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french fannies

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I seem to overheat more than the avarage westerner.

I'm from Calgary but have lived and worked in Thailand for almost five years and my body still reacts badly to heat.

My head seems to sweat the most and unless I'm in a well air conned room I am literally dripping all over the place. It gets inmy eyes and I have given up on tissues and use a credit card to 'swipe' my head every two minutes.

Are some westerners more prone to sweating than others?

Why does lack of sleep seem to make you sweat more?

P.S. I do not drink a lot of alcohol - for obvious reasons.

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It's genetic. I suffered as well when I was there. Some people fare better in the heat than others. Definitely get out of the Sun as much as possible.

So there wasn't any acclimatization after say two or three months? This is what some people will tell you, but they are most likely the folks who don't sweat too much in the first place. :o

As for the sleep, that's interesting. I think it may have something to do with stress. The body is more stressed when not fully rested, so it goes into general heightened alert. Sweating more may be part of this response.

To reduce sweating, you need to reduce stress. Meditation might help. Downers too. Get some Xanax or Clorazapam, etc and give it whirl. they are of course very addictive, so you might want to pick your spots when you use it.

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from an ayurvedic point of view, avoid or cut down on stimulating, heating foods including caffeine, chilli, onion, garlic and pepper (except for ginger, which could be useful). Also sour and acid foods including citrus and fermented foods such as yogurt, wine, pickles! Avoid cigarettes, red meat, eggs, salty food. Eat food that is light, not cooked in oil. no donuts and coffee for breakfast!

cooling foods tend to be other dairy products, most fruits - sweet, not citrus - unripe bananas, pomegranates, fresh coconut milk, aloevera (internally or externally), green veg, salads. chocolate is said to be balancing! ...cottage cheese - but not regular cheese, mint tea, oatmeal, basmati rice... cold cereals, cinnamon toast?

try this restorative yoga asana, legs-up-the-wall pose. sit on the floor, side-on to the wall. slide your legs up the wall, your butt tucked up close to the wall. Check that your shoulders are relaxed away from your ears and your upper body aligned and relax your arms by your sides, palms facing up. rest here for 10 - 20 minutes in a work break, or at the end of the day. it's surprisingly effective and fast-working!

certainly cool showers would help. do you use cooling powder?

found this:

most cases, people who sweat excessively have genetic predispositions to it...

See Your Medical Doctor When...

Your sweat continually soaks and soils your clothes and shoes or trickles down your skin even when the room is cold.

Your sweating adversely affects your career or personal life.

You also experience persistent or recurrent fever, dizziness or rapid heartbeat.

Your sweat has a color, crystallizes on the skin or causes skin irritation

there's a whole list at http://www.holistic-online.com/ayurveda/ay...a-food-plan.htm

enjoy the cool season!

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