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As A Child What Did You Want To Be When You Grew Up?


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When I was a young girl, I wanted to be an archaeologist. No idea where the inspiration came from, but I was fascinated by the subject. Even subscribed to Archaeology magazine! Unfortunately, I think now, I was persuaded by the mother of a friend of mine that most people who studied archaeology never got to on digs blah blah blah. As an adult, looking back, I realize she was just a negative person who seemed to find it necessary to criticise everyone's dreams (including her own son, my friend). To this day, I wish I had pursued that dream.

Of course, things would have been totally different, and the only thing keeping me from true regrets is the knowledge that had I pursued this dream I may not have met my husband. But, who knows! He thinks we were destined to meet, so perhaps it still would have happened? Anyway, that is all water under the bridge, as they say, but I still find history and archaeology a fascinating subject.

When you were a young girl, what did you want to be when you grew up? Did you end up doing that or did you end up with a different dream?

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When I was a young girl, I wanted to be an archaeologist. No idea where the inspiration came from, but I was fascinated by the subject. Even subscribed to Archaeology magazine! Unfortunately, I think now, I was persuaded by the mother of a friend of mine that most people who studied archaeology never got to on digs blah blah blah. As an adult, looking back, I realize she was just a negative person who seemed to find it necessary to criticise everyone's dreams (including her own son, my friend). To this day, I wish I had pursued that dream.

Of course, things would have been totally different, and the only thing keeping me from true regrets is the knowledge that had I pursued this dream I may not have met my husband. But, who knows! He thinks we were destined to meet, so perhaps it still would have happened? Anyway, that is all water under the bridge, as they say, but I still find history and archaeology a fascinating subject.

When you were a young girl, what did you want to be when you grew up? Did you end up doing that or did you end up with a different dream?

Hi Sbk, I'm sorry that you didn't get to pursue your dream, although it sounds like it all turned out well in the end. If you're still interested in archaeology, I hope you can find some way to include it in your life. Not sure if it's any good, but have you seen this site? www.archaeologyexpert.co.uk/ArchaeologyasaHobby.html

My earliest memories are of wanting to be a nun. I had a great aunt who was a nun, and essentially I admired her and also thought her habit was cool. In the 5th grade I wrote a paper (rather, I think my dad dictacted it) about wanting to be a "business executive." I had no idea what that meant, but the paper got an A- (good work Dad!) Eventually I became an army officer (different uniform, but really enjoyed it). Then a career in finance. Not anything similar to what I might have guessed as a girl, but definitely did get to pursue my dreams.

I've got four nieces who are getting on in to their teens. So far I haven't heard much about their dreams, but hopefully they will also pursue them...I bet they'd like to marry a nice Thai man and live on a tropical island...

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I actually wanted to be a teacher when I was younger and it's only since coming here that it's happened.

I did work experience at my old primary school and really didn't enjoy teaching 5yr olds! Not sure if it had something to do with getting seasick on the school trip?! I was thinking about doing a PGCE after my degree to teach older students but with the state of most schools in the Uk now I gave up that idea.

Strange how things work out in the end!

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When i was youg i wanted to be a Kool police woman and be a vampire at night . i think i watched too much movits at the time. i believed a police woman are talented can fight etc..( well this idea was from western films not thai police version), and about Vampire, i saw them on Buffy the vampire slayer , they seem kool to me and i dont want to die plus i might get a sexy Vampire like "Angel" (a caractor) as my boyfriend.

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Hmmm....good question!

When I was young I at first wanted to be a teacher (probably because both my parents were teachers.) Then I wanted to become a doctor (possibly because my grandfather was a doctor...) I used to operate on all my stuffed animals!

Then as I got older I thought that I wanted to be a journalist (still kind of do actually, or I at least would love to write a book someday....)

And now I have graduated college with a degree in international studies...and I have no idea what I am going to use it for at this point in time....teaching possibly? Maybe working with a travel agency? I still have some deciding to do...

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When I left school I wanted to be an apprentice cycle frame builder (we have a high class cycle frame builder in my home town) but my Mum persuaded me that I ought to get a 'respectable' job in a bank. Biggest mistake of my life :o

(I'm not a young girl but I am an old queen. Hope that qualifies me to answer sbk's question :D )

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Had wanted and was dreaming to be a news reporter when I grew up but I was distracted and didn't aim right to media and communication field. Regret now? Nahhh, I enjoy what I do now and no complains. I thought being a news reporter was so cool, everybody listened to you and counted on you. I kinda liked that idea until I found out it actually was not like what I had idea about.

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When I was a child, I wish I were

1) A Doctor - seem it's common in asian culture..kind of prestige carreer.

2) A Dentist - $$$$

3) A Model :o 90% of girls want to be barbie yeh?? lol

4) An E.S.P. girl (Extra-sensory perception) as Carrie (Stephen King) -I think it is cool if I can move somethings around by thoughtful

5) A Genius - IQ 900000000000000 :D

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a vet.

raise goats.

a writer.

explore the far east.

be a horse (i used to graze on our front lawn)

lots of other wierd things...

guess what, i seem to be doing my dreams, a lot later and lot different than i had expected, but still... doing it.

and i really didnt try either. things just sort of happen to me as usual...

not ambitious, not goal oriented, no future planning, just floating along in life...

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I wanted to be an archeaologist from the age of 5 until I was about 13. What set it off was there was an archeaology exhibit at my mom's college (she was a student when I was a kid) that featured local dig finds (Jamestown VA), which I thought was fascinating. I wanted to touch the pottery, and when they changed out the exhibits I was pretty mad. Either way I was amazed that there were really old things that just stayed in the ground. I eventually dropped it because I was told you couldn't go on that many digs, and you didn't make much money. I still read Archeaology Magazine and still kind of want to be one. None of the universities in my state that I was accepted to offer the program, so if I wanted to change majors I still couldn't.

I also briefly wanted to be...an artist, military, linguist, and horticulturalist.

What am I actually doing? I'm a 2nd year Business student :o

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I wanted to be a rock star, with girls dreaming about me, or a writer .

I bought Guitar Hero 3 for the Nintendo Wii and that's close.

My wife has dreams with me in them constantly - she calls them nightmares but I know what she really means.

I get to post on Thaivisa so what higher writing accomplishments could anybody want.

All in all, I'm living the dream.

Edited by garro
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I wanted to be a boy. Fortunately I got over that one - phew! :D

Then I wanted to be an ambassador so I could speak lots of languages and travel the world.

Instead I became a teacher, but still I've had the chance to speak lots of languages and travel the world (parts of it, anyway), so it's all good :o

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a vet.

raise goats.

a writer.

explore the far east.

be a horse (i used to graze on our front lawn)

lots of other wierd things...

guess what, i seem to be doing my dreams, a lot later and lot different than i had expected, but still... doing it.

and i really didnt try either. things just sort of happen to me as usual...

not ambitious, not goal oriented, no future planning, just floating along in life...

Hope that eating grass on the front lawn isn't one of those things you are still doing bina!

Thanks guys, all interesting stuff --sounds like we are similar in our interests Jorinda, (except the military thing, I don't do well with people bossing me around and shouting at me, I am the youngest of 3 girls so got enough of the bossing around as a kid!). Its always interesting to me what people dreamed about and what they finally achieved.

I am not sorry for the life I have, but wish I hadn't let someone else spoil my dream, I guess. It would have been better to have learned that lesson on my own I think.

Keep it coming---All fascinating stuff!

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my whole life i wanted to be a parapsychologist (which studies extraordinary phenomenon like ESP, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, voodoo, "ghosts", witchcraft, stigmata etc. etc.) i still would do it if i had the money and inclination to go back to school for it (there is a parapsychology department at duke university in the US, and also at a university in scotland). every report i ever did in school was on this subject.

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i wanted to be a journalist. didnt quite happen, but i am doing a lot of copy writing and editing in my current role, so i guess it may be a trade off.

this same question was asked to my niece when she was in pre-school. her answer?

a Police Horse


a nurse


a stripper!

and this was out of the mouth of a 4 year old!

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My oldest daughter was a National Honor Society officer (even when they knew she was pregnant), nearly a genius, and we always told her she could have any professional career. At age 17 I asked here what she wanted to become, and she said she only ever wanted to be a school teacher. She had the baby between high school and uni, and she is still teaching.

My next daughter wanted to be a housewife, so that is what she did. The third only ever wanted to be a Texas history teacher, and that is why she enrolled in uni last year at age 25. I think she will make it.

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I wanted to be an architect, but I had to remain in school to pass a maths qualification that I'd failed. The college required it - couldn't face another year in school and then another 5 in college. At 18 that seems like such a long time, so I dropped out and stated experimenting with drugs instead!

Still, I have no regrets, I'm self-employed, life is great and I still persue my love of architecture through other means.

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Thanks guys, all interesting stuff --sounds like we are similar in our interests Jorinda, (except the military thing, I don't do well with people bossing me around and shouting at me, I am the youngest of 3 girls so got enough of the bossing around as a kid!). Its always interesting to me what people dreamed about and what they finally achieved.

I am not sorry for the life I have, but wish I hadn't let someone else spoil my dream, I guess. It would have been better to have learned that lesson on my own I think.

The military wasn't that surprising to me because a good chunk of my family is in the military, I live in a really militarized area of the country, and a lot of my highschool teachers were ex-military (It's amazing getting a run down of the failures of the air war in Vietnam from the perspective of an ex-air force intelligence officer who was there). I don't really mind being yelled at if there's some sort of correct purpose, otherwise I'd probably do better as someone in command. No way in hel_l I would enter as a grunt, I would go in as an officer post-ROTC.

I wish I had reached the archeaology decision on my own too, but I think it would have ended up the same regardless since the 1 school in the state that has archeaology didn't accept me, which was unlikely to begin with since it's known as a "Public Ivy".

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  • 2 months later...

When I was 7-12 years old I wanted to Willie Mays, the great centerfielder for the SF Giants. Then for a few years I just wanted to be rich, or at least not work. Then I wanted to become a drug addict. At least I achieved one of my dreams!

(Yesterday, I celebrated 13 years clean and sober!)

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Great idea for a thread sbk! Another one I missed. Txs for resurrecting! :D

When I was really young, I was desperate to be an Air Hostess, I used to write off to British Airways and Richard Branson at Virgin and kept the packs they sent back and got busy learning languages and first aid which they recommended!!!

After I did voluntary work in a Cheshire Home on Borneo, I wanted to be a nurse for a while but that didn't last long!!!

But all in all, I have always been interested in crime and justice and wanted to be a DCI, Detective Constable in the Police Force!! The Bill and Crimewatch were my 2 all time favourite TV shows and I would not allow anyone to speak out loud during those programs!! :o

Funnily enough when I started working, my nickname was DCI as I always knew all the gossip in the organisation!

Now I wish I had studied more law as I would love to be a lawyer and help people who can't afford one.


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When I was in 8th grade back in the early 80s, I wanted to be an Egyptologist.

I was fascinated by ancient Egypt (still am) and learned everything I could about it. In 1999, I got to travel there for two weeks with a tour group of belly dancers from all over the United States (I am NOT a belly dancer, but my sister is) and got to see - and sometimes touch - all these magnificent monuments in person. I would love to return and stay for a longer period of time and on my own terms instead of with a tour.

Too bad Egyptology today is more like a hobby, meaning that you cannot really get a job that pays well as an Egyptologist.

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When you were a young girl, what did you want to be when you grew up? Did you end up doing that or did you end up with a different dream?

What a great post.

As a little one I was always drawing so everyone assumed I'd be an artist. I did too. There never seemed to be a choice really.

My first dream was to be a portrait artist. A famous portrait artist. And I did become one, just not as famous as I'd hoped. Not famous at all. For awhile I moved out of the starving artist arena but that was only because I had the same name as a soap character so people assumed they'd already heard of me .. somewhere. So, no real fame for me.

As an adult, I did continue with the creative field: Graphic design, website design. Even the odd job in furniture and interior design, etc.

When small I also wanted to be a nun (one of my best friends was Catholic) but that went really quickly to the wayside. And it didn't help that I was Baptist at the time. But, I did switch religions in my 20's, to Catholicism. It was a guy thing. The religion lasted just a little bit longer than he did.

I also wanted to be a writer. I'm just now realising my writing dreams (as in learning how to write properly) but it's been a lot of hard work as I'm starting late. But really, it's never too late.

I have the contacts for the Bangkok Women's writing group but I haven't turned up yet. I'm too shy, too nervous about my writing. We'll see ...

Over the years I've been an illustrator, photographer, geologist / technician, designer and ... now I'm free to figure out what I want to spend the rest of my life doing. Will it be as a writer? I really don't know for sure. But I plan on having fun with whatever it is :-)

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Always wanted to be an artist and go to Art School, but my father kept putting me off the idea, saying there was no prospects as an Artist. Listened to him and started to study Photography. Later realised that it just wasnt for me and dropped it, but continued drawing and painting whilst having hum-drum jobs that didnt inspire me. Someone saw my art work, bought some, and word of mouth got round and I started selling more, so inspired me at 23 to apply to Art College. Got in, got my degree, and ended up teaching Life Drawing as well as childrens art workshops, which proved my father wrong about making a career and money out of Art. Had a few exhibitions and private commissions before deciding a few years ago to expand in a different direction as i was enjoying experimenting with computer art (photoshop). Went back to study 3d graphics (Maya) and my work now is mainly designing 3d graphics as well as some texture mapping for the game industry. I am glad in the end i decided to drop everything to study Art at age 23 and not listen to my father (and others) about there being no money and no prospects in Art. Sorry you didnt do the same sbk, but there are still ways for you to enjoy your dream. Surely there are things like volunteering to help on ancient sites for a short time..at least then you can have a taste for it? I think i read about something like that at Angkor Wat.

Anyway, apart from always wanting to be an Artist, i also had fleeting desires to be an Air Hostess, a singer, A Miss World Competitor :o and Wonder Woman (i even made paper cuffs and headband with a red star on it and ran about catching people with my truth lasso :D I was only 8 tho!)

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