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I Have a new PC with a genuine copy of vista.The computer running vista is fully loaded 4GB Ram and good graphics board.Had Vista for 4 Months.Compared to XP that I have on another PC and using the same Acer AL1916w flat screen the display on vista is not as sharp as XP although i have tried many adjustments to brightnes,contrast screen size etc.with Vista.Vista has some good points bur i prefer XP

The question that i want to ask is it possible for me to remove the hard disk with Vista installed.Buy a new HD and install XP.THE HD with vista installed i would keep and possibly re insltal again later.

Without knocking vista too much i think vista is a good solid platform for a business application but for me xp is much better for home use.Another instance when downloadind music.after a while the programe shuts me out from opening other progs such as my photos.

I am retired and only a novice on PC matter so would greatly aperciate comments and advice on my suggestion re changing the HD with vista installed.I do spend a fair amount of time

Using my PC music downloads,working with photos news etc.

With thanks in advance for any advise


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I Have a new PC with a genuine copy of vista.The computer running vista is fully loaded 4GB Ram and good graphics board.Had Vista for 4 Months.Compared to XP that I have on another PC and using the same Acer AL1916w flat screen the display on vista is not as sharp as XP although i have tried many adjustments to brightnes,contrast screen size etc.with Vista.Vista has some good points bur i prefer XP

The question that i want to ask is it possible for me to remove the hard disk with Vista installed.Buy a new HD and install XP.THE HD with vista installed i would keep and possibly re insltal again later.

Without knocking vista too much i think vista is a good solid platform for a business application but for me xp is much better for home use.Another instance when downloadind music.after a while the programe shuts me out from opening other progs such as my photos.

I am retired and only a novice on PC matter so would greatly aperciate comments and advice on my suggestion re changing the HD with vista installed.I do spend a fair amount of time

Using my PC music downloads,working with photos news etc.

With thanks in advance for any adviseGREAT


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