced a service apt. yet that can be had for 20K. Plus daily/monthly charge for ADSL connection would be pricey.

check with TA or some other provider to see if the place you are thinking of moving to is even in the coverage area. Better have that phone number handy because that is usually what they ask for.

maybe this is only restricted to Rajdamri area but many buildings I saw there seem to be running out of direct lines. Kept seeing posts and requests for telephone lines that someone wanted to give up for a price.

Then there is the matter of which ISP to go with. The ADSL service which needs to be activated on your phone either needs to belong to TA or TOT. The ISP, you have a wide range to choose from - TA, Pacific Internet, KSC, JINet etc . . . I'm a big fan of TA.

Good Luck,

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:o quiet right

try to get a dsl connection in you appartment

Phayathai plaza

alas True tell you not possible due to a Nokia subnet set up

KSC says its is ok and sell the package

when installing there is no DSL line avail

due to the weak signal to the Dslam

so get Loxinfo Ip star

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one word of advice when using a phone especially under a thai person's name, make sure international direct dialling is disabled. some int'l phone calls could mysteriously show up on your phone bill.

I had to learn the hard way, and believe me, you don't need the hassle.

Since then, i've been using prepaid cards instead.

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Service apts. out there usually ADSL ready and they take care of most of these things but they are pricey. Haven't priced a service apt. yet that can be had for 20K. Plus daily/monthly charge for ADSL connection would be pricey.

Most upper end serviced apartments have a broadband WAN connection that is shared on the premise LAN. Each apartment will typically have 1 or more Network Access Point ,depending on the apartment type,IP assigned by DHCP etc..... I have actually attached my own wifi hub to my apartment's network access point so i can freely roam around my apartment, or surf the internet on the balcony.

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Thanks for all the advice.

I did get a river-view studio on Rama 3 for 12500K in the end, 3 month contract.

There are fixed telephone lines in all the apartments there, so it seems like it is 2K approx for True to activate this (with their promotion that ends today) when I take one of their packages.

Only thing I'm worried about is whether True enable IPSec VPN connections. CAT's Hi-Net package upcountry didn't. Think I will start another post.


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Most upper end serviced apartments have a broadband WAN connection that is shared on the premise LAN.

Hello Penelope,

how much does "upper end serviced appartments" cost ?

I'm a bit afraid it's more than 5000b/month ... :o

Even more than my upper max bugdet of 15'000b/m...

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