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The Real Bangkok Hilton


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Hi all,

I want to direct you to a video that shows the BKK Hilton and some of the inmates.

Many people inside there are suspected ore convicted drug dealers, rapist or murderers.

The question is: Do those people deserve the death penalty?

Or should they be helped to prepare them to go back in the real world, accepting they made a mistake once in their lives?

Go here to see the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oy880cLxRvw

Please all do not go bashing drugs and such, just think about it.

Do people deserve a second chance?

Kind regards,


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drug trafficking rape murder? not simple mistakes where you don't know the penalty. I personally feel that life in prison is far more inhumane than the death penalty. But I don't make the laws here, and other than the laws that limit freedom of the press to some degree .. I just don't care :o

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The British Consulate has to note how many letters he gets and your support will keep him going.

Mr Michael Connell [uK]

Building # 2

Bangkwang Central Prison

117 Nonthaburi Road

Nonthaburi Bangkok

11000 Thailand

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I know people in Bang Kwang, I also know people in lard yao, the same as I know people in HMP in the UK................

HMP in the UK is preferable to a Thai prison for sure, but hey, all my mates that are inside are all guilty of the crimes that put them there, they will readily admit that.

Do people deserve to die cos they import/export drugs..................... No Way.

Goverments tax people on whiskey and cigarettes without the death penalty, so what's the fawking difference ?

Edited by Maigo6
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Can anyone be sure that all those convicted are guilty.

The Death Penalty once enacted, cannot be rescinded.

Do people deserve to die cos they import/export drugs..................... No Way.

Absolutely, but if they are bang to rights and they know the Penalty..................

Goverments tax people on whiskey and cigarettes without the death penalty, so what's the fawking difference ?

One of them is Legal perhaps and the other One is not, just hedging my bets here, but I guess I could be somewhere near.


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<br />Can anyone be sure that all those convicted are guilty.<br /><br />The Death Penalty once enacted, cannot be rescinded.<br /><br />
Do people deserve to die cos they import/export drugs..................... No Way.
<br /><br />Absolutely, but if they are bang to rights and they know the Penalty..................<br /><br />
Goverments tax people on whiskey and cigarettes without the death penalty, so what's the fawking difference ?
<br /><br />One of them is Legal perhaps and the other One is not, just hedging my bets here, but I guess I could be somewhere near.<br /><br />Moss<br />
<br /><br /><br />

Well dead men/women dont re offend and you could argue that you could pay 10 million baht if the country made a mistake here as lets face it if you mow someone down in the street in your car and pay a smallish sum its all done and dusted. How many more that get released do it again..... and again....... and again??

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tough question

my opinion is that as long as you know the rules and risks, wherever you commit an offense, if you are caught, then you have to pay the price that was "advertised". People dealing drugs, or commiting any serious crime, with full knowledge of the risks they take, do it on purpose. Death penalty is promised for some crimes. Commit them and walk away, you're lucky in some way. Commit them and get caught, then you played, you lost, you pay.

I am not for death penalty. But as long as it is a way of punishment which is adopted by a government, it must be taken in account. I come from a country where death penalty has been abolished some 25 years ago. I feel it was right to do so. In many other countries, it is still in use. So , in these countries, better play by the rules. I know that some will scream "dictature"......Well, some free countries are using death penalty also...

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I know people in Bang Kwang, I also know people in lard yao, the same as I know people in HMP in the UK................

HMP in the UK is preferable to a Thai prison for sure, but hey, all my mates that are inside are all guilty of the crimes that put them there, they will readily admit that.

Do people deserve to die cos they import/export drugs..................... No Way.

Goverments tax people on whiskey and cigarettes without the death penalty, so what's the fawking difference ?

My sentiment exactly ! If they combined all the deaths attributed to EVERY illegal drug in the world per year, it is a mere fraction of the annual deaths related to alcohol & tobacco alone. But it's OK because the government say so.

Here in the UK they are trying like crazy to get cannon fodder to sign up for their illegal wars, but will jail you for years for growing a few cannabis plants in your home. I could go on, but I won't. You get the picture.

Check this link, it puts things into perspective : http://www.oralcancerfoundation.org/tobacco/problem_tobacco.htm

Worldwide, 47 percent of men and 12 percent of women smoke a total of 6 trillion cigarettes a year. In the U.S., 600 billion cigarettes are smoked every year." (World Health Organization, 1999).

About four million people die worldwide each year as a result of smoking. In the United States, tobacco use is responsible for nearly one in five deaths, killing more than 490,000 Americans each year. (Institute of Medicine 2007) This is more than the number of people who would die every year if three jumbo jets crashed each day with no survivors."

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Well I am with the death penalty because whats the point of being locked up for life? its a miserable life and tax payers money pay to keep them alive when there really is no point in living.

Also if you know the laws and CHOOSE to still smuggle drugs etc, then you deserve what you get.

Thats life

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Well I am with the death penalty because whats the point of being locked up for life? its a miserable life and tax payers money pay to keep them alive when there really is no point in living.

I've read reports that it costs more to kill people than it does to keep them locked up! I don't know just how that works - maybe all the costs of the appeals, etc, but that's what some say.

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To right a person in the uk growing some plants gets bird , And then a pedo gets no jail to me thats makes no sense at all.those kind of folks i dont have no time for sorry but to me they should get death as they have taken something away from kids that they will never get back there inocents And rapist well i think they should be put through the same pain as they did to there victims .I just dont see the point of those kind of scum being let to live .

People who sell hard drugs ie smack well they should get what smack does to most you can work that one out for yourself what i mean by that , that stuff is poison.I have lost 2 freinds to that stuff never touched it never will .There goes the gate way link a that most folks who take pot ie blow to folks from the usa blow is old uk slang for pot it does not mea coke as it does in the us then go on to use hard drugs just lies lies lies .dont get me wrong i have done my fair share of Acit back in the day for many years But not anymore .

I toke ie smoke pot i admit that i have done for 25 years now, i dont drink i cant stand the stuff , when i am back home in England and i do in Holland i do but here in Thailand noway, its just not worth the trouble though i have many friends who still do but thats them and not me .

just as i would never ever step foot in dubai.where poor old grove rider is banged up for abit of pot still he should of known better . you only have to go out in any town in the uk at the weekend to see the trouble drink brings and crime but you go To Holland do you see door men on the doors why is that becouse people who toke dont couse trouble .

Its only the unjust laws that brings them trouble .Everything from the east is bad yet everyone from the west is okie drink .The war on drugs as they call it though i am about herb here its nothing more than a modern day witch hunt nothing more nothing less .Its sad that in Holland now things are changing fast becouse of the christian demercrats who are in power As the Dutch are actuly very religious in most parts andto them everything is bad and a big no no .

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....i am fairly liberal when it comes to drugs,.....these people have a chemical dependency....and for one reason or another they have got hooked(deprived background or peer pressure) they do need help,.. locking up is pointless if there still hooked,....on the other hand if they can prove they have kicked the habit and are not going to commit crimes ,....well then release them early.....the judges,probation oficers,councillers would probably tell you that every case is different,....and i agree with that,....

Edited by dee123
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I'm minded to learn from the fact that very many people on death row in Thailand are pardoned by someone who we might all be wise to listen to and learn from.

I can agree with that,....let us all show mercy if we can

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I'm minded to learn from the fact that very many people on death row in Thailand are pardoned by someone who we might all be wise to listen to and learn from.

I prefer to use my own mind.

I don't agree with a lot of laws (I think the drug laws here are way over the top) but I have always decided whether to break the laws that I disagree with on a risk vs. reward basis. In Thailand I choose not to break major laws for obvious reasons.

If someone knows the rules and still commits the crime and gets caught then that's life I'm afraid. Small decisions in all areas of life can have major consequences and as everyone knows, if you gamble you must be prepared to lose according to the rules of the game.

It's extremely harsh - but as the rules are pretty clear, it's also fair...

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Michael was convicted of smuggling Ecstacy, Ok it was a lot, but a 99 Year sentence is too much.

These laws are made by Governments that Tax Alcohol and Tobacco and tell you it's OK cos it's taxed, yet those 2 are responsible for the deaths of milllions each and every year.

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Michael was convicted of smuggling Ecstacy, Ok it was a lot, but a 99 Year sentence is too much.

These laws are made by Governments that Tax Alcohol and Tobacco and tell you it's OK cos it's taxed, yet those 2 are responsible for the deaths of milllions each and every year.

I agree 100% - the punishment does not fit the crime and the laws regarding drugs are hypocritical.

However, no-one is hiding the law or the punishments that result from breaking it. The reason that people can make a years salary (depending on where you are earning the money) in a day is because the laws are so harsh - they are taking a massive risk. Without the risk there would be no reward - the rewards are high because the punishment for getting caught is high. Do you think you could earn this kind of money for sitting on a plane for 10 hours if the punishment for getting caught was a slap on the wrist and a free flight back to Heathrow?

It's like betting your house on a 100/1 odds-on favourite and then the horse falls over 10 metres from the line. Will the bookie return half your money in 10 years time because you were unlucky? Of course not.

Take away the moral/ethical arguments and drug smuggling is just high risk gambling, you assess the risk of getting caught against the reward of not getting caught. Of course the rewards are low and the risks are massive which makes it a stupid risk to take, but then some people are stupid enough to take the risk and a fair few of these people are lucky enough to get way with it.

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