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Anyone Tried This?

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I had a thought, but I'm not sure if it's possible or not. Has anyone ever tried to use a pay pal (or other similar) account as an intermediary between their Thai account(s) and ther overseas account(s)? The swift service seems to leave a lot to be desired, a more convenient online option would be nice... I don't have a pay pal account, anyone with one know the answer to this?



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I had a thought, but I'm not sure if it's possible or not. Has anyone ever tried to use a pay pal (or other similar) account as an intermediary between their Thai account(s) and ther overseas account(s)? The swift service seems to leave a lot to be desired, a more convenient online option would be nice... I don't have a pay pal account, anyone with one know the answer to this?



I am not so sure that is smart idea.

Bearing in mind for (paypal this is) that if you are sending money from a western paypal account to a Thai paypal account yes it is instant but you have to pay the standard paypal international payment fee which is 5.25% then the exchange rate, knock off 2% ish, also added onto that if the on shore off shore Thai bt rate changed again to the way it was before I am sure paypal would use the off shore rate, another 1.5% ish. Then to take the money out of your Thai paypal account into your Thai bangkok account will then take 7 days +.

Seems long winded and an expensive way of sending money. I think it would be more easy just to send form your bank account.

Maybe if you wanted to send very small amounts to Thailand like $10 and your bank account had a standard $30 charge for all international transfers paypal might be an alternative but in most situations I think it is not worth while.

A friend of mine used the Travelex Cash passport for a while, maybe this might be an alternative for you.

Good Luck.

Edited by barrella
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