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Woman Arrives At Her Own Funeral


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Check out this charming little story (in partial copy):

Woman arrives at her own funeral

By Nucharee Rakrun, Bangkok Post

(From the Bangkok Post, March 22)

Nakhon Si Thammarat - Monks and guests who attended a funeral rite at Wat Lam Nao in Bang Khan district were thrown into a panic yesterday when the woman thought to be dead, and who they were praying for, appeared before them.

The sight of Duangkae Sudchu, the woman who was supposed to be in the coffin, sent many attending the rite sprinting from the scene.

It took some convincing by Mrs Duangkae before they realised that she was still alive and the body in the coffin was someone else.

Buntham Sudchu, the mother of Mrs Duangkae, said that her 30-year-old daughter had disappeared without trace on March 4.

On March 18, Mrs Buntham said she was informed that the body of a murdered woman had been found in Chalerm Prakiat district and the body had been taken to Wat Kuan Mai Daeng in Thung Song district.

Mrs Buntham went to the temple to see if it was her daughter's body.

On seeing the corpse, she said she believed the body was her daughter as there was a scar on the right hand which looked similar to her daughter's.

Mrs Buntham said she claimed the body and took it back to Wat Lam Nao where funeral rites had continued for two days.

Mrs Buntham said that while she was at the temple yesterday afternoon, Mrs Duangkae returned home before coming to the temple.

"Family members at the house were shocked to see her, thinking she was a ghost," Mrs Buntham said. ........

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This is really too funny. I can just picture the mass exodus at the wat, monks in disarray, dogs barking, children crying. It is good enough for a movie plot.

The Premature Burial (MGM, 1962, Ray Milland), after the Edgar A. Poe story. Perhaps one of the creepiest movies ever made.

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I usually don't post additions to my own replies (Scout's Honor!!), but the movie I referred to --The Premature Burial-- was/is in my opinion the SPOOKIEST most horrifyingly SCARIEST movie ever made. At the time, it made House on Haunted Hill (Richard Long) and Morella (Vincent Price) seem like kid's stuff. Given the quality of acting and Hitchcockish tempo (though Hitchcock wasn't involved), it remains even now a classic in horror (hard to find nowadays too).

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