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right guys firstly a big thanks to every one that has helped on previous posts and I'm just trying to drum down a couple of last pointers in my own head in order to (i hope) submit the correct paper work for a UK fiancée visa

The situation as it stands is I have decided to continue to work for slightly longer, another 2 months and stay at my mothers house as it allows me to save more money, and I felt that the previous lack of bank statements was going to be detrimental and also I wanted to have some money in the bank for when my GF arrives and to pay for weddings e.t.c, also i will being applying and starting a new job in the next 2 months and returning to my actual profession.

The questions I have i now are :

1>will the immediate start of a new tenancy house contract and a new job contract be detrimental ?

2>will 3 months bank statements be amble proof (from reading some other post's think i am now correct in thinking that this is not actually a requirement but a way of establishing your financial security) so i am presuming that with a covering letter explain this it should be OK ?

3>I now have four years worth of wage slips as well and I am thinking that by submitting those i can show evidence of prior earnings (as i have none for 2007 as i was traveling) any idears ?

4>also how do I go about getting a Certified passpot copy done for my self ?

right guys firstly a big thanks to every one that has helped on previous posts and I'm just trying to drum down a couple of last pointers in my own head in order to (i hope) submit the correct paper work for a UK fiancée visa

The situation as it stands is I have decided to continue to work for slightly longer, another 2 months and stay at my mothers house as it allows me to save more money, and I felt that the previous lack of bank statements was going to be detrimental and also I wanted to have some money in the bank for when my GF arrives and to pay for weddings e.t.c, also i will being applying and starting a new job in the next 2 months and returning to my actual profession.

The questions I have i now are :

1>will the immediate start of a new tenancy house contract and a new job contract be detrimental ?

2>will 3 months bank statements be amble proof (from reading some other post's think i am now correct in thinking that this is not actually a requirement but a way of establishing your financial security) so i am presuming that with a covering letter explain this it should be OK ?

3>I now have four years worth of wage slips as well and I am thinking that by submitting those i can show evidence of prior earnings (as i have none for 2007 as i was traveling) any idears ?

4>also how do I go about getting a Certified passpot copy done for my self ?

Personally, I think you have done the right thing in delaying slightly to beef up your documentation. It will also give you more itemised phone records etc

1) I wouldn't have thought so if they are genuine contracts as they demonstrate that you have a job and somewhere to live. I think even an official offer of a job which can be checked up on would suffice.

2) No idea, I guess if it shows a good level of money flowing in and you nto going into the red each month it should be ok.

3) I wouldn't bother with all 4 years, just the last years worth should do.

4) I didn't certify my copy of my passport and we got the visa, I'm not sure it says anywhere that it has to be certified.

Good luck with the job-hunt and the application. Let us all know how it goes when you put it in. :o

1>will the immediate start of a new tenancy house contract and a new job contract be detrimental ?


2>will 3 months bank statements be amble proof (from reading some other post's think i am now correct in thinking that this is not actually a requirement but a way of establishing your financial security) so i am presuming that with a covering letter explain this it should be OK ?

Yes, but make sure that any points which you perceive to be negative are addressed in your covering letter.

3>I now have four years worth of wage slips as well and I am thinking that by submitting those i can show evidence of prior earnings (as i have none for 2007 as i was traveling) any idears ?

The embassy is not necessarily concerned about previously earnings: more so what you will be earning upon arrival in the UK, so I don't see that previous wage slips add anything to the case in this instance.

4>also how do I go about getting a Certified passpot copy done for my self ?

As CharlieB said, it's not a requirement. However, if you feel the need to have a certified copy done, anyone with a professional reputation to stake can do it. A solicitor may charge for the service.



thanks as always guys, it really is proving invaluable having found this site and the information provided my the members !!!!

the only reason i was going for a certified copy was because it says you should in the list of items they ask for from the British/Thia visa web site.

two more questions > after i have obtained a fiancée visa for my partner and in turn we are married before six months i believe i have to then reapply for the next part, the following two year visa,

1> is this a further £500?

2> do I have to provide all the same information again(i am guessing so)?

Scouse> I am starting to think it may be a good idea to get the application pack that I put together checked over before sending? would this be a service you provide? if so could you PM with an idea regarding cost's thanks in advance.

1> is this a further £500?

A postal application is currently £395.00 and one in-person is £595.00

2> do I have to provide all the same information again(i am guessing so)?

You'll need to show that you are now married and update any other evidence which you may have submitted in relation to the original visa application.


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